Busan: Interview by Yuji Photos by Qi'an

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Interview by Yuji
Photos by Qi’an

So! Its a great honour to have you here on wbw sop, but first
things first, tell us how did you get picked to become a judge at I see.Pardon me for asking a potentially confrontational ques-
the treX-games in Busan? tion, but we just want to know, what about the issue about being
biased? ya know, local pride, higher points for favourite skaters
Sop: and shit like that..
(laughs) No man, i guess you all should know already what! I
was a judge by accident/had no choice. Because Barry messed Sop:
up his ankle - pretty badly too i heard!(check out loveskatepark. Ah man..thats a hard one..(laughs) yeah but seriously, nobody is
com) so yeah, ended up i became the judge.. perfect ya see. These things happen all the time in competitons.
Take it from me. I’ve had first hand experience in this, appar-
WBW: ently..Not that i’m biased!!
Yeah, we saw the pictures dude..It was GNARLY! but we
digthat.(get well soon barry!!) WBW:
Anyway, back to the topic. How was it like being a judge? I We know you wouldnt do something like that. You’re sop man!
mean..for the sake of the skate com judge wannabes here-how
DO you judge anyway? Sop:
(laughs) Well the rest of the judges were friendly, i can tell ya
Sop: that..The head judge was a cool bloke. Though i wonder if he
Hmm its a 1 minute run for each skater..so it went pretty smooth had mild amnesia or something. Just after the competition, he
and easy man! And well basically, the more tricks a skater lands forgot who i was. The panel and me spent a few hours with him
without bailing, the higher points they get. Also, your perception judging the competition and he was friendly as hell before that!
of what is steez and technical board wizardry sure counts when
you consider giving higher points to a skater! WBW:
Maybe he was acting shy dude. I mean, you ARE sop! Just kid-
Qi An: ding, i’m sorry. Okay, so tell us more about the vibe down at the
No good for me man. We were told it was gonna be a skate jam treX-games man.How was the atmosphere?
at first. Then when i found out i was gonna have a 1 minute run
all to myself with all these pros looking at me i almost peed
my pants. Not landing anything during the half hour of practice
didn’t help at all. So much for steez and technical board wiz-
ardry eh Sop.
Well personally - from what i saw, the angmohs(westerners)
were all chill about the whole competiton.I think they already
knew they had the upper hand for sure..Guess they were there Qi An:
just to impress the asians? The asians were kinda demoralized.. Yeah Fuad was killing it too. He is the definition of STEEZ.
But a particular japanese group were hardcore man! They go re-
ally big on the QPs and transfers. WBW:
That sounds cool. We’ll keep on a lookout for him. Ah, and one more
Qi An: thing. How did our singapore rep, Juan Qi An perform, in your opinion?
All we Asians were scared shitless. (can i say shit?) I know my
goal was “NOT LAST”. Qi An:
Well i didn’t get last. I somehow landed more tricks during my 1 minute
WBW: than 10 minutes of practice. Simple tricks that didn’t land me in last place.
I’ve heard japanese skaters are hardcore.Half-japanese skaters And thanks to my good buddy Sop who gave me 70 pts (or 60?)
are good-looking ya know.Any skater/group in particular that
would make you buy a video of the competition just to see their Sop: QI AN:
Sop: The food sucked.No, really(laughs).They only look good in tel-
run again? Yes but from our hotel window we could see spencer hamilton
I think he can really do much better..I cant say anything much, coz SG evision, in those food shows, but they really do not taste good! riding all the way up to the top no problem. Even more demor-
doesnt have many big skateparks like the huge-ass treX-games one to But i guess i’m not the one to judge the food, since i only tried
Qi An: alization. Oh we saw lamonzo coleman Jr. kickflip up a huge five
practice our runs and lines..So yeah i thought he could’ve done better.. a few..and the ‘few’ were either sour or salty.Well thats to me
I liked the Jap wallace guy. Hes so fun to watch. Benihana from stair that none of us even thought of ollieing down. UPPP.
just my personal opinon though!
the QP over the wall dawg!! And crazy wallrides. Hes got so
much hype and he’s flying everywhere. Seriously we just called WBW:
Qi An: WBW:
him Wallace throughout the entire trip. The thai skaters are pret- Any other spots you found that dont have an appetite for
Maybe all i need is Raynie there laying 10dollar bills around and shouting Sounds very much like my cooking! Anything else to add?
ty amazing too. You can ask Sop. One of them blew our minds boards?
out insanely difficult tricks.
just by skating flatland. Nollie full cab flips 5 out of 5 tries man.
Right sop! Sop: Sop:
WBW: From what i saw, the koreans are super hygienic! It was marble curb heaven baby! Marble curbs are everywhere
Hear that barry & gary! We’re gonna get mad coverage by breeding tal-
Sop: in Busan! Though the only downside is that the pavements are
ents that practise at your skatepark once its built! WBW:
I kinda liked the malaysian and thai groups. And there was this kinda rough..like those red bricks usually on old walls..Makes it
mad malaysian whiz kid “fuad”.I’m not too sure about his full Okay, that does not sound like my cleanliness at all. I realise super difficult to skate.
WBW: you went there during the fasting month right? How was fasting
name, check out the go sports blog for the results details.Any- Okay, so did you try skating at the skatepark? how was the overall feel of
way, that kid had mad skills! He even got into 4th place during there? Qi An:
the obstacles and runs?
the qualifying rounds. His run was hella mad. Its all skateable man all you need is speeeeeddd.
Sop: (laughs hard) TAK PUASA !!! WBW:
....I didnt even skate in there dude(laughs)
WBW: Hmm well how were the locals there then?
WBW: Okay, okay, i wont go any more personal about that. What about
(nothing to say) skatespots? We saw a cool feature on the korean skate plaza in Sop:
loveskatepark.com, would love to hear what you discovered The local skaters were friendly..what else am i supposed to say??
Qi An: man. (laughs)
Sop skated flatland near the course does that count?
Sop: Qi An:
WBW: Hmm there’s not much in Busan, where i was staying at man. Yeah especially that one Korean skater girl that talked to us that
I gues that’d do.hahaha! The plaza at loveskatepark was at Seoul i guess. Well we kinda night ehh. She was VERY friendly (am i supposed to type laughs
had this huge wallride juz down at the hotel we were staying. or can i just say hahaha)
Didnt really rip it cos i didnt wanna wreck my new board..The
bank/wall is really badass rough dude! It’ll eat your board in no
What about the local chicks mannnnn? Tell us more!!

Girls were allright lah..There were some nice ones..But
a couple were like super powzz dawg! But one thing’s
for sure, the girls there are tall man.The average height
of the girls there is around my height dude!

Qi An:
Just nice for me.

You’re tall ????

For girls thats tall man! Imagine if YOU were there
dude.You’d look like a f***ing midget!!
That was very bad of you, sop

I’m sorry man..just kidding..(laughs)

Allright i understand.Okay sop, any last words to wrap
the whole trip up?

I didnt hang out with Uncle Eddie until he got drunk!!

Qi An:
I wish i bought back some korean beer.

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