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Contributions of

Media to the
Learning Process

Roxan C. Bulaong
Contributions of Media to the Learning Process

It has actually taken a long time before educators began to accept and integrate
instructional media within the instructional programs. Recently, there has been
increasing evidence results take place when carefully designed, high quality
instructional media are used as an integral part of classroom instruction or as principal
means of direct instruction.

The outcomes often realized are:

1) The deliver y of instruction can be more standardized.

Each student seeing and hearing a media presentation receives more or less the
same message. Media serves to communicate the same information to all students as
the basis for further study, practice and application.

2) The instruction can be more interesting.

The attention-getting factor associated with instructional media keeps learners alert
during the learning process.

3) Learning becomes more interactive through applying accepted learning


Media design can see to it that the subject content can be organized and presented in
a manner that represents good instruction. Attention is also given to psychological
principles which can enhance learner participation, feedback and reinforcement.

4) The length of time required for instruction can be reduced.

Most media presentation requires a short time to transmit their message while
communicating large amount of information which can be more easily absorbed by the

5) The quality of learning can be improved.

Through careful integration of pictures and words, instructional media can

communicate elements of knowledge in a well-organized, specific, and clearly defined
manner. Learning reaches and acceptable competency level resulting from suitable
study effort on the part of the student and appropriate follow-up activities.

6) The instruction can be provided when and where desired or necessary.

Instructional media may be designed for individual use. In this manner, a student can
study at a time and place that is personally convenient.

7) The positive attitude of students toward what they are learning and to the
learning process itself can be enhanced.

Students generally prefer the use of media as a means of studying. This is due
to the motivational aspect and the contribution that media can make to a person’s
effective learning.

8) The role of the instruction can be appreciably changed in positive


The use of media is also advantageous for instructor:

a) Much of the burden for repeated explanation of content and

b) By not having to present as much information verbally, other

possible more important aspects of a subject can be given

c) The instructor can increase the opportunity for him to fulfill the
role of being a consultant and advisor to students.

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