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Manpower Planning & Training Paper-III

Human Resource Planning

Concept of Human Resource Planning (HRP) :

Manpower planning(HRP) is the process

- including forecasting, developing, implementing and controlling by which a firm ensures that that it has the right number of people and right kind of the people, at the right place, at the right time, doing things for which they are economically most suitable .

Based on the above definitions, following feartures may be identified:

Organisation ensures that right people, at right placed and at right time are available. - chain Production system. - Selection & Recruitment (Right Man at Right Job). Determination of manpower needs in advance facilitates these factors management to take up necessary actions. Manpower availability at a future period in the organisation-it indicates what actions can be taken to make existing manpower suitable for future managerial positions and the gap between needed and available manpower can be fulfilled.

Importance of Human Resource Planning

Defining future personnel need
- Planning defines future personnel need - Mismatch between personnel needed & personnel available - Lack of Systematic HRP Ex: Steel Authority, Private Company

Coping with changes

- Global talent war - surplus & shortage of manpower

Providing base for Developing Talents

- Shortage of certain category people - frequent Movement of personnel

Increasing Investment in Human Resources - IIM - CTC of Rs.8 -5 Lakh Now - 10 15 lakh Forcing to management to involve in HRM
- HRM functions neglected

Responsibility for Human Resource Planning

Top Management is involved in HRP Two types of plans a. Financial plan b. HRP Creates Climate for systematic HRP Second Group Functional Managers Responsibility of HR Dept. in regards to HRP a. Force top management to Plan & establish Organisational Objectives b. To Collect & Summaries data in total organisation c. To monitor & Measure performance d. Provide Research necessary for effective manpower Hindustan Lever HRP responsibility is on Board of Director

Human Resource Planning Process

- Forecasting based on future plans
- Inventorying - Anticipating man power problem - Planning recruitment, selection, Training

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