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uLvlCLS/LLLMLn1S Lo help you undersLand your readlng

O Allegory a symbollc represenLaLlon le 1be blloJfolJeJ flqote wltb scoles
ls oo olleqoty of jostlce

O AlllLeraLlon Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhe lnlLlal consonanL 1here should be aL
leasL Lwo repeLlLlons ln a row le letet llpet plckeJ o peck of plckleJ

O Alluslon A reference Lo a famous person or evenL ln llfe or llLeraLure
le 5be ls os ptetty os tbe Mooo llso Cr Ch don'L be such a 8omeo!"

O Analogy Lhe comparlson of Lwo palrs whlch have Lhe same relaLlonshlp
le sboe ls to foot os tlte ls to wbeel

O AnasLrophe Also known as lnverslon lL ls a senLence or poeLlc
expresslon whlch reverses or changes Lhe order of words for greaLer
emphasls uneasy lles Lhe head LhaL wears a crown

O AnLlLhesls opposlLlon or conLrasL of ldeas or words ln a balanced or
parallel consLrucLlon Lxample 8ruLus noL LhaL l loved Caesar less buL
LhaL l loved 8ome more Shakespeare !ullus Caesar

O Aphorlsm ls a brlef saylng embodylng a moral a conclse sLaLemenL of a
prlnclple or precepL glven ln polnLed words Lxample
PlppocraLes Llfe ls shorL arL ls long opporLunlLy fleeLlng experlmenLlng
dangerous reasonlng dlfflculL
ope Some pralse aL mornlng whaL Lhey blame aL nlghL
Lmerson lmlLaLlon ls sulclde
lranklln LosL 1lme ls never found agaln

O Assonance Lhe repeLlLlon of slmllar vowel sounds ln a senLence

O caLharsls ln a llLerary seLLlng a release of negaLlve emoLlons LhaL prove
helpful Lo characLers or Lhe audlence 1hls can be confused wlLh Lhe ldea
of meLanola Whereas meLanola leads Lo a breakdown of a characLer and
heallng caLharsls may noL 1he deaLh of 8lchard lll ls caLharLlc for Lhe
audlence as well as Shakespeares oLher characLers

O Cllmax Lhe Lurnlng polnL of Lhe acLlon ln Lhe ploL of a play or sLory
1he cllmax represenLs Lhe polnL of greaLesL Lenslon ln Lhe work

O connoLaLlon 1he emoLlonal lmpllcaLlons and assoclaLlons LhaL words
may carry as dlsLlngulshed from Lhelr denoLaLlve meanlngs

O convenLlon An esLabllshed pracLlcewheLher ln Lechnlque sLyle

sLrucLure or sub[ecL maLLercommonly adopLed ln llLerary works by
cusLomary and lmpllclL agreemenL or precedenL raLher Lhan by
naLural necesslLy

O denoLaLlon 1he baslc dlcLlonary meanlng of a word as opposed Lo lLs

connoLaLlve meanlng

O dldacLlc A work deslgned Lo lmparL lnformaLlon advlce or some

docLrlne of morallLy or phllosophy

O dlscourse As a freesLandlng noun ('dlscourse as such) Lhe Lerm

denoLes language ln acLual use wlLhln lLs soclal and ldeologlcal
conLexLs and ln lnsLlLuLlonallzed represenLaLlons of Lhe world called
dlscurslve pracLlces LlLerary works may conLaln or make use of any
number of dlscourses LlLerary language may lLself be consldered a
klnd of dlscourse

O Luphemlsm Lhe subsLlLuLlon of an lnoffenslve Lerm (such as passed
away) for one consldered offenslvely expllclL (dled) Ad[ecLlve

O loreshadowlng hlnLs of whaL ls Lo come ln Lhe acLlon of

O Pyperbole a flgure of speech lnvolvlng exaggeraLlon

O lmage ls language LhaL evokes one or all of Lhe flve senses seelng
hearlng LasLlng smelllng Louchlng

O !uxLaposlLlon when one Lheme or ldea or person or whaLever ls
paralleled Lo anoLher

O MeLaphor A comparlson ln whlch one Lhlng ls sald Lo be anoLher le
1be cots eyes wete jewels qleomloq lo tbe Jotkoess

O MeLonymy lL ls an assoclaLlve subsLlLuLlon Lechnlque llke A press
conference by Lhe enLagon Pere enLagon refers Lo Lhe offlclals of Lhe
enLagon who wlll be holdlng Lhe press conference 1he Lngllsh grammar
permlLs Lhe use of a reference word ln place of Lhe acLual sub[ecL as long
as Lhe meanlng ls clear

O MoLlf A recurrenL LhemaLlc elemenL ln an arLlsLlc or llLerary work A
domlnanL Lheme or cenLral ldea

O CnomaLopoela Lhe use of words Lo lmlLaLe Lhe sounds Lhey descrlbe
le 1be botoloq wooJ ctockleJ ooJ blsseJ

O Cxymoron Lwo conLradlcLory words LogeLher le blttetsweet jombo
sbtlmp oct oototolly

O arallel consLrucLlon ln Lhls llLerary devlce Lhe ldea Lo be sLaLed ls
repeaLed ln some oLher form Lo emphaslze Lhe arLlculaLlon She crled
she wepL buL he was unmoved or Show me your sLrengLh your
sLamlna your energy only where lL ls needed are some expresslons of
parallel consLrucLlon

O ersonlflcaLlon human quallLles Lo anlmals or ob[ecLs le 1be JoffoJlls
ooJJeJ tbelt yellow beoJs

O olnL of vlew Lhe angle from whlch we see Lhlngs (Lhrough whose eyes?)

O llrsLperson Lhe narraLor ls a characLer ln Lhe sLory and refers Lo
hlmself uslng flrsLperson pronouns ( l me my mlne we our ours

O Secondperson uses Lhe word you

O 1hlrdperson (Lwo klnds) 1 LlmlLedLhlrd narraLor relaLes Lhe
lnnermosL LhoughLs and feellngs of only one characLer and Lells Lhe
sLory as seen Lhrough Lhe eyes of LhaL characLer (who may be blased)
2 CmnlsclenL (all knowlng) Lhe narraLor Lells Lhe LhoughLs feellngs
and acLlons of all Lhe characLers (omnlpoLenLall powerful
omnlpresenLeverywhere aL once)

O un lL ls an ldea or expresslon whlch has Lwo meanlngs lmplled aL
Lhe same Llme CulLe ofLen lL ls used Lo pass a wlLLy remark or brlng
abouL a sarcasLlc effecL Lxamples are l knead Lhe dough so LhaL l
can eaL learn Lhe arL of sllence such LhaL noLhlng ls lefL unsald
Lhere are Lhree Lypes of people 1he ones who can counL and Lhe
ones who canL

O SaLlre mlmlcry mockery a wlLLy remark or a rldlcule relaLed Lo a
person place anlmal or a Lhlng generally for lelsure and ls
compleLely wrong or absurd 1v shows llke SaLurday nlghL Llve or
movles llke 1he 1allor of anama are examples of saLlre

O Slmlle flgure of speech lnvolvlng a comparlson beLween unllke
Lhlngs uslng llke as or as Lhough le 5be flooteJ lo llke o clooJ

O Synecdoche 1he represenLaLlon of a whole aspecL by a parL or a parL
by Lhe whole ls called as synecdoche Lxample Pe has several
mouLhs Lo feed Pere mouLhs represenL people 1he hand LhaL rocks
Lhe cradle rules Lhe world Pere hand refers Lo Lhe moLhers ln

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