Expectations Evaluation Guidelines Jan 12

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Saint Marys College, Moraga, CA 94575

CHRISTIAN SERVICE INTERNSHIP - JANUARY 3 27, 2012 Supervised Ministry Among the Disadvantaged EXPECTATIONS OF THE STUDENT The course instructors ask students to meet the following expectations: 1. One interview and three evening seminars (4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) before the January Term experience, and one evening seminar after the January Term experience. These seminars will be held on Sunday Oct. 16; Sunday Nov. 6; Sunday, Nov. 20, 2011 (4:00 PM 8:00 PM) and Sunday Feb. 19, 2012 (4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.). Four weeks of ministry on-site during the January Term experience. (Jan. 3 27 , 2012. Minimum of 30 hours of direct ministry per week for those working in local ministry sites. Those outside the state are expected to participate in full life of the ministry site. Regular journaling of experiences, feelings, and reflections during the four weeks of ministry. Regular attention to prayer and reflection. Maintenance of a balance among ministry, leisure, and other aspects of living. Individual supervision with on-site supervisor . Arrangements for type of individual supervision to be made during orientation with on-site supervisor. Consciousness of responding to expectations of the group(s) lived with and served. Written evaluation at the end of ministry experience by the supervisor. Evaluation should be mailed (or delivered) to the instructor by February 6, 2012. Concluding Seminar scheduled for: Sunday, February 19, 2012 (4:00 p.m.) and final debriefing interview with Brother Michael Avila. Journal & Final Reflection Paper due Monday Feb. 6, 2012 (first day of spring semester). Personal responsibility for travel costs. Room and board are provided by ministry site in out-of-state locations. Temporary acceptance of Incomplete grade pending completion of final requirements (last seminar and interview) scheduled for spring semester.

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ST. MARY'S COLLEGE OF CALIFORNIA CHRISTIAN SERVICE INTERNSHIP - JAN. 3 27. 2012 Supervised Ministry Among the Disadvantaged


1. Response to the student placed with supervisor before the student's arrival and after student has contacted supervisor for general information on expectations and has supplied some background on himself/ herself, travel plans, etc.* Securing of room and board for students working out-of-state. Provision for the student's direct ministry during a minimum of 30 hours a week for four weeks at local ministry sites. Those outside the state are expected to participate fully in the work and communal life of the community they live in. An orientation session with the students prior to the engagement in ministry. Availability to discuss the student's questions, needs, progress, and provide direction as needed throughout the period of ministry (Jan. 3 - 27, 2012). Provision for a regular meeting with each student to discuss and evaluate the students performance. Written evaluation of the student at the end of the ministry. Please use stationary with your letterhead when writing the student=s evaluation as these evaluations will be used as recommendations for future employment. Submission of written evaluation to the instructor by February 6, 2012. * The Instructor for the course will make the initial contact for placement and approval of on-site supervisor.

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4. 5. 6. 7.


Br. Michael Avila, F.S.C. St. Marys College, P.0. Box 4990, Moraga, CA. 94575 - 4990

CHRISTIAN SERVICE INTERNSHIP - JANUARY TERM 2012 St. Mary's College of California STUDENT EVALUATION GUIDELINES This sheet is to be attached to written evaluation as cover page. Student's Name Placement: Supervisor's Name Position: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Directions: Student and Supervisor may decide to cooperate in the writing of the final evaluation. The report of the student's evaluation is to be received by the instructor on or before February 6, 2012. The following are guidelines that you may wish to use in the evaluation of the student under your supervision. 1. 2. 3. Number of hours worked and description of the responsibilities assigned to this student. Personal growth evidenced by the student in relationship to his/her goals and objectives. Quality of her/his performance in relation to tasks. Some possible areas to be considered: punctuality, keeping appointments, handling of absences, preparation for assignments, personal appearance, flexibility, acceptance of limitations of setting, meeting obligations, following directions, initiative, integration of theory and practice. Quality of relationships and use and quality of resources. Some possible areas to be considered: ability to relate with warmth and interest, relationship to staff and to those being ministered to, honesty in relationships, awareness of resources and use of them, leadership, creativity. Supervisory relationship. Some possible areas to be considered: understanding and fulfillment of supervisor's expectations and processes, quality of meetings with supervisor, handling of criticism. If applicable, evaluation of religious dimension of ministry. Some possible areas to be considered: evidence of daily reading and reflection, engagement in community prayer if such was expected.




-2We have read and discussed the evaluation. Student's signature ____________________________________________________

Supervisor's signature ____________________________________________________

Please send or have the student return your letter of evaluation (written on your stationary) to: Brother Michael vila, FSC P.O. Box 4990 St. Mary's College Moraga, Calif. 94575 - 4990 If you wish to discuss this report/evaluation or to extend the deadline for its submission, please contact Brother Michael Avila at (925) 631-8343 or Cell Phone (925) 878 - 9592

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