August 22

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Hughesville Borough Council Minutes

August 22, 2011 - 7:00, PM

Council members and staff present Jeffery Berger, Andrew Mook, Curtis Michael, James Savage, Mary Burns, Mayor Walter Reed, Dolores Moyer and Dale Cahn The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Jeffery Berger followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guests and Visitors: Alyssa Murphy (Sun-Gazette) Richard Opp of Broad Street asked about parking restrictions and what makes a driveway a driveway. There is no curbing in front of his neighbors house but his neighbor insists he has a driveway. Benny Cooper (Industrial Petroleum Land-man) spoke about seismograph surveying. A hydraulic pad is used in the alleys; it vibrates about 15-20 seconds and determines what is under ground. Alleys will be measured about every 220 feet. Cooper said on occasion people will complain about the noise but has seen no damages resulting from the testing. Approve Agenda: August 22, 2011 Mook moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed. Approve Minutes: August 8, 2011 Michael moved, seconded by burns. Motion passed with the following change Deidra Duff was speaking of speed on alley roads; in particular surrounding the N. 2 nd St. area. Code Inspections, Inc.: Dan Reed property progress will be checked on.


EXCO Resources, LLC intension to purchase up to 250,000 gallons of water per day Comcast agreement for phones - tabled Actuarial Reports for Police and Non-uniform Pensions request copy

Committee Reports: WATER Smith/Mook FINANCE Michael/Burns STREETS Mook/Smith PERSONNEL Burns/Mook

PUBLIC SAFETY Michael/Savage PROPERTIES Savage/Smith

Mary Burns has been appointed to fill the committees previously occupied by Jillian Perry. * First name on each Committee serves as Chairman Adjournment: 8:00 PM Michael moved to go into close session to discuss finance and personnel; seconded by Mook. Council will not reconvene.

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