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Unidad 4, Leccion 3 ESTAR: Subject Yo Tu El Ella Ud. Nosotros Ellos Ellas Uds.

Conjugation Estoy Estas Esta Esta Esta Estamos Estan Estan Estan Meaning I am You are He is She is It is We are They are They are (fem) They are

use the verb ESTAR when there is an adjective of emotion: Adjective Cansado/a Contento/a Aburrido/a Nervioso/a Listo/a Emocionado/a Furioso/a Triste Ocupado/a Preocupado/a Rico/a Translation Tired Happy Bored Nervous Ready Emotional Angry Sad occupied Preoccupied Delicious (food)

Tranquilo/a Delicioso/a

Calm Delicious

Eg: yo estoy contenta. Present Progressive: Used when saying anything with an ING ending in English. Conjugate the verb ESTAR in the present depending on the subject of the sentence and add ANDO for (ar) verbs and IENDO for (er/ir) verbs. Some participles are irregular: here are a list of them Participle Pedir (pidiendo) Decir (diciendo) Servir (sirviendo) Dormir (durmiendo) Traer (trayendo) Leer (leyendo) Creer (creyendo) Oir (oyendo) Ir (yendo) Construir (construyendo) Distribuir(distribuyendo) Translation To ask for / to order To say To serve To sleep To bring To read To believe To listen To go To construct To distribute

- to form the present progressive, conjugate the verb estar with the appropriate subject and add a participle. For all regular verbs (ar), take the (ar) off and add ando: I am singing: He is dancing: yo estoy cantando el esta bailando

We are talking: nosotros estamos hablando

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