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Enriquez, Yuji D.



Reflection on World Youth Day

The video was about the world youth day in the Philippines, this was a very important and intriguing event as well. Seeing that the world youth day in the Philippines is the largest and well participated by the Christians around the world, is was said that certain trends had influenced the youth substantially that affected their faith in God. Although there is still this youth who are deeply persistent in their faith and believes greatly to the words of God and this are the youths who participated in the event. In the event the youth described that prayer makes us stronger thus makes God weaker, Cardinal Sins mind was dismantled after hearing the statement of the youth that participated. How come that by prayer God has been weakened? He said, but he learned that it is the faith in God in the form of prayer that will weaken God in order for us to be more close to God. We are establishing deep faith and moral in the manner of being religious at heart and this is the significant characteristics that Cardinal Sin recognized in the youth. As young as them being able to think this way and procure wisdom of God, which is superior of all, is a good sign of appreciating and fortifying the spiritual faith to God.

How much do Pope John II and Cardinal Sin believe in the Filipino youth? They were overwhelmed by the devotion of the Filipino youth in the catholic church thus they had showed great intellect and wisdom to be the great leaders in the society which was greatly appreciated by not only by the Pope and Cardinal Sin but also the world.

How do you live you life as a Message of Hope to the poor, oppressed and exploited in our community? As of now I cannot ascertain that I have the capabilities and skills that I can offer to the poor and exploited however I am doing the best that I can to be the most efficient that I can be in the field of academics, socialization. And promoting general welfare in order to contribute it all when the right point if time comes.

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