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RM:M5 TIME: 8:00PM-10:00PM


The story of stuff is a twenty (20) minute animated story about the system in our economy. The video is divided in a material economy from EXTRACTION to PRODUCTION to DISTRIBUTION to CONSUMPTION and finally DISPOSAL. This system is called LINEAR SYSTEM. The narrator said that linear system is not recommendable to use in a finite planet indefinitely. She also explains each category on what way they were used up: Extraction This means the trashing of the planet. We are using too much stuff than what we really need it. Now the resources are very scarce due to our selfishness. People are cutting too much trees and not even planting new ones. Destroying the forest and the habitat of the animals. Production This part tells us that we used energy to make the products and even using toxic chemicals to finish goods. Most factories used brominated flame retardants or BFR, this chemical is super toxic that is used in most of the products selling in the market. Distribution This is selling of the goods in low prices resulting to low salary of the workers. Consumption This is the very heart of the system. A person once quoted that our enormously production economy demands that we make consumption our way of life, that convert the buying and use the goods in our rituals, that we seek over spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction. In consumption, we need things consumed, burned up, replaced, and discarded at an ever accelerating rate. Consumer goods are the main concern of this part. There are two ways that the marketers to sell their products. One is the planned obsolesce- this is designed for the dump. Meaning that things that are still useful but no longer needed. Two is the perceived obsolesce- useful but no longer in style. Disposal The way we disposed our waste are polluting the planet we live in. recycling helps lessen the pollution but not too much.

This system is called SYSTEM IN CRISIS. That if we dont change the system that we are used to than we may never have a place to live in anymore. T The documentary help us realized what wrong doings were made by the society and if we are not careful than we might regret it all in the end. The video contains a lot of issue not just political issue but also about the society.

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