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Planman Consulting

A Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

MBA Program




I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

I am highly indebted to Ms. Neelima Kottu (deputy manager in business) and Mr. Laxman Hulsure for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also for their support in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards member of PLANMAN CONSULTANCY for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this project. I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to all office people for giving me such attention and time. I would also thank my Institution (IIPM) and my SMG TEAM without whom this project would have been a distant reality. I also extend my heartfelt thanks to my family and well wishers.


I hereby declare that the project report entitled A Study on TEMPERARY STAFFING AND PAY ROLLING at PLANMAN CONSULTANCY is the produce of my sincere effort. This Summer Internship Project Report is being submitted by me alone, at IIPM, HYDERABAD, for the partial fulfillment of the course MBA, and the report has not been submitted to any other Educational institutions or for any other purpose whatsoever.




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The main aim of the project is to learn about tem-staffing because it has been rated as the fastest growing human resource trend, the phenomenon of temporary staffing is finally catching up in India. While industry experts estimate employee leasing to be $140 billion business worldwide, the domestic staffing industry is yet to boast of big figures. The scenario is however about to change considering the fact that in the near future 2.5 to 3 percent of the workforce in the country will be hired on a temporary basis. The IT industry being a trendsetter of sorts, will witness a large percentage of such hiring in the next few years. A temp is a temporary worker with an organization who is on a third-party (staffing company) payroll. A well-accepted norm in global companies, many large Indian organizations are now hiring a part of their workforce from employee leasing firms. The reason is not too difficult to guessas organizations focus on their core business strengths in a highly competitive environment, the non-core functions are outsourced. The manpower for the latter is provided by the employee leasing company. The contracts can range from three to six months, and there are no hassles normally associated with recruiting and retaining people. With the help of this project we are looking at the process of temp-staffing. In the project we are looking at the questions. 1. How to find out the companies which are going for temp-staffing? 2. How to understand the requirements of the company 3. To head hunt or how to fulfill the requirements of the company


Founded in 1996 by renowned management guru & economist Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri Planman Consulting is India's largest multi interest Consulting and Business Services Corporation engaging a variety of organizations, institutions and enterprises in diverse industry and government verticals? We strive to deliver significant advantages and value to our clients and partners through innovative services and flexible solutions.

Planman Consultings core competency remains its people. The teams that make up Planman's project work forces worldwide comprise individuals who have developed competencies in specific industries viz. Management Education; Marketing Research, Public Relations, Advertising & Branding, HR Consulting: Training & Development, Manpower Recruitments; Filmed Entertainment, Information Technology Enabled Services, Financial Consulting and Global Strategies and Investment Consulting.

In the Asian continent, Planman has Offices in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, Ahmadabad, Chennai and Kolkata (India). Overseas, Planman is located in London, Singapore, and the USA. Fact file 1. One of Indias largest Multi Interest Consulting Firm 2. More than a decade of consulting experience in specialized areas of Recruitment, Staffing Services and Training & Development 3. Wide-ranging Client Base : Fortune 500 & ever growing organizations 4. State of the Art Infrastructure & Pan India Presence with an extensive global & domestic network 5. Scalable , Flexible and Benchmarked Staffing Solutions and Retention Strategies 6. Domain Expertise with ever - changing database & Expertise in offering customizable End to End HR & outsourcing Solutions 7. Numerous Best in Class Consulting Awards and accolades won across industry specifics 2

PLANMAN HR (Temp-staffing solutions) The magnitude of business operational complexities has never been as intense as what we witness today and this situation is all the more aggravated when it comes to human capital, which is giving nightmares to HR departments of nearly each and every company. A business slowdown may leave permanent employees expensively twiddling their thumbs on full salary-or out of jobs, on the other hand, a new product or process launch might require hiring 100 skilled professionals- to start as of yesterday. The continuous effort of identifying, attracting and screening potential employees didnt really exist 10 years ago. Nowadays, with a rich supply of job seekers beating down HRs doors, the dilemma is how do you separate the best prospects from the noisy pack a tremendously time consuming burden on a companys hiring resources. The prevalent situation led us to a brainstorm which then eluded towards yet another vertical, Temporary Staffing (commonly known as temp staffing). It is now used by our clients to optimize the staffing costs substantially.

Our innovative staffing solutions are tailored to enable organizations meet the challenges of today's fast changing business environment. Our consultants are highly skilled and well versed in particular industry sectors enabling them to have a thorough understanding of the assignments.

We help clients by sourcing staff, sometimes at a very short notice. We help them further by solving co-employment issues and providing the administrative management of our temporary employees, including HR management, payroll and benefits administration. Also should you decide to engage the temporary on a permanent basis, we have the conversion scheme. Our focus is on raising productivity through improved quality, efficiency as well as costreduction, thus enabling the customer to concentrate on its core business activities. With Planman HR being your staffing partner, you would be able to benefit from the valuable and cost effective measure, thus allowing you to exercise greater flexibility through economic highs and lows. 3

1. Planman partners with customers to source the requisite personnel against the manpower staffing requirements. 2. The personnel are brought on board on the rolls of Planman HR. 3. Transfer of the newly recruited personnel on Planmans roll and thus Planman takes the complete responsibility of servicing the payroll and other benefits. 4. The customer identifies and transfers the existing set of employees onto Planman payrolls through our transfer of employees procedure. 5. Continuous servicing and processing of the personnels payrolls and other allied HR activities. Planmans innovative staffing solutions are tailored to enable organizations meet the challenges of todays fast changing business environment. We work closely with clients to identify, engage, train and retain successful people that organizations would need to create success stories. Our consultants are highly skilled and well versed in their respective industry sectors enabling them to have a thorough understanding of the assignments. We help them further by solving co-employment issues and providing the administrative management of our temporary employees, including HR management, payroll and benefits administration. Our focus is on raising productivity through improved quality, efficiency as well as costreduction, thus enabling the customer to concentrate on its core business activities.


The Principles of Process excellence are sacrosanct for Staffing success. These five processes are a fool-proof guide to achieving ideal productivities and efficiencies. 1. Dynamism: To constantly evolve so as to address clients needs in an environment where businesses keep on changing. 2. Diligence: Ensuring rapid turn-around-times, and managing highest standards of quality and service 3. Innovation: Creating high value propositions by innovating best practices and executing these as success transfers to our clients. 4. Customer Centricity: To center our existence with respect to the customer in all spheres of business dealings 5. Knowledge: To meet customer expectations with an in-depth knowledge of the industry in all respects 6. Enhancement: Continual improvement and learning is innate to the Planman style of functioning. This knowledge helps us deal with problems with a more diagnostic approach

Working together with our clients, we evaluate the situation and determine a search strategy for finding the best candidate. An important aspect to this process is a clear understanding of the clients culture, the position, responsibilities and necessary qualifications needed to do justice to the position. Once the profile is developed, we define our search strategy, including target sectors, companies as well as levels which result in finding the best person for the job.


We conduct preliminary research for developing an initial candidate list. We contact, meet, assess and validate a short list of potential candidates through telephonic and personal interviews. Our team then prepares a confidential candidate assessment report, which is then presented to the client for review.

When the client is ready to proceed on the list, our team assists with coordinating the interviews as well as taking & incorporating regular feedback.

Search completion, follow up and hand holding

We consult with our clients to review top candidates and support the selection process. We frequently provide support in the negotiations between the client and candidate. Even after the position is filled, we conduct ongoing follow-up with both client and candidate to ensure success of the hired executive.



Temporary work or temporary employment refers to a situation where the employee is expected to leave the employer within a certain period of time. Temporary employees are sometimes called "contractual", "seasonal", "interim", "casual staff", or "freelance"; or the word may be shortened to "temps." Agricultural workers are often temporarily employed for harvesting. In some instances, temporary professional employees (particularly in the white collar fields, such as law, engineering, and accounting) even refer to themselves as "consultants." This is not to be confused with consultants (as in management consulting). Temporary workers may work full-time or part-time, depending on the individual case. In some instances, they are given benefits (such as health insurance), but usually the best treatment is reserved for the permanent employees. Not all temporary employees find jobs through a temporary Employment agency. For example, a person can simply apply at a local park for seasonal jobs. A temporary work agency, or temp agency or temporary staffing firm finds and retains workers. Other companies, in need of short-term workers, contract with the temp agency to send temporary workers, or temps, on assignment to work at the other companies. Temporary employees are also used in work that has a cyclical nature that requires frequent adjustment of staffing levels.

Benefits of Temp-staffing

1. Cost- Big businesses can afford to maintain big payroll departments. For small businesses, however, an in-house payroll service is a money burner. If your business has fewer than 20 employees, there's a very good chance that you can save money by outsourcing your payroll operations. Do the math. Figure out how many hours your employees are devoting to payroll-related activities, calculate how much you're spending and compare the amount to the plans offered by several payroll-services providers. Also, be sure to factor in the money your business spends on tasks like printing and distributing checks, creating tax documents, and the like. You'll probably be surprised by the result.

2. Productivity- Payroll management is a time-consuming activity. With this burden removed, your employees can focus on doing more productive things, and you may even be able to trim your staff's size. 3. Accuracy- Payroll mistakes can be painful, angering employees and more ominously the government. A good payroll-services provider is far less likely to make a serious error than your in-house staff. Furthermore, if a big mistake is made, you can seek financial restitution from the provider something you can't do with your own employees.

4. Reliability- In-house payroll activities function as reliably as the people doing the work. With a payroll service, output speed and quality won't vary in accordance with vacations and illnesses. You also won't have to spend time helping new hires understand your business's payroll system.

5. Speed- Since payroll-services providers are specialists with vast technical resources at their disposal, they can process even the most complex payrolls at lightning-fast speed. Unlike most employers, they can also accommodate a temporary influx of seasonal workers without acquiring new systems that will remain dormant the rest of the year.

6. Insight- A good payroll-services provider will know all the ins and outs of payroll-related tax laws and regulatory mandates on the federal, state and local levels. Your employees could try to achieve the same level of understanding, but it would take a considerable investment in time and effort.

7. Accountability- If paychecks are delayed or paperwork is mishandled, it's the payrollservices provider's responsibility to fix things. If the provider can't (or won't) remedy the situation to your satisfaction, you can sue. You can also switch to another

service provider in a snap even if you have to eat a portion of an existing service contract. Try firing, hiring and training an in-house payroll staff in anything less than several weeks.

8. Flexibility- Boring, repetitive payroll work can act like an anchor on your business. Your staff, when freed of rote payroll responsibilities, will be free to focus on other, more creative work.

9. Security- Do you have the time and energy to closely supervise your business's payroll for time and rate abuses and other shady activities? Most payroll services firms have technologies that can spot and alert clients to various types of payroll fraud, such as payment manipulation and "phantom workers."

10. Worry- There's a lot to be said for the peace of mind that outsourcing payroll services can bring to a business owner or manager. No headaches, no hassles: You're left to focus on running a profitable business.


In this project we are trying to learn the two aspects of temp-staffing. 1. Marketing in HR 2. Core HR In this aspect we are trying to learn how the temp-staffing or recruitment firms try to convince or find out the companies which require the temp-staffing. Its a quite a hard task the companies which are not going for the temp-staffing for then its hard to convince then to go for it as it have a lot of benefits. There is a process for it firstly we have to find out the companies in the city then call then if they are going for temp-staffing and if they are going we have to give them a better deal so that , for the next time temp-staff with our firm and if they are not going for temp-staffing but have some problems in their payrolls or recruitment and also the prospects of the company is good we can actually convince then to go for tempstaffing as its easy and comfortable and the company can go ahead in fulfilling their objectives, This is the only first process of the temp-staffing we now have more three process. This step is more of a marketing of a HR service. These days has become very popular in the corporate market The second process is recognizing the needs of the client what does or what type or the workers does the company require. The employees are divided into three cadres 1. Lower management people 2. Middle management people 3. Upper management people So its the responsibility of the recruiting firm or the temp-staffing firm to find out the company which cadre of people they want and take the details of the cadre also because end of the day our work is the company should get the best workers which suits the respective job. The third process is the core HR process after knowing the requirements of the company now its our work how to get the best possible employee for the respective job. There are many ways through which we can find the employees are 1. Head hunting 2. Through Nakuri and 10

3. Contacts These are the three ways through which we can find out the employees. After finding out the employees we have to take the interviews for them and select the best suited for the job. The third process is really very important as it is the end result the company should be happy with the employees, as the employees are working with the company. The above three process describes the overall view what is temp-staffing and how is it done basically its tells how does a temp-staffing firm or a recruitment firms does it work as it does not have only HR but also has to sell the HR services. With the help of this project we are answering the fowling question. 1. How to find out the companies which are going for temp-staffing? 2. How to understand the requirements of the company 3. To head hunt or how to fulfill the requirements of the company



My whole study is focused on temp-staffing and its process and basically the two aspects the Marketing of HR service and fulfilling the requirements of the clients the core HR recruitment and selection

Objectives: To study all the three process of temp-staffing.

To learn how temp-staffing is done real corporate market


In the above project we have looked we are looking at what is temp staffing is in Planmans innovative staffing solutions are tailored to enable organizations meet the challenges of todays fast changing business environment.

We work closely with clients to identify, engage, train and retain successful people that organizations would need to create success stories.

Our consultants are highly skilled and well versed in their respective industry sectors enabling them to have a thorough understanding of the assignments.

We help them further by solving co-employment issues and providing the administrative management of our temporary employees, including HR management, payroll and benefits administration. Our focus is on raising productivity through improved quality, efficiency as well as costreduction, thus enabling the customer to concentrate on its core business activities There are two aspects we are looking at the 1. Marketing in HR 2. Core HR (recruitment & selection of candidates ) There are 3 process of Temp-staffing 1. Finding out the company which is looking for tem-staffing or convincing the company which have good future prospects to go for temp-staffing In this process we have actually found out the companies which are looking at tempstaffing and also companies which can go of temp-staffing. Its the marketing side of HR service we have to search for the companies approach then and convince then to meet our executives 2. Knowing the requirements of the company which cadre or type of people they require for the respective company or a job.


In this process our executive goes for the meeting and tell clearly about tem-staffing our rules polices and gets the details information about the requirement of the 3. Fulfilling the requirement of the respective job or recruiting and selecting the right candidate for the company This is the end result or the last process in the temp-staffing and so it is also very important. End of the day the company should be happy with our services and we have to choose best possible employees for the respective jobs of the company. The requirements are fulfilled by

1. Head hunting it can be done through college and data collected by previous employees. 2. Referrals we can refer people from our contacts 3. Through Nakuri and With the help of the above things we can get the right person for the respective job.



The overall project has helped me to learn the about the recent trend happening in the Hr industry and its process and also how does a HR firm works. It has also thought me the marketing of an Hr service which is quite a difficult task. It has also given me a brief knowledge about the temp-staffing and its process in todays changing world of business. It has also given me the confidence of how to approach a company for Hr services This experience has given me to know and learn new things ethics of the corporate world and knowing different people from different background. It has also helped me the bridge the gap between the real working or corporate world and the college life. Overall it was a life changing experience for me to do a internship in core Hr and learn new things and tips of marketing also.



It would be very helpful for the company if we can have a in house personality development trainer for the overall development of the employee. We have to make familiar the person with the modern day to day the working conditions on the market. The training can also help us to limit the amount of attrition rate as the employees will be educated and they should know how much amount of money has been invested on them. The personality training can also teach them the basic soft skills and also the customer relations management how to handle the competitive working environment in changing trend of business.



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