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Sonneveld and sustainable palm oil Sonneveld supports the production of sustainable palm oil.

Sonneveld is be compensating for its annual use of palm oil via GreenPalm certificates. Sonneveld is thereby clearly demonstrating the importance of putting the use of sustainable ingredients high on the list of priorities to its partners in the bakery chain.
Vegetable oils and fats are used as natural ingredients in many different products, sometimes without being noticed as they can be processed within semi-manufactured products or derivatives. An increased demand for vegetable oils and fats has resulted in increased acreage of plantations and oil palms, sometimes at the expense of valuable forests. This is why its of increasing importance to grow these plants in a responsible and sustainable manner. International agreements have been made in order to realise this, which take people, animals and the environment into account.
Source: (NL) Productschap Margarine, Vetten en Olin (2010)

Sonneveld wants to take responsibility as a user of oils and fats and feels obliged to play a pioneering role where the supporting of initiatives which contribute to sustainability is concerned. Sonneveld is working towards only using sustainable palm oil by 2013, considering the impact of palm oil production. Palm oil is the most frequently used vegetable oil in the world and is an essential ingredient for the production of bakery ingredients. Compared with the available alternatives, palm oil has a higher yield per hectare. As of November 2010 Sonneveld is a member of the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil). The RSPO works towards making global palm oil production more sustainable in accordance with 8 basic principles and 39 criteria. One important criterion is that new plantations cant replace primeval forests or areas with High Conservation Values. The other criteria is about respecting the rights of local inhabitants and employees and preserving the living conditions for endangered animals. Sonneveld has been working and thinking in a socially responsible manner for many years. This is being realised by making sustainability an integral part of our operational management. The entire company, from the production floor employees to the management team, is involved with these processes. More information:


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