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There are many times when you feel good and light hearted without any specific r easons....

it was one such day for Vinati (main lead of the story) and she was si tting in her balcony..on one of the cane chairs gifted by Vrittansh (her son) , on last diwali...slowly sipping her tea, she was looking was not th e first rain of the season..but she was getting a feel that it has been a while since she has enjoyed rain...afterall, it used to be her favorite time of the ye ar at some point of time... The evening was like any other evening with drops of water falling in their own tuneful manner...and finally getting lost somewhere in the was just the beginning of monsoons, so vigorous rainfall is yet to come.. But still Vinati was enjoying the whole scene...various activities which were g oing around.. With a bit of increase in the rainfall, puddles started to form in garden...each rain drop coming directly from the heaven above ( this as told by her mother th at rain comes directly from heave..this is god's way of watering the less fortun ate plants growing in heaths...and somehow the concept accrued with her till thi s date...) each drop coming from heaven making a bubble in water, floating to a short distance and finally submitting itself to the stream of water which has formed because it has been raining since one hour or two.. While she shifted her gaze from water to flowers growing around, she got amused to notice that whenever a drop falls on one of the petals, it drops down for a w hile, as if wants to welcome the tiny droplet and the makes way for it to travel towards the ground.. The large trees standing tall with poise somehow seemed to be unaffected by the little pearls of water but when Vinati continued to stare at them for a longer d uration, she saw that the rain drops have supplanted the "rusted" look of the tr ees caused bu scorching heat of june- july...and that place is now taken by lea ves glistening with water drops..wet shiny branches and flowers dancing with the rhythm of rain and that was how each and every entity of whole of the atmospher e around her welcomed rain.....!

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