Cultural Promotion II

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Berlek Community cultural promotion initiatives

Cultural promotion and inter-cultural exchange 1. Public cultural promotion events. Nongovernment program activities. Activities Participation in o Festivals o Exhibitions. o Shows Public Info (PI) products o Production o Distribution Intercommunity joint initiatives Public shows Festivals Exhibitions Other cultural exchange programs o Youth cultural events o Joint intercultural parties o Other initiatives Berlek Toronto PI presentations o Production o Distribution Cultural arts, customs and traditions presentations at o Formal (official) public events in Toronto and GTA o Festivals and cultural events in other township communities o Other festivals and events participation Activities Classical native literature and language (classes, clubs, lectures, etc.) Folk (music, songs, dance, costumes, etc.) Arts, traditions and customs (crafts, holidays, cosine, Other activities Ancestry and Genealogy o Online community projects o Community presentations Community clubs/conferences o Ethnography ,History, Politics o Literature, Language, crafts, customs and traditions o Religion and believes Online web meetings (conferences) o With communities in Tatarstan and worldwide o Relatives, friends and neighbours o Officials and public organizations o Business communities o Media Special community events for seniors o Computer skills training program o other Volunteering. Personalized support and assistance

2. Intercommunity events/presentations

3. Government cultural diversity



Entire community initiatives Entire community events

5. Our background roots

6. Cultural events dedicated for seniors

Community Development Program 2011

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