Law and Justice

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Law and Justice...

The judge = everyone stood up when the judge entered the courtroom.

The prosecution barrister = the prosecution barrister explained the case to the court.

The defense barrister = the defense barrister argued his case very well.

The lawyer = the lawyer completed all the necessary paperwork before the trial.

The accused = the accused arrived at the trial in an expensive suit.

The victim = the victim was nervous about seeing her aggressor.

The jury = the jury was made up of 7 men and 5 women.

The courtroom = Many of the victims family were present in the courtroom.

The witness = the witness claimed that he saw the accused kill the woman.

The trial = the judge advised that the trial could take 3 weeks to complete.

The evidence = There is a lot of evidence against him.

The justice = the prosecution claimed that justice would be done.

The offence = what offence is the accused being tried for?

To take an oath = the accused took an oath before the trial began.

The verdict = Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict?

The sentence = at the end of the trial, the judge pronounced a sentence.

Guilty = we are all certain that he is guilty. The community service = He had to do 300 hours of community service for robbing the car.

Innocent = If she is innocent, she will walk free.

The fine = She was fined EUR 2000 as it was her first offence.

The appeal = He applied for an appeal because he wasnt happy with the outcome.

The jail = He was given 2 years in jail for his crime.

To acquit = the court case was acquitted for lack of evidence. Dialogue... Judge: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict? Jury: Yes, your honour. We have. We, the jury find the accused Paul Smith guilty as charged of robbery. Judge: Very well. Judge: Mr. Paul Smith, I am sentencing you to 6 months in jail and a fine of EUR 500 to be paid to the victim.

The probation = He is on 3 years probation because he had done 2 years in prison.

Paul: But thats not fair! Judge: Silence. I am also going to impose 100 hours of community service when you leave jail so you will think twice about committing a crime againTake him away!

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