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ATOA Scientific Technologies Engineering Simulation for Innovation

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ATOA Scientific Technologies (ATOAST) objective is to provide state of the art engineering simulation services. Our mission is to leverage cutting-edge research and developments in computer aided engineering, materials technology and scientific discoveries for practical and viable engineering product and process development for our clients through simulations. ATOAST provides engineering simulation services with a specialty on multiphysics, multiscale and multimaterials. The name, ATOA stands for bridging Atom to Applications. The Atom to molecule to compound to material to Application connectivity provides the depth for application design and performance prediction for unique benefit to our clients. The virtual engineering simulation services offered by ATOAST, helps our clients to reduce cycle time and cost for new product, process, material and system development. The preliminary design, process design, services and functionality design are investigated virtually for cost effective product development. This helps our clients to cut cost, develop reliable and innovative products, in time. ATOAST is promoted by industry experts with a cumulative experience of 100+ years with a passion for engineering simulation for innovation.

2010, ATOA Scientific Technologies, ATOAST TR 0002, Dated 15 Aug 2010, Page 2

Engineering Services
ATOA Scientific Technologies is growing as a leading multiphysics engineering simulations service provider. ATOAST leverages state of the art engineering simulation software, equation based solvers, analytical equations and custombuilt tools, coupled with years of practical experience to provide engineering simulation services for solving customer problems. Computer aided product development and life cycle management methods are used extensively at ATOAST, to provide faster and cost effective simulation solution to our clients. We provide engineering services for, Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Services support. We offer, specialized simulation services in the following domains, Structural Engineering Thermal Engineering Vibration and Dynamics Fatigue Life Prediction Crash Impact Analysis Computational Fluid Dynamics Acoustical, NVH Analysis Optical Ray Tracing Wave Propagation Analysis Electromagnetics Analysis Chemical Reaction and Transport Bio Engineering and Biomedical Analysis Polymer, Metal, Ceramic and Composite Material, Manufacturing Process Simulations.

2010, ATOA Scientific Technologies, ATOAST TR 0002, Dated 15 Aug 2010, Page 3

Industrial Technology
ATOASTs Multiphysics Engineering Simulation Services are customized to enable first time right and cost effective product development a reality to our clients. Our clients will benefit immensely from our concurrent industrial simulation technology. We collaborate with our clients to mimic the real world into a virtual world for cost effective and faster product development. The design simulation technology for a given industry is packages into material, product, process and system level industry specific solutions. Virtual Material design by reverse engineering application requirements into materials requirements. Multiphysics simulations to predict the performance of the product design to ensure that the product can meet multiple design requirements. Process simulations to ensure that the product can be manufactured with the given cost and time. System level simulations to meet long-term time dependent performance requirements such as fatigue, creep, damage and impact. Our industrial technology solution spans across aerospace, defense, automotive, consumer, Energy, medical, packaging, infrastructure and heavy industrial verticals.
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Research & Innovation

ATOA Scientific Technologies, invest 20% of the resources for Research and innovation to anticipate and solve future problems of our customers. This upfront investment equips us to prepare in advance to solve our client problems in time. This strategy helps us to stay ahead of the technology curve to equip us to provide state of the art simulation solution to our clients. We interact with world's leading research institutes to keep us update on the latest breakthroughs. We focus on the application technology by translating the scientific discoveries into innovative product development for our clients. Some of the key technology areas of focus for Research and Innovation at ATOAST are, Materials Technology Multiphysics Multiscale Play Innovation Biomimetics Sustainability Material Unity drives the Technology vision for ATOA Scientific Technologies. Contact us for your engineering Simulations: ATOA SCIENTIFIC TECHNOLOGIES EVOMA Business Centre, KR Puram Bangalore- 560 049, India +91 9740 111 339 ATOAST.HQ@ATOASTECH.COM
2010, ATOA Scientific Technologies, ATOAST TR 0002, Dated 15 Aug 2010, Page 5

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