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Preventive conservation of museum objects >uncontrolled temperature and relative humidity - It is well known that climatic condition have

a great influence in museum objects. The climate of a place is designated by rainfall, temperature and relative humidity. >dirt and atmospheric pollutant - Dust id always a major problem in any museum giving rise to several types of major problem and difficulties. It will not only settle on the object and makes them dirty but it also a site of humidity absorption. >insects and microorganism -the damaged caused by insects in climate with high humidity and temperature is enormous in comparison to the damaged caused in cool climate. >MAN: improper handing, storage and display - The trend today which is widespread and is being outraged in museums, galleries, libraries and archives is preventive conservation. The simplest principle governing preventive conservation is, prevention is better than cure. SPECIMENS PREPARATION AND HERBARIUM MANAGEMENT Herbarium - It is a building institution where a collection of dried and processes plant materials or those in spirit (alcohol preserved) usually arranged according to a classification system, are kept and maintained. It is also researched, training and service institution that serves as a reference center, documentation facility, data storehouse, scientist in charge of maintaining and studying the herbarium are called curators. Herbarium specimen - is a whole plant or plants, or portion of a plant that are pressed flat and dried mounted onto a sheet or board with standard size of 11.5 x 16.5. - The plant specimens include essential features of leaves, flowers and fruits. - Each specimen is accompanied by a numbering relating to numbered field note in the field notebook. - The detached part such as leaves, fruits, seeds, and flowers are placed in the specimen pocket. IMPORTANCE OF HERBARIA AND PLANT SPECIMEN - Specimens provide permanent record of the appearance of individual plants. - A series of specimens can more accurately represent the variation in species that can any one individual -preserved specimens are available for study at any time of the year providing complete representation of the plants in their life span from juvenile to fertile form. -a set of dried specimens of specie represents many regions, countries, and facilities where the species occur. -specimens serve permanent records of the identity of taxonomic names cited in a study. SPECIMENS PREPARATION 1. Collection 2. Pressing 3. Drying 4. Identification/ classification 5. Labeling 6. Mounting 7. accessioning/data-basing 8. Scientific illustration 9. Filing 10. Maintenance 11. Loans 12. Exchange 13. Exhibition COLLECTION ANDPROCESSING PLANTS FOR HERBAIUM PURPOSES Before collection A. know where and what to collect B. Have a permit to collect and contract persons notified

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