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ABSTRACT:In this project we determine voltage regulation and A,B,C,D parameters of long transmission line(t-model).

So,it is the determination of electrical parameters of transmission line.for which voltage regulation is minimum and AD-BC=1 is verified.

INTRODUCTION:Transmission lines are divided into three categories depending upon their lengths1) Short Transmission Line(line lengths upto 80km). 2)Medium Transmission Line(line lengts from 80 km to 160 km). 3)Long Transmission Line(bove 160 km). For Short Transmission Lines the parameters could be assumed to be lumped and the effect of shunt capacitance is neglected. For medium transmission line the shunt capacitancce can be assumed to be lumped at the middle of line or half of the shunt capacitance may be considered to be lumped at each end of line. for long transmission line the parameters are distributed and rigorous calculations are required.

BRIEF THEORY:For calculation purpose long transmission lines can be analysed using nominal pi-representation or t-representation. Here considering t- model of long transmission line. sending end voltage = Vs=(1+YZ/2)Vr +Z(1+YZ/4)Ir sending end current = Is=YVr + (1+YZ/2)Ir here Vr = recieving end voltage at full load . Ir = recieving end current. A=D=cosh yl B= Zc sinh yl C= sinh yl/Zc here y = (yz)^1/2 Y= shunt admittance of transmission line Z= series impedance of transmission line Zc = (z/y)^1/2 = characteristic impedance Vltage Regulation =( Recieving end voltage at no load - Vr)/Vr*100

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