Trondheim - Workshop2011 Aree Progetto

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TRONDHEIM waterfront

International workshop:

Water cities. Trondheim and Ancona

Aree oggetto di indagine: 1. Brattra: landfill area (earliest from ca 1870ies) for railway/harbour/cargo terminal functions, will be connected to the city centre in 2012 with a new elevated passage crossing the railway area. The perimeter of the area is in full development with: "Rockheim" national museum for popular music/new terminal for high-speed ferries/office. The core area, at the present occupied by the cargo terminal, is not yet planned, but will in short time (10-15 years) be developed. Links for BRATTRA: Homepage for all developers at Brattra (only Norwegian, but with background info and illustrations, maps and photos) Homepage for one of the developers at Brattra (only Norwegian unfortunately, and not very detailed info)

Newspaper article with a nice 3D movie showing the development at Brattra in 2015 and the relation to the city and landscape


Nyhavna: mostly landfill from ca World war II, today a variety of cargo
operators, has two spectacular submarine bunkers from WWII's "Atlantic Wall" project (the most complete bunker has a twin at the French coast). At the city side: an alternative community established by former punkers and house occupants, now a part of the city's urban development policy. The area also connects with with the completed waterfront development at "Nedre Elvehavn" in the direction of the city centre towards south. To noth-east it connects with a mix of earlier industrial area (now in transformation), housing and natural recreation areas. Nyhavna was one of the Norwegian sites for Europan 10.

Links for NYHAVNA: download the analysis of the area, click "hefte" EUROPAN 10: program and entries for Nyhavna The Municipality of Trondheim has produced a "plan program" giving directions for the urban development. A lot of background info, photos and maps. Click on "planprogram" for download. All Norwegian unfortunately.

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