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Subject: One With Israel: Israeli Consulate in Boston needs you From: "Consulate General of Israel - Boston - Public

Diplomacy" <> Date: Mon, September 12, 2011 12:33 pm To: Friends, It is no often that we come directly to you to ask for help and support. Thank G-d you stand with us and provide that without our asking however, now is one of those times when we must make a request of you. In Texas, a Campaign has started which the Ministry and this Consulate is now looking to support and endorse. The One with Israel Campaign is a nationwide effort to unite supporters of Israel together for two weeks in a show of solidarity through prayer, song, and faith. Attached to this email is a logo, a power point presentation, a song written just for this campaign, and other support materials for you and your colleagues and your congregations to use in order to back this campaign. The logo, provided in both Spanish and English, can be used in the signatures of your emails, or in your community newsletters, or even printed out and hung up in your halls and classrooms. The power point presentation is perfect for an evening or morning presentation with your congregations. The song, a beautiful tribute to Israel and those who support her, can be played, taught, and sang in a number of different settings. We are asking you to join us, and over 2000 other Churches across the United States to support Israel. This tangible show of support could not come at a more appropriate time; currently there are efforts in the International Arena to delegitimize Israel and make unilateral declarations which will undoubtedly cause harm to both the Israeli and Palestinian causes and could incite a new wave of violence aimed at Israel. No one wants this. We are doing everything we can politically and diplomatically to ensure this is not the case however we need spiritual support as well. Your congregations can be involved in something right here and now that will make a difference. If you would like to be a part of this campaign, please respond to this email with your Congregations name and location so we may add you to the list of participating communities. If you know of other Church leaders and communities who might want to be involved, please pass this along and have them respond to me to confirm their involvement. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you, Jamie David

Jamie David Director of Public Diplomacy Consulate General of Israel to New England 20 Park Plaza Suite 1020 Boston, MA 02116 Phone: (617) 535- 0204

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