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Eighty first Meeting

January 8 2007, 5:00 PM (Stellar-Chance 104)

1. Welcome / Attendance:

BPC: Mikolaj Pawlak, Tiangang Zhuang, Ying Xu, Lindsay, Dave Hokey, Arindam Basu,
Hedi Schelleman, and Yuko Kimura

BPP: Kryste Ferguson

Absent: Mark Lee, Janice Young, Africa Wallace, Fiona McGillicuddy, Yvonne Paterson

2. Major BPC and BPP projects: Kryste Ferguson and Subcommittees

a. Symposium: The letter inviting Robert Sapolsky to be the keynote speaker at the
2007 Symposium has been written and will be going out shortly. Rooms were
reserved on the 10th and 17th of October 2007 to give him several options.
b. Editor’s Club—Lindsay and Jack have taken over for Luana. There are two
focuses of the club at this point in time—writing reviews along with Dr. Weiner
and formatting journal abstracts.
c. Diversity—no update
d. Seminar Series— more discussion on seminars for the upcoming year focusing
on how to write journal articles. It was suggested that we might want to contact
scientists from the NIH.
e. Social Activities—Tiangang is in the process of organizing a schedule for the
upcoming year to better organize these events. Arindam will take over Happy
Hours once Tiengang will transfer to CHOP.
f. Medical/Dental Insurance: We are preparing for the upcoming seminars on new
insurance options.

5. Next meeting: February 5, 2007, 5pm Stellar Chance Room 104

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