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Mechanics: 1. This game composed of players in a team with at least 6-8 players. Each group should have the following: an eggplant, yarn, crumple paper. 2. The player should tie the eggplant around his waist, then the crumple paper is constantly on the floor. 3. The bottom line he/ she using the eggplant to move the coin also going to the bottom line. When he reaches the bottom line, then this is the time he immediately run towards his/her group and he will pass this to the second player. 4. Then same thing will do by the second player until all players done. The first team who could accomplish will be the winner.

PROCESSING IDEAS It tells how much you trusted your partner at the start. It tells how much you trusted your partner at the end. It formulates ingredients that are needed when trusting and working with someone else.


Submitted by: Leader: Egelyn Coniconde

Members: Mia Colony Aviles Rizza Mae Jane Nisnea Freda Feriol Celmar Bernalte Princess Esa Sobejana Sheila Mae Sevilla Jean Rose Valles

Submitted to: Mrs. Marilyn Guinto

September 2, 2011

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