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uelLa model lockln

resenLed by Pax and Wllde

W n ls where an organlsaLlon achleve a
proprleLary poslLlon ln lLs lndusLry lL becomes an
lndusLry sLandard
W @he ArchlLecLure of Lhe lndusLry ls bullL around
Lhe domlnanL player
W CLher buslnesses have Lo conform/relaLe Lo LhaL
W lf oLher organlsaLlons choose Lo provlde servlces
dlfferenLly Lhey run Lhe rlsk of a loss of credlblllLy
acLors Lo achleve Lockln
W Slze or markeL domlnance
W Llkellhood of seLLlng of sLandards early ln llfe
cycles of markeL
W Selfrelnforclng and escalaLlng afLer achlevlng
of Lhe poslLlon
W 8lgorous lnslsLence on Lhe preservaLlon of
LhaL lockln poslLlon

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