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The New Biggest Risk of All – DEFLATION

September 29, 2008 Newsletter

Welcome back, my friends, to the show that also by a decrease in government,

never ends. personal or investment spending. The
We're so glad you could attend. opposite of inflation, deflation has the side
Come inside! Come inside! effect of increased unemployment since
There, behind a glass, is a real blade of grass there is a lower level of demand in the
be careful as you pass.
Move along! Move along!
economy, which can lead to an economic
Cold and misty morning, I heard a warning
borne in the air So how do we deal with deflation?
About an age of power where no one had an From the Federal Reserve’s website, their four
hour to spare, main goals are outlined below:
Where the seeds have withered, silent children
shivered, in the cold • Conducting the nation's monetary policy
Now their faces captured in the lenses of the by influencing money and credit
jackals for gold. conditions in the economy in pursuit of
Karn Evil 9—Emerson, Lake and Palmer—from the full employment and stable prices.
album Brain Salad Surgery. • Supervising and regulating banking
institutions to ensure the safety and
My Biggest Fear soundness of the nation's banking and
Without question, my biggest fear since the financial system and to protect the credit
Credit Crisis began, even while watching the rights of consumers. .
events that led up to it—the absurd levels of
debt on every front, the creation of esoteric • Maintaining the stability of the financial
instruments based on bad debt—has been system and containing systemic risk that
what would happen once the Credit Crisis may arise in financial markets.
unfolded. That fear was deflation; something • Providing certain financial services to
that I sense is now upon us. the U.S. government, to the public, to
You may not be familiar with deflation since it financial institutions, and to foreign
hasn’t been seen in this country since the official institutions, including playing a
1930’s. So in case you are not familiar, I have major role in operating the nation's
provided a definition below. I believe the payments systems.
deflation situation that we are facing today in
our nation is clearly defined by Investopedia: From the European Central Banks website,
Deflation: A general decline in prices, often their primary goal is outlined below:
caused by a reduction in the supply of
money or credit. Deflation can be caused

1560 Orange Avenue, Suite 150 Winter Park, Florida 32789 P: 407-998-8788 | F: 407-998-8790
© 2008 Atlantic Advisors, LLC All Rights Reserved
• The primary objective of the ECB’s When you think about it, it is not terribly difficult
monetary policy is to maintain price to understand how we got into this mess. Too
stability. The ECB aims at inflation rates much debt, notably low quality debt, was
of below, but close to, 2% over the created at every level; Government, consumer,
medium term. corporate, etc. Then, this debt was levered up
at the suggestion of the SEC and then carved
So there we have it. The Fed and ECB’s goal up into esoteric investments that were
is to ensure a safe system with price stability. scattered about the globe in a nearly insidious
Nowhere in either of the Central Bank manner. We are simply now living through the
statements does it say that a goal should be to painful unwind of debt creation, that is to say
avoid price and asset erosion. we are living through debt destruction, which is
just a nasty version of deflation.
This is my greatest fear of all and one that is
playing out in real time. In sum, I believe that Note that on the chart below no matter how
deflation is either already upon us or is right hard the Fed and ECB try to pump money into
around the corner. And from my perch, our fragile financial system, the rate of growth
deflation is a far worse outcome than inflation of ‘reconstituted M3’ (courtesy of
in that inflation can be contained while deflation is decelerating
is not easily contained. Just ask the Japanese. sharply. This is at a time when the system is
starving for liquidity. Banks, brokers and
Where is Deflation rearing its Ugly Head? consumers are in dire need of liquidity to solve
their levered mess. But just as you can ‘lead a
Where is deflation rearing its ugly head? Well, horse to water but can’t make him drink’, you
pretty much everywhere. Every place I turn, can try to force liquidity into the banking
whether it be money supply, real estate prices, system, but you cannot force banks to lend.
equity prices, debt prices, loan creation,
commodity prices (except gold), consumer
confidence, I see deflation.

1560 Orange Avenue, Suite 150 Winter Park, Florida 32789 P: 407-998-8788 | F: 407-998-8790
© 2008 Atlantic Advisors, LLC All Rights Reserved
In order for banks to lend, they must first have rates, resulting in high delinquency/default
solid balance sheets and be able to finance rates. Due to their poor lending habits, lousy
their operations at a rate low enough that they balance sheet and lack of leadership,
can then lend at a profit. When we consider Wachovia likely needs upwards of $20 billion of
why lending has come to a near stand-still, we capital just to remain solvent, but how does
must realize why this is so. In my opinion, the one raise $20 billion at 25-45% and expect to
majority of financial institutions have been make money? Clearly a rhetorical question if
virtually shut out of the financial markets as there ever was one.
confidence levels have shrunken to near zero.
When I wrote my piece entitled Dead Men The problem, of course, is that Wachovia isn’t
Walking, I wrote that there was a ‘recipe’ for alone in this sinking boat. National City,
bank failures. This is not an exercise in chest- KeyCorp, Firth Third, Regions, Morgan
beating, but many of the names I mentioned Stanley, Sovereign, and many others are in the
are now gone (Fannie, Freddie, Washington same boat. So if you are one of these
Mutual, AIG, LEH) and surely there are many unfortunate institutions, what do you do if you
more to follow. cannot get access to capital? You either

Sadly, If I had to re-write that piece today I a) Fail or are forced into the hands of a
could likely come up with north of 25 public stronger institution (like WaMu was
companies in the financial space alone that given to JP Morgan on Friday),
have the recipe for failure. The recipe, as I see
it, is that your balance sheet is impaired from b) shrink your balance sheet,
poor loans and ownership of esoteric securities
that are constantly re-priced lower which c) sell common equity to a vulture
results in write-downs/write-offs. This places investor, forever diluting your existing
you in a position that you either need an equity shareholders or
infusion or need to raise capital in the public or
private markets, which in theory, sounds d) declare bankruptcy.
great—all the way until you find out that the
current cost of capital is so high that it is un- No matter which you choose, all options are
economic to do so. deflationary in nature.

For instance, Wachovia, a behemoth with Think about just how deflationary all of this has
nearly $1/2 trillion of deposits finds itself in a become. Just looking at Wachovia for a
rather precarious situation. Their 2 year debt moment, we can see that there are many
trades in the 45% yield to maturity area, their deflationary signs:
‘hybrid’ preferred securities that were issued in
February 2008 at 100 (fixed-to-floating rate • Their equity is deflating.
perpetual preferred stock) trades at 22 cents • Their debt is deflating.
on the dollar or 38% yield and their 8% • Their balance sheet must shrink.
preferred shares that were issued just last • If they are forced into the arms of a
December at $25 per share trade at $6 or a suitor, we will experience the concept of
28% yield. Their common shares change ‘1+1=1 ½’ (if Wachovia and the suitor
hands at $9, down from $60 last year. both have extended lines of credit to the
Wachovia is the largest issuer of option ARM’s, same institution, some of that exposure
or adjustable rate securities that had low must shrink in size).
‘teaser rates’ that will ‘explode’ to much higher

1560 Orange Avenue, Suite 150 Winter Park, Florida 32789 P: 407-998-8788 | F: 407-998-8790
© 2008 Atlantic Advisors, LLC All Rights Reserved
• Layoffs will ensue, raising the they are in default. Many of these investors are
unemployment rate. large insurance companies that buy long-term
• Laid off employees will have less ability bonds to match up their assets and liabilities.
to consume and service debt. As the bonds collapse in price or become
insolvent, the bonds become impaired assets
All of this is highly deflationary. Even more and begin to affect their claims paying ability.
problematic is that it is not just present at This is why I believe the next area of concern
Wachovia and is not confined to the US. It is a will fall squarely in the asset management firms
global problem and one that won’t go away and insurance companies.
very easily. No matter how much money the
Treasury, Fed, ECB and Congress throw at the And let’s not forget hedge funds that, despite
Crisis, the Crisis ends up winning. Simply put, being hedged, are getting hammered as well.
the Crisis is bigger than the system itself. As markets begin to freeze up and nearly
everyone is forced to de-lever simultaneously,
Who are the Losers in this Mess? we find asset prices falling yet further. Again,
all of this is highly deflationary and is
The sad answer to the question of who loses in global in nature.
a deflationary mess is pretty much everyone.
We have prepared ourselves and our investors This is specifically why we avoid leverage for
for this for many years and have avoided credit the most part as it is no fun to have a margin
risk and been void of equities for quite a while, clerk tap you on the shoulder and tell you to
but we may still feel the pain. As the credit sell something you would rather not sell. This
market implodes (and I am serious when I say is now occurring and it will not stop until
implodes—the credit market is now taking on the Fed, Treasury, ECB and other entities
that surreal ‘1-800-get-me-out’ feeling), think of stop intruding and intervening in our
who owns all of this debt. Retail investors markets. I, for one, am tired of the constant
around the country have been force-fed intrusion into what used to be a free market. I
preferred shares that now trade at a mere am tired of having Sunday’s become a work
fraction of their issue price. Fannie and Freddie day while we wait to see who will be merged
preferred shares trade near $0, so one can into whom. Making it illegal for me to express
only imagine how folks will feel when they open my views about a bank or insurance company
their brokerage statements in early October via a short sale is Socialistic and will simply
only to find their preferred shares they bought make the pain last longer. Handing $700 billion
last year at $25 are at $1… Or if they owned a of our money over to a bunch of fiscally
closed end bond fund that consists of irresponsible financial institutions is sickening. I
leveraged municipal bonds (municipals are have spent the better part of the last 10 years
getting destroyed as well lately), preferred trying to steer clear of the most complicated
stocks or equities. These prices also have financial mess ever created and what
been annihilated and I can only imagine how happens? I end up the proud owner of all of
little these folks will want to run out and buy a the garbage I stayed clear of, namely
new car, plasma TV or Blackberry. One can Fannie/Freddie/AIG and $700 billion of nuclear
see how this will now affect retailers, airlines, waste. And then I get to watch the long list of
restaurant chains and anyone else that executives at these institutions reward
provides all but the necessities. themselves with tens of millions of dollars!
What a country!
Other losers include fixed income investors
that thought they were prudently investing Who else is a seller of our paper? Foreigners.
funds in ‘high grade corporates’ like all of those Each month, we are told how many assets are
that are now either in default or trading as if being purchased or sold by foreign institutions,
1560 Orange Avenue, Suite 150 Winter Park, Florida 32789 P: 407-998-8788 | F: 407-998-8790
© 2008 Atlantic Advisors, LLC All Rights Reserved
mainly Foreign Central Banks. As I stated Treasuries and Corporates. The trends are
earlier, this is not just a problem in the US, it is rather obvious. The risk aversion trade is on,
global in nature, so the foreign investors need so now not only do we have forced domestic
to sell as well. Below you will find three charts sellers, we have company in foreign
that show the 3, 6, and 12 month trailing institutions.
cumulative totals of foreigners in Equities,

3 Month Trailing Cumulative Foreign Purchases

1560 Orange Avenue, Suite 150 Winter Park, Florida 32789 P: 407-998-8788 | F: 407-998-8790
© 2008 Atlantic Advisors, LLC All Rights Reserved
6 Month Trailing Cumulative Foreign Purchases

12 Month Trailing Cumulative Foreign Purchases

1560 Orange Avenue, Suite 150 Winter Park, Florida 32789 P: 407-998-8788 | F: 407-998-8790
© 2008 Atlantic Advisors, LLC All Rights Reserved
How else do we know that deflation is upon term credit dries up. And it is drying up in a
us? There is considerable shrinkage in the hurry. This is also highly deflationary.
commercial paper markets as demand for short

Copyright 2008 Bloomberg L.P.

Yet another sign of stress and deflation is the Bill market, where yields are approaching 0. In
nearly non-functioning Treasury Bill market. one extreme transaction last week, Treasury
Since we are seeing money market funds Bills trades above par, or in other worse, a
‘break the buck’ and liquidated, the money has negative yield. Yep, more deflation. I saved a
to make its way somewhere. And in this picture of the Treasury Bill screen from that
instance, it is finding its way into the Treasury day for ‘posterity’ and will share it below.

Treasury Bill Yield Screen Shot

1560 Orange Avenue, Suite 150 Winter Park, Florida 32789 P: 407-998-8788 | F: 407-998-8790
© 2008 Atlantic Advisors, LLC All Rights Reserved
Will Deflation Lead to Depression? shares, the convertible bond deal would likely
not get underwritten, potentially starving a
Let me just say that I hope not. What is company of financing. As we can see this
needed is for the Government to get out of morning, Wachovia shares are not down 60
the way and let the market be a market. The percent due to short selling—they are lower by
interventions/intrusions that have become so 60% because they are insolvent. I have no
commonplace and sickening need to end. problem with re-instituting the ‘up-tick rule’ that
Those of us that manage hedged portfolios was instituted in the 1930’s to avoid bear raids,
need to be allowed to hedge ourselves. It is a but short selling needs to be allowed in the
stabilizer, not a bad thing. marketplace, particularly when trillions of
dollars are committed to long/short hedge
Note how Wachovia, Nat City and others funds.
plunge even though short selling is banned.
This shows the market is differentiating To tell you just how much they have intruded,
between the good, bad and ugly. Let let me give you a couple of real-life examples
Darwinism back into the markets, let of what has happened as a result of the short
companies fail, let the system work it out. Will selling ban. A friend of mine, that happens to
this lead us into a very deep Recession? Of be an exceptionally talented long/short
course it can. But we can see that no matter manager called me while I was having dinner
how many intrusions we have all been forced at the Ryder Cup and said, ‘I had to shut down
to live with, the markets march relentlessly my business today, how on Earth can I run a
lower. I understand that the Authorities are long/short book when I can’t short things?’
simply trying to slow down the unwinding Another fellow said, ‘do I change my
process and let there be just a handful of good convertible arbitrage fund documents to say
banks left at the end, this will likely take place that I can no longer run the fund as designed?’
anyway as poorly run companies fail. My sense When I asked an options trader if I could do a
is that the more they intervene/intrude, the particular options trade (a put option strike roll,
greater chance for a Depression, and to be where you sell one put option you own and
brutally honest, I would rather not see that simultaneously buy another put with a different
happen to what used to be a great country. It strike price), he advised me to call my lawyer,
can be great again… if they just let it alone. as no one understands the rules well enough
Short selling is an important dynamic in our
business. Not only do short sellers provide Then, something completely surreal showed up
liquidity to buyers, but it is part of the on my Bloomberg screen yesterday - an index
Democratic process that allows investors and created by Bloomberg that tracks the
traders to cast their negative vote against performance of the ‘do not short list’. On this
companies that they feel spot poor list are companies like Zale’s, CVS Drugstores,
fundamentals. Think of it this way—If Wal-Mart, Sears Department Stores, Amerigroup, Atlas
Pfizer or Johnson&Johnson were under ‘attack’ Pipelines, Atlas Energy Pipelines, and 10 other
by short sellers, would their shares buckle? Not non-financial companies, with a total of 964
likely. Shares of Lehman, etc didn’t fail due to companies now being in the list. What was
short selling, in my opinion, rather, they failed originally supposed to be a list of important
due to poor management and levered balance financial institutions that needed protection
sheets. Shorts also serve a purpose in the turned into a muddled collection of companies
convertible arbitrage market—after all, if shorts with good lobbyists. I thought initially that it was
could not sell short their underlying common a joke but, alas, it is the real deal… and it
1560 Orange Avenue, Suite 150 Winter Park, Florida 32789 P: 407-998-8788 | F: 407-998-8790
© 2008 Atlantic Advisors, LLC All Rights Reserved
makes me ill that it even exists. It is yet another weak shorts out of the market, only to make it
failed intervention that will just squeeze a few worse later on.

Bloomberg Do Not Short Index

Copyright 2008 Bloomberg, LP

This will all pass, and I think that the
Note how there were 412 stocks up, 524 interventions and intrusions will soon come to
stocks down and 26 unchanged in this index an end (the only card they have to play, I think,
while the Dow was up 120 points on Friday.
And oh by the way, the four worst losers in the is to directly hand our cash to the banks to
index were, you guessed it, financials— shore up their balance sheets).
Wachovia, GE, ING and RBS.
What concerns me most is the fact that we find
Another thing that happened at our trading ourselves in a situation where all the major
desk that was unusual is that as I was tracking brokers have failed, been merged into
the spread widening in Wachovia and Morgan depositories or, in the case of Goldman Sachs,
Stanley, I instinctively picked up the phone to converted into banks. On top of this, many
call my prime broker to borrow shares to short, banks have now bitten the bullet and many
then stopped and yelled out to my partners, more are likely to follow suit; these will likely be
‘Oh that’s right! I am not allowed to short them!’ regional banks and community banks. But
I then saw Wachovia get carved in half in a few consider this—not only is the financial system
hours time and watched in dismay as the impaired but the Federal Reserve is impaired
homework I did would have, in a free market, and the Treasury is likely next in line for
made money for my investors. Instead I had to impairment. When I think of the AIG bailout by
sit by and just watch. the Fed, it really was an ‘end around’ where
the Treasury bailed them out. Paulsen clearly
couldn’t make it seem like he was playing
1560 Orange Avenue, Suite 150 Winter Park, Florida 32789 P: 407-998-8788 | F: 407-998-8790
© 2008 Atlantic Advisors, LLC All Rights Reserved
favorites by letting Lehman go under and bail owner is of AIG equity in the screen below—
out AIG, so they lent money to the Fed to bail The United States Government. More
out AIG. Just take a look at who the largest Socialism.

List of AIG Common Stockholders

Copyright 2008 Bloomberg, LP

There is a saying about losing your job—‘it is claims, continuing unemployment claims and
recession when your neighbor loses his job the unemployment rate, it points towards, at
and a depression when you lose yours’. best, a deep Recession and possibly worse. I
Considering the trend in initial unemployment happen to think this will engulf the Euro-Zone
as well, as their symptoms are not terribly
different from ours.

1560 Orange Avenue, Suite 150 Winter Park, Florida 32789 P: 407-998-8788 | F: 407-998-8790
© 2008 Atlantic Advisors, LLC All Rights Reserved
Weekly Initial Unemployment

Continuing Unemployment Claims (those currently receiving benefits)

Copyright 2008 Bloomberg, LP

1560 Orange Avenue, Suite 150 Winter Park, Florida 32789 P: 407-998-8788 | F: 407-998-8790
© 2008 Atlantic Advisors, LLC All Rights Reserved
The US Unemployment Rate

Copyright 2008 Bloomberg, LP

Another place that deflation is rearing its ugly seems to come into play as oil spikes into the
head is in commodities. Oil seems to have $130-140 range. One commodity that may
peaked but is likely going to be restrained in a buck the trend is gold, but I have to confess to
trading range from $75-$125. I come to this being anything but a commodities expert.
conclusion by knowing that production has Since gold does not pay a dividend or interest
peaked and stayed at roughly 85 million barrels and becasue I can buy riskless Ginnie Mae
per day at a time when emerging markets will pools at 6% yields, I would rather park my
soon have an unending demand for oil. On the money there. But, gun to head, I would most
other side of the coin, demand destruction definitely own gold if I had to make the choice.

The RJ/CRB Commodity Price Index (in logarithmic terms)

Copyright 2008 Bloomberg, LP

1560 Orange Avenue, Suite 150 Winter Park, Florida 32789 P: 407-998-8788 | F: 407-998-8790
© 2008 Atlantic Advisors, LLC All Rights Reserved
Summary—Will Hyperinflation Follow So, welcome to the world of deflation. The
Deflation? bullet points above seem to coincide with the
definition of deflation at the beginning of this
It seems like a foregone conclusion that piece.
deflationary pressures are now squarely upon
us. Prices are falling in asset classes across Will we see hyper-inflation after deflation, as is
the board and the economy is beginning to the norm? I have not yet made my decision on
contract as shown in the list below: this subject as we are not alone in this mess.
When countries have isolated bouts of
• Stock prices around the globe are falling. deflation, they usually have to inflate their way
• Credit spreads are blowing out around the out of it. Perhaps we will, perhaps we will not.
globe (lower prices). Or perhaps there will be global hyper-inflation.
• Commodity prices are falling.
• The economy is contracting. At any rate, risks remain high. Perhaps the
• Unemployment is surging and is likely to highest in my career. Can the market bounce
continue to surge. on some bailout news? Of course it can, but
• The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet is we will continue to use all rallies as selling
impaired. opportunities. We remain void of credit risk
• Real estate prices continue to fall. (although Goldman Sachs debt in the +10%
• Business spending is declining. area intrigues me) and void of equities from the
• Commercial paper outstanding is dropping. long side. We continue to look for a rough 2009
• Money market funds are ‘breaking the buck’. and will likely get short again should the
• Treasury bill rates are near 0. Socialistic short selling ban be removed.
• The TED spread (LIBOR – T Bill rates) is at
sickening levels. Position in FITB, FITB options.
• Counter party risk has never been higher.
Bennet Sedacca,
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