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Business Plan Template – Health Care

I. Overview

II. Executive Summary

III. What is a (orthopedic clinic, bariatric clinic, imaging center, etc.)

a. Definition
b. Regulatory Requirements

IV. Market Analysis

a. Overview
b. Historical Perspective
c. Present Demand
d. Local Opportunities
e. Future Demand
f. Competition

V. Benefits of (see III above)

a. Society
b. Patients and Families
c. Physicians
d. Hospitals

VI. Operational Strategy

a. Patients
i. Types of Diagnoses
ii. Typical Experiences
b. Programs and Services
i. Typical Services
ii. Alternative Service Options
c. Staffing
i. Staffing requirements
ii. Organization chart
d. Facility/Office Needs
i. Space requirements
ii. Equipment requirements
VII. Program Offering
a. Reimbursement Issues
b. Structure of Program Offering
i. Contract managed
ii. Joint Venture
iii. Hospital Owned
iv. Other

VIII. Financial Analysis

a. Projected Volume
b. Payor Mix

IX. Marketing Strategy

a. Objectives
b. Source of referrals/patients
c. Tactics
d. Program Niches

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