ACT For Political Prisoners in Iran - Solidarity Tuesdays

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TAKE ACTION for Political Prisoners in Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran continues to arrest hundreds of people because they have said that they want to think and speak freely, dress the way that they want to, choose their own faith or no faith, because they have demanded rights for children or women or workers. These political prisoners are detained unjustly in horrendous conditions. Many are tortured, and rape of male and female political prisoners by prison authorities is rampant in the regimes prisons. The regime is also rapidly executing scores of people inside its prisons. It is critical that honorable people worldwide demand the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners, and call for an immediate halt to all executions in Iran. Please send emails to demand the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners in Iran, and an immediate halt to executions. A sample letter appears below. SAMPLE LETTER: TO:,, CC:, Ms. Pillay: I am writing to you with an urgent request that you issue a demand for the Islamic Republic to immediately and unconditionally release all political prisoners in Iran. Many are being severely tortured, and several are sentenced to be executed only for exercising their fundamental rights. I fully expect the United Nations to finally take action on the critical issue of political prisoners in Iran. People of the world do not accept the continued detentions, tortures, rapes and executions perpetrated by the Islamic Republic, and we do not tolerate the UNs refusal to act substantively in these matters. Sincerely, [your name]


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