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Scallops with tomato chutney For the chutney 1kg ripe roma tomatoes 1 medium red onion 2 tbsp

sunflower oil 6 dried whole chillies 1 tsp black mustard seeds 1 tsp cumin 1/2 tsp red chilli powder Small knob ginger, peeled and grated 10 fresh curry leaves 1 tsp sugar (optional) For the scallops 12-16 scallops 1/2 tsp turmeric Small knob ginger, peeled and grated Leaf-infused olive oil 15 curry leaves 1 tbsp sunflower oil 45ml extra virgin olive oil For the leaf-infused oil: fry curry leaves in sunflower oil for 30-40 seconds. Drain on kitchen paper and let dry. Crush and mix with the olive oil. The oil will keep for two weeks. For the chutney: score the bottoms of tomatoes and blanch in boiling water. Peel, de-seed and coarsely chop. Peel and dice red onion. Heat sunflower oil. Add chillies. When tips of the chillies turn black, add mustard seeds. When they crack or pop, add cumin and chopped onions. Sweat the onions. Add chilli powder, ginger, curry leaves and tomatoes and cook for 15 minutes. If the tomatoes are not sweet enough, add 1 tsp sugar. For the scallops: marinate the scallops with 1/2 tsp turmeric and ginger for 20 minutes. Sear in a hot pan. When coloured on one side, quickly turn over. Serve scallops on a bed of tomato chutney. Drizzle with curry leaf-infused olive oil. Serves 4

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