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Eta Kappa Nu Mu Chapter

CS GRE Notes

CS GRE Notes
Eta Kappa Nu Mu Chapter Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences College of Engineering UC Berkeley Revision History Section(s) 162 61C, 150, 152, 170, 172, 174 170, 172 170, 172 150 61C, 152 61C, 152

Editor Karl Chen Brandon Ooi Alex Fabrikant Michael Martin James Donald Steve VanDeBogart Brenda Liu

Email quarl@hkn brandono@hkn alexf@hkn mcmartin@hkn vandebo@hkn

Semester Fall 2004 Fall 2004 Fall 2003 Fall 2002 Fall 2001 Fall 2001 Fall 2001

Comments Unified document, integrated some notes. Many new notes. Updated notes by Michael Martin

I. SOFTWARE SYSTEMS AND METHODOLOGY..............................................................................................3 A. DATA ORGANIZATION ...........................................................................................................................................3 1. Data types ........................................................................................................................................................3 2. Data structures and implementation techniques ..............................................................................................3 B. PROGRAM CONTROL AND STRUCTURE ...................................................................................................................3 1. Iteration and recursion ....................................................................................................................................3 2. Procedures, functions, methods, and exception handlers ................................................................................3 3. Concurrency, communication, and synchronization ........................................................................................3 C. PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND NOTATION ........................................................................................................3 1. Constructs for data organization and program control ...................................................................................3 2. Scope, binding, and parameter passing ...........................................................................................................3 3. Expression evaluation ......................................................................................................................................3 D. SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ......................................................................................................................................3 1. Formal specifications and assertions...............................................................................................................3 2. Verification techniques.....................................................................................................................................3 3. Software development models, patterns, and tools ..........................................................................................3 E. SYSTEMS ...............................................................................................................................................................3 1. Compilers, interpreters, and run-time systems ................................................................................................3 2. Operating systems, including resource management and protection/security .................................................4 3. Networking, Internet, and distributed systems .................................................................................................4 4. Databases.........................................................................................................................................................4 5. System analysis and development tools............................................................................................................4

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II. COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE...............................................................................5 A. DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN .........................................................................................................................................5 1. Implementation of combinational and sequential circuits ...............................................................................5 2. Optimization and analysis..............................................................................................................................11 B. PROCESSORS AND CONTROL UNITS ......................................................................................................................16 1. Instruction sets ...............................................................................................................................................17 2. Computer arithmetic and number representation ..........................................................................................17 3. Register and ALU organization......................................................................................................................20 4. Data paths and control sequencing................................................................................................................24 C. MEMORIES AND THEIR HIERARCHIES ...................................................................................................................24 1. Performance, implementation, and management...........................................................................................25 2. Cache, main, and secondary storage .............................................................................................................25 3. Virtual memory, paging, and segmentation ...................................................................................................25 D. NETWORKING AND COMMUNICATIONS................................................................................................................25 1. Interconnect structures (e.g., buses, switches, routers) .................................................................................25 2. I/O systems and protocols ..............................................................................................................................25 3. Synchronization..............................................................................................................................................25 E. HIGH-PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTURES ................................................................................................................25 1. Pipelining superscalar and out-of-order execution processors .....................................................................25 2. Parallel and distributed architectures ...........................................................................................................28 III. THEORY AND MATHEMATICAL BACKGROUND ..................................................................................28 A. ALGORITHMS AND COMPLEXITY .........................................................................................................................29 1. Exact and asymptotic analysis of specific algorithms....................................................................................30 2. Algorithmic design techniques (e.g. greedy, dynamic programming, divide and conquer) ...........................32 3. Upper and lower bounds on the complexity of specific problems ..................................................................34 4. Computational complexity, including NP-completeness................................................................................34 B. AUTOMATA AND LANGUAGE THEORY .................................................................................................................35 1. Models of computation (finite automata, Turing machines) ..........................................................................35 2. Formal languages and grammars (regular and context free)........................................................................39 3. Decidability....................................................................................................................................................40 C. DISCRETE STRUCTURES .......................................................................................................................................40 1. Mathematical logic ........................................................................................................................................40 2. Elementary combinatorics and graph theory.................................................................................................40 3. Discrete probability, recurrence relations, and number theory.....................................................................40 VI. OTHER TOPICS ................................................................................................................................................40 V. REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................................41

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I. Software Systems and Methodology

A. Data organization
1. Data types 2. Data structures and implementation techniques

B. Program control and structure

1. Iteration and recursion 2. Procedures, functions, methods, and exception handlers 3. Concurrency, communication, and synchronization

C. Programming languages and notation

1. Constructs for data organization and program control 2. Scope, binding, and parameter passing 3. Expression evaluation

D. Software engineering
1. Formal specifications and assertions 2. Verification techniques 3. Software development models, patterns, and tools

E. Systems
1. Compilers, interpreters, and run-time systems

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2. Operating systems, including resource management and protection/security 3. Networking, Internet, and distributed systems 4. Databases 5. System analysis and development tools

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II. Computer Organization and Architecture

This part of the test focuses on the following courses. Machine Structures (CS61C) Components and Design Techniques for Digital Systems (CS150) Computer Architecture (CS152) Introduction to Communication Networks (EE122) Graduate Computer Architecture (CS252)

A. Digital logic design

To summarize, most of the material on the CS GRE Test that is covered in CS 150 is about combinational logic. Finite state machines are very important too, but on the CS GRE they are tested more from the standpoint of CS 164 or CS 172. James Donald estimates that generally no more than 12% (<= 9 questions) on the test are on CS 150 material. For the hardware stuff, CS 61C (or CS 152) can cover significantly more. In the below figure shows where in the design hierarchy we will be looking at.

1. Implementation of combinational and sequential circuits

i. Combinational Logic Hopefully youve seen a little bit of digital design by now. If not, youre in luck because the CS GRE does not dig very deep and is limited to mostly combinational logic Switch Logic and Basic Gates

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Here is a breakdown of the basic gates. You will not have to know details below gate-level analysis.

AND This gate is high when both its inputs are high OR Gate is high when either of its inputs are high. XOR Gate is high if the first or second input is high, not both. NOT Gate is high when input is low. NAND NOT of the AND gate. NOR NOT of the OR gate. XNOR NOT of the XOR gate.

Although all of these gates can be manufactured separately, you can actually create any gate from the NAND gate. Lets look a little into how that might be done.

To prove that these are equivalent, we can draw a truth table.

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Truth tables can be made from any digital circuit and, as well see later, are complete descriptions of a circuits functionality. They can be written as an expression in Boolean Algebra using AND, OR, NOT. These three gates are the most fundamental gates. This example shows the truth table for simple circuit. *Note that the truth table is a unique signature of a Boolean function. Many alternative gate realizations may exist for any given truth table. Minimization of gate is possible as we will see later.

Boolean Algebra It turns out that Boolean expressions, truth tables and the digital design are all related. Below is a diagram of their relationships.

Truth tables are pure definitions for a Boolean function. A Boolean expression is helpful for manipulation using Boolean algebra. Digital gates can be thought of as feasible ways of implementing these Boolean functions. Boolean Algebraic Structure Set of elements B Binary operations {OR, AND} => {+, *} Unary Operator {NOT} => {} (also seen as ~ or a bar on top of the element. Such that the following axioms hold.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Set B contains at least 2 elements, a,b, such that a != b Closure: a + b is in B a * b is in B Commutativity: a+b=b+a a*b=b*a Associativity: a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c Identity: a+0=a a*1=a Distributivity: a + (b * c) = (a + b) * (a + c) a * (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c) Complementary a + a = 1 a * a = 0

As you can see, Boolean algebra is defined and manipulated much like regular algebra. Axioms and Theorems of Boolean Algebra Identity 1. X + 0 = X 1D. X 1 = X Null 2. X + 1 = 1 2D. X 0 = 0 Idempotency: 3. X + X = X 3D. X X = X Involution: 4. (X')' = X Complementarity: 5. X + X' = 1 5D. X X' = 0 Commutativity: 6. X + Y = Y + X 6D. X Y = Y X Associativity: 7. (X + Y) + Z = X + (Y + Z) 7D. (X Y) Z = X (Y Z) Distributivity: 8. X (Y + Z) = (X Y) + (X Z) 8D. X + (Y Z) = (X + Y) (X + Z) Uniting: 9. X Y + X Y' = X 9D. (X + Y) (X + Y') = X Absorption: 10. X + X Y = X 10D. X (X + Y) = X 11. (X + Y') Y = X Y 11D. (X Y') + Y = X + Y Factoring: 12. (X + Y) (X' + Z) =12D. X Y + X' Z = X Z + X' Y (X + Z) (X' + Y) Concensus: 13. (X Y) + (Y Z) + (X' Z) = 13D. (X + Y) (Y + Z) (X' + Z) = X Y + X' Z (X + Y) (X' + Z)

De-Morgans Law

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(a + b) = a b a + b = (a b)

(a b) = a + b (a b) = (a + b)

Basic Steps: 1. Change all variables to their complements. 2. Change all AND operations to ORs. 3. Change all OR operations to ANDs. 4. Take the complement of the entire expression. For example:
F (w,x,y,z) f(w,x,y,z) = w + x + = w + x + = w + x + = w + x + = w + x + = wx(yz + yz) = w + x + (yz +yz) (yz)(yz) (y + z)(y + z) yy + yz + zy + zz 0 + yz + zy + 0 yz + yz //negate operators and plus

We can also see De Morgans law in action at the gate level. In the following diagram, we see how De Morgans law is applied at the gate level.

Sum Of Products (SOP) - This is useful (read: easiest) for deriving a (usually not optimal) Boolean expression given a truth table.

The general idea is to sum all the cases (OR) where the function is true. For each case, AND together all the elements. If the element is false, we want to AND the NOT of that element.

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Sample Truth Table Problem:

Solution: C The easiest way to do this problem is to just write the truth tables of each of the choices until you get one that is identical. The better way is to use Sum of Products. Heres how to do it. First write the truth table for the function. Here x2 = C, x1 = B, x0 = A. C 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 F = ABC + ABC + ABC + ABC = AB(C + C) + AC(B + B) = AB(1) + AC(1) = AB + AC = x1x0 + x2x0 B A F 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 //Sum of products //Reverse distribution //Complimentary axiom

Two-level Logic Extension of what you already know. The figure to the right denotes the sum of products that you just used above. This will prove crucial in simplifying Boolean functions. In the image to the left is a visualization of a Boolean function with three variables (represented by the 3 digit binary number at each corner). If the shaded area represents the function, we

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are able to simplify its expression (rather than the shortsighted sum of pairs).

ii. Sequential Logic The most basic component of sequential logic is a flip flop which basically stores 1 bit of data and is clocked. There are many kinds of FF but the most common kind is the D-flip flop

It takes 1 input. On the clock edge, Q takes the value of D at that time. Flip flops are the basic part of registers. Below is the timing diagram for the D flip-flop

In general, register, devices used to store and/or process data, are implemented with some kind of flip-flop that is used to store data. One example of these is the processor register in CPUs.

2. Optimization and analysis

Karnaugh Maps These are also useful for deriving a Boolean expression from a truth table but better than sum of pairs as it can give a minimal expression.
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Gray-code 00, 01, 11, 10. Another scheme for counting (other than sequential) but allows that only 1 digit change at each iteration. Provably infinitely extendable. 000, 001, 011, 010, 110, 111, 101, 100 How to use K-Maps Steps 1. Set up k-map table. 2. Fill in data from truth table. 3. Circle groups (rectangles and powers of 2 only!) 4. Derive Boolean expression!

For example: F(A,B,C,D) = m(0,2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,14,15)

F = C + ABD + BD

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K-maps can also take advantage of dont cares (the value doesnt change the resultant expression). As seen below, you can draw your circles around dont cares

Finite State Machines (FSMs) / Finite State Automaton Heres a general overview of what they are, their parts and how those parts work together. FSMs are also a very important topic in Computability / Complexity and the study of programming languages. This section will only talk about implementing FSMs with digital logic. Overview Finite state machines can be represented by a finite state diagram and accompanying transitions. There are 3 major types of FSMs Acceptors either accept input or not. (most common) Recognizers Variant of an acceptor (think of acceptance as recognition). This is useful for regular expression matching. Transducers Generate output from given input. Here is an example of a Determinisitic finite automaton (DFA). Note the start state, the accept state and the transitions.

There are other types of DFAs such as Non-deterministic finite automatons (NFAs) but in practice are not easily translatable into a circuit. These FSMs are represented in digital logic in two distinct groups.
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Moore Machine output is determined by the current state alone. We can see this in acceptors and recognizers but in general the output can be anything. Formal Definition A Moore machine can be defined an n-tuple { Q, , , , , q0 } consisting of

a finite set of states ( Q ) a finite set called the input alphabet ( ) a finite set called the output alphabet ( ) a transition function ( : Q x Q ) mapping a state and an input to the next state an output function ( : Q ) mapping each state to the output alphabet. a start state (q0)

The number of states in a Moore machine will be greater than or equal to the number of states in the corresponding Mealy machine. In digital design, this Moore machine looks like the following:

There are 3 major components in finite state machine design. 1. State logic 2. Next state logic based on its state and input 3. Output logic based on its state Much like Boolean functions, FSMs are completely defined in their state transition table. An example state transition diagram is given below.

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Mealy Machine output is determined by the current state and its input. Below is an example of a Moore machine in which the first number on the transition is the input, and the second number is the output based on that transition.

In digital design it looks like this. The combinational logic contains the state and takes in input and gives the next state and output. Moore machines are, in general, simpler and easier to implement in digital design. One-hot encoding This is a general technique to design an FSM. Each state has its own flip-flip which is high if and only if the machine is in that state. Therefore, only one FF is high at any given time (because you can only be in one state per cycle in a DFA).

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Other ways of storing state include a binary encoding of the states.

B. Processors and control units

This section of the test stresses mostly CS61C and CS152 material. But dont worry, the questions are very basic but broad. The following sections will focus mainly on the MIPS instruction set architecture although all the theory is applicable to any ISA. The following diagram shows where in the design hierarchy

Moores Law The speed of a processor doubles every 18 months. Not a scientific law, more of an observation. This trend helps companies plan their processing power.

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1. Instruction sets
At the very bottom of computer architecture and machine structures themselves is the instruction set designed for it. There may not be any one instruction set architecture (ISA) that is the best. Most desktop computers today use the x86 instruction set. Most embedded computing devices use the MIPS architecture. There are many other major players in the market such as the SPARC architecture (Sun), PowerPC (IBM), Motorola 6800, ARM, IA-64 etc. The design of the CPU as well as the corresponding system is heavily dependent on the ISA (MIPS branch delay slots, fixed length instructions). The ISA defines the machine language for that CPU (read: assembly language). Here is a table of some of the instructions of the MIPS architecture.

They wont ask questions on a specific hardware but you should be aware of one and how assembly-level instructions behave in the pipeline.

2. Computer arithmetic and number representation

To do these problems you need to understand how computers internally store numbers. Make sure you know how to convert between decimal, octal (base 8), hex (base 16) and of course binary (base 2). Why do we use these bases (as opposed to others?) There exist many different ways of representing signed numbers. One nave way is to do it is to use one bit to be the sign bit. The drawback is that there exist 2 numbers for zero (namely all 0s

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and all 1s) and it makes addition and subtraction more difficult. The most convenient to store signed numbers is the use of twos complement. 2s complement - method of signifying negative numbers in binary. It is also an operation which may be applied to positive binary values in order to perform subtraction using the method of complements, effectively allowing subtraction of one binary number from another using only the addition operation. This is useful in microprocessors for which subtraction is unavailable or too complex to perform efficiently. In the two's complement method, a signed binary numeral uses the leftmost bit as the sign bit and the remaining bits to indicate the value of the numeral. If the sign bit is 0, the remaining bits are interpreted according to the customary rules of the binary numeral system. If the sign bit is 1, the remaining bits contain a numeral in two's complement form. Consequently, a signed 8-bit binary numeral can represent any integer in the range -128 to +127. If the sign bit is 0, then the largest value that can be stored in the remaining seven bits is 27 1, or 127. How to represent a number in 2s complement. 1. Convert the number to standard binary form (with leading 0s) 2. Invert all the digits 3. Add 1 As you can see, all positive numbers are represented the same as in standard binary form. Negative numbers are different, however. For example lets convert the 8-bit number 5(decimel) to -5(decimal):
0000 0101 //binary form 1111 1010 //invert digits = 1111 1011 = -5//add one.

To do a subtraction A B, we just do A + ~B where ~B is the 2s complement

11111 111 (carry) 0000 0101 (5) + 1111 1011 (-5) =========== 0000 0000 (0) // 5 5 = 0

1s complement - Addition is done in the standard way (carry will overflow into nothingness). Subtraction is done in much the same way as 2s complement except any carry bit is added back into the answer. Using n bits, how many numbers can be represented in 2's complement? Total 2n numbers can be represented. Half are positive, half are negative. But remember 0 is first positive number. => -2n-1 to 2n-1 - 1

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Floating Point Fixed point: decimal point is fixed Floating point: IEEE standard This is an improvement over the fixed point which allows the point to float over a large range of digits. Single precision (32-bit) [sign bit, exponent, significand] (float) sign: 1 bit, 1 for negative, 0 for positive numbers exponent: 8 bits, bias of 127 [-126127] significand: 23 bits, implied 1 value: -1sign * (1.significand) * 2exp-127 Special Values: Zero: all bits 0 Denorms: exp 0, significand is less than 1 (no implied 1) Infinity: exp 255 (all 1s), significand 0 (division by 0) NaN: exp 255, significand not 0 (0/0, inf/inf)

Double precision (64-bit) [sign bit, exponent, significand] (double) Sign: 1 bit. Exponent: 11 bits, bias of 1023 Significand: 52, exp bias 1023

Rounding: 4 IEEE options: - up to infinity: always round up - down to -infinity: always round down - truncate: drop the last bits, round towards 0 - round to even: normal rounding, but if the value is exactly halfway in between, round to the nearest even number Overflow and underflow: overflow: if both numbers are positive and result is negative underflow: if both numbers are negative and the result is 0 or positive. saturating arithmetic: instead of rolling over on overflow or underflow, the result is set to be the maximum or minimum possible value. (Integer.MAX_VALUE)

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3. Register and ALU organization

Processors are made of x main components. PC Program counter, usually the address of the instruction. Instruction Memory usually a cache. Register File ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit Data Memory Also a cache with write buffer. Below is a rough diagram of an unpipelined processor.

The program counter feeds the address of the next instruction to the instruction memory. The instruction memory looks up the next instruction which goes into the instruction register. The instruction is then decoded and transferred to the register file for lookups of the affected registers. You can look up a maximum of 2 processor registers which go into registers A and B. These go to the ALU which uses the values of A and B to calculate the ALUOut which is stored in the ALUOut register. This is then used to write back to the register file. Pipelined Processors These processors use pipelining to achieve more performance. Pipelined processors have multiple stages but same overall functionality as a single-cycle processor. Idea is to split the datapath up into parts which can be overlapped in time. Increased throughput at the cost of increased latency. For our purposes, this is an okay tradeoff. Throughput Amount of instructions you can execute per time. (i.e. inst/sec) Latency How long an instruction takes to complete from start to finish. Most common is the 5-stage pipeline.

5-Stage Pipeline

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Stages: IF: Instruction Fetch Use PC to fetch an instruction from the instruction memory. ID: Instruction Decode Decode the instruction and read values from register file. EX: Execute Execute instruction using the ALU. (optional. e.g. lw) MEM: Memory Read or write from data memory. WB: Write Back Write result back to the register file. Pipelining allows for less logic per stage and thus a high clock frequency. Lets look at the pipelining from a higher perspective.

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The whole point about pipelining is to split the data path into components which we can use simultaneously. As you can see from the shaded region, all 5 stages of the pipeline are being used at the same time but on different instructions. Once the pipeline is filled, it will output one instruction per cycle. Caveats Hazards: o Structural When a component in a pipeline needs to be used by more than 1 thing per cycle. One example of this is Instruction and Data memory both need access to shared data (SDRAM). This is resolved by stalling the pipeline and arbitrating requests between the two. o Data RAW Read after Write Need to forward data ahead in pipeline. WAW Write after Write Not a problem if instructions are sequential. WAR Write after Read Not a problem if sequential. RAR Read after Read Not a problem. Forwarding Sometimes we need to know the answer to an instruction before it is written back to the register file. Forward the data still in the pipeline!

Stalling Sometimes we cannot resolve a data dependency because it is needed before we can determine the solution. o Load followed by a branch o Logical/arithmetic followed by a branch.

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Is resolved by stalling

The basic point is that data can only travel forwards in time. Performance There are many measures of performance but the one that really matters is execution time. Factors of System Performance 1. cycles per instruction (CPI) usually comparable against processors of the same architecture. 2. clock rate 3. instruction count Performance = 1 / execution Execution Time = inst_count * CPI * 1/clock_rate

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Solution: C Amdahls Law When improving one item, you can only improve the total time by the fraction that task requires. Useful in choosing what part of a processor to improve.

4. Data paths and control sequencing

Solution: B

C. Memories and their hierarchies

In general, this is what the computer memory hierarchy looks like.

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1. Performance, implementation, and management 2. Cache, main, and secondary storage 3. Virtual memory, paging, and segmentation

D. Networking and communications

1. Interconnect structures (e.g., buses, switches, routers) 2. I/O systems and protocols

3. Synchronization

E. High-performance architectures
1. Pipelining superscalar and out-of-order execution processors
Material in this section refers mainly to CS152/CS252. Almost all processors in desktop computers use these high-performance architectures. In order to see why we need more advanced processors, must identify weaknesses in the pipelined processor. Only executes 1 instruction per cycle. Stalls due to data hazards. Structural hazards Super-Scalar Processors Idea is to have more than one pipeline. Capable of executing > 1 instruction per cycle (theoretically).

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Here is an example of a super-scalar processor with 3 pipelines. Its able to execute any three of the execution stages as necessary. This processor has a maximum instructions per cycle of 3. Drawbacks: Heavily increased forwarding and hazard detection logic Still vulnerable to dependencies in instructions which cannot be avoided w/o a time machine. Out-of-Order Processors (OOO) These are some of the most advanced processor designs that allow for instructions to be executed out of order. Basic Parts: Instruction Fetch Usually implemented as a queue of instructions to be executed. Works well with branch prediction. Reservation Stations These are the functional units such as adders, multipliers, dividers, floating point units etc Reorder Buffer This is used to resolve dependencies. Because things can complete out of order, the reorder buffer makes sure an instruction isnt committed until it is completed.

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Life cycle: Instructions are tossed from the instruction queue into reorder buffer and a reservation station or reservation station queue. The reorder buffer (ROB) holds the true ordering of instructions. Dependencies are resolved because when an instruction completes executing in a reservation station, the value of that computation is broadcast onto the CDB or Common Data Bus. This is read by the other reservation stations as well as the reorder buffer. When an instruction is complete at the bottom of the ROB, it is committed. Committing includes flushing to memory. Speculative Processors / Dynamic Scheduling In general, speculation terms of computer architecture is branch prediction. Because branches can cause unnecessary holes in a pipeline (especially if it is long), most processors will guess their result. The processor will proceed with this assumption at full speed until proven wrong. If proven wrong, things get a little messy. Any instruction after a branch must NOT be committed back to the register file and definitely not to memory. In most pipelines, this results in a flush. Flushing the pipeline effectively nullifies instructions in the pipeline usually by replacing all the pipeline stage signals to zeroes. When wrong, branch prediction does about as bad as no branch prediction. However, when right, it keeps the pipeline full and throughput high. There are many kinds of branch prediction (global, local) that predict (in real world situations) at about 80-90% accuracy.

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Solution: C Efficiency = speedup / # processors = (T single_processor / T parallel_processors) / # processors T single_processor = 8 T parallel_processor = 4 Efficiency = (8/4) / 4 = 50%

2. Parallel and distributed architectures


This makes up the largest section of the test. This covers: CS170 Introduction to Algorithms CS172 Computability and Complexity CS174 Combinatorics and Discrete Probability (Randomized Algorithms) These notes briefly address major subjects in theoretical computer science which are often tested on the CS GRE Subject Test. They do not address mathematical background, including some of the material presented in CS170 on graph theory and number theory (which are both likely to appear on the GRE), nor do they address material that is rarely or never covered by the test (which includes a substantial fraction of Berkeley's CS170 and CS172, as well as e_ectively all of CS174). Acronyms: BST Binary Search Tree DAG Directed Acyclic Graph DFA Deterministic Finite Automaton DP Dynamic Programming

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PDA Push-down automaton. LP Linear Programming NFA Non-deterministic Finite Automaton NP Non-Deterministic Polynomial Time (ND)TM (Non-deterministic) Turing Machine

A. Algorithms and complexity

Asymptotic Growth Notation Upper Bounds: o O ( f ( n)) - grows at most as fast as f (n) . o o( f ( n)) - grows strictly slower than f (n) . g ( n) is finite. o g (n) = O ( f ( n)) means lim n f ( n) Lower Bounds: o ( f ( n)) - grows at most as slow as f (n) . o ( f (n)) - grows strictly faster then f (n) . f ( n) o g (n) = ( f ( n)) means lim is finite. n g ( n) Combined: o ( f ( n)) - grows asymptotically the same as f (n) . g ( n) o g (n) = ( f ( n)) means lim is finite and non-zero. n f ( n)
(1) < (log n) < (log1000 n) < (n 0.001 ) < (n) < ( n log n) < (n1000 ) < (1.001n ) < (2 2 )

Typical worst-case running times

O (1) O (log n) O (n) O ( n log n)

O(n 2 ) O (n 2.3 2.8 ) O(n 3 )

Hashes. Single operations; arithmetic fixed-length integers. Binary search in sorted list or BST. Search in unsorted list. DFS / BFS, bucket sort Quick/Shell/Merge sort. Dijkstras. Bubble, Insertion Sort. Some DP problems. (Edit Distance) Clever matrix multiplication Nave matrix multiplication.

Data Structures Important data structures you should know:

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Graphs (cyclic, acyclic, directed, undirected) G = (V, E). V: Set of vertices E: Set of edges. Priority Queues Make-Set, Find-Set, Union Binary Trees Linked Lists Hash Tables

Solution: C

Solution: D

1. Exact and asymptotic analysis of specific algorithms

Sorting Bubble Sort O(n 2 ) . Stable. Sorts in-place. It works by repeatedly stepping through the list to be sorted, comparing two items at a time, swapping these two items if they are in the wrong order. The pass through the list is repeated until no swaps are needed, which means the list is sorted. The algorithm gets its name from the way smaller elements "bubble" to the top of the list via the swaps. Insertion Sort - O(n 2 ) worst case. O (n) best case. Stable. Similar to bubble sort, but is more efficient as it reduces element comparisons somewhat with each pass. An element is compared to all the prior elements until a lesser element is found Merge Sort - O ( n log n) worst and average case. Heap Sort In-place. O ( n log n) . Unstable. The heap places an ordering upon elements added to it, so the largest elements will be placed at the top of the heap (we term this heap

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a max-heap), or the smallest elements will be placed at the top of the heap (we term this heap a min-heap). The heap data structure also allows us to perform the operation of extracting the minimum or maximum element in the heap, reordering what elements are left in the heap. Radix Sort O(n * k) where k is the average key length. Requires O(n) additional space. o take the least significant digit (or group bits) of each key. o sort the list of elements based on that digit, but keep the order of elements with the same digit (this is the definition of a stable sort). o repeat the sort with each more significant digit.

Example: 170, 45, 75, 90, 2, 24, 802, 66 sorting by least significant digit (1s place) gives: 170, 90, 2, 802, 24, 45, 75, 66 sorting by next digit (10s place) gives: 2, 802, 24, 45, 66, 170, 75, 90 sorting by most significant digit (100s place) gives: 2, 24, 45, 66, 75, 90, 170, 802 Quick Sort - O ( n log n) . O(n 2 ) in worst case. Unstable. The Quicksort algorithm uses a recursive divide and conquer strategy to sort a list. The steps are: 1. Pick a pivot element from the list. 2. Reorder the list so that all elements less than the pivot precede all elements greater than the pivot. This means that the pivot is in its final place; the algorithm puts at least one element in its final place on each pass over the list. This step is commonly referred to as "partitioning". 3. Recursively sort the sub-list of elements less than the pivot and the sub-list of elements greater than the pivot. If one of the sub-lists is empty or contains one element, it can be ignored. Bucket Sort

Solution: D String Algorithms Bloom Filters

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Graph Theory and Algorithms

Shortest-Path Dijkstras Algorithm - O (VE ) . The algorithm works by keeping for each vertex v the cost d[v] of the shortest path found so far. Initially, this value is 0 for the source vertex s and infinity for all other vertices, representing the fact that we do not know any path leading to those vertices. When the algorithm finishes, d[v] will be the cost of the shortest path from s to v or infinity, if no such path exists. Min-cut / Max-flow Theorem The maximal amount of flow is equal to the capacity of a minimal cut. Randomized Min-cut Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm Edmonds-Karp Algorithm Minimum Spanning Tree Kruskals Algorithm O ( E lg V ) . Greedy. Starts with a forest which consists of n trees. Each tree, consists only by one node and nothing else. In every step of the algorithm, two different trees of this forest are connected to a bigger tree. In every step we choose the side with the least cost, which means that we are still under greedy policy. If the chosen side connects nodes which belong in the same tree the side is rejected, and not examined again because it could produce a circle which will destroy our tree. Prims Algorithm Only works on connected graph with positive edge weights. It builds upon a single partial minimum spanning tree, at each step adding an edge connecting the vertex nearest to but not already in the current partial minimum spanning tree.

2. Algorithmic design techniques (e.g. greedy, dynamic programming, divide and conquer)
Greedy Algorithms

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Algorithms that, at each step, do whatever looks best at the time. They work on a restricted class of problems, but tend to be very efficient when they do. E.g.: given a subspace of a vector space and a basis for it, just keep picking vectors out of the subspace that haven't been spanned by other vectors. GRE questions are unlikely to ask much more than definitions. Dynamic Programming Vaguely-defined paradigm of approaching a problem instance of size n by solving all possible smaller sub problems, building up from smallest cases to cases of size n. Common in string comparison algorithms, such as edit distance (UNIX diff), string alignment (e.g. in biology), longest common subsequence. Consider DP whenever the problem looks otherwise difficult, and the answer for any instance of size n depends on small (e.g. linear) number of instances of size < n. A typical question may sketch a DP algorithm and ask for its running time. Divide and Conquer A divide & conquer algorithm is one that, given a problem instance of size n, splits it into a cases of size n=b, recursively solves each of them, and then combines the results in f(n) time. Then, the running time T(n) of the algorithm is described by the recurrence relation
T ( n) = aT ( n / b) + f ( n)

The Master Theorem fixes the asymptotic behavior of T as follows. If f (n) = O(n logb a ) (for some > 0), then T (n) = (n logb a ) If f (n) = O(n logb a ) , then T (n) = (n logb a log n) If f (n) = O(n logb a + ) , and af ( n / b) / f ( n) 1 for sufficiently large n, then T (n) = ( f ( n)) Example problem:

Solution: C Linear Programming A Linear Programming problem is a set of linear inequalities and a real-valued objective function" over a set of variables; a solution is a setting of the variables which maximizes (or minimizes) the objective function while still satisfying all of the inequalities. The set of feasible solutions is a polyhedron in n-dimensional space (if there are n variables); it can be shown that an optimal solution can always be found at a vertex of the polyhedron (note that a 2-D polyhedron is just a polygon). If an extra constraint is added that all variable may only take on integer values, the problem becomes Integer Programming" (and solutions become restricted to grid points). Linear programs are solvable in worst-case polynomial time by a technique known as the ellipsoid method, but are in practice solved by the "simplex" method which is fast on average but is exponential in the worst case; solution of integer programs is, on the other hand, NP-Complete. Many problems have natural representations as linear or integer programs. A typical question may ask you to solve a simple LP problem.

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Simplex Algorithm Exponential in worst case but fast in practice. Stochastic, Probabilistic Algorithms Randomized Min-cut Heuristic Algorithms

3. Upper and lower bounds on the complexity of specific problems 4. Computational complexity, including NP-completeness
Complexity Classes For any given function f(n), you can define classes TIME(f(n)), SPACE(f(n)), NTIME(f(n)), and NSPACE(f(n)) of languages which can be decided by a Turing machine (deterministic & nondeterministic respectively) using O(f(n)) time and space, respectively (space refers to memory or the number of cells used on the tape.) It can be shown that NTIME(f(n)) TIME(2f(n)) and NSPACE(f(n)) SPACE(f(n)2) (Savitchs Theorem). Since non-determinism yields extra power, TIME(f(n)) NTIME(f(n)) and SPACE(f(n)) NSPACE(f(n)) are trivial. More general classes are defined for large groups of functions. Specifically, P is defined as TIME(nk) the set of all languages decidable in polynomial time by TM and NP is defined similarly for NTIME the set of all languages decidable in polynomial time by a n NDTM; coNP is the set of complements of languages in NP. PSPACE is defined similarly for polynomial space; and other classes such as EXPTIME, NEXPTIME, and EXPSPACE for larger functions. NP-Completeness A language which is in NP and can be reduced from any language in NP by a poly-time reduction is called NP-Complete, since deciding this language in polynomial time would allow one to decide any language in NP in polynomial-time. Many well-known combinatorial problems are known to be NP-complete. If you have a language A which is known to be NPcomplete, and a language B in NP which may or may not be NP-complete, you will show that B is NP-complete if you reduce from A to B, but not the other way around. Most NP-completeness questions in the GRE concern solely the direction of this reduction. Here are some examples of NP-Complete problems you might encounter. Traveling Salesman 3-SAT, N-SAT satisfiability. K-clique Independent Sets Vertex-cover Hamiltonian Path/Cycle Integer linear programming Sub-graph Isomorphism

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Solution: E

Solution: D

B. Automata and language theory

1. Models of computation (finite automata, Turing machines)
(Non-)Deterministic Finite Automaton ([N]DFA) / Regular Expressions A DFA (Deterministic Finite Automaton) is a set of states with transitions defined on them, based on input which comes in form of symbols from an alphabet set. One state is distinguished as the starting state, and a subset of states are considered accepting states. Whenever you're at some state, the next symbol determines the exact next state you move to. If the machine is in an accepting state after processing some finite sequence of symbols (a string), it is said to accept this sequence. The set of string accepted by an automaton is the language of the automaton; the automaton is also said to recognize this language. An NFA (Nondeterministic Finite Automaton) is an automaton whose configuration at any point is a set of states rather than a single state; transitions from any given state on any given symbol can go to a set of states as well. Any NFA can be converted into an equivalent DFA, but sometimes at exponential cost. Any language recognized by a DFA or an NFA can also be described by a regular expression (and vice versa).

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Languages described by regular expressions (or recognized by DFAs) are called regular languages. A condition known as the pumping lemma is often used to show that a language is not regular. Virtually always, a language is rendered non-regular due to its reliance on \counting" some aspect of the string; the standard example is the language of strings containing n a's followed by n b's. The most important feature of DFAs and NDFAs are that they have a finite number of states and finite alphabet. Consequently, you cannot use DFAs to do any kind of counting. E.g. you could not use them to detect when a string has the same number of 0s and 1s. A DFA is a 5-tuple, (Q, , , s, A), consisting of a finite set of states (Q) a finite set called the alphabet () a transition function ( : Q Q). a start state (s S) a set of accept states (A S)

Regular Expression for the above DFA is: 1*(01*01*)* NFAs are an extension of DFA that also allow epsilon transitions.

On an epsilon transition, the machine can be in either of those states (as seen above, the state of an NFA is defined by the set of states it could possibly be in. The NFA accepts if there exists a

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path to an accepting state. Although they seem more powerful, the languages described by NFAs is exactly that of DFAs and Regular Expressions / Languages.

Regular Expressions Regular expressions consist of constants and operators that denote sets of strings and operations over these sets, respectively. Given a finite alphabet the following constants are defined: 1. (empty set) denoting the set 2. (empty string) denoting the set {} 3. (literal character) a in denoting the set {"a"} and the following operations: 1. (concatenation) RS denoting the set { | in R and in S }. For example {"ab", "c"}{"d", "ef"} = {"abd", "abef", "cd", "cef"}. 2. (set union) R U S denoting the set union of R and S. 3. (star)R* denoting the smallest superset of R that contains and is closed under string concatenation. This is the set of all strings that can be made by concatenating zero or more strings in R. For example, {"ab", "c"}* = {, "ab", "c", "abab", "abc", "cab", "cc", "ababab", ... }. Typical question categories are: o Given this automaton, which of these regular expressions is it equivalent to? (or vice versa.) o Given this English-language description of a regular language, which of these finite automata or regular expression does it correspond to? o Given an automaton (or a regular expression), find the value of a property of the language it recognizes (or generates)? o Given these language, which is regular (or non-regular, remember the counting argument!)

Push-Down Automata / Context-Free Languages If an NFA is also allowed to maintain a stack, with which it can perform either of the standard push or pop operations at each processing step, the resulting machine is known as a PDA (Pushdown Automaton); PDA's can accept any language accepted by an NFA (can you see why?), but also some others. A language is accepted by a PDA if and only if it can be generated by a context-free grammar, defined as a set of non-terminals (or variables) and productions (or substitution rules) mapping single non-terminals to sequences of non-terminals and terminals (i.e. symbols in the alphabet); one non-terminal is designated as the start variable, and a string of terminals is said to be generated by the grammar if it can be derived from the string containing just the start variable by repeatedly applying substitution rules to replace non-terminals.

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CFGs are typically heavily covered on the GRE (unlike PDAs). A version of the pumping lemma may also be used to show that a language is not recognizable by a CFG. Often, a characteristic of such languages is their reliance on counting two independent quantities; a classical example is anbncn. There are two kinds of push-down automata, PDAs and NPDAs. Usually when we speak of PDAs, were talking about the NPDA or non-deterministic variety because standard PDAs cannot recognize all context-free languages. PDAs are basically DFAs fitted with an infinite stack which can be used as another variable (with the state and input) to be used to determine the next move. A NPDA W can be defined as a 7-tuple: W = (Q,,,,s,,F) where

Q is a finite set of states is a finite set of the input alphabet is a finite set of the stack alphabet is a finite transition relation (Q ( & {}) ) ( Q * ) s is an element of Q; the start state is the inital stack symbol F is subset of Q, consisting of the final states.

Two possible acceptance criteria, empty stack and acceptance in final state. They are equivalent in all respects. Below is an example NPDA which accepts the language of binary strings with equal number of 0s and 1s (impossible to do with DFAs)

Typical question categories are: Given this grammar, which of these strings does it generate; or given a string as well, how is it derived from the start symbol (what is its parse tree)? Given this string, which of these grammars generate it? If substitution rules are allowed to map sequences of terminals and non-terminals to longer sequences of terminals and non-terminals, a more powerful class of grammars, known as CSG (Context-Sensitive Grammars) results; any language generated by a CSG is recognized by a

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LBA (Linear Bounded Automaton). These entities are not well-studied, and are generally only addressed on the GRE by definition questions. Turing Machines If a DFA is allowed to write on an (1-way) unbounded tape and move back and forth on it, the resulting machine is called a Turing Machine, and is equally powerful to any other model of computation known to be physically implementable. A Turing Machine is equivalent in computational power to, among other things, a Turing Machine with multiple (infinite) tapes, most cellular automata, and PDA's with 2 or more stacks. Replacing the DFA with an NFA yields a Non-Deterministic Turing Machine, which can only recognize Turing-recognizable languages, but may potentially do so faster than a TM in some cases. It is believed that it is not possible to physically implement an NDTM. Three possible outputs for a TM: accept, reject or infinitely loop. Any language recognized by a TM may be described by a Universal Grammar, which is identical to a CSG, other than for the fact that its rules are not constrained to map strings of non-terminals and terminals to longer ones. Any such language is referred to as recursively enumerable or Turing recognizable. If the machine is guaranteed to terminate and reject any string it doesn't accept, it is said to decide its language, and its language is referred to as recursive or Turing-decidable. RAM Machine

2. Formal languages and grammars (regular and context free)

Solution: A

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Solution: E

3. Decidability
See the Turing Machines section.

C. Discrete structures
1. Mathematical logic 2. Elementary combinatorics and graph theory 3. Discrete probability, recurrence relations, and number theory
Countability A set A is countable if it is either finite, or there exists a one-to-one mapping with N (natural numbers). Here are some examples: Countable: o Even natural numbers. o Prime numbers Uncountable: o All real numbers [0,1) o Power Set of N (or anything infinite) o Cantor Set

Solution: D


This section tends to be random questions from a range of fields including:

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Encryption Graphics

In the future we may include further sections on this.


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