Social Cultural Environment

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Social-Cultural Environment
Society shapes the beliefs, value, and

norms that largely define customer tastes and preferences.

Their relationships to themselves, to

others, to nature, to the universe


South Asia is a land of diversities

1/5 of the worlds population

6 major religions (Hinduism, Islam,

Christianity, Buddhism and Jainism)

100s of different languages

1000s of different dialects


All countries in this region have this diversity

Sir Lanka

three languages and four major religions


eight languages and two major religions 4/14/12


three languages and follow three major religion


Six major religion and speaks more than 1600 languages, 33 are spoken by hundred of thousand people and 22 are officially recognized.

Regional difference
Languages Custom Social systems Values Habit Religion Caste system

Companies also creates product preferences and brand preferences have regional biases e.g., 4/14/12 Hindustan Unilever Ltd

Childrens influence on purchase decisions

was also revealed on purchase of consumer durables by companies.

Children bicycle, wrist watch, computer,

music system, television, car, refrigerator and so on.

Women classified in five categories
1. liberated youngster 13% 2. Modern mums 18% 3. Behind times 20%

Each element of marketing decision need

to be fine tuned to reflect the need, aspiration, and attitudes of consumer who show distinctiveness in preferences and habits across consumer segments.


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