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Name: Date: Class:

Present Simple Directions: Read the summary of the first scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Write the Present Simple form of the selected verbs.
Vocabulary: whip (piska) statue (staty) jungle (djungel) golden Idol (gyllene idol)

skeleton (skelett) boulder (stenblock) booby traps (fllor) inhabitants (invnare)

tarantula (tarantula) escape (fly) cave (grotta)

Indiana Jones is no ordinary archeologist. In 1936, the renowned archeologist is found venturing deep within a Peruvian jungle. He is studying fragments of a map, when one of his men ___________ (to point) a gun at him. The archeologist _________ (to pull) out his whip and ____________ (to disarm) the turncoat. It _____________ (to send) him running away. Before Indiana goes into the mysterious cave, he and his guide ___________ (to scoop) sand into a canvas bag. They carefully ___________ (to walk) through the mouth of the cave, not knowing what lies ahead. The guide suddenly ____________ (to become) frightened by tarantulas that ___________ (to be) crawling on his back. They __________ (to be) enormous beasts! Once Indiana ____________ (to brush) the tarantulas off of the guide, they are soon frightened by a skeleton! They ________ (to meet) their first booby trap! After Indiana and the guide ___________ (to cross) the hole, they __________ (to be) greeted by a golden idol that ____________ (to shine) majestically. Indiana Jones _____________ (to be brave) pass several booby traps on his journey to the throne of the idol. He ______________ (to take) the golden idol and _______________ (to replace) it with the bag of sand. This event ____________ (to ignite) the destruction of the ancient temple. Indiana barely ___________ (to escape) alive. A huge boulder _____________ (to chase) him out of the cave. Unfortunately when Indiana ___________ (to reach) safety, he is bombarded by inhabitants. The inhabitants __________ (to aim) their arrows at him while Indianas enemy _____________ (to steal) the golden statue from him.

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