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For The Uncompromising Christian INSIDE THIS ISSUE:

A True Proverbs 31 Woman 2

Volume 1, Issue 6 September 10, 2011


Virtuous women of God are not developed overnight. They have experienced various seasons that have shaped, molded and formed their lives into the mighty women they are; women of integrity and character. EMPOWERED sat down with Ethlyn O. Farrell, a true Proverbs 31 Woman to discuss some of the pivotal choices that have shaped her life. EMPOWERED- When and where did you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? E. Farrell I accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior January 1, 1987 at St. Thomas Assembly of God Church during a New Years Eve service. At that time I was 25, married to a man who I would later find out was a drug addict who was abusive in every way and needed to control everything. I was also opening my first salon in a building that his family owned, so the torment was at an all time high. I was tired and had basically tried a lot so decided why not give God a try. I remember that night the Pastor gave the invitation for salvation twice but I did not move, until someone behind me said You should go for what you came here for you are going to need it. I looked behind me but no one was there. I needed no more prompting. I got what I came there for and it has been a great adventure. EMPOWERED- When did you realize God has a unique assignment and call on your life? E. Farrell - The reality of a calling and assignment came to me ten years later when my life had some form of order and normalcy. During those years life was a time of great challenges and changes. During the five years of abuse, I should have been destroyed but I learned to pray effectively and asked God for wisdom. I got delivered and experienced the healing power of God for my broken heart, even my entire life. My hope, faith and love were restored. EMPOWERED- Did you immediately move into your assigned calling? E. FARRELL- No, I did not. God does not waste anything. In those years of abuse, God used the time that I called wasted to teach me to pray His word and prepare me to

Now That Your In

Self Image Begins With Jesus You Are More Than Enough Thoughts Create Your World A True Proverbs 31 Woman Verse of the Month

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October 6th-10th

be a blessing to others who find themselves in similar circumstances. God and His word became my life raft. EMPOWERED- What are some of the distractions that you encountered along the way? E. FARRELL-The distraction I experienced was mainly a marriage that was hell on earth that impacted every area of my life. Freedom came by my learn-

Ethlyn O. Farrell see more on pg.-2

Christian Ministries and walking in it. The Word of God brought the liberty to my life that He promised. EMPOWERED The Bible teaches us that the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy and some of the

things include our time, opportunities and resources. Have you experienced theft from the enemy? E. Farrell Yes and no. God is a redeemer of time and even the time we think is wasted God uses it for our good. The Bible states That God causes all things to work together for good

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Volume 1, Issue 6

A True Proverbs 31 Woman contd

I because we love God and are called according to His purpose. Opportunities I had a time when I believe that God told me to pray for a woman for healing of endometriosis. When I asked her about it she said she did not have a problem, but God knows everything. After a few months of trying to get pregnant the same person told me she had endometriosis. I asked God for another opportunity to pray for her and I got it. She now has a four year old daughter. EMPOWERED- Many people know you as a prayer warrior, intercessor, evangelist, business woman, teacher and of course wife and mother. Also, you are finalizing your first book and I know you just renovated your salon. How do you manage all these roles and find time to do so many things? E. FarrellWhen I think about these roles , though they are different they thrive and develop within each other. As females there are many images, roles or patterns that we are expected to live up to but as a believer we have to remember to fit into the role of God in Christ Jesus. My newest role is the role of a mother and I am learning and adjusting as I go. This role, like that of a wife, is primarily taking care of someone and being a loving and caring individual. My husband of 15 years, has allowed me to be who God has designed and created me to be and for this I am grateful. The business woman, evangelist, teacher, intercessor and prayer warrior takes discipline, determination and dedication. God equips us for the assignments He has planned or ordained for us. The best wisdom that I can share about time is that you must create a balance between work, relaxation and recreation. Like Jesus you must know when to come aside to rest and be refreshed. In Gods timing even when we are busy there is peace. EMPOWERED- Many people intertwine a prayer warrior and intercessor, what is the difference between the two? What is your personal definition? E. FARRELL- A prayer warrior and intercessor is a person who prays primarily for others. In my view a prayer warrior and intercessor is one in the same. It is a matter of knowing when to pray and how.
More on pg. 4

Sometimes God desires our Complete attention Why not give it to Him


Who doesnt like to be on the IN? You knowin love, in partnership, in the money, in sync, in the know, in fashion, in that dream home, in your dream job. IN is a powerful word which describes the place of something. IN also describes the condition of something or the condition that somebody is experiencing. There are times when we experience the other side of IN. Have you recently been in pain, in line, in debt or in fear? Have you felt out of place or out of touch? Do you know that JESUS created a

Many of us have wonderful relationships, wonderful careers, wonderful families and wonderful experiences. We should treasure all of these gifts. We must also recognize that every good and perfect gift comes from above, from the Father in Heaven. If you are feeling low or in the dumps you need to know that IN Him, in Jesus Christ, your entire world changes. Not only does Jesus want you to accept him as Lord and

place just for you? Do you know that He also created an environment that will cause you to always succeed and be on the IN? More

importantly, do you know that He will never reject you? Do you know that he already knows all of your flaws and weaknesses and still has a marvelous plan for you? Do you know that He wants to be IN relationship with you?

Savior, He wants you IN Him. What does that mean? It means spending time talking to God about everything and listening to His advice. It means not only reading but daily studying His word and gaining His wisdom and revelation knowledge.

Benefits of Being In Him

Women's Retreat October 6th-10th-2011 Register Today 340-690-8954 340-690-

It absolutely is a must. IN Him also means trusting that He wants the best for you and has the best for you Faith. Lastly, it means knowing that He keeps His word Trust

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace (Eph 1:7) For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. (2 Cor 1:20) Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him (Prov 30:5) In Him was life, and the life was the light of men (John 1:4 NKJV) The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him (Nahum 1:7)


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When I think about how much God loves us, I get all warm inside. It brings an instant smile to my face. There was a time I didnt know how deep His love was for me or for this world. (John 3:16.) You see, when you have experienced rejection time and time again you build up a distrust towards people. You dont trust easy and you remain guarded. But I found out that no one, not even psychiatrists or psychologists can construct a persons self -image like God can. He can and will remove your unhappy past, your pain, and your isolation and distrust from rejection and create in you a heart to love again. He will give you a heart to love as He loves. Rejection nearly killed the life and hope in me. The rejection that I experienced came mostly from women; for years I created a protective shield around me. I had determined within myself that I was not going to be hurt or let down anymore. The way I chose to protect myself was to avoid close friendships or relationships especially with women (regardless if they were family.) There is a saying that goes, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. That statement is a lie from the pit of hell. Words do hurt. My first memory of being hurt by words was when the niece of my parents housekeeper told me I was adopted at my elementary schools playground. It was a searing pain that over years turned into a dull ache that stayed with me until I came in contact with Jesus Christ. Since Jesus touched my heart Ive never been that nave, cant make a decision, sensitive, weak-spoken Lita of the past. My transformation began the moment I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of my life and continues until my work is done here on earth.

More than Enough Contd.

I found Him to be the only true source of life. Jesus says, I am I am in Christ I am a new the way, the truth and the life creation; behold all things John 14:6 are new - Greater is He
The more I studied His Word and the more I spent time with Him, the more He poured His love, wisdom, strength, peace and joy into my life.

Now erase the negativity by declaring the following:

on the inside that he who is in the world - With God all things are possible I am an ambassadors for Christbecoming the righteousness of him.

Ambassadors keep your head up and your mouth open in total agreement YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH Remember .. ALLYN TORRES You are a necessary reprefound yourself repeating what Enough! Enough simply means If you are like me there are days sentative in the kingdom when you just dont consider your- the devil and negative people as much as is necessary. Necesof God! say about you? Thats because sary means essential, needed, self a likely representative for
Christ. But if we ever are to prosper and grow in our ambassadorship for God we need to begin each day with a renewed mind, total belief and respect for who God says we are. He says in His word that when doubts fill our mind, His comfort will give us renewed hope and cheer. (Paraphrased Psalm 94:19 NLT) How many times have you we allowed their venom to poison our thoughts. We waste so much precious time thinking that we dont measure up to Gods standard however, the apostle John declares He had no need that anyone testify of man for he knew what was in man (John 2:25) Allow me to encourage you You are and indispensable to the Kingdom. So, whenever we are tempted to buy into the lie that says we cant represent our Lord remember it was God who created us, we will never surprise Him with our faults. So lets say what God says about us knowing full well that we are more than conquerors and more than enough! Meet Minister Torres Oct 6 -11 at the Women's Retreat

Having a self-image that begins with believing in Jesus Christ is the best foundation you can have to build a prosperous and confident woman of God!

Thoughts The Picture That Creates Your World

Have you ever notice that as soon as your feet hit the ground and sometimes before your body is upright that your thoughts are in motion. If you allow it your mind will run like a runaway train. The enemys primary way and place of attack is through our thoughts and mind. We normally believe thoughts that come to our mind originate from us. Not so! The Bible states in 2 Cor 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the puling down of strongholds; Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalt it self against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. This battle in the mind is set up to steal everything that rightfully belongs to you. If the enemy can pervert your thoughts you fall into his plan of destruction. The Bible states, That as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Proverbs 23:7. Thoughts establish who we are and how we see, think and feel about ourselves. This

Ethlyn O. Farrell
is why we are encouraged to renew our minds. By doing this we start to see ourselves as God sees us, and create in us the real image God created us to be. This process begins the transformation that God has planned for your life. Realize that you can control what you think about. Therefore, purpose to think on the things that you desire and picture yourself having them. Focus your thoughts on your goals and life objectives. Think pleasant, positive thoughts. Take control of what you think on. Remember the pictures in your mind create your world and total outlook on life.

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7260 Sea Cliff Villas Unit - 54

A True Proverbs 31 Woman

that will launch the attendees into the end time harvest. God always has a plan to move in our lives in a magnificent way. EMPOWERED- God is truly using you for His Glory. What advice would you share with our readers about being open to the Lord ? E. FARRELL- My advice would be when you know God through his word, the plan he has for your life becomes clear and you trust that His plan is best for you according to Jeremiah 29:11. God promised to lead us by His Sprit, Romans 8:14. Being open to the Lord will bless your life, His kingdom, and bring glory to His name. EMPOWERED- Proverbs 31 states Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that feareth the Lord she shall be praised Thank you for sharing your story with Empowered. We applaud the work that you are doing to advance the Kingdom of God.

E. FARRELL contd from pg. 2 There is an arsenal of weapons for warfare. In Ephesians 6:10-18 theres armor for the believer to wear. St. Thomas, USVI 00802 Different types of prayer, our authority in Christ, and the blood of Jesus are all used in prayer. The intercesPhone: 340-777-2707 sor and prayer warrior must know what the battle is E-mail: and what is needed to handle the situation. The Holy Spirit leads and guides us in what to do so that we can be victorious. Prayer like most things the more you do it, the better you become. EMPOWERED-You often jokingly say that God stops whatever He is doing When Etty calls on Him: when did you realize you had a special gift of prayer? E. Farrell- As I became more proficient in prayer and I learned the word I realize that I had a special connection with God . The confidence of knowing God answers prayer and that he hears me when I call no matter what is going on. Also, I love to pray which is just talking to God. EMPOWERED- Dr. Cindy Trimm says that many of us pray amiss: what advice would you give to someone who wants to develop and perfect their prayer techCredits niques? Publisher E.FARRELL-My advice would be to take time to pray, Infinite Possibilities Inc. make it a habit, like anything else the more you do it the better we become. Study and read books about the different types of prayer. Learn and know your Executive Editor authority and rights as a believer know who you are in Michelle D. Mardenborough Christ. Find a prayer book that will teach you how to pray the word of God. In 1John 5:14 15 the Bible states, And this is the confidence that we have in Staff Writers him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he Ethlyn O. Farrell heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoMichelle Roberts ever we ask, we know that we have the petitions we desire of him. When we pray the word, we pray the will of God so we pray correctly not amiss. Featured Writers EMPOWERED- God recently gave you a vision for a Allyn Torres women's group entitled Woman to Woman tell our Lita Stokes readers a little about this ministry. E. FARRELL- Woman to Woman is a group where women are invited to talk about their challenges in Editorial Proofreader life and encouraged to search for answers or soluSatyn N. Geary tions in the word of God. We also have a what you hear stays here policy. With that policy women can be themselves, in other words naked and not ashamed. We also pray about these challenges and see God All Bible references are from King move in the lives of many. We also like to have an James Version unless otherwise noted opportunity to give into the lives of others which is a blessing to us and others. It is an amazing thing to be in the midst of a move from God. EMPOWERED- Proverbs 31:27 states "she looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness KJV. Your plate is absolutely full. Is there anything else on the horizon? E. FARRELL- Yes, there is an excitement within me as I Empowered is published bi-monthly by prepare to participate and minister at the Infinite PosInfinite Possibilities Inc. a non profit sibilities Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God 5013c organization. womens retreat. I sense in the spirit a move of God

Verse of the Month

Now then we are ...

ambassadors for Christ

as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 2 cor 5:20

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No matter where you are, no matter what your concerns prayer warriors are available twenty four hours, three hundred and sixty five days of the year to pray with you and for you!

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