Software Requirements Specification August 4, 2011

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Software Requirements Specification August 4, 2011

Online Criminal File Management By Abdussamad -2006-301-02 Khan Umar Kamar -2006-301-21 .

Table of Contents
Table of Contents.....................................................................................................................................................ii 1.0. Purpose............................................................................................................................................................iii 1.1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................iii 1.2. Scope...........................................................................................................................................................iii ............................................................................................................................................................................iii 1.3. Glossary.......................................................................................................................................................iv 1.4. References....................................................................................................................................................iv 1.5. Document overview.....................................................................................................................................iv 2.0. Overall description............................................................................................................................................v 2.1. Project Prospective........................................................................................................................................v The prospective project of the Online Crime File Management is facilitate the user to reporting online crimes, complaints, missing person, show most wanted person details. ...........................................................v 2.2. Functional requirements definitions.............................................................................................................v 2.3. Use Module...................................................................................................................................................v 2.4. Non-functional requirements......................................................................................................................vii 3.0. Requirement specifications.............................................................................................................................vii 3.1. External interface specifications.................................................................................................................vii 3.2. Functional Requirements............................................................................................................................vii 3.2.1. Access Criminal Record Home Page...................................................................................................vii 3.2.2. User Registration................................................................................................................................viii 3.2.3. Crime Report.........................................................................................................................................ix 3.2.4 Admin Registration.................................................................................................................................x 3.2.5. Search for an Criminal Record.............................................................................................................xi 3.3. Detailed non-functional requirements........................................................................................................xii Performance Requirement................................................................................................................................xiii Hardware and Software Specification..............................................................................................................xiii



1.0. Purpose
1.1. Introduction This Software Requirements Specification provides a complete description of all the functions and specifications of the project titled as Online Crime file Management is a web based application. This software provides facility for reporting online crimes, complaints, missing persons, show most wanted person details mailing as well as chatting. Any Number of clients can connect to the server. Each user first makes their login to sever to show their availability. The server can be any Web Server.

1.2. Scope The Online Crime file Management is designed to run on the any web server and to allow user to fill out a form, create a new database entry, and update an existing database entry. The data will be held in an Access database on the given server. This software provides facility for reporting online crimes, complaints, missing persons, show most wanted person details. Any Number of clients can connect to the server.


SRS 1.3. Glossary Term Ocfm BDE CI Criminal Record Entry Html IEEE QA SCMP SDD SEI SQAP SRS User Registration Tbd Tbn Web Site Host server


Definition Online criminal File Management System Borland Database Engine Configuration Item Record Database of criminal Ocfm stored in the Ocfm Database Hyper text markup language Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Quality assurance Software Configuration Management Plan Software Design Document Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa Software Quality Assurance Plan Software Requirements Specification Form filled out and submitted by an Ocfm user for the registration. To be decided To be named A place on the world wide web The server where is web site is hosting,

1.4. References [IEEE] The applicable IEEE standards are published in IEEE Standards Collection, 2001 edition. 1.5. Document overview The remainder of this document is two chapters, the first providing a full description of the project for the owners of the CIS. It lists all the functions performed by the system. The final chapter concerns details of each of the system functions and actions in full for the software developers assistance. These two sections are cross-referenced by topic; to increase understanding by both groups involved.




2.0. Overall description

This software provides facility for reporting online crimes, complaints, missing persons, show most wanted person details. Any Number of clients can connect to the server from a standard web browser. An Internet connection is necessary to access the system. 2.1. Project Prospective The prospective project of the Online Crime File Management is facilitate the user to reporting online crimes, complaints, missing person, show most wanted person details. 2.2. Functional requirements definitions Functional Requirements are those that refer to the functionality of the system, i.e., what services it will provide to the user. Nonfunctional (supplementary) requirements pertain to other information needed to produce the correct system and are detailed separately. 2.3. Use Module Visitor Registered user Administrator

2.3.1 The visitor module include, View hot news: This module help the visitor to see the latest hot news which can updated by the admin. 2.3.2 The registered user module includes, Add Complaint: This module help the user to report online complaints. Add Crime report: This module help the user to report online crimes. Add Missing person: This module help the user to report online missing persons


09/13/11 details also we have to add photos of missing person using heterogeneous database.

View Missing persons: This module help the user to view all the missing person details.

View most wanted persons: This module helps the user to view all most wanted persons which can be given by the administrator.

Edit Complaint: This module help the user to edit his complaint details. Edit Account: This module help the user to update his or her profile. View complaint status: This module allows us to view the status of all complaint that you have posted earlier. View crime status: This module allows us to view the status of the all crimes that you have posted earlier.

2.3.3 The administrator module includes, View and reply user complaint: This module helps the admin to view and reply users complaint details View and reply user crimes: This module helps the admin to view and reply users crimes details New admin: This module used for add new admin Add and delete latest hot news: This module helps the admin to add and delete latest hot news. View and delete users feedback: This module helps the amin to add and delete users feedback Add, delete and view most wanted persons: This module helps the amin to add, delete


SRS and view most wanted person details


Add, delete and view missing persons: This module helps the amin to add, delete and view missing person details

Add and view Criminal registeration: This module helps the amin to add and view criminal registrations

Add and view FIR: This module helps the amin to add and view Fir reports Add and view history sheet: This module helps the amin to add and view history reports

View and delete all complaint reply: This module helps the amin to view and delete complaint reply.

2.4. Non-functional requirements

There are requirements that are not functional in nature. Specifically, these are the constraints the system must work within. The web site must be compatible with both the Netscape and Internet Explorer web browsers. This system will use the same type of Internet security presently being used by Online Crime File Management. 3.0. Requirement specifications 3.1. External interface specifications None 3.2. Functional Requirements 3.2.1. Access Criminal Record Home Page Use Case Name: Login: Criminal Record Home Page Priority Essential Trigger Menu selection Precondition Ocfm is connected to the Internet and the web server Basic Path 1. Given Web Server sends the OCFM to


09/13/11 the Host Server. 2. The Host Server presents the Ocfm with the Criminal Home Page. N/A The OCFM is on the Criminal Home Page If there is a connection failure the Host Server returns to the wait state SRS 2.3.1

Alternate Path Postcondition Exception Path Other Reference

3.2.2. User Registration Use Case Name: Priority Trigger Precondition Basic Path

Alternate Path Postcondition

UserRegistration Essential Selects The Ocfm is connected to the Internet and to the web server. 1. The Server presents the Ocfm with a form. 2. The Ocfm fills in the form and click submit 3. The Host Server checks to see if all required fields are not empty. 4. If the required fields are not empty, the Host Server creates a new record in the UserRegistration Table of the Criminal Record Database. 5. If any of the required fields are empty, the Host Server returns a message and returns the Ocfm to the UserRegistration form. 6. The Host Server returns the Ocfm to the Criminal Record Home Page N/A The userRegistration record is created in the userRegistration Table of the Criminal record Database.


SRS Exception Path

09/13/11 1. If the connection is terminated before the form is submitted, the fields are all cleared and the Host Server is returned to the wait state. SRS 2.3.2

Other Reference:

3.2.3. Crime Report Use Case Name: Priority Trigger Precondition Basic Path

Alternate Path Postcondition Exception Path

crimeReport Essential Menu selection The Ocfm must be connected to the Internet. 1. The Ocfm clicks on crimeReport. 2. The Host Server returns a form. 3. The Ocfm fills in the form and clicks submit. N/A A record is created in the Criminal Record Table of the Criminal Record Database. 1. If the connection is terminated before the form is submitted, the fields are cleared and the Host Server is returned to the wait state. 2. If the connection is terminated after the form is submitted, but before the Ocfm is returned to the CIS Ocfmni Home Page, the record is created in the Ocfmni Table of the Ocfmni Database. SRS 2.3.3

Other Reference:




3.2.4 Admin Registration Use Case Name: Priority Trigger Precondition Basic Path

Alternate Path

adminRegistration Essential Menu selection The Ocfm must be connected to the Internet. 1. The Ocfm clicks on adminRegistration. 2. The Host Server returns a form. 3. The Host Server queries the Criminal Record Database for that particular person and returns a table of all users that are present in a form with radio buttons and requesting their password. 4. If the password does not match the Host Server returns a message and allows the Ocfm to try again. 5. If after 3 tries the password does not match, the Host Server will return a message telling the Ocfm to contact the admin receive their password. 6. If the password matches go to 8. 7. The Host Server returns a form with the data for that Ocfm in it and a message to update the data they wish and click submit. 8. The Host Server with replaces the old data with the new data and returns the Ocfm to the Criminal Record Home Page. If after three attempts to match the name and password the Host Server will return a message and block the Ocfm from the update


09/13/11 section. The record in the Criminal record Table of the Criminal Record Database has been updated and the Ocfm is returned to the Criminal Record Home Page. 1. If the connection is terminated before the form is submitted, the fields are cleared and the Host Server is returned to the wait state. SRS 2.3.4


Exception Path

Other Reference: 3.2.5. Search for an Criminal Record Use Case Name: Priority Trigger Precondition Basic Path

Alternate Path Postcondition

Exception Path

Search for an Criminal Record If time permits. Menu selection The Ocfm is connected to the Internet and on the Criminal Record Home Page. 1. The Ocfm clicks on e-mail a Criminal Record link. 2. The Host Server returns a form. 3. The Ocfm fills in the form and clicks submit. 4. The Host Server checks to see if any required fields are empty. 5. If any required fields are empty the Host Server returns a message and the form. 6. If none of the required fields are empty the Host Server queries the Criminal Record Database for the requested Ocfms entry. 7. The Host Server returns the non-private information on the requested Ocfm and a message stating if the requested Ocfm will accept e-mails. N/A The Ocfm receives the information on the requested Ocfm, receives e-mail confirmation message, or is returned to the Criminal Record Home Page 1. If the connection is terminated before the information is returned, the Host Server is returned to the wait state. 2. If the connection is terminated after the



09/13/11 information is returned, the Host Server is returned to the wait state

Other Reference:

SRS 2.3.5

3.3. Detailed non-functional requirements

Attribute Name LastName*# FirstName*# MaidenName*# Address1*# Address2# City*# State*# Zip*# Year*# AdditionalDegrees# Spouse# Children# CurrentEmployment# EmailAddress# ReceiveEmails#^ Password*# EntireRecordVisible*^

Attribute Type String String String String String String String Int Int String String String String String Boolean String Boolean

Attribute Size 30 30 30 50 50 30 2 6 4 50 30 50 50 20 1 10 1

Fields marked with an * are required fields. Fields marked with a # can be visible or not visible and is determined by the OCFM. Fields marked with a ^ are never visible to anyone other than the OCFM. Hardware: Operation System Internet Connection Host Server Window 98 or above Existing telephone lines

SRS Code Standard

09/13/11 The web pages will be coded in html by using Front Page. The forms will be done in Java Server Pages. The connection to the Database will be done with Windows BDE. Each page of the web site will be fully documented. The system should generate the records in the appropriate table of the Database 100% of the time.


Performance Requirement This project is able to perform in 24x7 environments. The response time is very quick so the customer will never frustrate while using the Online Criminal File Management site. Hardware and Software Specification
3.5.1 Hardware Specification Processor RAM Hard disk FDD Monitor Mouse CD Drive Keyboard : : : : : : : : Pentium III/AMD Athlone XP 128 MB 20 GB 1.44MB 14 inch 3 Button scroll 52 X 108 keys

3.5.2 Software Specification

Operating System Languages Front End Platform Web Servers Backend Browser Program

: : : : : : :

Windows 2000/xp java 2(EJB2.0, JDBC, JSP, Servlet, Java Mail) HTML, JavaScript J2EE Web Logic8.1/Tomcat 5.0 My SQL Internet explorer/Mozilla Fireworks





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