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MMSTLC Session 3 GVSU 07/28/08

Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Mr. Clark, a 7th grade teacher, is preparing to begin a new school year. He knows
that fractions, decimals, and percents make up a large portion of the 4th – 6th grade
curriculum, and wants to see how much his incoming 7th graders understand about
ordering and comparing rational numbers. Therefore, he decides to give his
students the following OGAP item because it does not seem too intimidating for
students at the beginning of the year and he hopes it will provide him with some
useful baseline information.

Trevor ordered the following numbers from smallest to largest. Is

Trevor correct? Why or why not?

Trevor’s Order

.8 9% .55

Answer the two questions on page 1 of the handout Analyzing and Working
with Student Thinking.

The Vermont Mathematics Partnership 07/12/08

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