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Did you know

A single root can help us understand 5-20

related English words

90% of English words with more than one

syllable are Latin based

Most of the remaining 10% are Greek based Nearly 75% of English words are derived from

Greek or Latin


Making Connections
Words, like stories, have structure Most good stories have a beginning, middle,

and end

Each part has a purpose and advances the

overall story line

Why we read, we analyze each part of the

story to obtain meaning

So lets try the same things with words!

What is a root?
A root is a part of a word that carries


mot is one of the most commonly encountered

roots in English words

This particular root means move

So, how is this used in other words?


How its used in words

A motor makes things move. A motorcycle moves down the street. A locomotive moves on tracks. Some outdoor lights are triggered by motion

Some classrooms have a lot of commotion. We all were promoted last year and moved

ahead to the next grade. television?

Who lost the remote control to the


Lets try one together

Take a look at your first roots lesson Look at the root cide This particular root means to kill How many words can you come up with in the

next two minutes that use this root?


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