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CRHS Student Council Membership Application 2011-2012

Legal Name___________________________________________________ Address_________________________________ Zip Code_____________ Cell Phone__________________________ Student ID#_______________ Check class do you represent: Student Body ___________ Senior Junior _____________ _____________ Check position: Member-At-Large ________

Sophomore _____________ Freshmen _____________ I have read the rules and regulations concerning membership and will my obligations for this school year. I agree to attend all Student Council meetings and adhere to all requirements of the Constitution. I understand that failure to carry out my duties will result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Constitution, including removal from the Council and relinquishment of all service hours. I am aware that academic and discipline records will be reviewed for the following standards: o Semester average of B in all coursework o Student has not received any alternative placements, suspensions, or other disciplinary action for behaviors that contradict the mission and goals of this organization. (Attach discipline report from AP) o Pay membership dues of $10.00 ($15.00 with shirt) Student Signature____________________________________ Date_______________ Parent Signature_____________________________________ Date _______________ Return application to Rm. 2014 to Ms. Singh Candidates must have both signatures on this form. No NEW members accepted after September 30, 2011 Office Use Only Amount Paid:_________________ T-Shirt: No Yes Size: S M Received by:__________________
(Sponsor or Body Officers Only)

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