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The Story plays in the future in a town, where books are illegal Guy Montag works as a fireman, but

his job is not to extinguish fire, but to burn books. His attitude towards books and the system changes, when he meets Clarissa McClellan. She tells him, that firemen were once there to extinguish fire. He starts stealing some of the books, he should burn and hides them in his house. One day Clarissa is not there anymore. Montag does not know what happened to her. The next day he is called to another job: He should burn a library which belongs to an old woman. This woman finally gets burned with her books, because she does not want to leave them. When Montag comes home after work, his wife tells him, that Clarissa was run over by a car. The next day, Montag doesnt go to work, so Captain Beatty comes to Montags. Montag asks him, what would happen to a fireman, who takes a book home? Beatty says that nothing happened to a fireman, when he burns it in 24 hours. Montag decides to show the book to his wife Mildred, who is shocked. By chance he meets the former English professor Faber. They agree to do something against the government. Their plan is to hide books in the houses of firemen and the alarm the other fireman. Faber gives Montag some kind of microphone, so that Faber can hear everything that Montag hears. But they cant put their plan into reality because the next who is accused of owning books is Montag himself. His wife had alarmed the firemen! Montag is forced to burn his house and the books inside. Their Beatty discovers the microphone in Montags ear and wants to find out, who helped Montag. Thats why Montag kills Beatty. Then he flees to Fabers. After that, the whole town is searching after Montag but with Fabers help he can escape through the river. There somewhere outside the city, he meets a group of dissidents, which pass on books orally. The leader of the dissidents Granger also tells Montag about the war which is to come soon. Suddenly there is a jet, which bombs the city and so the whole city and everybody in it is destroyed. That is the end, but for Montag and the dissidents its also some kind of new beginning!

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