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Citizens of the world wake up to the reality of the 2001 self attacks

The truth about 9/11 overcomes censorship thanks to the Internet

In 2003, the Planet Earth experienced one of its most magic moments. Literally millions of people around the world went out onto the streets to protest to their governments against a war which they intuitively knew to have economic causes nothing to do Yet the enormous machinery of propaganda and misinformation, set in motion on or after September 11, 2001 continued grinding on its inevitable course and a new war was organized in the Middle East. The mass media without exception around the Globe had refused to tell any information that put the official version into question, so the web went to work to find out the truth about the fact that had launched a new crusade against the Muslim world. How could it be that two planes had run rings round the security measures of the worlds greatest superpower? Were both the Pentagon and New York completely unprotected? Bringing together a host of unconnected information that the news media had filtered during the days following the attack, the truth can be pieced together. Contributions from anonymous people from different parts of the world (with no copyright) were putting together the truth about 9-11. On the fateful day of September 11, the air security services of NORAD (military aircraft), the Pentagon, the CIA and civil aviation with their respective radars and enormous security protocols, experienced an incredible coincidence: all of them ceased to operate for several hours. The planes, which were scheduled to fly from Boston to California, were off their route for two hours and yet the security services of every one of the military bases that protect the cities of New York and Washington did not act. What happened? Was this negligence or was it connivance? Strangely, that day, four military exercises were carried out simulating as many hijackings of planes by terrorist groups.
Complete story on pg. 02 The arrow points to one of the explosions on a floor below the collapsing area of the building and evidences controlled demolition.

with the so-called fight against Evil which their governments were selling them. It had all begun two years earlier, on September 11, 2001, when the most armoured country on Earth was attacked by terrorists. The Muslim conspiracy theory had been born.

Aided by the spread of the Internet, which obviated the blanket censorship, they felt that they were being duped, that there was something more behind to the 9/11 attacks than a lurking Satrap and, subsequently, the story of weapons of mass destruction.

The demise of energy censorship: Free Energy is about to be available

In the year 2000, a group of people in the state of California were enjoying the advantages of the electric car, leased to them by General Motors. A year later the cars were called in, this despite the fact that customers were extremely satisfied with them. So much so that they fought not to lose them. What happened? The Chevron oil company bought the patent and locked it up in a drawer. Instances of technologies suppressed by the big oil corporations and the governments they command are so numerous that this has given rise to the term free energy. In this rag bag are dozens of more or less tried and tested inventions and theories that could provide us with a way out of the energy crisis if we invest in them. Every one of them face the same enemy: the patents and the very laws of the countries that hound dissident inventors. They are the sons of Nikola Tesla, the true genius of the 20th century and the inspiration for inventors that want to liberate Humanity from the yoke of energy enslavement.
Complete story on page 14


06 The holocaust industry and how Zionism expoits memories of Nazism 04 Self attack or false flags, the origin all wars 08 MK Ultra: the battle to control our minds 10 Drug trafficking: in the hands of MI-5 and the CIA 12 Life in the Universe, the great secret 18 The theory of evolution does not stand up to analysis by the Law of Probabilities 22 2012: the challenge of our evolution and the change of consciousness

The world government ordered the viruses to decimate the population

The hoax of money as debt versus real money

This is how diseases are created The fraudulent monetary system

Serious doubts about the Influenza A infodemia have led independent researchers to take a new look at the relationship between the pharmaceutical corporations and scientists associated with biological weapons. An arsenal of data collected over centuries of medical history take us onto the murky terrain of the use of disease to bring the enemy to his knees. However in this instance there is a major difference, the enemy is at home, and is no terrorist but rather a normal citizen. That is, me and you. Just one example: doctor James Robertson, in association with Novavax industry, created a biosimilar of the H1N1 virus years before the swine flu outbreak. Just in case an epidemic spreads all over the world
Complete story on pages 16-17

While governments are injecting money into the private banks, citizens around the Planet are asking why this aid is not given to citizens, in this way waking them up to the millennium blackmail Humankind has been heir to: money. Evidence that the American Federal Reserve is a private bank has brought to Light the truth. Powers that the governments delegate to the

banks, ceding them control not just of the economy but of politics. The scam of money-as-debt explains why families, countries and companies always owe money and points up the falsity of the economic system we live under. The solution to hunger and injustice in the world lies in knowing this secret.
Complete story on page 20


Strangely enough, on September 11 2001, four military exercises were carried out, in which as many hijackings by terrorist groups were simulated. It is quite plausible, then, that those responsible for intercepting the terrorists were ordered to let them continue on the assumption that this

was a military manoeuvre. Surprisingly, on July 7th 2005 in London and March 11th 2004 in Madrid there were also exercises simulating terrorist attacks. What is more, a few weeks before the illfated day, all American emergency control mechanisms (land, sea and air) had been unified

under just one commander: Vice-President and chief of the National Security Council, Dick Cheney. This was so that if one should fail another could take ove. It is argued, the person in charge of giving the order to interception forces not to act was the then American Vice-President.

The truth about 11-S comes to light

In 2003, millions of people all over the world took to the streets in protest at their governments, against the war, that in their view was caused by economic reasons and not the fight against terrorism as they were being made to believe.
The majority of people who came out in protest during those days in 2003 could not even imagine that a government could sacrifice their own subjects in order to provoke a war but, as we will see in the False Flags article, it has been a reasonably common practice throughout history. That is probably why the American people did not come out in demonstration to prevent the invasion of Afghanistan, based on the use of a garment (the burka) used by Afghan women and the attack on 9-11, a connection which was never established by any court of inquiry. In fact, up until today, Osama Bin Laden is still not listed amongst the criminals wanted for the 9-11 attack. Neither is there any proof to incriminate him in the case of the attacks in Madrid or London. The film director Michael Moore has already emphasized the close relationship between the Bush and Bin Laden families in his acclaimed picture about 9-11. However he failed to mention that, according to the late British foreign minister, Mr Robin Cook (sudden cancer victim, along with two other British MP's who opposed the war) the term Al Qaeda means The Base, as in data base. And in fact it was none other than the data base the CIA used to manage Muslim guerrillas (mujaidines) who were trained in Afghanistan to combat Soviet forces and later sent to Bosnia and Kosovo. It is argued all the men who later became terrorists were under orders from the American secret service. Michael Moore also forgot to say that at the end of the 20th century a group of influential figures including Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Cheney met to analyze the world after the fall of the communist enemy, in a group called PNAC (Plan for a New American Century). In the conversations maintained by experts from all fields it was decided that the price of oil was the most important problem that America would be faced with: unfortunately, oil in the area is not found in democratic countries, so that they will need to be made democratic by reordering the map of the region. To be able to launch this operation, there would need to be a triggering action, an attack that would push the American public into sending their young people to war. This was referred to as A New Pearl Harbor and appears in the above-mentioned PNAC documents (which former Spanish president Jos Mara Aznar adhered to a few years ago). Everything indicates that this New Pearl Harbor was the 9-11 attack which, as we will we see later on, a great number of people had anticipated. The founder of the Red Voltaire web page, Frenchman Thierry Meyssan, was first in the world who dared defy the official version, backed up by endless repetitions of airplanes crashing into the towers. He was the pioneer who first analysed the hole left itself warned that United Nation's communications were tapped by this company. On September 10th 2001 there was an article in the Washington Post stating Israel has the power to attack US forces, making it look as if it had been the Arabs, also commenting that the Mossad has infiltrated nearly all Muslim organizations. On 12th September 2001, researcher Christopher Bollyn wrote an article in the Jerusalem Post saying that Israel had knowledge of 400 Israeli subjects working at the World Trade Center but only one had died on 9-11. According to an article by the Jerusalem Post, workers at the Odigo instant messenger service, also Israeli, received various messages warning of the attack two hours before it happened, but they did not inform the authorities. Odigo has a programme that puts people with similar characteristics, such as religion or nationality for example, in contact. Odigo's headquarters are in a small Israeli town called Herzliya, where the headquarters of Mossad are also located. Israeli secret services have shares in numerous software businesses through such companies as Veritas, Cedar or Stageone. Security at Boston Airport, from where the planes took off, was also under control of ICTS, another Israeli company. Evidence that a great part of neocons hold Israeli passports confirms the suspicion that the country most interested in a war in the Middle East is Israel which is also the country that receives most aid from the United States. Israel is an exception in American ordinance: their citizens are the only ones with the right to dual nationality, and therefore can vote in both countries. The fact that a large number of Israelis are found amongst the neocons (followers of Strauss notions of continuing revolution, and the need to provoke incidents) is crucial to knowing who was responsible for 9-11. Richard Perle nicknamed Prince of darkness, head of the Washington DC Defense Policy Board group of experts, who designed the Iraq war. He works side by side with Henry Kissinger of German Jewish origin, closely linked to Rockefeller family. Paul Wolfowitz was assistant to Defence Minister Donald Rumsfeld before becoming head of the World Bank. Michael Chertoff, a rabbis son, head of the emergency service FEMA which would take over power in case of climatic catastrophe, or Elliot Abrams, Donald Kagan, Douglas Feith, Don Zakheim, Richard Hass, Keith Adelman, Steve Goldsmith, Robert Satloff, David Frum, Mark Grossman, David Wurmser (see 9/11 Missing Links video).

George Bush during the first official communication on 11-S attack

in the building by the alleged plane crashing into the Pentagon and the lack of wreckage in the surrounding. Although in 2007 a recording by cameras allegedly showed an aircraft impacting against the Pentagon, to this day, nobody has seen what supposedly hit the building. All guesses coincide that it was most probably a missile that exploded into the heart of American security. Engineers, architects and demolition experts free from governmental control, all coincide on one thing, that the fire caused by aircraft fuel could not cause the WTC towers to collapse, as steel melts at a much higher temperature. And the most blatant evidence is that of the Windsor building in Madrid, which burned all night, the following morning the steel structure still remaining intact. To demolish the building explo-

Larry Silverstein, owner of the WTC, admitted on TV to having ordered the demolition of Tower 7
sives would be needed. The Twin Towers suffered more limited fires in the upper storeys of the buildings for a much shorter time before plummeting to the ground in just seven seconds. This means there was no obstacle to stop the free fall of dozens of storeys and 200 steel columns which precisely had been designed to withstand the impact of airplanes, as the architect who designed the buildings has recognised. Innumerable state-

ments were put out by the media from firemen, WTC staff like William Rodriguez along with other witnesses all indicating that they heard explosions before the Towers fell later censored to support the official version that they fell as a result of the planes crashing into them. More information that will shed light on what really happened is the knowledge that Marvin Bush, George Bush's brother, was head of security at the World Trade Center complex. That his cousin Alexander Walker was director of the Securacom company, which took care of security in the Towers and the fact that one week before 9-11, the guard dogs which specialised in picking up the scent of explosives, had been taken off the job. The electricity had also been cut off in the building, to install the optic fibre. The owner of the entire World Center Complex, Larry Silverstein, had insured the towers against terrorist attacks a few weeks before, and was paid enormous amounts of money as a consequence. Mr Silverstein himself said before the television cameras regarding Building 7 that they had been told that it may collapse, and therefore the decision had been made for it to be demolished. Building 7 fell in exactly the same way as the other two towers. So if it was demolished, the other two were as well... Silverstein was not the only one who had privileged information on what would happen. Just as happened before 7-11 2007 in London and 3-11 2004 in Madrid, there had been unusual movements of shares on the stock exchange in these cities: suggesting illicit dealing the selling of shares a short time before a cata-

strophic event and later buying them back when the price has fallen as a consequence. Following the trail of money may be the surest way to discovering the instigators of the attack. In this case, it is known that the terrorist Mohamed Atta (whose appearance does not match with the official photo) had received large sums of money from the Pakistan secret services (ISI) linked to Israeli and Americans a few days before 9-11. None of these clues were considered by the official inquiry. Jerome Kerviel, the broker who was accused of gigantic fraud while working for the giant French bank, Societ Generale, confessed that his company had made extortionate profits on September 11th 2001 and July 7th 2005, a lead that to this day is still being followed up. Not followed up either, according to Fox TV channel, were the 60 Israelis who were detained for spying in the USA (passing themselves off as scholarship holders like Monica Lewinski) or the group of Israeli students observed filming the fall of the towers from the other side of Brooklyn Bridge whilst applauding and hugging each other jubilantly. Or, the fact that the companies in charge of IT services and telecommunications for the entire US governmental organization were Israeli. The NSA communicated days before the attack, warning of the problem posed by the Amdocs company, with its links with the Israeli government and how it practically controlled North American governmental communications: a phone call cannot be made in the US without being recorded in Am-docs files. In 1999, the NSA



The twin towers collapsed after burning for a little more than an hour; The Torre Windsor in Madrid stayed standing after burning for much longer without collapsing. The United States governments communications are in the hands of Israeli companies.
What really happened in New York?
While the television stations and the newspapers blitzed us with irrelevant statistics about the World Trade Center, many journalists clearly showed a total lack of professionalism, seemingly devoid of the slightest urge to get to the bottom of what had happened by taking an independent line of investigation. They provided no relevant information and did not consider any hypothesis that deviated from the official version.

Facts that compel us to question the official version

The president of the 9-11 victims association was a Catalan, Alicia Esteve, who under the name of Tania Head passed for a worker at the Towers. As became clear, Alicia never worked there. The FBI agent Kenneth Williams warned in a report dated July 2001 of Al Qaedas intentions. His celebrated Phoenix Report was systematically overlooked. Despite the fact that he warned both the Pentagon and the WTC that they could become the object of attack. CBS claims that in August 2001, George Tenet, the then director of the CIA warned President Bush of the imminent attacks. Coleen Rowley, an FBI agent in Minneapolis similarly claims that the terrorists plans were known, but nowithstanding, no attempt was made to arrest them. The Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon was also warned not to travel to New York that day by the Israeli secret service, according to the Yadiot Ahranot newspaper. Many of the workers employed by the Israeli firm Odigo (whose headquarters were in the WTC) were warned of imminent attacks via radio messages. The Wright Patterson air force base was on alert for hours previously. Journalist Gordon Thomas confirmed that the CIA had been notified that suicide commercial planes could be aimed at American landmarks. The mayor of San Francisco was warned. As was writer Salman Rushdie. At the Pentagon, where the third attack took place, a large number of journalists were expected. For reasons that were never made plain, the meeting scheduled for the same morning as the fateful events was cancelled it was due to be held in the precise spot where the Boeing allegedly struck. On September 10, 2001, Tom Keemey the head of FEMA was ordered by his superiors to take up his position in New York. In August 2001 there were further coincidences: a former naval officer is arrested and declares himself to be a spy. Delmart Edward Vreeland warns of an imminent attack in New York, with a wealth of accurate details. Banker Richard Dennison similarly reports what he knows to the FBI in August 2001. He predicts that terrorists plan to hijack planes for their heinous crime. Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak also receives information, thanks to the Egyptian secret services which appear to function better than their United States counterparts of an attack on September 11. Word came too from Germany warning the FBI and indicating in detail that the target was to be the WTC. In June 2000 a company specializing in web pages, Verisign receives 17 suspicious requests to register dominions on the web. Some of the names in question speak for themselves: august11horror, terrorattack 2001, worldtradecenterbombs, newyorkattack299, attackamerica, terrorattack2001 On September 7, George Schultz former secretary of State likewise receives the bad news in advance. He tells as much to the San Francisco Chronicle. On September 10 French antiterrorist judge Jean-Louis Brugiere also warns the United States of imminent attacks on the World Trade Center. And here we come to the most curious fact of all: months prior to 9-11 a simulation with models of the attack on the Pentagon is staged. Lastly, note that for reasons not well understood the Twin Towers were at only 20% occupation on the fateful day, a fact which avoided the massacre being even worse. For that reason, perhaps, a sophisticated intelligence system known as Echelon which monitors 50 million messages a day worldwide (telephonic and electronic communications) failed to detect a thing. Other, that is, than some messages which were reported to the NSA (National Security Agency) saying: tomorrow is zero hour, and the game is about to begin. The terrorists not only succeeded in avoiding detection despite all this intelligence and thanks to State negligence (or intelligence) but successfully passed the control points in possession of knife/like weapons (according to the official version), used their passports (and no one refused to stamp them despite their names being on FBI lists) and then proceeded to take over the aircraft. With results graven on our collective memories.

The prefabricated version of the facts, constructed from conclusions issued a priori, and supplied to the news media by the US Administration in the first moments after the attacks, came to be the Official Truth, subsequently ratified by the Official 9/11Commission of inquiry months later, without one iota of modification.

Alleged United Airlines Boeing 757

Alleged United Airlines Boeing 767

Impossibility of inexpert terrorists effecting the manoeuvres

A number of highly experienced pilots, civil and military have confirmed it would be impossible to carry out these manoeuvres without a homing system and remote control like Global Hawk.
A sixty steel pillars a meter apart line each of the sides of the towers from top to bottom. B A system of 48 pillars five meters apart, also of steel, make up the buildings central core.

Impossibility of the official version, of accordion-style collapse due to the fire.

The towers engineers designed the structure to withstand the impact of several Boeing 707 aircraft of the time, Furthermore, steel loses rigidity at 3,600 C, but the explosion only reached temperatures around 1,500 C, and the resulting fire did not exceed 750 C.

The real sequence of events at the WTC

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

08.44 Explosions in the Towers basements

According to testimony from William Rodrguez and dozens of other WTC workers, there were explosions in the basements seconds before the first planes impact.

Ten devastating pieces of evidence

The tumbling of the Twin Towers shows all the signs of controlled demolition by explosives (included some not usual in normal demolition). Moreover, there is no precedent for nor subsequent instance of high-rise steel structure buildings collapsing because of fire. The Torre Windsor in Madrid is a good example. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Destruction and collapse at freefall speed. Near perfect symmetry in rubble distribution. Very rapid onset of destruction. More than one hundred explosions detected during collapse. Several tons of steel hurled outwards up to 180 meters at 97 km/h. Immense volume of pyroclastic clouds. Homogenous rubble with no sign of crushed floors. Concrete pulverized. Succession of explosions observable between 20 and 40 floors below the destruction line. Total destruction of the building, dismembering of the steel structure.

08.45 North Tower hit 09.03 South Tower hit 10.05 Demolition of South Tower
Hundreds of witnesses, firemen included, hear a series of explosions before and during the collapse of the Towers.

10.28 Demolition of the North Tower 17.00 WTC 7: the BBC jumps the gun
The British radio service anticipates the script and announces live the collapse of WTC 7 20 minutes before it happens.

17.20 Pulling of WCT7, the clearest evidence

The WTC 7 building that was not hit by any plane, collapses in 6.6 seconds, practically at freefall speed indicating, yet again, controlled demolition. Furthermore, Larry Silverstein, who leased the building, asserted on TV that the building was demolished although he later denied this.

6. 7.


Sources - Association for the Truth about 9/11 ( - Architects and Engineers for the Truth about 9/11 ( - Pilots for the Truth about 9/11 ( - - Documentaries: Loose Change 9-11, 9-11 Mysteries, Eslabones perdidos de 9-11, The New American Century, 9-11 Ripple Effect, 9-11 in Plane Site, Press for Truth

10. Tons of melted down steel encountered in the three buildings. Traces of thermite, an explosive that melts steel.

The explosions of the controlled demolition hurled materials from the cladding and the structure dozens of meters outwards.


Self attacks or false flags the origin of all wars

Evidence that 9-11 was organized from within the United States Administration has brought to light the fact that this same practice has been used on numerous occasions over the course of history.
Over the course of our lives we have been told of the constant waging of wars in which human beings have been involved, based on the notion of mans inhumanity to man. However, evidence that 9-11 was executed at the instance of the American government has brought to light the fact that this same practice has been used on numerous occasions over the course of history. Its name: false flags. Many Spaniards know that the triggering event in United States intervention in Cubas independence (1898) was an explosion aboard the American vessel Maine, anchored in Havana Bay for which Spain was blamed. United States secret files made available over the course of the 20th century have shown what was suspected for years by those with a nose for conspiracy: the American government itself caused the explosion to provide justification for their declaring war on Spain. Know as a false flag, this practice has been around since medieval times when bands that wanted to set two others at each others throats, attacked one of the two bands under the flag of the other, blaming the latter for the aggression and leading to the desired war. The method involves the infiltration of agents into the opposing ranks to do whatever it takes to simulate an attack. Declassified United States archives and a statement from defence secretary Robert McNamara indicate that the Bay of Tonkin incident that brought about American involvement in the Vietnam War was prefabricated by the US government. Similarly, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, which brought the United States into World War II could have been easily intercepted by American aviation if the naval high command had heeded radar information from their base in Australia. The United States government needed an excuse to wage war on Japan and accordingly allowed the Japanese to kill American servicemen. But quite possibly the best documented of all false flags occurred in 1967, off the coast of Israel, when the USS Liberty was bombarded by several aircraft and a frigate. United States authorities under Lyndon B. Johnson (after eliminating John Fitzgerald Kennedy) decided not only not to respond to the attack but prevent other ships of the United States fleet from assisting their own warship and then blame the attack on Egypt. This paved the way for Israels involvement without further excuse in the Six Days War, enabling them to grab land from their Arab neighbours Egypt, Syria and Jordan. Given that many of the United States sailors who suffered that attack are still alive, evidence for the official story not being the truth are overwhelming. If you view the video The Sinking of the USS Liberty, you will hear statements from the radar chief and several naval officers saying that the aircraft which attacked their ship, and also the frigate, were Israeli, and this was clearly visible. Despite that, the United States military has refused to revise their records and of course has avoided commenting on Israeli involvement.

Example of false flag: "A" bombs "C" and puts the blame on "B"

The two World Wars paved the way for the creation of the state of Israel

USS Liberty after being attacked by Israeli forces in 1967.



The most documented of all false flags occurred in Israeli waters in 1967, when the USS Liberty was fired on by several Israeli planes and an Israeli frigate. United States authorities avoided responding to the attack and blamed the attack on Egypt, enabling Israel to act with impunity in the Six Days War and wrest territories from Egypt, Jordan and Syria.
This was not the first time (nor the last if we count 9-11) that Israel attacked one of her allies): since in 1945 the terrorist group Irgun, under general Ben Gurion (subsequently president of Israel) attacked the King Hotel David in Jerusalem, where the British delegation in Palestine were staying. Palestine had been a British protectorate since the First World War. As a result of the attack, recognized by Ben Gurion himself, the British withdrew from Palestine, leaving the way open for the creation of the state of Israel. Curiously enough, the first Jewish settlers had come to Palestine thanks to the Balfour Declaration from the British government shortly before the end of World War I, fulfilling the dream of a homeland for the Israeli people. Pronouncements by the American millionaire Benjamin Friedman, a participant in the Conference of Versailles which laid the foundations for the world after the First World War, throw considerable light on what happened. According to Friedman, a Jew by religion, the war had begun to favour the Axis countries (Germany, Austria and Hungary) and the German Jews accordingly made an offer to Britain: they would obtain the United States participation in the War in exchange for Jewish settlements in Palestine. The Jewish lobby in the USA, owners of most US newspapers, began to soften their habitual aversion to the British imperialists and to depict the Germans as ogres, as they were to do much later with Sadam Hussein. The German attack on the Lusitania provoked by the ships entering German waters, was the final straw that led to the United States entering the war against Germany, which facilitated Germanys defeat. It was this rather than anything else, according to Friedmans account, that led to Germanys rejection of the Jews (whom they looked upon as traitors) which in turn suited Germanys new leader. An obscure German double agent, Adolf Hitler, travelled to London to study techniques of mass communication which he was to use to woo the German people after infiltrating the (communist) Workers Party, afterwards renamed the National Socialist Party. The secret society Vril and the Order of Thule would create the symbolic conditions including the Aryan race, the cross of the Knights Templar, Wagners operas, plus the use of radio and cinema to spread propaganda for the fabrication of a new war which would conclude with the establishment of the state of Israel. Few people know that, among the financers of the Nazi party were members of the Bush family (grandfather Prescott) the Rockefeller family and various Jewish banker castes such as the Warburgs, the Rothschilds and the Schiffs. Another little known fact is that many high-ranking Nazis were Jews (two field marshals, 17 generals, eight commandants and six majors) and in addition 150,000 Jews served in the German Nazi ranks. One such double agents was named Henry Kissinger (of German Jewish origin) responsible for importing the best Nazi geniuses into the United States to put them in charge of the secret services: CIA (1947), NASA (1952), the MK mental control project (1947), as well as biological war affairs (Fort Detrick) and the propagation of cancer. The remaining American agents infiltrated in the fascist and Nazi ranks (OX) formed the basis for the creation of Operation Gladio, the source of a low intensity war in Western Europe in the form of leftwing and rightwing terrorism. Its raison detre was to create the strategy of tension that is, to prepare citizens for the curtailing of their civil liberties in return for security by means of self attacks (attacks on ones own people) which would then be attributed to terrorist groups. After World War II, the spy organization known as the OSS (the precursor to the CIA) decided to set up groups of partisans who would act as guerrillas in the event of a communist invasion of Western Europe. This group was to be particularly important in Italy where the latter party was more ensconced. The Swiss professor of modern history, Daniel Ganser, observes that these special groups were to operate not just in Italy but in the whole of Western Europe. Their code name was stay-behind groups. In the various different countries they might go under different names, but in each case their objective would be the same, to foment tension. Power always needs a war, even if only a low intensity one such as terrorism.

Operation Gladio or how NATOs secret army created rightwing and leftwing terrorism
Following statements made by Giulio Andreotti in 1990, the existence of a European terrorist network in the catacombs of the nation states began to be an issue discussed even by professors of modern history. The modern history professor at the University of Basle (Switzerland), Daniel Ganser, author of NATOs Secret Armies Documents the existence of a secret European network, Gladio, over the last 50 years in the light of available documents and statements made by former members of these groups.Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a member of the Italian neofascist group New Order, and confessed author of the Peteano bombing (1972) describes the strategy as follows: The police force, the secret services and the political groups that use these services have instrumentalized neofascist groups since 1945-46. A right-wing group should attack civilians, not the police and armed forces of the State, for one simple reason: to force a change of regime. This was the role of the right wing in Italy: to foment the need for a strong State and the strategy of tension, so that the people would accept a state of emergency at some point between 1960 and the mid eighties. These groups began to operate shortly after the Second World War, recruiting Italian partisan groups and Nazi cells in the rest of Europe with the purpose of having available insurgent groups in the event of a Communist invasion. Former fascist Umberto DAmato, and the head of the Carabiniere force with the advent of democracy, was put in charge of organizing them in Italy and the rest of Europe. As he boasted to BBC 2, in the documentary Gladio, The Secret Armies: I was the creator of a standing committee of the Italian home office on these matters; the Club of Berne brought together all the American and European secret services including the Swiss. At the end of the forties the United States secret services financed a Gladio training facility in a small town in Sardinia. General Gerardo Servavalle, commander in chief of Gladio (1971-74) told the BBC in 1992, the gladiators that we enrolled received small packets of information: they were told only what they needed to know. Nothing about their links with NATO. The most worrying fact here is that Gladios spies and directors themselves, admitting their connection with NATO, revealed that not all European prime ministers were aware of Gladios existence, while Interior ministers and selected elements in the army and the police force were aware. Senator Libero Gualtieri, the head of the committee of inquiry of the Italian government investigating Gladio, revealed to the BBC when it was that they changed their tactics: In 1966 the CIA came to realize that it was no longer necessary to keep up the strategy of tension. At that time, Seravalle called the head of the CIA in Rome, a man named Stone, to ask why they had stopped supplying weapons and cash. Mr. Stone replied that CIA finances were conditioned by the planning and programming of, quote, internal measures, something which had not been contemplated at Gladio. At which point I realized that they were not interested in our level of expertise, but rather their control of internal operations, particularly of street disturbances and the rise of the Communist Party. A secret document of the CIA whose existence is admitted by Licio Gelli (head of the logia P2 ) and Ray Cline (assistant director of the CIA in the sixties) and revealed by BBC, may be the origin of this tactic: in the event of indecision by local authorities in controlling disturbances, the American government may launch special operations to convince the population of the danger, by infiltration among the insurgents. It is argued, false flags in the form of terrorism, the same formula as in 9-11, 3-11, and 7-7 (New York, Madrid and London, respectively). In 1968, the year of the Paris Spring and the beginnings of the student unrest around the world, marks the beginning of leftwing terrorism in all Europe, including Spain (FRAP, ETA and GRAPO). The ex CIA agent Phillip Agee, accused the CIA of having created Spains GRAPO terrorists, and similarly there are many rumours that point to American secret service involvement in the assasRepublic. Many years afterwards, Cossiga himself was to accuse the United States government of having fabricated 9-11. CIA colonel Oscar Winter explained to the BBC that Red Brigades like the German Baader Meinhof had been infiltrated at that time the brigades were under the orders of general Santovito, head of Sismi (secret services). On the spot where Aldo Moro died a seal pertaining to RUS (Italian secret services) was recovered RUS were responsible for recruiting gladiators. At the same time names of high-ranking Italian secret service members were found in the diary of the accused brigadier member Valerio Morucci. According to Vinciguerra, the key name in this conspiracy was Licio Gelli, head of the P2 Masonic lodge. This was not a centre of power in the shadow, it was the real power hidden from the public but not from the State. It was one of these parallel structures, of the Gladio network. Gelli, a spy for the fascist secret services in World War II, and a CIA man with connections in the Vatican during the Cold War, was ostensibly involved in the murder of John Paul I and the Banco Ambrosiano scandal. In 1980 a bomb exploded in Bologna train station, killing 86 in an attack attributed to anarchist cells. Six years later a report by an official inquiry revealed the existence of an invisible government in Italy, run by the secret services and political terrorist groups. In 1990, German Social Democrats blew the whistle on otherwise undisclosed secret armies in that country with links with the German secret services and the Christian Democrat party. The response from the latter party, according to historian Daniel Ganser, was to say if you accuse us, we will say that you also had a part in that conspiracy, along with Willy Brandt. Giulio Andreotti, leader of the Italian Christian Democrats, accused the French Social Democrat leader Franois Mitterand of lying when he claimed not to know of Gladios existence. You say that the secret armies dont exist, but during the secret meeting in autumn 1990, you French were present. Dont say they don`t exist. For Vinciguerra, the Bologna bombing arose out of the logic of a state that, not knowing how to react to an enemys victory, resorts to violence, attributing it to extremists in order to justify own actions. To give up ones freedom in return for security that is the logic behind all the bombings, which remain unpunished because the State cannot punish itself. Kevin Fulton, the mole working for the British FRU organization (forces for research and infiltration) who infiltrated the IRA, recently confessed to the British Sunday Times to having manufactured explosives for the IRA and to have acted under orders from the Prime Minister. Fulton revealed that he gave advanced warning of the Omagh massacre, but the authorities did nothing to avert the tragedy. Neofascist Vincenzo Vinciguerra declared that thousands of people have been duped, murdered or imprisoned in the interests of the State. On the other hand, Alberto Franceschini, founder of the Red Brigades, made this statement to the BBC: When I thought that I was moving in one direction, there was someone else who was moving me in another. I should like to know who was using me. In the same BBC series, DAmato confessed: We call them automatons or puppets. They are used to give life to something that lacks life and we want to give them it. These are the automatons of politics.

The crest of Operation Gladio

The State needs terrorism to justify its existence

sination of admiral Carrero Blanco, Francos dauphin, not many meters from the American embassy in Madrid and attributed to ETA. The strategy of tension began in Italy with the outrage of the Piazza Fontana in Milan (1969) attributed to anarchists but the work, according to Vinciguerra, of the Minister of the Interior and his secret services, who intended to set up a state of emergency. During the trial for this case, it was shown that the Padua Group, which were behind the attack, were under the direction of the Italian secret services. The journalist and Gladio member Guido Giannettini confessed to having infiltrated organizations of the Maoist left on the orders of colonels Viola and Gasker and general Maletti. General Paolo Inzerilli (commander of Gladio, 1974-86) admitted they stored their arsenals in army and police quarters. In 1978, Aldo Moro met a violent death, as did Pope John Paul I. Moro, the leader of the Italian Christian Democrat Party was on the point of forming a government with the Communists. His widow accused his own party, the Christian Democrats of having approved his murder, at the same time as she recalled the warning by all-powerful Secretary of State and Vice President Henry Kissinger to her husband: If you persist with your intention of forming a government with the Communist Party, this will have lamentable consequences for your person. Francesco Cossiga, former president of the Republic and of the Christian Democrats, confessed before BBC television cameras: Among the partys ranks there is still regret over having sacrificed Moro to save the


The Holocaust is defined as an event that is unique and unrepeatable, without equal in history, and for that reason needing to be uniquely remembered in order for it never to be repeated. In principle, the organizations representing the families of victims of the Holocaust had received, up to the year 2000, 60 million dollars as compensation from

the German government.The fact is that organizations like the Jewish American Congress, the Masonic lodge Binai Brith and the Conference on Jewish material demands on Germany took control of this money. The German State gives a great deal of military material to Israel which, together with the enormous sums given by the US, make up

a large part of Israels wealth, based on the leverage and speculation based on an historical fact which many writers have wanted to put in perspective or even question, in some cases suffering imprisonment for doing so.There are Jews who do so, including for example American Jew Norman Finkelstein, the author of the Holocaust Industry.

The Holocaust industry, or how Zionism exploits memories of Nazism

Most people do not know that the Holocaust tragedy has been exploited to underpin Israels finances, and thus is the basis for the Middle East conflict.
Holocaust industry, the bankers agreed to pay 1,250 million. The agreement was intended to be reparation for three main groups: claimants of inactive deposits in Switzerland, those who had been denied asylum in the country, and victims of the slave labour regime. To justify the money that they were asking for, the Zionist organizations claimed there were far more Holocaust survivors than the traditional figure of 100,000, which incidentally gave the lie to the idea that almost no one came out of the experience alive, and was ironically not far off the figure argued by the Holocaust deniers! Thus in the year 2000, according to the Jewish organizations there were twice as many survivors as in 1945. Things like this are what made Finkelsteins mother say: If all the persons that they say really survived the Holocaust, who did Hitler kill. Other facts that may surprise are that in the United States there are seven big museums devoted to the Holocaust (not one on the genocide of Blacks and Native Americans who, after all, were from there), and more than 400 university chairs on the subject, not to mention the fact that the day of the Holocaust is celebrated throughout the States. At the present time in many countries those investigating the Holocaust who do not adhere to the official version may be imprisoned. The reason, according to the dissident Ernst Zundel, is that the Holocaust is the sword and shield of Israel. Thanks to it she buys arms (with the German reparation money), and with it she attacks any who dare question the legitimacy of the state of Israel and Israeli action in Palestine.

Nazi Zionist medal minted by order of Goebbels in 1933 to commemorate the Nazi Zionist expedition to Palestine. A new item of information that makes it more pressing to investigate the obscure links between Zionism and the Third Reich.

Norman Finkelsteins book, with its wealth of documents and declarations, documents how Zionists have been pressuring the Germans to obtain cash since 1952 and have used this money for armaments. Finkelsteins mother, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto, received only 3,500 dollars, while many others who never were in concentration camps, as Finkelstein admits, received hundreds of thousands of dollars. In a public statement made on February 23, 2000, the German government observed that only 15% of the money handed over to the Conference on Material Demands actually went to the victims and their families. So where did this money go?

Finkelstein argues that the Holocaust in capital letters was an ideological construct to underpin US support for Israel and, in passing, silence the rest of the world
By means of the above-mentioned organizations, it ended up in Israel and was used to arm the country to the teeth and make its army the most powerful in the Middle East. In this sense the tragedy of the Holocaust is now the cause of the bombs killing Palestinians and Lebanese. In Spain we have a paradigmatic

example: it was demonstrated, a few years ago, that the president of the Association of Victims of Mauthausen, the Spaniard Enric Marco Batll, had not lived through the Holocaust. There ensued a major scandal, eventually hushed up, this despite the fact that Marco routinely managed to weep at the charity drives he organized. From his own Jewish viewpoint, Finkelstein recognizes that the Holocaust in capital letters, began to be cultivated at the end of the fifties. Until then the issue was not of urgent interest even to Jews. This change coincided when the money began to be made available for the victims. A major contributory factor here were several allegedly autobiographical books which have been shown to be fabrications. Both The Painted Bird, by the exiled Pole Jerzy Korsinsky (an account of the adventures of a child in the rural backwaters of Poland) and Fragments by Benjamin Wilkormisky based on the previously mentioned book, are inventions; in fact the author of Fragments, garlanded with various Jewish literary awards, is not actually Jewish. Finkelstein argues that the Holocaust in capital letters was an ideological construct developed to underpin US support for Israel, and in passing silence the rest of the world. The reputed Israeli writer, Boas Evron, remarks: The Holocaust awareness is in fact a form of official propaganda indoctrination, a massive skein of directives and false views of the world, whose true purpose is in no way the comprehension of the past but rather the manipulation of the present. This manipulation is based on the conception of the Holocaust

as a unique and unrepeatable fact, without parallel, a sort of religion of mystification. Elie Wiesel affirms that the Holocaust is impossible understand or describe, and will never be understand nor transmitted. It is worth noting that the word holocaust appears 219 times in the Old Testament, and was in the first place the sacrifice of animals which the Jewish people made to Yahwe. This singularity gave the Jewish people the state of Israel. But there is even discussion over whether this people exists, as a people. In the mid-twentieth century, the Jewish writer Arthur Koestler refuted the notion of a Jewish people that had originated in Palestine. He revealed to the public at large the fact of the origins of the Ashkenazi Jews settled in Eastern and Central Europe (Germany, Poland, the Baltic republics, Russia, Hungary, the Ukraine, Georgia) and whose bloodlines go back to the khazar people. These originally dwelt by the shores of the Caspian, and were displaced by Gengis Khans Mongol hordes. In the 9th century, faced with having to choose between the Islamic and the Byzantine empires, their king decided to embrace the Jewish faith, dragging his people with him. This explains why a large number of European-origin Jews have blue eyes and pale skin, since they are in fact Aryans like the Khazars before them. This same argument has been espoused by the Israeli historian Shlomo Sand who states that: the Jewish people are an invention in his best seller When and how were the Jewish people invented. The Holocaust provided the Jews with an alibi in the eyes of the rest of humanity which, according to

Boass Evron is the equivalent, by anyones standard, of deliberately cultivating paranoia This mentality exonerates a priori any inhuman treatment meted out to non-Jews, given that the reigning ideology has it that the rest of the world collaborated with the Nazis to destroy the Jewish community. The penultimate chapter in this saga which has so affected our collective reality, is the question of Jewish gold in Swiss bank accounts. One day the Zionists began to speak about the many Jews who had deposited their money and their gold in Swiss banks, but then with their death in the concentration camps, the money and gold had not been claimed by surviving family members. The Zionists (Elie Wiesel, Simon Wiesenthal and, later, the Council for Jewish communities) approached the Swiss bankers and told them that they wanted 20 million dollars, threatening to swamp them with a tidal wave of demands: not for nothing, forty percent of the leading New York law firms were and are Jewish. [Curiously enough Hitler did not invade Switzerland, even though German speakers live there]. The Swiss bankers replied that the most they could do was to carry out an audit. However, subjected to harassment from news media world wide, they went on to offer 600 million, even though the value of the deposits amounted to between 170 and 269 million dollars. The Zionists brought out their heavy armament: American banks controlled by Jews threatened to withdraw their pension funds from the Swiss banks. At last after several years and 600 million dollars spent in defending themselves from the

Israel bases large part of its economy on the aid coming from the US and payments from Germany

The Holocaust Industry (cover)



The controversial and fictious Diary of Ann Frank

How many really died?

The number of victims who died in the Holocaust has varied over the course of the decades. For a long while it was said that the number was a million, but other figures mentioned were a million and a half, two million, three million, and then until a short while ago it was said that six million had died, although at the present time few historians, Jewish ones included, would now accept this figure. The importance of knowing the number of deaths of Jews in concentration camps, and the nature of their deaths, resides in the fact that it is a source of finance for the state of Israel. Nowadays no one apparently knows for sure how many died, nor how they died. Searches have been carried out in Auschwitz and Birkenau for the remains of the victims said to be buried there and nothing was found. The expert in gas chambers, Fred Leuchter certified that the installations exhibited in Auschwitz could not have housed a gas chamber for the simple reason that the Nazis themselves would have perished under the effects of the cyanide gas given that they lacked the necessary barrier protection and a sufficiently tall chimney that would emit the gas safely. The figure of hundreds of thousands gassed a day during the spring and summer of 1942 provided by researcher Martin Gilbert cannot be squared with the calculations carried out by the Swedish professor Einar Aberg published in 1959: In 1938 there were 15,688, 259 Jews in the world, according to the World Almanac of 1947, based on data provided by the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Statistical of the Synagogues of America. In 1948, there were between 15,600,000 and 18,700,000 Jews in the world, according to an article that appeared in the February 22 issue of the New Times, written by Hanson W. Baldwin. Aberg reasons as follows: if between the beginning of the Second World War (1938) and the three years after the end of the conflict (1948) the Jewish population in the world increased by 3 million, this supposes that, taking into consideration the six million said to have been killed by the Nazis, the demographic increase of the Jewish people over this time was nine million. It is argued the nine million who survived the war would have reproduced to such an extent that they procreated another 9 million. Taking into account that a part of this population had been children and old people outside their fertile age, and that many of the men would have been in the front, we effectively have here an argument that refutes the official theory of the Holocaust and which someone should explain to us. A further reason for skepticism is that this figure of 6 million had already been rumoured during World War I, along with the soap that was said to be made with the victims, one more of the urban legends that have had to be countered by the official historians themselves. For whatever reasons, neither the memoirs of Charles De Gaulle (France) nor those of Winston Churchill (British prime minister), nor Dwight D. Eisenhower (United States), three leaders during the Second World, War actually mention the Holocaust.

Studied in schools half the world over as the autobiography of a Jewish lass hiding in her house in Amsterdam to avoid being killed by the Nazis, the veracity of The Diary of Ann Frank is up against a series of proofs impossible to refute
In 1959 a Swedish publication questioned the truth of story in a series of articles later reproduced by the American magazine Economic Council Setter in the April 15 issue of the same year. Several years earlier, on October 2nd, 1955, the New York Times stated that the original version of the diary had approximately 150 entries, typical of her age (mummy sometimes treats me like a baby, which I cannot stand) with few political references. However, the published version had 293 pages full of political references displaying a knowledge of history not normal in such a young person, and in a style more typical of adults. Ann Franks father, Otto Frank, himself admitted that the published version omitted critical references to her mother (typical of a child) and that at least three people had corrected it. These were the Jewish writer Anneliese Schuetz, Isa Cauven and above all the Dutch journalist Albert Cauven, The mainstream weekly magazine Der Spiegel observed, The Diary taken as a whole is not authentic, and the writing that has moved the world is not entirely from the hand of Ann Frank. The published version has been transformed by numerous manipulations The official inquiry conducted by Dr Huebner states that the published version is composed of 177 sections (letters) which derive from four different sources, four from the original diary, five from a book of short stories, 69 from two diaries that Dr. Huebner defines as the first elaboration of the diary and 99 from loose pages that the researcher defines as the second elaboration of the Diary. The definitive proof of the fictitious nature of the Diary that did much to create the Holocaust in the collective imagination, was the legal action in which the Jewish American writer Meyer Levin and the father of Ann Frank, Otto, came to legal blows over the authors rights of the work. The trial took place between 1956 and 1958 in the County Court house in New York, in which the plaintiff Meyer Levin won his case against Otto Frank, who was ruled to pay compensation to the amount of 50,000 dollars of the time for fraud, infringement of contract, and illicit appropriation of ideas. The settlement which was finally arranged through obvious mutual interest, revolved around the dramatization and scenification of the Diary and its sales. The judge, also Jewish, Samuel L. Cole man, ruled that Frank had to compensate Levin for his work on the Diary of Ann Frank. In the private correspondence between Levin and Frank, admitted as evidence in court, there is the very serious presumption juris tantum, that the diary is substantially a falsification. And that the material author of this falsification was the equally Jewish Meyer Levin, in legitimate defence of his authors rights, who besides suing Mr. Frank for four million dollars for his work paraphrasing the manuscript for the purpose which it had to fulfill also brought an action against cinema producer Kiermit Bloombarden, since the film with the same name of the book, on which it was based, there were also scenes written by the plaintiff which did not appear in the original diary. But that is not all, the most clinching evidence of the falsification of the Diary is that it contains writing in ball point pen, as was confir med by experts who came especially from Switzerland to examine the original manuscript. According to these experts part of the Diary had been written in ballpoint (biro) invented in 1949, and on sale not earlier than 1951 so this part could not have been written by someone who died of typhus in 1945. Two German citizens Edgar Geiss and Ernst Roemer, publicly questioned yet again the authenticity of the famous Diary. In view of this, the Hamburg District court instructed the Federal German Criminal Office (BKA) to examine the texts to determine scientifically whether they had been written between the years 1941 and 1944, based on the paper and the writing of the original manuscript. This chemical and technical analysis was carried out in April 1981 under the direction of Doctor Werner. The Spaniard Pedro Varela spent five years in prison for his defence of the evidence reviewed here.

The number of deaths in the Holocaust tragedy has varied. At one point there were said to be a million deaths and. until recently, the number was set at six million
Scanned images of official Red Cross documents indicating that the Holocaust, on the scale that has been sold to us, did not happen.


Towards the end of the 19th century there emerged the new scientific disciplines of psychology and psychiatry along with the emergence of mass communications. Research in both these sciences advanced in parallel and developed in depth well before radio and television became popular, on the one hand, and psychotherapies became available to all, on the other. Our brains and the mass communication media (radio, TV, telephone) have something in common: they work by means of waves. Clandestine research carried out from the end of the 19th century onward by the first psychologists and psychiatrists soon arrived at conclusions that many would find disturbing: illnesses such as schizophrenia and paranoia have a hertzian wavelength. That is, they can be programmed by means of waves. On the positive side, the healing of our organs by means of vibrations is known as quantum medicine and is based on the fact that we are electromagnetic organisms.

The maxim of the most perverted form of mind control has it that: we can take over an individuals mind and bend his will
As in so many other cases, German scientists have excelled in these fields. It is on record that a large part of the experiments carried out by Nazi scientists were aimed at bending the will of an individual or that of a group. It is no coincidence that the Nazi regime was the first to use radio and cinema as propaganda media. That is, for mass indoctrination. More surprising is the fact that Adolf Hitler himself, a member of the Thule society, undertook training in England in oratory techniques at the Tavistock Institute for Social Relations. These techniques, used today in party politics, were crucial to Hitlers success. Immediately after World War II a fierce rivalry broke out between the Soviet Union and the United States to enlist the best Nazi scientists. The same ones who had committed such barbarous acts (and others, in the field of aerospace). One of these observers was called Henry Kissinger, one of the chief ideologists behind Mind Kontrol Ultra (MK Ultra). His objective, as detailed in a document pertaining to the MK Ultra program, dated 1955, sounds like science fiction even today. We can take control of an individual, to the point where he will do our bidding, against his own will, and against fundamental laws of nature such as self preservation. According to official information, the MK Ultra Project was operative between 1952 and 1965, with a budget of one thousand five hundred million pesetas, and involving 185 top scientists who carried out 149 different research projects in 44 universities and institutes, 15 foundations and laboratories, 12 hospitals and three penitentiaries. All in the strictest secrecy. When this came out into the open in the nineteen seventies in the course of an inquiry by the United States Congress, the majority of the documents that evidenced the existence of this programme were destroyed by Richard Helms, former head of the CIA, when he left the job in 1973. However, a few were salvaged by the Commission under Richard Church. The originals of those that were not destroyed can be viewed on the Internet: the Church Commission ascertained that the volunteers had not given their full consent to taking part in the experiments, while exculpating the CIA for having carried the experiments out. As a consequence, the then president, Gerald Ford, expressly forbade experimentation with drugs without the consent of the patient. Officially, in 1974 the Church Commission put an end to such practices, yet even in the nineties, Bill Clinton apologized for their existence: Thousands of experiments were carried out in hospitals, universities and military bases throughout our nation. These were immoral not only by present day standards but by those of the time. Nonetheless, these experiments have continued with DARP the Defense Advanced Research Projects agency. Its installations are just a few hundred yards sive scale that went hand-in-hand with the infiltration of agents into hippie groups, known as Cointelpro. Electronics come on the scene After the research into psychotropic substances, efforts by these government-paid researchers sought to integrate electronics. In particular, the Spanish scientist Dr. Jos Rodrguez Delgado, neurophysicist at Yale University, worked on the introduction of a probe into the brain. By this means it would be possible to insert specific emotions into the mind by means of FM waves. Delgado concluded that the brain works with waves and that both emotions and behavior could be created artificially. The videos showing that a person could be remotely controlled can be seen today in Youtube as can a curious experiment with a bull that flees from the bullfighters cape. In 1974, Dr. Scapitz, a scientist funded by the American Department of Defense, had a great idea: to combine MK Ultra studies with the new microwave and hypnosis technologies. In a publicly made slip, Dr. Scapitz declared that: the words of the hypnotist are projected, by means of modulated electromagnetic, into the brain of the individual. Dr. Ross Adey, of the University of California, took this a stage further by devising miniature transmitters to be inserted into the brain which, together with microwave transmissions, could control brain waves. Soon afterwards, Dr. Joseph Sharp, of the Army Research Institute, succeeded in transmitting words by means of microwaves. Located within a flow of electromagnetic waves, Sharp was able to understand clearly the words transmitted to him by a colleague. More recently, the Verisign company has begun to implant chips in children in Brazil and Mexico, for security reasons: the chip would show location in the case of abduction. And now certain discos in Barcelona have started to implant chips in their best customers so you dont need to carry money; all that is needed is to read the customers bar code. The latest information that we have is that 500 hospitals in the United States have agreed to implant the verichip: the VeriMed patient identification system , which consists of a hand-operated radio frequency identification scanner (RFID), an RFID implant, and a safe patients data base, is being used for rapid identification and to provide important information on the health of participant patients. Victims of mind control At the end of the nineteen nineties, victims of the MK Ultra programmes began to come to light. And at the head of these, Cathy OBrien, the founder of the Association of Victims and author of the book Trance-formation of America, reprinted 14 times. Helped by her partner, former CIA agent Mark Philips, Cathy has, according to her account, relived her life as a victim of sexual abuses by her father, forced into child pornography, a sex slave under several US presidents and victim of mind control. Her testimony clears up not one but many of the questions here: when you suffer sexual abuse, this creates a trauma in your mind. To overcome this, the mind creates another personality, in such a way as to create dissociative identity disorder commonly known as multiple personality. This is the personality that MK Ultra works on. They bribed my father to make me a child pornography star and later a sex slave in the high echelons of power during Gerald Fords presidency. Once freed from her programme and thanks to her unusual access to the configurations of power in the shadow, OBrien has become an informant of the first order. At an orgy in the White House, I overheard the then prime minister of Canada, Brian Mulrooney, say that there could only be peace if we control the minds of the entire population. I also heard George Bush and Henry Kissinger say the same; the former is one of the leaders of New World Order and a continuer of the work of Hitler. OBrien reports having taken part in the satanic ceremonies of the power Elite in Soto de Bohemia (California). No less impressive is the testimony of Brice Taylor. Like OBrien, she was the victim of sexual abuses from an early age in satanic ceremonies, a sex slave under various presidents of the United States (including Nixon,

MK Ultra: the scientific battle for the control of our minds

Henry Kissinger was one of the ideological architects of Mind Kontrol Ultra (MK Ultra).

from the University of Virginia where Korean student Cho killed dozens of his fellow students in 2006 without any motive. Many believe that Cho was a remote controlled murderer. Experimentation with communications media as a weapon of mass manipulation is intrinsically bound up with techniques derived from psychology. So much so that the father of manipulation by means of the mass media, and the inventor of the term public relations, was Sigmund Freuds nephew, Eduard Bernays. When his articles were becoming known even before they were published in the United States (he himself would publish them) he began to advise politicians and companies on manipulation of Public Opinion. He advised President Woodrow on how to persuade Americans that they should enter the First World War against the Germans, creating fake news items, as would be done almost a century later with Sadam Hussein, Hugo Chvez and Mahmud Ahmedineyad. A little before that, Bernays had chalked up his greatest success convincing women that smoking was glamorous, paid by a tobacco company, naturally. The weapons used would be essentially the same as those used in advertising and television much later in the century: sex and violence. The irrational instincts of an individual. This individualcentred pattern would be repeated on the mass level, to be able to control whole groups by means of a sufficient dose of sex and violence which will cloud individual consciousness. Mind Kontrol Ultra files declassified in 1975 indicate that in the fifties, experiments were carried out

with LSD and mescaline to ascertain how to take control of a human mind in order to create a super soldier. The CIA was not the only US organism to use such a weapon the US army made it their own and subjected various spies (in principle with their consent) to truth tests after they had taken LSD. The experiment sought to establish whether particular drugs could make detainees confess. The acid culture Today the role played by LSD in the emergence of the socalled psychedelic culture is public knowledge, and

Rape and Satanism are two of the facets to MK Ultra

Ford, Kennedy and George Bush senior). Taylor was Germanborn Henry Kissingers private secretary for several decades, and was employed as a courier and spy by Kissinger, one of the leading architects of practices of this sort. The profile of abducted child, violated in infancy and induced by means of drugs is repeated again and again in cases of MK Ultra. The case of Duncan OFinionan for instance, which has all the ingredients for a gripping movie. Singled out for training by the CIA because of his Cherokee and Irish blood, in the belief that these peoples have psychic powers, OFinionan is the prototype super soldier. Kidnapped when a child, the victim of sexual abuses, and trained to be a supersoldier, he formed part of a squad of child assassins in the Vietnam War and confesses to having killed, as a sniper acting in the personality created for him, various personalities including a high-ranking member of the CIA. On various occasions he appeared in a place without knowing how he had got there. With the vital constants of a superathlete, the

After drugs, research focused on electronics, telecommunications and implanting chips

the fact that Timothy Leary and writer Ken Kesey were instrumental in this. Much less well known is its use in mind control of the general public. In 1957, the Swiss doctor Albert Hoffman, discoverer of lysergic acid was recruited by professor Roger Heim to synthesize some of the most psychoactive Mexican mushrooms. They were joined by James Moore, of the University of Delaware and CIA agent, as well as another CIA agent, Cord Meyer, implicated in Kennedys death. This project to put an end to the hippie movement culminated with the extension of LSD to a whole generation. This was Operation Chaos, an application of mind control on a mas-



speed of an Olympic runner, and the strength of a professional wrestler (and he has been one) his profile is that of a member of Delta Force, whose ranks he has also been in. OFinionan claims to possess paranormal faculties. Satanic sects The Monarch Project specialized in disciplines such as Voodoo and Satanism and the creation of sects, beginning in 1966 with the church of Satan. At its head, the CIA placed Anthon Lavey, student of criminology at San Francisco, former police officer of that city and member of Interpol. His chief collaborator in the magic circle that he directed was General Michael Aquino, an agent of the NSA (National Security Agency) and a specialist in psychological warfare. In 1973, Aquino became the supremo of special psychological operations, declaring that psychology is victory in the war of minds. He believed that populations could be dominated by means of a state of psychological terror and the provocation of impending doom. Familiar with all the research discussed above, Aquino discussed the possibility of using low frequency waves to control the mind without having to use a bullet, whether via radio, television or microwaves, achieving the manipulation of thoughts and feelings of the population. Subsequently, Aquino became independent of Lavey, and founded the Church of Set, influenced by the Nazi leader Himmler, of whom Aquino is an adept, and carrying out ceremonies wearing the SS uniform. His name has appeared in cases of child molesting (the Larry King case) and of drug dealing in connection with the Nicaraguan Contra. His church is run by a committee of nine persons, two of whom were, in the nineteen nineties, secret service agents. Until recently, Aquino held one of the top positions in the highly secret NSA, together with General Black and with General Hayden, former head of the CIA. Cathy OBrien accuses Aquino of having worked the minds of at least one of the Columbine killers (Klebold or Harris) by means of drugs a claim supported by the latters dabbling in Satanism, like other legendary serial killers. The Manson family was associated with the Church of the Process in Utah, with its links with the CIA, before moving to California and becoming the Foundation and unleashing the notorious massacre in the home of devotee of Satanism Roman Polanski,. In the trial of the Church of the Process of the Last Judgement (an offshoot of Scientology), up to sixty cases of abuse within satanic ceremonies were cited. Information obtained by psychologists on the different levels of the unconscious showed a first level of recall as being victims of sexual abuse. Furthermore, 45 adults admitted to having seen or participated in human sacrifices. All of them had developed psychological problems with multiple personality. On a second level, incest emerged. On a third level, there appeared memories of seeing people wound or even murder other people. Some recalled seeing children killed and, at a deeper level, some admitted having killed their own babies. The Church of Scientology and the Korean Moon sect (Church of the Unification) are other movements that investigators stated were connected with these secret programmes. The founders of both cults (Ron Hubbard and Sun Myung Moon) were agents with the United States secret services and Korean secret services respectively.

The creative power of thought

For decades the powers of the mind have been associated with the esoteric. However, quantum mechanics, the dominant theoretical and practical model these days in science, has shown the interrelationship between thought and reality. Surprising experiments in leading-edge laboratories corroborate this fact.
Study of the brain has advanced very considerably in recent decades thanks to tomography. By connecting electrodes to the brain, it can be determined where each of the activities of the mind occurs; electrical activity is measured while a mental activity is engaged upon, whether rational, emotional, spiritual or sentimental, and in this way it can be seen which area corresponds to the mental process in question. These experiments in neurology have shown something apparently zany: when we see a particular object activity occurs in certain parts of our brain but when we tell the subject to close their eyes and imagine it, exactly the same activity occurs! Thus, if the brain shows the same activity when we imagine as when we see, the big question arises: what is reality? The solution is that the brain makes no difference between what it sees and what it imagines because the same neuron networks is involved; for the brain what it sees is as real as what it feels, explains the biochemist and doctor of chiropractic medicine Joe Dispenza in the book based on the film of the same name What the bleep do we know? It is argued, it is feasible that we manufacture our reality out of the form in which we process our experiences, that is to say, by means of our emotions. The pharmacy in our brain The hormones associated with our emotional responses, are manufactured in a small organ, the hypothalamus. There, in our brain, is to be found what amounts to the greatest pharmacy in existence, where particles known as peptides are created. These are short sequences of amino acids which, when combined, create neurohormones and neuropeptides. They are responsible for triggering the emotions we experience daily. According to professor of physics John Hagelin, there are chemicals for anger, for happiness, for suffering, for envy When we feel a particular emotion, the hypothalamus releases these peptides through the pituitary gland into the blood, which then connect with the cells that have the corresponding receptors on their outside. The brain acts like a storm that unleashes thoughts via the synaptic cleft. No one has seen a thought, not even in the most advanced laboratories, but what can be seen is the electrical storm that every mental state or thought produces, connecting neurons by means of the synaptic clefts. Each cell contains thousands of these receptors all around its surface, opening as it were to these experiences. Candace Pert, who possesses patents for modified peptides, and is professor at the University of Georgetown School of Medicine puts it this way: Each cell is a little home to consciousness. Entry of a neuropeptide into a cell is the equivalent of a biochemical discharge which may modify the cells nucleus. Our brain creates these neuropeptides and it is our cells that become accustomed to receiving the range of emotions: anger, anxiety, joy, envy, generosity, pessimism, optimism... and becoming accustomed in this way creates thought patterns. Via the millions of synaptic terminals, our brain is continually recreating itself; a thought or emotion creates a new connection that is reinforced when we think or feel something on repeated occasions. Thus when someone carried out routinely these days in laboratories around the world with particles that can be photographed. The reality of bilocation, that is, of something being in two places at the same time, is these days knowledge in the public domain, at least in leading-edge science. Jeffrey Satinover, former president of the Jung Foundation at the university of Harvard states: Right now, in many laboratories in the United States, you can see objects large enough to be seen with the naked eye, that are in two places at the same time, and you can even take photos of them. I guess many people will think that we scientists have gone crazy, but reality is like that, and this is something we cannot as yet explain. Perhaps because some think that the man or woman in the street will not understand these experiments, scientists have not yet succeeded in alerting the population of the magnificent implications that this has for our lives, although there are associated theories that are already part of popular science. Undoubtedly the theory of parallel universes, the origin of the theory of quantum superimposition, is the one that has been best taken up by the general public. What this amounts to is that Reality is a number of waves that coexist in space-time as possibilities, until one of them becomes real that is, that is, we experience it. It is we ourselves, with our choices and above all with our thoughts (I can do it, I cant do it) who set about enclosing ourselves in a limited and negative reality or in the obtaining of those things we dream about. Put another way, modern physics tells us we can achieve anything we wish, anything we yearn for (within that range of possibility waves, naturally). In actual fact, the discoveries of quantum physics have formed part of human experience for millennia, in spiritual circles. According to Greg Braden, who has researched into the Dead Sea scrolls, the Essenes (the spiritual community to which, it is said, Jesus Christ and John the Baptist belonged) had their own way of praying, quite different from the way we pray now. In his book The Isaiah effect, deciphering the ciencie of prayer and prophecy, Braden assures us that the way they prayed was distinctly different to the manner that Christians would later adopt. Instead of asking God for something, the Essenes visualized that what they asked for was already granted, a technique which is essentially the same as used today in toplevel sporting competition, to give a familiar example. Most of us have surely seen how, at athletic events, in the pole volt, the athletes carry out mental exercises simulating the jump: in their minds they visualize themselves realising the feat. This technique comes from sports psychology, which has developed techniques garnered from oriental philosophies. Present-day neurolinguistic programming used in public relations, public relations and company training in general, concurs in having recourse to the present tense and to affirmations to achieve objectives. The word is a step further in the creation of reality, so that we have to watch what we say since, in some sense, we will be attracting this reality to us.

What the bleep do we know? shows that we construct our reality out of our emotions.

associates a particular situation with an emotion a bad experience in a lift or elevator, such as being trapped in one this can lead to the object being associated with the fear of being shut in an enclosed space. If this association is not interrupted, our brain may come to associate this thought-object with the negative emotion, thus reinforcing the connection, known in psychology as a phobia or fear. Explained in this way, all habits and addictions operate via the same mechanism. A fear (of not being able to sleep, of speaking in public, of falling in love) may cause us to resort to a pill, a drug or a damaging form of thought. The unconscious objective is to trick our cells with a different type of emotion, generally one that stimulates or excites us, taking our mind off the fear. In this way, every time that we encounter the situation in question, the fear connects us, inevitably, with the solution in other words, with the addiction. Thus behind every addiction, (drugs, persons, drink, gambling, sex, television) there is a fear inserted in our cellular memory. The good news is that when we break this vicious circle, severing the connection, the brain creates another bridge between neurons which is the passage to liberation. Because, as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has demonstrated, in their studies of Tibetan lamas in a state of meditation, our brain is permanently and continually remaking itself, even in old age. For example, we can unlearn and relearn ways of experiencing emotions. Mind as creator Experiments with elemental particles have led scientists to recognize that the mind has the capacity to create. In the words of Amit Goswani, profesor of physics at the University Oregon, the behaviour of microparticles changes depending on what the observer does: When watched by an observer, they behave like waves, when they are not, they behave like particles. Which means that the observers expectations affect reality in the laboratories... and every one of us is composed of millions of atoms. Translated in terms of our daily lives, this means that our reality is, to a certain extent, a product of our own expectations. If a particle (the minimum unit of matter of which we are composed) can behave like matter or like a wave, then we can do the same. Molecular reality Japanese scientist Masaru Emotos surprising experiments with water molecules have opened an incredible door into the possibility that our minds are capable of creating reality. Armed with an electronic microscope fitted with a diminutive camera, Emoto photographed molecules taken from polluted waters and crystal spring water. He placed them in a deep freeze to turn them to ice and

photograph them. What he found was that the pure waters produced crystals of great beauty, while the tainted waters produced only chaos. Later, he proceeded to label them with words like love or I hate you, and achieved similar results: love formed beautiful crystals while hate called forth chaos. The biological explanation of Emotos phenomenon is that the atoms that make up the molecules (in this case the two small hydrogen atoms and the larger oxygen one) can be ordered in different ways: harmoniously or chaotically. If we take in account the fact that 80% of our body is water, we will see how our emotions, our words and even our music influence our reality, be it more or less harmonious. Our internal structure is reacting to all the exterior stimuli, reorganising the atoms of the molecules. While the philosophers of ancient Greece speculated over their existence, the scientific reality of the atom dates from the beginning of the 20th century. Atomic physics gave way to theory of relativity and then quantum physics. Today, in schools all round the world, children are taught that atoms are composed of positive particles (protons) and neutral particles (neutrons) in their nuclei with negative particles (electrons) orbiting around them. Their organisation is uncannily reminiscent of that of the universe, some electrons (planets) going round a sun or nucleus (protons and neutrons). What perhaps is less well known is that what atoms are composed of is practically inexistent. In the words of William Tyler, emeritus professor of engineering and matter science at Stanford University, matter is not static and predictable. Within the atoms and molecules, particles occupy an insignificant space, the rest is empty. In other words, atoms are not a cutand-dried piece of reality, but are much more malleable than we think. Physicist Amit Goswani puts it plainly: Heizenberg, el codiscoverer of quantum physics, was very clear on this; atoms are not things, they are tendencies. So, instead of thinking of atoms as objects, you should think in terms of possibilities, possibilities of consciousness. Quantum physics only calculates possibilities, and thus the question that immediately comes to mind is, who chooses between these different possibilities? The answer that comes from quantum physics is loud and clear: consciousness is wrapped up, the observer cannot be ignored. What reality do you prefer? Doctor Anton Zeillingers famous experiment with the molecule of fullers earth at the university of Vienna, showed that atoms of fullers earth (an atomic structure that has 60 carbon atoms) were able to pass through two holes at the same time. This science fiction experiment is


A generation avid for experiences, wishing to connect with other realities, fell into the trap laid for them by the government in the shade to disactivate a younger generation reaching out for freedom. The strategy adopted by the psychologists of the hidden government was that of the prohibition. If something is forbidden, its good,

was the reasoning espoused by many young idealists in the second half of the 20th century and that is way they went. Former British secret-service agent James Casbolt related how the modern chapter of the traffic of drugs began, an activity in which his own father was involved: The British espionage serv-

ices designed and implemented the LSD culture in the nineteen fifties via institutions such as the Tavistock Institute of Social Relations in London, In the nineteen sixties MI5, MI6, and the CIA used LSD as a weapon against the social activists who became the flower power people, too soaked in drug culture to bother organizing a revolution.

Former agents of the American DEA and the British MI-5 tell the truth about the drug trade
It may come as a surprise to many that drug traffic worldwide is controlled and directed by secret agents. In this market, the British secret services are in charge.
Dr. Timothy Leary, LSD guru of the sixties, was a puppet of the CIA. The money and the substances for his experiments came from the Agency and Leary himself said that Cord Meyer, the CIA agent who had been given the responsibility of introducing LSD into the counterculture of the sixties helped me to understand my cultural and political role more clearly. Relations between the CIA and international drug dealing began almost from the beginnings of the Agency. Dennis Dayle, senior agent of the DEA with supervisor status declared: In my 30 years of service with the DEA (agency responsible for the action against narcotics), the greater part of my investigation inevitably revolved around the CIA. In the mid eighties, the socalled Irangate scandal burst onto the scene in the United States. Its major icon was Colonel Oliver North. Many readers may remember him as a protg of ex Vice-president Dick Cheney who went from being accused of treason to being considered a national hero. And that despite the fact that the Commission of Secret Affairs of the American House of Representatives certified that Oliver Norths diary contained an entry saying 14 million dollars earmarked for the purchase of weapons for the Nicaraguan Contra had come from the sale of narcotics. What came to light during those years was the connection between army officers and the American secret services, drug and arms dealing. The objective was to raise funds to pay the Nicaraguan Contra. If the sale of arms to a country like Homeinis Iran was in itself a major scandal, the fact that secret service agents were involved in international drug dealing put the entire American system in doubt, its health and its direction. As may be recalled, the eighties were marked by heroine deaths all over the world. Subsequently, they introduced cocaine into corporate and artistic circles, until it reached the nucleus of ordinary people, as is happening now in the world of Big Brother. As always seems to happen, the passage of time silenced a scandal that would have indicated, at least in part, how international drug dealing works and how this relates to other businesses in the shadow. Today, owing to the invasion of Afghanistan and the interrelationship with the Pakistani secret services, we can get a better handle on this matter. Love between agents In the United States there are cases Yugoslavia was the route the United States authorities chose for the exporting of heroin to Europe; a cohesive Yugoslavia would be an obstacle. And here, of course, the figure of Henry Kissinger pops up once again. Kissingers office in Belgrade (Kissinger & Associates) was just down the hall from Radovan Karadzic, the Serbian Bosnian leader. A letter dated 1985, supposedly written by the then director of the CIA, Bill Casey, weeks before his death, admitted that a secret structure had been set up for international drug dealing during the Cold War, headed by none other than George Bush senior. It appears that this practice of financing special operations with the sale of drugs had been habitual from the Vietnam War onward. This same document, which came into the possession of Dee Ferdinand, the daughter of the New York detective and CIA collaborator, Albert Carone, presumably murdered by CIA agents, was presented as evidence in legal action brought against the Ministry of Defense in 1999. The use of the planes In the year 1976, colonel Lawrence Houston responded to an interpellation by Senator Frank Church admitting that the CIA had used the United States Post Office as a screen for other secret activities. The screen more particularly was a company going under different variations of the name Pacific Corporation and which controlled Air America, Southern Air Transport and Intermountain Air. In the late sixties, these sold 45 military service Australian C-130s (a sale prohibited by law) to certain, at the time incipient, Columbian clans. Gary Eitel, former CIA pilot since the Vietnam War and the man who revealed these shenanigans in the late seventies, admitted that the airports used for this route were Tucson (Arizona), Portland (Oregon) and Mena (Arkansas). These sophisticated planes would be used from the mid eighties on for the export of cocaine from Colombia to the United States with a stop in Panama. As stated in the declaration under oath before the Commission of Intelligence Affairs, Colonel Ed Cutolo (killed in an accident in Britain in 1980), special force personnel would place radar packets so that they could fly at an altitude undetected by the radar and arrive without problems in Panama. These secret operations known by names Watchtower, Pegasus and Amadeus were directed by the then

The international drug dealers George Bush and Bill Clinton, better known for their role as presidents of the United States.

still open that clearly show the connection between the higher spheres of power and the drug barons. One of these was brought to court by the former agent of the DEA (popular force against drugs), Michael Craig Ruppert, whose story would make a better film than most. He was the son of a military man turned expert in spy satellites, and an expert in codes and code breaking, Michael gained his degree at the prestigious UCLA, with a clear purpose in mind, to become a secret agent. Moving in these select circles it is not strange that he should make friends that ere long would appear in the highest spheres of power in North America. The woman he married, Theodora DOrsay, turned out to be a member of the CIA and deeply involved in the drug trade which plunged him in crises when he tried to come clean. His own superiors told him to desist. Afterwards, his house and his mothers were burgled, he was sent from one posting to another, and felt that he was a pariah. Finally he was barred from working with any of the very many security bodies, so that he finally had to work as a janitor. After several years, Ruppert regained his strength and saw his reports reach the United States Senate; they promised him he would be called to testify but that never happened. Similarly fruitless was the Commission headed by John Kerry, who shelved the matter in

1985 before the key witness of the inquiry, Ruppert, was able to testify. Nonetheless, Ruppert persisted in his investigations and became one of the worlds leading authorities on the international drug trade. A high spot was when in 1997, he lambasted the then director of the CIA, John Deutch, accusing him of being behind international drug dealing.

CIA operations under George Bush senior had an airport in Arkansas the state governed by Bill Clinton as their base where the cocaine was flown in
Subsequently UCLA professor Paul Jabber, formerly employed by the CIA, told him that, thanks to the Algeria agreement between Iran and Iraq, the Sha agreed to suspend support for the Kurdos in support for control of the Shaat-Al-Arab, vital as it was for the export of Iranian crude. But since the Americans did not

want to lose control of this area, strategicaly important for the defence of Israel, they decided to send arms to the Kurds; payment would be in the form of opium passing through Afghanistan and Pakistan to Turkey by way of Kurdistan a strategy that would be repeated in the region later on with the Afghanistan War and which would be the cause of the heroine deaths in the West in the eighties. All through this the Pakistani secret services were perfect allies of the CIA. It is a fact documented by the United Nations that the NATO invasion of Afghanistan multiplied the production of heroin exponentially, and note that the Talibans combated the cultivation of poppies for heroin. The British government recognised that poppy cultivation could contribute to the pacification of the region in that it obliged combatants to stay in the fields and not support the Talibans. CIA and the mafias As Ruppert learned from former colleagues, in all of these places CIA agents liaised with the local mafias, who traded comercial links for succulent dividends with which to finance their wars. This same scenario would be repeated in the nineties, in Kosovo and Chechenia, with the Russian mafias as allies in distributing the material in the cities of the ex Soviet Union. Michael Ruppert maintains that the origin of the war in



director general of the CIA, George Bush senior. At was at this time that the airport of Mena (Arkansas) became the receptor of tons of cocaine while Bill Clinton was governor. This information has been corroborated such former CIA agents as Bill Tyree, Rodney Stich and Dois G. Tatum. Colonel Carone (already mentioned for possessing a letter from Bill Casey in which the implication of the CIA in drug trafficking is referred to) is the best source on Operation Amadeus. As Ruppert was personally able to determine, the names of leading figures in the CIA appear in Carones book of telephone numbers, names such as Casey himself or Richard Stilwell. In his last weeks of life he commented to his family that Pegasus was an umbrella laundering money coming from the sale of drugs, which would be deposited in the Bahamas or the Channel Islands. Among the principal players of this show were illustrious names such as Oliver North, John Pointdexter or the supremo, George Bush senior. On occasions thse operations included the killing of DEA agents, such as Kiki Camarena in 1985. Carones partner, James Robert Strauss, was constantly travelling to places such as Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, London, Lisbon and Madrid. The Nicaraguan Contra In a hearing of the Committee for the Monitoring of the Secret Services in 1998, Inspector General Frederich Hitzs unravelled the links between the CIA, narcotics and the different groups of what was called the Nicaraguan Contra. As he showed in this inquiry into the functioning of the CIA: in six instances, despite having knowledge that persons or groups were involved in the traffic of drugs, the CIA decided not to intervene. In at least two of them, despite having proofs, they decided not to make any allegations or investigation. According to Frederich Hitzs himself, at the beginning of 1981 there were secret negotiations with the Department of Justice to change the status of thousands of collaborators with the CIA to that of unemployed. The second part of the conspiracy, again according to Hitzs, involved exonerating the CIA for drug dealing in the case of the unemployed. In 1987, CIA executive Robert Graves wrote a memorandum to his superior, Clair George, in which he calls collaborating with drug dealers foolishness. In the same letter there is mention of leaders of the Nicaraguan Contra Jorge Morales and Edn Pastora. The CIA attempted to murder Pastora on various occasions. In the statement by the ex agent of the DEA, Celerino Castillo to the House of Representatives Commission on Intelligence, Oliver North is mentioned as being responsible for a hangar in El Salvador where the narcotics were stored. Apparently, the War against Sandinism was one of those moments in which the cocaine routes were knitted together, running from Colombia to the United States, via Panama and Mexico. During the eighties, the Columbian drug cartels of Cali and Medelln were well known. The Ochoa brothers, Pablo Escobar and Carlos Lehder were household names. Examination of the accounts of the Democratic and Republican parties show that some of these names appear as contributors to

the coffers of these parties. More specifically, the banks of the state of Arkansas, where Bill Clinton grew up politically, receive large amounts from Lehder, in the form of security bonds specializing in the laundering of money. Apparently, general Noriega was a mere employee in Lehders service. Furthermore, many Wall Street firms regularly received influxes of money from the drug barons. But that is not all. In 1999, Catherine Austin Fitts, who was assistant secretary to George Bushs cabinet, after being managing director of the firm Dillon Read, observed that there were four American states with a higher per capita income than the rest: California, Texas, Florida and New York. These four states are those where money from the drug trade was most laundered

Michael Ruppert: Origins of the war in Yugoslavia stem from the imposition of this route by the United States hierarchy for exporting of heroin to Europe
(between 100 and 260.000 million dollars a year) and are, precisely, the four that contribute most to the electoral campaigns of the two big parties ( 80%). Who were the governors of the states of Texas and Florida at that time? None other than George Bush junior and Jeb Bush. But matters do not end there. During the years when the Contra was most active in Central America, Arkansas was the only state in the entire nation that issued cash bonds that in practice were certificates for laundered money. Over that period in time, when the airport at Mena (Arkansas) became one of the major entry points for drugs, abundance flowed in that state, and the unemployment rate was low. Who was the governor of the state at that time? Bill Clinton (the youngest governor in the history of America, 1978-1992. Prior to that, he was attorney general of this same state). This being so, it is not surprising that,

once installed in the White House, the Clinton administration set about freeing Carlos Lehder. Acording to certain sources, Lehder was one of the biggest contributors to his campaign. Ruppert maintains that a part of the profits that American companies report making in Latin America come from drug trafficking. General Electric, for example, hoisted its worth astronomically on the stock exchange thanks to that. The media themselves are tain ted by the sale of drugs: General Electric owns the ABC network. Ted Turner (founder of CNN), has connections with figures like Henry Kissinger and Colin Powell. Which explains why news reaching the general public is censured by the authorities. Ruppert maintains that some of the astronomical acquisitions and fusions of the late nineties were financed by drug dealing: If you were Pablo Escobar or Carlos Lehder and you had thousands of millions of dollars that you couldnt invest because it was dirty money, youd be delighted to be offered 5% of the profits in exchange for a share in the business. Ruppert says that the ClintonGore duo are connected with the Cali cartel and general Noriega, which would explain why the Bushes decided to put a stop to Pablo Escobar, Carlos Lehder and General Noriega himself, who according to Ruppert was one of Lehders employees. This wouild also explain why Clinton himself decided to free Noriega toward the end of his mandate. In short, the fight between the Medelln Cartel and the Cali Cartel had been a covert battle between the Democrats and the Republicans. Catherine Austin Fitts, mentioned above, and a close collaborator of George Bush, relates that the president of the New York Stock Exchange, Richard Grasso, made a telephone call to the leader of the FARC (the Columbian leftwing guerrillas), inviting him to invest on the Stock Exchange at that time in the doldrums. Some analysts even believe that American partiality for Colombia is due to the fact that the enormous capital accumulated by the drug barons could shake the structures of the American economy to their foundations. Daniel Estuln affirms that if the money from drugs disappeared, Wall Street would disappear. The leader of the Waco sect, David Kores, was in possession of this information when he was shot down by the Special Forces. En 2007, a plane rented by the CIA crashed in the Yucatan (Mexico) with 3.7 tons of cocaine on board. En 2008, a light aircraft loaded with hashis crashed at an airstrip on an estate belonging to Spanish banker Emilio Botn in Ciudad Real province, Spain. No inquiry was held to find out whether there was a connection between the plane and the owner of the airstrip.

British Intelligence MI-6 are the drug lords of the world

My name is James Casbolt. I worked on MI6 black operations trafficking cocaine with the IRA and the Mossad in London and Brighton, between 1995 and 1999. My father, Peter Casbolt, was also an MI-6 agent and worked with the CIA and the mafia in Rome, bringing cocaine into Britain. My experience was that the difference between these groups became less and less until in the end they formed a single international group working together with the same objectives. We were puppets whose strings were pulled by our high-level political and financial masters in the City of London. Many at the highest levels of the different intelligence agencies are not loyal to the interests of their respective countries but see themselves as part of a supranational entity. Ever since its creation, MI6 has been responsible for bringing drugs into the United Kingdom. And not just a part of the drugs entering the country I estimate that MI6 are behind 90% of the drugs coming in. They do this by pulling the strings of many criminal organizations and terrorist groups likethe IRA, which is full of MI6 agents. MI6 transports heroine from the Middle East, cocaine from South America and cannabis from Morocco, as well as from other places. In 1998, I myself sent off 3,000 doses of LSD in papers designed by MI5 with the flag of the European Union on them. The man from MI5 who dispatched this consignment told my father that it was a government firm and the LSD was called Europe. This drug trade worldwide controlled by the British generates at least l,500 billion a year. That is more than the total for oil worldwide and the economies of Britain and the US are totally dependent on money from the drug dealing. Mafia boss John Gotti made it very clear when he was asked in court if he dealt in drugs. He answered flatly: No, we cant compete with the Government. I think that this is probably only a half-truth since the CIA and the mafia form a single group at the highest level. In Britain the money from drugs is laundered by the Bank of England, Barclays and other financial institutions. The drugs money is shifted from account to account until its origins are lost in a morass of transactions. In that way the money becomes totally laundered but not totally clean. With this money they buy diamonds from the corrupt diamond businesses of families like the Oppenheimers. These diamonds are then sold and at this point the money is completely clean. MI6 and the CIA are also responsible for the crack epidemic in Great Britain and America. In 1978, MI6 and the CIA were in South America investigating the effect on the natives of the coca paste known as basuco. This has an effect similar to c o c a i n e - d e r ive d crack. They saw that its addictive power was much greater than that of ordinary cocaine and created crack based on basuco formula. MI6 and the CIA then immediately shipped massive amounts of crack into Britain and America. Two years later, in 1980, Britain and the United States began see the first symptoms of the crack epidemic in the streets. On August 23 1987, in a small town to the south of Little Rock, Arkansas, two lads named Kevin Ipes and Don Henry were murdered and cut into pieces after seeing a consignment handled by the CIA which formed part of the operation whose final destination was the airport at Mena, Arkansas. Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas at that time and was involved in trafficking drugs with the CIA to the tune of 100 million dollars a month, passing through this airport. [you will find my evidence for this in the books Compromise and Dope Inc.] In my fathers connections with the MI6 drug section, everything in the end passed through Britain. While my father channelled motor launches going from Morocco to the Costa del Sol in Spain and then moved shipments of hashis via MI6 and the IRA into Britain each month, the British intelligence bosses were content. As my father moved shipments of cocaine to Rome each month, his bosses at MI5 and MI6 were happy with him. If my father kept back a part to sell it on the side, no one worried too much since there was enough Money and drugs circulating to bring in 500 billion sterling a year. Those who paid for the goods were consumers who were becoming addicts, and paid for it with their suffering. But karma always has to be paid in the end, and both my father and I became heroin addicts. My father ended up dying a penniless addict in jail, under very strange circumstances. Today I am clean of drug addiction and I want to help put a stop to the enormous suffering that the drug trade causes. The Intelligence Agencies have always used addictive drugs as a weapon against the masses, rendering them apathetic about the creation of a world superstate, a police state whose armed forces would be NATO, with people implanted with chips so they are completely controlled, that is, the New World Order. Casbolt affirms that the Money goes to secret programmes of genetic engineering, extraterrestrial technology, and the secret governments bases on other planets.

James Casbolt, former member of MI-6


Dismissed as a crackpot obsession, governments all over the world have been compiling secret files on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). What we are now seeing is the gradual leaking of these documents, paving the way for the most fantastic moment in the history of mankind. Recent declarations by the Catholic

church admitting the existence of extra-terrestrial beings, as well as astronomical information that supports this possibility, to which have to be added hundreds of personalities from the secret services civil and military aviation, NASA, astronauts and politicians who have started to tell what they were forced to

keep under wraps: the closest kept secret: the existence of other beings in the cosmos. The coming months will see a constant leaking pointing to the existence of a world government that has been aware yet hidden this information from humankind, wanting it to believe it has been living in a planet prison.

Humanity is confronted by the greatest of all secrets: the existence of other civilizations in the universe
Knowledge is power. Power in all civilizations has been in the hands of the religious and political elites, which form a single whole. To know who we are, where we come from and where we are going, is without a doubt the greatest of all knowledge. What is happening in space is one of the great state secrets.
It has always been said that much of the Church's power has derived from the fortunes left by so many people giving them to clergy shortly before passing, in expiation for their sins. Those who have had the power to concede eternal life have concentrated monetary power. Is it a coincidence that the Swiss Guard from the country which no one attacks and which salts away the greatest fortunes are the ones to guard the Vatican? Is knowledge of the hereafter linked to the economic success of the here-and-now? Is it a coincidence that the largest of all telescopes (VATT) is in the hands of the Jesuit Order? And that most of most prominent astronauts have been high ranking masons? Although this story goes back a long way, in modern times the cover/up begins in 1947, when the local news media of the state of New Mexico report the crash-landing of a non-manmade flying saucer. At first the radio stations and newspapers in Albuquerque (Roswells nearest big city) tell of an extraterrestrial ship falling in woodland. A few days later, the official version presented by the military is changed radically, a general rule from then on, and the object is described as a weather balloon! The Blue Book Project is born, where official stories of these entities are cobbled together and are complemented by a misinformation campaign known as Snowbird, aimed at confusing public opinion on the subject, through the discrediting and harassment of witnesses. Essentially the same thing has happened all over the world. The group that controls this information in the US is known as Majestic Jehova 12 in charge of the Blue teams or special forces popularly known as the men in black. Financers such as Nelson Rockefeller, scientists like Werner Von Braun, Edward Teller and Carl Sagan along with politicians George Bush senior and Henry Kissinger have all participated. In recent months, declassification of relevant documents has brought to light a letter from Walter Oppenheimer (father of the atomic bomb) to Albert Einstein, airing his worries on the subject. This makes it plain that both scientists formed part of the group. A NSA officer, Milton William Cooper had access to some of these documents, and before being liquidated in October 2001 he described the legal and institutional structures through which the censorship is mediated: State Secret. According to Cooper the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the Second World War affected the cosmic order and caused

Cover of the Roswell Daily Record of July 1947, in which we can read RAAF (Roswell Army Air Field) captures flying saucer on ranch in Roswell region.

different galactic nations begin to oversee what their little brothers and sisters on the Earth were up to. For this reason, in 1947, the flying saucer phenomenon began to extend in areas such as New Mexico, precisely where nuclear tests had been taking place. Expanded means of communication made it possible for human beings to become aware of a greater power that went beyond the religious, political, economic power of that time. Again according to Cooper, between January 1947 and December 1952 no less than 16 extra-terrestrial objects force-landed or crashed in the deserts of New Mexico. This brought the count to 65 extra-terrestrials dead and at least one alive. At first, this secret was exclusively confined to USAF secret services and to the CIA, the latter specially constituted in 1947 to take care of these matters. Additionally, the National Security Council compris-

ing Pentagon chiefs, the Secretary of State, secret services, President and Vice-President a body we heard so much about after 9-11 was set up specifically to deal with extra-terrestrial issues. Some changes effected to government bills, at the outset, allowed the CIA to assume powers to act in foreign espionage, organize cover-ups and organize data collection within the United States (there are strong indications that the security councils of countries around the world were responsible for keeping this secret). A series of statements from the National Security Council (NSC) upped the CIA's authority to the point where documents NSC10/1 and NSC10/2 legalized illegal practices and authorized prohibited procedures simply upon being recommended by the leaders of National Security. As a result a department for the supervision of secret projects was

set up especially to deal with extraterrestrial affairs. The effect of all this was to drive a wedge between the secret services and presidential circles, which would allow presidents, in the event of accusation, to say they knew nothing about the subject. Steven Greer, coordinator of the Disclosure Project for the revelation of this secret material, confirms that, in conversations with the ex-head of the CIA, William Colby, it emerged that the president of the time knew nothing of this information. In 1948, scientists acting by governmental decree set up Project Grudge, whose purpose was to study the extraterrestrial phenomenon and, at the same time, work out strategies of misinformation to confuse the public that would crystallize in the above-mentioned Blue Book. Bill Cooper, the former NSA agent who bequeathed this information to humanity, made a special study of this along with colleague Bill English.

According to him, at that time the Blue Teams were formed, later to be called the Alpha Teams, to take care of the concealment of flying machines and, in this case, dead extra-terrestrials. From this moment on, the secret US government began research into extra-terrestrial technology, a project known as Redlight carried out at the installations in Dreamland, Area 51, which was under the aegis of the Navy ministry and answerable directly to the president, although the president never actually visited it. At the same time military funds were used to construct underground bases under the pretext of being nuclear refuges. Even today they remain secret, although one of them was undoubtedly where Dick Cheney took refuge during 911. Getting access to these caverns is extremely complicated, but both Cooper and Casbolt imply that international drug dealing is one of its sources of finance.



Aliens in indigenous cultures

In all the indigenous cultures of the planet will repeat the same words: "the creators came from the stars"
Many ancestral and native cultures speak of the extra-terrestrial origins of the human race. The Dogon people, lost in the Bandiagara fault, in Mali, have withstood all incursions from neighbouring peoples for centuries. They claim that they or their gods come from Sirius. This was discovered for the Western world by anthropologists Marcel Griaulle and // in the mid-twentieth century, when they noted that in one of Dogons dances, honouring the star Sirius, they represented Sirius as accompanied in the heavens by a second star, something which did not square with the scientific information available at that time. Just a few years later, however, astronomers discovered that Sirius (now Sirius A) had a sister star (Sirius B). How the Dogons possessed this knowledge is something which escapes the comprehension of modern science. According to the wise men and women of this tribe the explanation is simple: they come from there. And they are not the only ones that claim such a thing. The Hutus of Ruanda and the Zulus of South Africa, both believe they are the descendents of a race of beings from the stars, beings that the Zulus call the Imanujela (the lords who came). Among the Bambara of Mali, the tradition is repeated, but the name is different: the visitors from space are known as the Zishwezi. Egyptian papyrus tell us that, during the reign of Tuthmosis III, some 3,500 years ago, Egypt was invaded by spheres of light, described as rings of fire. In Colombia, the Mamos tribe of the Sierra Santa Marta possess some remarkable discs with inscriptions engraved on them that speak of their extraterrestrial origins. They themselves consider themselves to be the guardians of stellar wisdom, guided by which they took refuge from the advancing whites in a mountain, to stay there waiting for the moment to make their knowledge known. This inexplicable phenomenon of inscriptions containing interstellar information is repeated thousands of kilometers from there in the Asian continent. The Dropa and Ham of the outlying ranges of the Himalayas have certain unique features beginning with their appearance. Both peoples are very short: adults average 1 meter 25 centimeters (4 feet 2 inches) in height; yellow-skinned, with disproportionately large, nearly bald heads, with big, blue eyes. They are not typically Asiatic, but Caucasian-looking. A Chinese expedition mounted in early 1938 encountered caves inhabited by these peoples. In them they found 716 discs measuring 30 centimeters (12 inches) in diameter and one centimeter (0.4 inch) thick, containing extraordinary inscriptions. Then in 1958, an anthropologist of the Academy of Prehistory at the University of Pekin succeeded in deciphering them, and arrived at two remarkable findings: firstly dating of the fragments showed them to be 12,000 years old, and secondly the signs on the discs spoke of space craft! It occurred to researcher Peter Kolosimo to link these strange discs with the legends of the Ham, which told of the process by which the Dropa reached their lands. Ancient Ham hieroglyphics tell us that the Dropa landed in a space vehicle and set up base there temporarily. The Ham, fearful of this stellar apparition, took refuge for days in some caverns, until one of the space ships crashed while landing... In the light of this research, the Hams legends took on more authenticity in the eyes of the Chinese scientists: Were the Dropa actually the descendents of those astronauts stranded on the Earth and unable to return to their planet? In a country as vast as China there are still unexplored areas, and among those who are drawn to the world of mystery , a widespread rumour has it that in a remote region in the West of China there lives a race of diminutive beings; surely the Dropa.

Werner Von Braun, first on the right, was a Nazi scientist, co-founding member of NASA and undoubtedly a member of the MJ-12.

With the passage of time, Nelson Rockefeller was transferred to being head of special missions during the Cold War. This command, which would later on be occupied by his upcoming heir, Henry Kissinger, is in fact the command for secret and special operations in the United States, and its occupier is a member of the cabinet and the National Security Council. In 1955 Rockefeller was made responsible for the Planning Group, a department created by The National Security Council (NSC5412/2) also known as 5412 or Special Group and responsible for the authorization of secret operations. According to Cooper, presidents Carter, Reagan and JFK tried without success to penetrate this barrier of secrecy. In fact, in the United States a secret government made up of scientists and others was formed in the late forties which did not have to inform its president of its activities. Four years later the MJ-12 was formed. The then Defense Secretary, James Forrest, was the only one to stand out against the great conspiracy which has continued its machinations down to the present: President Truman's answer was that he should leave off rocking the boat. Forrest was a man of great religious convictions and did not heed the warning; a few months later he was hospitalized suffering from a nervous breakdown. On May 22 1949, CIA agents hung Forrest up by the head using a sheet in his hospital room: the sheet tore and he fell to the floor, dying instantly. Forrester was the first of dozens who were liquidated for attempting to reveal this secret, among them John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his celebrated lover, Marilyn Monroe. A declassified document dated October 3rd 1962 in which appears the name of Jim Angleton, founder of the CIA, reports that Monroe had had her phone tapped and that various friends of hers were secret service informers. This document refers to a conversation which she had with a woman friend in which Monroe mentions a secret base, associated with Area 51. The call reveals that Marilyn had been spurned by president Kennedy in recent weeks and on the recoil was going to give a press conference and tell all. The next day Marilyn was found dead, supposedly from an overdose of tablets. A year later JFK himself was to be gunned

down. A speech allegedly found in his pocket would have paved the way for the revelations concerning extraterrestrial contact... Information collected by the Disclosure Project derives from statements by 400 people from US military and secret services, NASA as well as civil servants such as Sergeant Clifford Stone, Commander Bob Dean, Colonel Phil Corso and scientist Michael Wolf, and establishes the existence of a secret government or government in the shadow which deals with these issues. In 2001, Doctor Steven Greer set the wheels in motion for the declassification project in which he brought together 400 people from all branches of the American military services, NASA, secret services and army contractors. The now mythical first conference, censured by all mass media, established the existence of a secret government which has hidden this reality from human beings, with its decisive implications for their way of life. When all is said and done, censorship on extra-terrestrials has hidden numerous forms of obtaining energy, along with methods for space voyage which would change our ways of travelling, for the elimination of the worlds pollution and would pave the way to a new form of life on the planet. You can see it all on the internet if it still hasn't been censured. Alfred Webre, adviser to President Carter on these issues, a few years ago presented the proposal for the Decade of Contact, a period in which humans on planet Earth would be prepared for the advantages of an eventual meeting with other civilizations. The first steps for this revelation would be to open up the secret dossiers in all countries, something which has already happened in the cases of Great Britain, France, Brazil and Russia, among other countries. The next step would be the gradually increased visibility of extra-terrestrial spaceships which would go about the preparation of humanity for the long awaited great moment, 2012, which will mark the beginning of a new era for humanity. Humanity would go on to form part of the galactic community. Which is why all this information is now coming to light.
In his book, Extraterrestres: el secreto mejor guardado (Extraterrestrials, the Best kept Secret), the author of this newspaper, Spanish journalist Rafael Palacios, looks at the fact of intelligent galactic life and the way this has been hushed up over the course of the second half of the 20th century and how this has affected all aspects of our lives. The existence of a parallel government, the depository of thea most important knowledge since Babylonian times, becomes clear when we study the suppressed history of Mankind. At the same time we will discover that the problems of the Planet, from energy, to money and war, would disappear if we decreed the end of state secrets.Hence this newspaper is launching the "StopsecretS" campaign, decreeing the end of the Age of Secrets on the Planet, including, of course, the ET issue. As is explained in the article on 2012, Mankind is facing the most important moment in its History, and indeed the geological changes that we are already experiencing are a strong indication that the prophecies of the different ancestral cultures of the Planet are right: we are living through a change of cycle, the end of one era and the beginning of another. Given that the Cosmic cycles are a force impelling the liberation of mankind, the secret societies that have ruled the World for the last several thousand years, decided some while ago to create four false fears (a type of false flag) to be able to introduce their New World Order in other words, the total subjugation and enslavement of Humanity. The eminent scientist Werner Von Braun, a member of the NASA elite and the MJ12 group, warned his secretary, Carolin Rosin, that the four threats to be used to get the population of the Earth to accept world government by the elite, would be, in this order: terrorist countries, dangerous viruses, the meteorite or planet approaching the Earth, and last but not least, extraterrestrial invasion. As a last resort, in the event of contact with peaceful Galactic civilizations, the Planets Secret Government plans to mount a false flag simulation of an extraterrestrial attack, known as Project Blue Beam, a scenario which will duplicate sci-fi films such as Independence day, Mars Attacks, 2012, etc. Prior to this, moles will have infiltrated into ufology circles to lead the masses in the direction desired by this elite that sees its Power slipping from its grasp. Suspicion points to Steven Greer as this false prophet. Several inventors of free energy devices accuse Greer of having threatened them during the recent Barcelona Exopolitics Summit.


Left to right: Nikola Tesla. Detail of a Joe Cell, which channels orgon and powers a motor. Wilhelm Reich, discoverer of orgon: his books were burnt and he was imprisoned for refusing to work for Rockefeller.

Uncovering the energy conspiracy and the systematic censorship of dissident scientists

The demise of energy censorship comes down: engines driven by water, magnets or compressed air already exist
The figure of Tesla re-emerges from oblivion as a paradigm of censorship. From the electric car to the censored water or magnet-powered engines, advances in the field of energy have been sabotaged by the oil people.
As long ago as 1890, Tesla was working on electromagnetic energy and wireless energy on bases similar to what we know today as wireless transmission and remote control systems. Both of them are, without doubt, the heirs of Tesla. In 1899, the Croatian-Serb scientist worked in his Colorado laboratory on a 60-foot energy-transmission tower which he called the Tesla Coil, sending a frequency wave over the earth to convey energy to lamps situated 40 kilometres from the tower. He aimed to show by this that he could supply electricity to a large number of appliances without the need of transmission cables. His first experiment was a success: two hundred lamps lit up at a certain distance from the tower. In 1906 he presented this project, by then developed, to the banker J.P. Morgan, who agreed to finance him for a few years, until at a dinner, having drunk a little too much, he let slip: With this system one could give free electricity to the whole population. The banker's reasoning was automatic: If it's free, what am I going to make money from? From that point not only did Tesla's financial backing stop but his laboratory began to have a series of strange accidents which gave him the reputation of a bungler. Tesla's patents ended up ... in a drawer. A century later, human beings are still attached to wires when it comes to obtaining energy; a fact with many implications about the real character of our freedom. While his financing difficulties continued, Tesla developed a system for generating frequency waves capable of cutting the Earth in two like an apple, which gave him the idea of looking for a backer in the arms industry. With the twentieth century still in its infancy, he tried to sell an electro-magnetic wave capable of bringing down aeroplanes at a distance of 400 kilometres. After his death, the FBI set up through its New York agent P.E. Foxworth an investigation on Tesla's lost papers, which would end up in the air force base at Dayton, Ohio. With these as a basis, a secret operation called Project Nick was developed aiming at putting Tesla's designs into practice under the direction of Brigadier General L.C. Craigie. As of today, Tesla's papers are officially classed as missing, but it seems clear to all scientists that the HAARP and Star Wars projects are direct descendants of his inventions. In the 2006 film The Last Trick (the Prestige), David Bowie takes the part of Nikola Tesla. In May 2004 came the death in strange circumstances of the scientist Mallowe, joint discoverer of nuclear fusion energy, which, unlike the fission in use today, does not produce waste. Mallowe, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), was put under pressure to leave the prestigious research centre after publishing Fire from Ice, searching for the truth about cold fusion, in which he enlarged on the viability of that energy. After a long time of stubborn argument on its behalf, a few months before he died he saw the United States Energy Department actually commission a group of scientists to review the material published on cold fusion. Such was his prestige that in May the commission had asked him for a report on the viability of that source of energy. The report included conclusive proofs that here was a clean and unlimited energy source. It was then 15 years since he had presented his hopegiving technology. Since then, there have been disappearances of scientists and inventors who have developed devices for making energy free. Energy is a concept which, currently, nobody is able to explain completely, and there seem to be many more ways of obtaining it than the already known ones of fossil energy, wind and sun. to be known as energy seas. Formulated by Henry Moray, it is based on a concept which has many resemblances to what in the spiritual world was called Ether, prana or pneuma. Inspired by that theory, Dr Moray developed a converter which, though weighing barely 28 kg., was able to generate 50 kilowatts without any apparent energy source. As the barrier between magic and science blurs, the conspiracy theorists assert that experiments with these energies have been in progress for a hundred years, but that the successes of the heterodox, such as Tesla himself or Eugene Mallowe, have been smothered by the energy industry. In corroboration, the first known patent of this type (Patent 60,986) dates from 1 January 1867, in France, in the name of one Martin Ziegler. The invention is an accumulator of live, not electric, energy. Steven Greer, originator of the Disclosure Project, who argues in his web page for the declassification of government documentation on these subjects, heads a business dedicated to research into alternative energies. It was approached some years ago by a mysterious scientist with a revolutionary object, Joe's Cell. What these energy systems do is connect to this source and, in the case of the apparatus we are talking about, convert it instantaneously into usable and controlled energy according to our needs, which is quite disconcerting. Dr Greer is one of dozens of people who have tested this invention, known as Joe's Cell. All that is known of this researcher is that he works in Australia and that he has waived his rights to the patent so as to free humanity from servitude to energy. In essence the device, according to Greer, fits into the hand and picks up in a passive way less than one watt of power from the surroundings I don't know how to explain it at the moment and the machine is turned on. It generates hundreds of watts of power which can be used just as we need it, and we were astounded by it. We have handled it ourselves and it has nothing more mysterious about it. We plugged in things like 300 or 100-watt bulbs, a stereo music system and an electric fan, all at the same time without there being any other electrical supply than the device tested. Currently, Disclosure Project's official page ( is one of a number making available the protocols needed for anyone to construct this device. [While this periodical was being corrected, several Spanish people have appeared who claim to have made Joe's Cell work]. With very subtle nuances, Tesla's cosmic energy has been subsequently rechristened tachionic energy or the Feinberg Field, after the scientist who defined it in 1966, on the basis of the existence of a faster-than-light sub-atomic particle. Following Feinberg, the researcher David Wagner has developed a prototype which works with this energy and which he defines as a gift for the planet. It has changed everyone who has come across it and has helped them in their evolution and their healing. It creates order out of disorder. It has the potential to give back to the planet and its inhabitants health, harmony and unity. During the 20th century, quantum physics has restored the link between science and alchemy. In the light of experiments now recognised by official science, many concepts are being redefined, while others appear blurred, so that we find ourselves moving on quicksand territory. Tachionic energy bears resemblances to Wilhelm Reich's orgon, the electric energy of the orgasm, although this is more closely con-

J.P. Morgan to Tesla: If energy is free, what do I make my money from?

The Internet has become a meltingpot of debate between scientists on the concept of energy itself and the possibility of free energy. In essence, the apologists of zero-point energy argue, relying on the basic principles of quantum physics, that space is not empty but is immersed in a highly concentrated magnetic field, made up of particles moving faster than light and constituting a source of free energy, located outside the electro-magnetic field and independent of light and of the Sun. Experiments with particle-accelerators and the discovery of antimatter have built a bridge to the thesis which Zen Buddhism already anticipated with its doctrine that ultimate nature is void and all is contained within nothing. All this gives rise to various philosophical questions which nowadays divide scientists too: is a vacuum the absence of matter but also of energy? Is matter a dense form of energy? The theoretical viability of free energy is based on the existence of the quantum vacuum, a quasi-spiritual space supposedly filled with particles or plasma, from which one could extract unlimited quantities of free energy. In the 20th century scientists such as Lamb, Casimir, Boyer or Dirac carried out experiments which provided support for the hypothesis



Is space empty or full of energy?

The secrecy order or how to block progress for the benefit of a few
Energy is a security matter for those who rule the planet and they are keeping this under wraps. The secret directive [Title 25, United States Code (1952), sections 181-188] justifies this censorship on grounds of national security. Briefly, that law of the United States' secret government justifies the sequestration of patents relating to energy, with the excuse of safeguarding the country's security. It is not surprising therefore that it is only through the Internet that we have found out about the life and work of some of the greatest geniuses in the history of the human race. Some inventors and their inventions, censored by the secrecy order: Grant Hudlow: method of converting rubbish into energy. Al Wordsworth: electric generator and advanced carburettor. Neil Schimdt: hydraulic windenergy turbine. Ken Rasmussen: process for converting water into energy by electrolysis. Hitachi corporation's motor using magnetism. Daniel Dingel: converted more than 100 car engines to efficient operation with water. Mike Brady: 300 kw. electromagnetic autogenerator. Robert Bass: transmutation of nuclear energy at low frequency (three people have been murdered to stop them developing this invention). Frank Richardson: electromagnetism generator and steam turbine without screw. Robert Stewart: Stewart generator of cyclical heat. Joel McClain and Norman Wooten: magnetic resonance amplifier. Stewart Harris: theory of magnetic instability. Ron Brandt: MPG carburettor. Welton Myers: Myers efficient carburettor. Dennis Lee: Freon generator. Bob Boyce: Brown gas carburettor. Henry T. Moray: free energy generator, cold cathode semiconductor. Charles N. Pogue: 200+ MPG carburettor. Fish/Kendig: Ventura variable carburettor. Floyd Sweet: vacuum triod amplifier. Teruo Kawai: appliance generating motor energy. John Water: water additive for petrol. Tom Ogle: 100+ MPG Oglemobile. Dick Belland: 100 MPG carburettor working on smoke from the petrol. Edwin V Gray: EVGRAY free ener. gy generator and free energy motor. Joseph C. Yater: converter of heat into electricity. Phil Stone: water-powered engine. Bruce DePalma: N Machine, free energy. Bill Jenkins: free energy machine. Richard Diggs: liquid electricity motor. Tim Thrapp: energy generator. Bob Lantz: Lantz system for deriving energy from water. Paul Brown: Hyper-Cap E-Converter. William Bolon: steam generator for cars. Walter Rosenthal: small converter for electric energy. Allen Caggiano:100 MPG system for vaporising fuel by implosion.

Though he died in poverty, as he himself foresaw in his epitaph, the future belongs to Nikola Tesla, the genius of free energy.

nected with vibration. The heterodox German psychoanalyst, another of the not-to-be-named by official science, experienced during his lifetime the same calamities as other heretics like Tesla or Schumann; his work was censored by an authority as remote from scientific questions as the FBI. In the course of his researches into sex, Reich arrived at orgon. According to him, the energy generated by the encounter between the male and female (positive / negative) polarities was the key to that universal energy which exists in the vacuum, in nothing. Currently orgon is being used in the field of vibration medicine and to assuage the effects of harmful antennas. For some, it is the secret of Joe's Cell. Official science, for its part, replies that in the interior both of the atom and of the cosmos, where there is no matter (particles, planets or suns) there is a vacuum, i.e. there is nothing, including energy. In this continuous regression of modern science to find the secrets of the Cosmos, the latest astronomy speculates that we only know 4% of what exists in the Universe and one of the unknown things is dark matter, which bears many resemblances to dark matter. Further still, the Electric Universe Theory states that the Cosmos is a gigantic electromagnetic mechanism, connected by electric plasmas and electromagnetic waves... as the Hindu Vedas anticipated. The hypothesis of the Mayas that the mechanism operating the Universe is suns revolving around other suns

brings us straight to the mythical design of the egg as the essence of the Cosmos. The suppressed inventions which are coming to light thanks to the Internet would take up an entire issue even in rsum. The great figure of Nikola Tesla (now opportunistically recovered by officialdom) supremely exemplifies the way the memory of

Energy is a security matter for those who rule the planet and they are not letting on
the great inventors has been kept from us. We can only summarise a few and point to the fact that numerous people all over the world are drawing energy from magnets (electromagnetic energy), and are even achieving levitation, such as Hutchinson (see the Levitron videos). For example, the Arizona company Maglev Wind Turbine Technologies, Inc. has made use of the magnetic levitation effect to design a wind-powered super-aerogenerator capable of producing one gigawatt, as against the current 120 kilowatts: i.e. more than 160 times the most powerful one now in existence and more than 8000 times that

of a typical aerogenerator. The German company Perendev has developed another magnet-based magnetic motor which is capable of self-generating, creating perpetual motion on the basis of the attraction-repulsion of the magnets themselves. In Spain a prototype magnetic engine for dwellinghouses is being launched in all secrecy, because the inventors and entrepreneurs are afraid of ending up like Stanley Meyer and the inventors indicated in the appended list. Plans for building water engines suitable for powering cars are circulating discreetly on the Internet, but if they succeed they will have to face ministry of transport review and certification laws which make it impossible to break free from fossil fuels. Only co-ordinated action by the whole population can enable these inventions, and many others, emerge into the light of day. Energy is a security matter for the rulers of the planet and they are not letting on. The reason? If energy is freed, so are we. The structure of patents and royalties has been designed to prevent all this knowledge from getting to the population. Hence also the furious persecution by authors' societies of the sharing of archives on the Internet. The battle being fought around free software and P2P networks goes much further: Is knowledge part of World Heritage?

Stan Meyer and his Water Powered Car. The inventor was not lucky enough to receive the secrecy order to stop his invention: he was murdered in 1985.


The recent outbreaks of swine flu, bird flu and anthrax are exposed as attacks by US government agencies

Biological war waged on the citizen, illness as weapon

Biological warfare was supposedly abolished in 1969 by the Geneva Convention yet numerous documents have made it clear that it continues to exist. The target, the citizen. That is, you and me.
On July 28, 2008, Bruce Ivins, the expert in biodefence employed by the US Defence Department, met his death. After lengthy research into the anthrax that terrified the US administration in days subsequent to 9-11, the finger of accusation for these crimes pointed to Ivins, which tended to support the official version of the facts according to which he had committed suicide. The problem is that at that time Ivins was languishing in the Frederick Hospital for Mental Health, so that it is difficult to imagine how he had obtained the Tylenol 3 tablets which caused his death. Those sceptical of the official version recall that Ivins was a Red Cross volunteer, played the organ in a church, liked pottering in the garden and was a family man. A portrait that the FBI has wanted to counter, describing him as a sociopath with a grudge who could not stand being the object of investigation by the FBI. That the anthrax that terrified the United States during the days following 9-11 had come out of the laboratories of an agency of the American government is a disturbing thought, absolutely corroborated by the fact that the strains of the virus can be distinguished as easily as the vintages of a wine. Government-funded scientific researcher William Patrick III figures as the holder of various patents. At the beginning of the 21st century, William Patrick III was still alive and working as consultant on germ warfare. It is likely that this man, who died recently, had clear intuitions about the facts because in 1999 he wrote a memorandum in which, intriguingly, he warned of the danger of anthrax sent through the mail. In 2001 the mailing of anthrax spores to US government delegations caused 22 injured and five deaths. The intrigues at Fort Detrick (the origin of the anthrax) had already arisen when Dr. Zack was expelled from there for having harrassed his fellow scientist Ayaad Assas, of Arab origin, whom Zack (who was Jewish) sought to blame for the mailings. Not only that but Zack was recorded by the security cameras of the installations entering them after he had been barred from working there. Assas subsequently denied that his friend Ivins could have committed suicide in an interview with a newspaper serving the Fort Detrick area. Ivins is just one of the two dozen renowned microbiologists specializing in the combatting of bioterrorism who have died in strange circumstances. One, of a sword wound, another run down by a car; a third beaten to death. A fourth stabbed in the chest; another was found dead under a chair, naked from the waist down; yet another was found asphyxiated after being the Jefferson and Clearvision projects. Interestingly, Cipro, the only antidote for anthrax infection, had been developed by the Bioport company, headed by a former US admiral and former US ambassador to Britain: William Crowe. Secrets from one side to the other Research into biological weapons in both blocks did rather more than simply develop in parallel. In reality, secrets flowed thanks to double agents as important as the banker Lord Rothschild, a member of the famous Cambridge five. The explanation is that both blocks were governed by the same powers, while touting the false arms race. And at this level the Iron Curtain was simply a curtain a theatre curtain for the unsuspecting. The 1963 Iron Mountain report on dangers for the world in the late 20th century, commissioned at the Rand corporation, alluded especially to the danger of overpopulation: To keep the peace in the interlude before the new millennium, it will be necessary to manage world population increase. Men such as David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger considered war to be necessary for economic, political and social development... War is essential for the survival of the system as we know it today. But war as an agent for depopulation would need to be reinforced by other agents. In the controversial Iron Mountain report we read: A viable alternative to war could be the generation of an external threat of sufficient magnitude for citizens to demand a reorganization and acceptance of a political authority. It is argued , they were looking for an alternative to war that would sabotage societies without destroying infrastructures. The report proposes among other things: a viable substitute for war would be to generate a generalized external threat for each society of a sufficiently potent nature as to bring about the acceptance of our policy. Kissinger himself proposed to Roy Ash, of Litton Industries, and biological war contractor during the Nixon administration, that a potent biological agent be created a budget of $10.000 million dollars would be forthcoming. The contact between Bionetics (subcontracting from Litton) and the government was Robert Gallo, later on... the discoverer of HIV considered by , most scientist to be the origin of AIDS. Among the threats proposed in addition to terrorism, were biological agents. Historians of medicine agree that the Germans, the Soviet Union and the Japanese used disease as a weapon in the twentieth century. Among the proposals put forward by the intellectuals and experts, were the following: Alternatives to war could be the generation of fictitious enemies (terrorists). They recommended eco-

Donald Rumsfeld shakes Sadam Husseins hand in1983 as Reagans emissary, during the Iran-iraq war (TV image).

kidnapped in his car... At the beginning of July, two French students, experts in microbiology, were brutally murdered in the UK. In official reports, Laurent Bonomo and Gabriel Ferez figured as simple doctoral students, but other reports in the British media, including a televi-

Dozens of experts in biological weapons have died in strange circumstances over recent years
sion channel, claimed that these two Frenchmen were experts in microbiology who had worked in a laboratory in Indonesia and, in reality, the two students were researching into bird influenza. Parallel to this, an inquiry by the Indonesian government revealed that a clandestine biological weapons lab funded by the British crown via Londons Imperial College, had been operating in Indonesia for 30 years. It so happens that this institution was the first to report the bird flu outbreak. The Indonesian government, which supposedly hired the two French experts, had ordered the American government to dismantle their Namru-2 laboratory, arguing that not only had it not

achieved results but was a centre for undercover operations. Apparently, Namru-2 was working on the development of biological weapons in contravention of a treaty which the Indonesians had signed. Curiously enough, the Pentagon chief at that time, Donald Rumsfeld, former director of the Searle company and former member of the board of directors of Gilead Sciences, stood to gain from the immense purchases of anti bird flu medicines: the famous Tamifla. Two years earlier, in 2003, the prestigious 46-year old Italian epidemiologist Carlo Urbani, died of SARS, the new disease that he himself had been the first to discover. Thanks to his action, the disease was halted in Vietnam, but because of his exposure to the dreaded virus he himself sickened and died. According to the American embassy, the Namru-2 laboratory carried out research into infectious diseases to serve the interests of its country and the international community. However, Indonesian minister of defence Juwono Sudarsono stated that the Indonesian government guaranteed diplomatic immunity of only two members of the laboratorys staff. For some commentators, this was where Asian flu was developed, to attack the DNA of the Asian population. According to the Canadian journalist Benjamn Fulford, former editor of Forbes magazine in Canada, it formed part of the biological war to curb the power of the Chinese. In modern parlance, an ethnic weapon.

According to Jeanne Cono, spokeswoman for the US government, in 1953 the United States began a offensive biological weapons programme of modest means at the Fort Detrick installations, in Maryland. Cono explains in a promotional video that they had developed seven inca-

Governments have tried out virus weapons on their own soldiers and citizens.
pacitating agents, including anthrax. Researcher L. Horowitz states flatly that the soldiers who went to the Gulf War were used as guinea pigs. Nowadays it has been confirmed by the United States authorities themselves that the anthrax spores in the form of envelopes which sowed panic in government offices during the days after 9-11, had come from laboratories connected with the American army, and more specifically from Fort Detrick. Corroborating all this information, the FBI discovered that the anthrax mailings in 2001 had come from military contractors like the DGP and Aerosol Science Labs (BMI: Battle Memorial Institute), which supply biological warfare material and the vaccine acquisition programme through



Many of those researching into AIDS, such as Llus Botinas president of the Plural 21 Association deny that HIV is the cause of the illness.

The polio vaccine, contaminated with a virus, infected homosexuals and drug addicts in New York City.

logical destruction, destruction of human genetics and a comprehensible eugenics program (racial selection) by means of a destructive environment. Its said that men like Werner Von Braun participated in this panel of experts composed, we can be sure, of doctors and biologists of the first order. According to secret memoranda found by Leonard Horowitz, the special cancer virus programme dates from 1962. At that time the long list of such viruses so developed included those of leukaemia, lymphoma, herpes, influenza, mononucleosis, kuru (prion), breast tumour, meningitis... The subjects used for such experiments came from different backgrounds but, at the beginning, they utilized those closest to hand military personnel. An inquiry by Congress revealed that the wives of American servicemen received doses of vitamins which in reality contained uranium 239 and plutonium 241, both highly radioactive, leading to miscarriages and deaths of mothers. According to these same investigations, between 1910 and 2000 some 20.000 experiments were carried out on the US population. For instance, experiments were carried out with uranium and plutonium in American hospitals with the consent of the US public health agencies. In 1968, the Pentagon tried out a lethal biological weapon in the New York subway, at the same time placing personnel in the relevant hospitals to monitor the results. Black men infected with syphilis In 1972 it came to light that 400 black men were infected by syphilis bacteria over the course of various decades, in the Tasquidee experiment an experiment conducted by the Public Health Service. Later, some of the survivors of Tasquidee were paid compensation by the State. In 1969, the United Nations in Geneva approved the famous Protocol which prohibited the development of biological weapons. The United States government itself recognized that the US had worked on weapons of this sort in the words of the spokeswoman for the Department of Prevention and Control of Diseases Joanne Cono. This in a video of the Institute for Public Health. However she stated that this never went beyond the development stage. Officially, a thousand cultures of such diseases as influenza, mononucleosis and sarcoma were reportedly destroyed in 1969, on the orders of President

Nixon that this research should cease. However, recently declassified documents show that funds for this type of

Robert Gallo, the discoverer of AIDS, worked for the American government in the field of germ warfare with the Litton company
research were actually increased from that same year onwards. The modern era of United States research in this field begins with the influx of Nazi scientists, supervised by Henry Kissinger in the course of Project Paperclip. More than 340 microbiologists and 700 specialists came. Many of them were specialists in cancer research. The research was carried out at the US naval facilities at Fort Detrick and the National Cancer Institute in association with the Rockefeller Foundation. One of the experts in cancer research at the Rockefeller Foundation back in 1932 was George W. Merck, later head of the Department of biological warfare and founder of one of the largest pharmaceutical empires. Maurice Hilleman, CEO of Merck Vaccines and the discoverer of the chicken pox and german measles vaccines, admitted in an interview with science historian Edward Shorter that he had imported monkeys from Africa who

were infected with a retrovirus which was then added to the polio vaccine. This was also confirmed by the father of the polio vaccine, Albert Sabin. This reportedly contaminated vaccine was, according to certain researchers, the origin of the HIV virus. Hilleman similarly recognizes that yellow fever vaccine contains the leukemia virus. Robert Gallo, the doctor who officially discovered the HIV virus, worked for the Bionetics company, who were contractors to the National Cancer Institute, and to the US government Department of Biological Weapons. Fifteen years before the appearance of AIDS on the scene, Gallo had been combining DNA from leukemia, sarcoma and lymphoma to create a powerful biological weapon. The document was presented by the Jewish-American doctor Leonard Horowitz in the video In lies we trust. Jonathan Mann, director of the World Health Organization AIDS division, said before resigning: Rather than an illness, AIDS is a sociopolitical imposition. Doctor Horowitz showed that the New Influenza (the current influenza A) was created in a laboratory on instructions from the WHO and medical organisations in the United Status and the European Union. Doctor James Robertson, in association with the Novavax company came to be the inventor of a biosimilar of this virus, in collaboration with Ruben O. Donis and Rick Bright at the Center for Disease Control of illnesses in the USA and at the Novavax company, respectively. The aim? To collaborate in eliminating millions of people for the Earth. Thanks to a document dating from 1994, called Revolution in Military Affairs, the United States Congress authorized the supplying of biological weapons to their ally in Iraq, Sadam Hussein. These weapons would subsequently be used to massacre Kurds. Donald Rumsfeld went to Iraq to sign the agreement with the man who, less than ten years later, would be US Public Enemy number one. When they were advisors to President Ford, a youthful Donald Rumsfeld and an equally youthful Dick Cheney signed the document that effectively closed the Frank Olson case. Olson was a government-financed scientist who committed suicide after ingesting LSD slipped into his drink by Sydney Gottlieb, head of MK Ultra. Olson is notable for being the first scientific expert in biological warfare to have died in mysterious circumstances. This was in 1953.

Did you know...

Viruses have been used as biological weapons at least since the Middle Ages Ebola and anthrax are man made
History of biological warfare The Japanese experimented with the cannibals of New Guinea using the kuru agent. In 1971, the US government admitted that kuru had been created by the Japanese, although even today its origin is falsely attributed to the eating of human flesh by cannibals. It was later isolated by the Nobel peace prize winner, Carleton Gadjusek, and known as Prion or Mad Cow disease. According to the American government, the first notice we have of this practice in military operations is from the Middle Ages: in the 14th century the Tartars succeeded in conquering the fortress of Kaffa, on the Black Sea, sending the inmates tainted corpses. Later the British used smallpox to undermine the resistance of the Native North American, and for that reason the United States vaccinated its soldiers against this agent. How Ebola came into being In 1966, the Bionetics company created the first Ebola virus, whose transmitting agent is rhabdo. Ebola first cropped up in the Sudan, close to the companys laboratories. In 1975, it appeared again, this time in Uganda, and curiously it was the same strain as had been discovered by the US Health Department in 1968. All expert evidence points to the CIA for the simple reason that the virus is highly mutant, and yet the strain which appeared in Uganda was identical to that stored by that Agency. Which leads us on to the word refrigeration. That is to say the culture had been kept in the fridge. Subsequent appearances of this virus have been the result of accidents in biological weapons labs or intentional releases. William C. Patrick III and anthrax This government financed biochemist patented three different ways of concentrating anthrax, to a concentration of up to three trillion spores per gram. Bayer and heroin The Bayer company owns the patent for heroin. The Rockefeller family was one of the shareholders of the German corporation IG Farben, of which Bayer forms a part. One of IG Farbens lawyers in Europe was Allen Dulles, a Rockefeller man and subsequently director of the CIA.

Many researchers deny that HIV has been isolated


The scientific impossibility of Darwins theories threatens the dogmatism of official science

The law of probabilities demolishes the theory of evolution

The years of work in laboratories around the world, equipped with such high-precision instruments as computers, test tubes and microscopes, to create sequences of proteins, molecules and cells, have in passing put the theory of evolution on trial.
With the knowledge we have now of the cost in hours of work and equipment that are needed to replicate life, the hypothesis that life evolved from nothing as a result of random events such as mutations has been put on the spot. The chances that this momentous event could have come about thanks to a chain of accidents are so slim as to be considered practically zero. The latest inventions of nanotechnology in the field of biomedicine cosmetics, nutrition, agriculture, construction and the chemical, material and textile industries which are beginning to form part of our daily lives are the best proof of this. The German biologist Hoimar Von Ditfurth, a known evolutionist, is a good example of the orthodox adherents to the theory of evolution themselves admitting that the more advances we make in genetics and knowledge of how life can be created, the more difficult it becomes to continue maintaining that it was all due to a complex series of mutations that is, of lucky accidents or coincidences. Ditfurth has the following to say in his book The Secret Night of the Dinosaurs (Volume 2, page 64 in the Spanish edition) concerning the controversy over whether the species could appear by accident or not : Is it really possible that such harmony could arise out of fortuitous coincidences alone? That is the fundamental question of all biological evolution. If you answer: yes, it is possible, this is like a demonstration of faith in modern natural science. Speaking critically, we could say that anybody who accepts modern natural science has no other alternative than to say yes, because the science aims at explaining natural phenomena in a comprehensible way and attempts to derive these laws without incursions from metaphysics. At all events, to explain everything by means of natural laws, it is argued by means of coincidence is a clear sign that that there is nowhere else to run. What else can we do other than believe in the law of coincidence?. The Turkish academic Ali Demirsoy, also a defenderof the Theory of evolution, is another of the many evolutionists who are becoming aware of the cul-de-sac they have got themselves into. In Inheritance and Evolution (Ankara, Meteksan Publishing, 1984, page 61) Demirsoy states that the chances of accidental formation of Citocrome-C, (a protein vital for life) are as improbable as a monkey writing the history of mankind on a typewriter and not making a mistake. Demirsoy takes on another controversial issue, the origin of the mitochondria in our cells. He accepts openly the coincidence explanation despite it being totally contrary to scientific thought. As readers may note everyday in the media, human beings on Earth in the 21st century are advancing day by day towards the reality of indiHabilis that is with intellectual abilities considered half man half monkey. With this theory in mind, the fossil hunters, with the Leakey family at their head, went to Africa in the hopes of finding skeletons that would support the theory. And apparently they found just that in the sixties. In accord with the Leakey thesis, this new species was classified as Homo Habilis, it had a relatively large brain cavity, upright posture, and used both wooden and stone implements. Thus, on these grounds it could be considered an ancestor of modern man. However, in the late eighties, new fossils were found of this same species, which made even mainstream scientists change their mind. Experts such as Bernard Wood and C. Loring Brace examined these fossils and determined Homo habilis to be Australopithecus Habilis southern apes capable of using tools. The reason? Their arms were long, their legs short, their fingers and toes were suited to climbing, their jawbones were very similar to those in present day monkeys, their brain capacity (550 cube centimeters) showed their similarity to apes. That is, they were so similar to apes that they could only be... apes! The same happened with other species that appeared for a time on the books of the evolutionists. For example, Ramapithecus, which scientists finally considered an ordinary ape. (Bernard Wood, Mark Collard, The Human Genus, Science, vol. 284, N. 5411, 2 April 1999, p. 65-71). Mindful that Homo Habilis had lost ground as a missing link, in 1972 the anthropologist Richard Leakey, darling of the evolutionists, discovered Homo Rudolphensis, so named because the bones were found by the Lake Rudolph. Leakeys performance here deserves to go down in the world annals of fraud, since the skull which he presented as KNM-ER 1470 and which was dated as being 2.8 million years old, was according to professor Tim Bromage, who subjected the face to computer analysis in 1992 the result of abnormal assembly. When this skull was first reconstructed, the forehead was readjusted in an almost vertical position, thus making it very similar in this respect to flat modern human faces. But observes Bromage, recent studies of anatomical relations show that when living, the face must have jutted out considerably, giving it an apelike appearance, like the faces of Australopithecus. It is argued, what Leakey had done was to cobble together the pieces he found to suit himself! giving it the appearance of an ape man which, subsequently, the popular scientific magazines would help shape in our collective imagination as those beings half monkey half man that walked this Earth before us. The planet of the apes model, in a word. Other scientists who studied the case have recognized that Homo Rudolphensis was just another mon-


Kike Palomo

viduals, organs, tissues, cells and molecules all being created artificially. Thanks to enormous dedication in terms of hours, personnel, material and above all, will. Thus, scientists who adhere to the theory of how the human species arose, are asking us to continue thinking that the highly complex union of molecules and tissues which imbued the first organisms with life derived from a succession of coincidences over the course of a long period of time. Thanks to a process extending over millions of years, it is argued, it was possible for the necessary coincidences to continue occurring. Attacks on the theory of evolution (and remember that it is still a theory) by prestigious scientists from all branches of learning have resulted in a spate of discoveries over recent years of skeletons seemingly providing a rational underpinning for the theory. Darwin argued that if his theory was correct, innumerable intermediate varieties linking together all species in the same group must have existed. The 20th century saw an explosion in paleoanthropology. Generous resources were employed to find the missing link, those humanoids, half monkey, half human, which would validate the theory of evolution. Courtesy of government supported excavations similar discoveries needed be found halfway between the amphibians and the reptiles and between the reptiles and the birds, among other links necessary as supporting evidence for the chain of evolution. The excellent book The Evolution Deceit, by Harun Yahya, has blown this theory to bits with the evidence of all the frauds committed to support it. The world of science becomes one more chapter in the Great Conspiracy saga when we find that a link like the

Archaeopteryx, kept at the Natural History Museum in London, linking dinosaurs with birds, was a fraud. The Israeli physicist Lee Spetner was the first to note manmade notches cut into its surface that pointed to the falsification. Official scientists ignored these accusations, until two renowned dissidents, Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe supported the Israelis

The evidence has forced evolutionists to seriously question their own beliefs
thesis. In the end the museum removed the item from public display. It had been donated in the 19th century by a Bavarian investigator, keen to support Darwins thesis. While this was a purely scientific issue, the background to the debate going back to the 19th century was whether man is nearer to the ape or to a higher being. It is argued, what is the mirror in which we are reflected and what is the road we still have to travel? For more than a century we were made to think that those adorable apes were the beings most similar to ourselves. Over the course of the last century it was believed that we had found a range of intermediate species, and their degree of closeness to apes and modern man from Australopithecus, Homo Erectus and Homo Habilis, to Neanderthal Man and Cromagnon Man. The last two are considered Homo Sapiens, or human beings,

although less evolved than those currently inhabiting the Earth. Their ancestors were to be found among the ape men familiar from the saga The Planet of the Apes, a film which implanted the possibility of a civilization of intelligent apes in the collective imagination and at the same time evoking the fear that we might return to the slavery it depicted... Scientists called the first relatives that humans and apes have in common Australopithecus (literally monkey of southern Africa or southern monkey). However, subsequent analysis of its bones has made it quite clear that the Australopithecus are simply an extinct species of ape. Indeed, all types of Australopithecus are extinct varieties of ape similar to the present day ones. Thus, while evolutionists considered Australopithecus to be an ape that walked upright, and hence a forerunner of modern human beings, a number of experts in psychomotricity put paid to this thesis. Two internationally celebrated anatomists and convinced evolutionists Englands Lord Solly Zuckerman and American Professor Charles Oxnard, carried out extensive tests on various specimens of Australopithecus, and came to the conclusion that while being bipeds, they moved almost identically to presentday apes and monkeys. After fifteen years of research Zuckerman and his government-funded team, determined that Australopithecus was nothing more than a species of common ape. (S. Zuckerman: Beyond the Ivory, Toplinger Publications, 1970. pages 75/94). According to the theory of evolution, the stage after Australopithecus is Man. The ape man that was capable of walking upright was named Erectus and the intervening link was termed



The probability that evolution is the product of chance is more remote than that of a monkey typing Don Quixote
Homo Rudolphensis discovered by evolutionist Richard Leakey in 1972 was in reality an Australopitecus with its skull manipulated to appear more human, and served as inspiration for the humanoid apes of the Planet of the Apes, the latter taking shape in the collective imagination as the eagerly sought missing link.

key, including convinced evolutionists like paleoanthropologist J. E. Cronin (J. E. Cronin, N. T. Boaz, C. B. Stringer, Y. Rak: Tempo and Mode in Hominid Evolution, Nature, vol. 292, 1981, p. 113-122). Turning to the Homo or human end of the spectrum in the case of Erectus and Cromagnon on the one hand and Neanderthal on the other, the recent years of research (which the official media have refused to assimilate so that we humans beings can be aware of the mistaken picture wed been given) have spelled a veritable caning for evolution theory. The very well publicized excavations at Atapuerca (Spain) have made it clear, on the one hand, that Neanderthals and Cromagnons coexisted for thousands of years, so that there could not have been an evolution of the one into the other, properly speaking. What is more: studies of the skulls and skeletons found there show that there is no evolutionary distance between Neanderthal Man and present-day groups such as the pygmies or the Australian Aborigines. The Neanderthals buried their dead, played musical instruments and had practically the same capabilities as the Cromagnons, so that the differences that were so prized have vanished like the wind. But in fact, the matter goes even further: the fossils taken to be Erectus, found in Asia, that is to say Peking and Java Man, have been shown to belong to human beings little different from present-day ones. Given that the Asian fossils proved a fiasco, evolutionist research interest turned once more to Africa, where more Homo Erectus were found, like the Turkana child. The latter, it was admitted, could pass for a sort of Neanderthal, and Neanderthals were now considered modern human beings, as we have seen. After careful comparisons between these remains and those of modern man, evolutionists, Leakey included, admitted there was no more difference here than between different present-day races. Professor William Laughlin of the University of Connecticut carried out extensive anatomical analyses of Inuit and Aleutian Islands natives and found that their skeletons were remarkably similar to those of Homo Erectus. Laughlin concluded that in reality all these races were different varieties of Homo Sapiens (modern man). Official dating of these proposed missing links has put paid to the intended credibility of the theory, once and for all. It was supposed that Australopithecus lived from four million years ago until one million years ago. Homo Habilis, supposedly, lived around 1.7-1.9 million years ago, while Homo rudolphensis, said to be more advanced than Habilis, has been shown to be 2.5 million years old, which makes it older than its ancestor. And the supposed Homo Erectus dates

from 1.6 and 1.8 million years ago, making it contemporary with its supposed ancestor Homo Habilis. Corroborating this dating, anthropologist Louis Leakey found fossils of Australopithecus, Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus very close to each other in the Olduvai Gorge region, in Tanzania, which is known as the cradle of Mankind. The nearness of the fossils

Anthropologist Virginia Stin McKyntire discovered a human skeleton in Coeyatlaco, Mexico, 250,000 years old by geological dating
in the second strata rules out the possibility of the lineages descending from one another. This new setback for the theory of evolution led to the famous paleontologist of Harvard University, and best-selling author, Stephen Jay Gould, asking rhetorically where that left their scale if three lineages of hominids Australopithecus Africanus, the brawny Australopithecus, and Homo Habiliscoexisted without any one of them deriving clearly from the other. (S. J. Gould: Natural History, Vol. 85, 1976, p. 30). The coup de grace came from Homo Sapiens itself and the possibility that it the human race as we know it had appeared much earlier than had previously been thought, specifically, one million years ago. And it was Louis Leakey himself, the champion of these quests, as we have seen, who raised the doubts. In 1932, when excavating close to Lake Victoria in Kanjera, Kenya, he discovered various fossil remains that belonged to the mid Pleistocene, and were of humans who showed no significant difference from modern man. The mid-Pleistocene was no more and no less than a million years ago. Since this dating turned our genealogical tree on its head, it was ridiculed by some evolutionist colleagues, who have lived to see their evolutionist theories torpedoed by their own ranks. Anthropologist Virginia Stin McKyntire discovered a human skeleton in Coeyatlaco, Mexico whose date a geologist put at 250.000 years ago, when humans supposedly did not exist. Despite the fact that this date was later fully corroborated, McKintyre was pressured by the orthodox scientific community to retract. When she did not do so, her funding was with-

drawn and she was progressively edged out of the forums of paleoanthropology in a persecution that has been repeated on many occasions. The paintings, carving and glyphs that show human beings living alongside dinosaurs something which official science views as impossible are found in many places on the planet: Peru (Ica stones and Acambaro), France (Rhone and Dordogne), Australia (Queensland), Zimbawe (near Harare), (Ashanti), North America (Havasupai Canyon, Arizona), in Ancient Rome, Egypt and Babylonia. To date only science fiction and dissident scientists have dared to propose that the big lizards and human beings could have coexisted. The sabotage that these scientists suffer if they depart from the official truth seems so similar to the relentless hounding suffered by dissidents in the energy field that one might say they constitute one and the same conspiracy. In 1979, in Laitoli, Tanzania, human fingerprints were found on volcanic deposits 3.6 million years old. Determined to be those of Austrolopithecus by Leakey, it was later shown that they belonged to human beings physically similar to those of today. According to investigators like Spanish-Irish Colin Rivas, there are many other discoveries, locked away in museums, which show that the appearance of human beings on this Earth was much earlier than they are telling us. One of these is the Chihuahua child, Mexico, analyzed by researcher Lloyd Pie. After establishing that its extraordinary head was not the result of trepanning, Pie found that its brain (1,600 cubic centimetres) surpassed that of any human being from Earth. DNA tests supported the hypothesis that the skull could be that of a human-alien hybrid. In 2007, presumably because of the pressure being exerted by the theory of Intelligent Design, there was a whole series of alleged discoveries of missing

links. And I say alleged, because they were presented as spectacular news, which all too often contain untruths. Surely the most incredible of these discoveries was made by professor Unter Tan, of Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey. No less than a whole family that went on all fours and could be considered a missing link between the apes and Man. This, according to Tan, was an instance of sudden evolution, as biologists Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Lewontin had proposed, and not gradual evolution, as in classical Darwinian theory. In actual fact, it turned out that these were human beings with a genetic malformation that impeded them from walking normally... one more example of elaborate efforts on the part of scientists to sustain an unsustainable theory. But the evolutionists have had to cope with setbacks in fields other than Paleoantropology: the advent of Astrobiology has undermined the theory of evolution as evolution ex-nihil. The challenge has come from the theory of Cosmic Panspermia, the theory that the seeds of life reached the Earth in a meteorite. After decades of heated debate this notion has ended up being accepted by scientific orthodoxy. Thus putting paid to the first principle of evolution theory: that life was formed, on Earth, as a result of pure fluke. The leading exponent of the panspermia theory, eminent British astrophysicist Fred Hoyle, published a number of books alluding to the extraterrestrial origin of the human race attesting to the fact that life is cosmic, the cosmic life force. These were works of science fiction in which he camouflaged his more advanced ideas. Hoyle is accepted as having coined the term, along with Chandra Wickramsinghe (1978), but the ancient Greek sage Anaxagoras, in the 5th century before Christ, had already suggested that seeds galore made up matter, both inert and living. The lambasting that Hoyle gave official science led to the Swedish Academy of Sciences failing to award him the Nobel Peace Prize....

Instead they gave it to one of his foremost followers, Willy Fowler. As we can see, genetics research over recent decades has progressively demolished the idea that life was created by chance. So much so that an evolutionist as celebrated as the discoverer of DNA, Francis Crick, came to accept the notion of Directed Panspermia, the idea that life did not arrive here on a meteor by pure chance, but was deliberately implanted in our world. It was unlikely, he argued, that living organisms could have reached our Earth either as spores propelled by the radiation of a star or as living organisms encrusted in a meteorite. Instead, Crick and colleagues considered the alternative theory more likely, that organisms were deliberately brought to the Earth by intelligent beings from another planet. He believed that life could have reached the Earth in this way, but admitted that the current state of evidence made it impossible to say anything definite regarding this possibility. Simply they were alert to sources of evidence that might throw further light on the question. It is argued, Official Science, or at least a part of it, has taken on board Intelligent Design. There are scientist who have dared to further, shifting attention to the famous rubbish DNA or useless DNA which, curiously, makes up 97% of our genetic code (lets not go into the implications of calling the greater part of our genetic code rubbish!). Two respected Australian scientists published an article in the journal Astrobiology in which they suggest that: there could have been early exchanges of genetic material between some of our ancestors and certain alien life-forms. The astrobiologist Paul Davies, professor of Natural Philosophy at Macquarie Universitys Astrobiology Centre, and Charles Lineweaver, astrophysicist at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, propose that this DNA whose purpose today we do not understand, could be the key to our origins, and the key to our future evolution.




Evolutionists accept their theory as an act of faith.


The person who began our present civilization clashed with the money changers (the Visa and Mastercard people of ancient of old) when he saw fit to drive out these merchants from the temple. Today we know that the wars have been crucial for the economy of those who rule our planet. So much so that there are many who suspect that the all wars have had the same

purpose as that of Iraq: to create a market for arms dealing and precipitate financial crises. A means by which a handful of families control the planet. The history of the United States, a country which sees itself as controlling the world economy until the Crash of 2008, is a paradigm of this. Her War of independence was precisely aimed at freeing the territory so

as to be able issue its own Money free from the control of the British crown, and the subsequent crises and wars were created by to the monarchy to regain this power. The different assassinations, including those of Lincoln and Kennedy were to stop them nationalizing the dollar, to free it from the debt otherwise due to the banks.

The liberation of human beings involves knowing about the money-as-debt fraud
The majority of economists do not know how money is created; however, usury or charging interest is regarded as a sin in most religions of the world, throughout history, with the exception of Judaism.
The penultimate step in this conspiracy was the creation of the United States Federal Reserve. In 1913 a select group of bankers (Warburg, Rockefeller, Morgan, Kuhn, and representatives of their European bosses) met together on Hyde Island and founded the Federal Reserve. The fact was reported in the news papers of the time, although not surprisingly Americans were not told of the real reason for the meeting. Thanks to the financial crises of 1909 and 1929, engineered by this group of putatively Zionist bankers, the Fed was able to usurp control of the Public Treasury and the issuing of money. The inclusion of the All-seeing Eye (the symbol of the Bavarian Illuminati) on all American banknotes is the best proof of this. As with 109 of the central banks of other countries, the Federal Reserve is a private bank whose purpose is to lend money to the State. Between 1917 and 1933, this entity succeeded in usurping the governments faculty as issuer of the national currency. Speaking of the setting up of the Federal Reserve, approved as it was by Congress at Christmas when many congressmen were on holiday and signed by President Woodrow Wilson, Wilson himself was to confess in 1922: I have betrayed my country and I have sold it for generations to come. Charles A. Lindbergh senior (father of the famous flyer whose son was kidnapped) was the only congressman to stand up in public and decry this act whereby the United States was sold to a handful of bankers (and the same went for the rest of the world). Thomas Jefferson in his day had warned of this danger, back at the beginnings of the nation, as had the assassinated president Abraham Lincoln, not to mention Eisenhower and Henry Ford later on. They saw the peril that hovered over the country if it fell in the hands of the bankers and big corporations. Subsequently, the Bretton Woods conference was to take the country off the gold standard the basing of the currency on gold so that these days no one knows how much a banknote is worth other that what the bankers decide it should have. In 1971, a little before the outbreak of the Oil Crisis, the world monetary system that had emerged out of Bretton Woods abolished the gold standard, so that the petrodollar, that is, the union of the price of the dollar and the price of oil, took over control of the world economy. Whoever was in possession of both forms of money, would control the economy. If the bankers were already in control of the dollar via the Federal Reserve, they still needed to get their hands on the oil, hence the crisis of 1973 and the

Jesus driving out the money lenders in the temple, as depicted by El Greco.

wars of the beginning of the 21st century. The abolishing of the gold standard which backed the US dollar caused most currencies to float, not being tied to the conversion to the gold standard. This change was what turned the world economy into a casino, where the national currencies are gambled on and where speculators can bring a currency down, or the economy of an entire country, as happened in Argentina. The formula for doing this is a simple one: first, the lending institutions offer cheap loans, so that everyone gets into debt, infected by the collective euphoria. Then, money is taken out of circulation , triggering unemployment which in turn leaves a large slice of the population insolvent, broke. The big banks appropriate just about everything, including the smaller financial institutions and companies. The famous con where the punter has to say which cup the pea is under is similar but on a micro scale. Today, the transactions of the real economy justify a mere 2% of international transactions, so that the vast majority of the money in play is ficti-

tious. These data on monetary speculation are provided by the Bank for International Settlements, and were resumed in the book Beyond greed and scarcity: the future of money, by Bernard Lietaer. Today, money is no more than belief in a system because there is nothing actually supporting the reality of its value, and the economic downturn that we are experiencing only reaffirms this fact.

95% of the money in circulation is non-existent

Monetary supply and debt have broken down in the absence of convertibility of money into gold, and it is difficult to know exactly what money means these days. What we do know is that it is no longer a depositary for value. It is a measure, certainly, an electronic accountancy system for

loans and debts, which is accepted by the world as the only way of doing business. Every day, several million dollars travel round the world looking to attract more electronic loans for their owners but, more than anything, it is an empty promise. Money today is not backed by gold or by anything else, other than our confidence in the monetary system. In the final analysis it is faith in those who create and control money, in the commercial banking system and in its principal shareholders: the Iluminati families. The phrase on all dollar notes In God we Trust is perhaps the greatest proof of this trust. Who would not trust in something that seemingly is so close to God? Let us recall the modern origins of the issuing of Money, of coin of the realm... Most of the money today is created by the banks who issue loans to the non-banking public. Almost all money (more than 95% at any one time) is created out of the creation of the corresponding debt. The money in circulation is just a small part of the total money supply and is created by the Federal Reserve system, not by the

government of the country. Truth to tell, the Money is created out of thin air by the commercial banks and the Federal Reserve system. All they do, in fact, is write the figures in their computers. And what happens in the USA is identical to what happens in Europe with the European Central Bank. Money is created in main two ways. Firstly, the basic Money is mainly created in the form of physical notes, on the orders of the Federal Reserve. The second of the two main forms of money creation involves current and deposit accounts created by the commercial bank and constitutes the principal money supply. This is money-debt. Basic Money (also known as high powered money), is created when the Fed carries out the so called Open Market operations. By means of this process, the Federal Reserve injects money buying government guaranteed bonds, which become government debt, the debt owed by the government (that is, the tax payer) to the Federal Reserve. And where does the Federal Reserve get its money to buy



Money, down through the ages

The money of the Roman Empire was issued by the emperor himself, and was legal tender in all of its constituent nations. The monetary authority changed from being Caesar to the Pope, just as the Roman Empire was replaced by Christianity when the emperor Constantine became a Christian. For long it was the Pope who ordained royalty, and at the same time he was the one who reserved the right to issue money. The Spanish language still bears the imprint of this crucially important political manouver in the word regala. The first meaning given for this term is right to issue money and the second, privilege that the Holy See confers on the monarchy in relation to the [Catholic] Church. From this we deduce that the issuing of money is the gift regalo in Spanish that Popes give to kings and queens. And for many of us, centuries later, the Vatican still has the economic Power, and proof of this is that it is a tax haven. The first direct forerunner of the modern-day banks was the Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, known as the Order of the Temple, issuer of promissory notes with which money could be changed throughout Christendom. This order, linked to the mysteries of the Kabala accumulated so much power that it was supposedly destroyed by the Vatican. However, this power was inherited by the Masons and it appears that some of them fled to Scotland where they formed the first bands of pirates, whose hideaways would be the islands of the Caribbean. Precisely where tax havens would later proliferate, and places that escape from international financial law. It so happens that, during the same years in which the Order of the Temple disappeared, the interdenominational state of Switzerland appeared, the first tax haven, a state which would occupy a pacific and strategic place in the World Order, a safe haven for money, guardian of the Vatican and of Clock Time (Swiss watches), among many other things. Regain control of the issue of money, tie it once more to a standard such as gold, and do away with the tax havens as resorts for cheats are measures that would put an end to this megafraud.

Wantagate: the greatest instance of corruption in the world

There is no doubt following states should that this is one of the receive five thougreat enigmas of our sand million dollars: time. The existence Canada, France, of a fabulous fund Germany, Greece, of money, whose Italy, Mexico and administrator is the Spain. Additionally, former agent of the thirty thousand milUS Federal Reserve lion dollars were to be and Somali ambaspaid to the Russian sador, Leo Wanta, Federation. China, in has the investigators turn, is owed thirty divided. billion dollars by In the nineteen eightvirtue of other agreeies, under the Reagan ments reached with Ronald Reagan Administration, Leo the United States Wanta worked as a Tax Office relating consultant and secret to the Leo Wanta agent of the Federal funds. Apparently Reserve. The absolute this arises from Chinas confidence which purchase of treasury came to be placed in bonds from the United him during his career States. led theAdministration The Funds, it should to put him in charge of be explained, are hanan immense fund of money, set aside dled by means of instruments known for an hypothetical war with the as CHIPS (New York Clearing House Soviet Union or for helping to destroy Interbank Payments System). During it. At the end of the Cold War, the the years of negotiations and court money should be used for the benecases, when agreements were reached fit of the general population. The figon various occasions both with Leo ure was 25 trillion dollars at the outset, Wanta and with the countries involved, but, with interest owed over the years, the CHIPS turned out to be hollow. the amount today is 75 trillion dollars. That is, they existed as accountancy To avoid these funds being liberatentries but when it came to liquidate ed, Leo Wanta, who afterwards became them there was no money backing Somalian ambassador, was impristhem. This was because the banks oned in Switzerland and the United holding them had siphoned off the States, and was repeatedly poisoned money to other accounts by means of when in prison. the false payees we have mentioned, None of this deterred Leo Wanta when angering the countries who were to be he was released from prison, from conbeneficiaries. During the years that tinuing to claim his legal right as adminWanta was denied access to the funds, ister of this immense fund, through the Clinton, Bush and accomplices had AmeriTrust Group Inc. The reference used complex financial systems to spirwhich shows this is title 18 USC Section it them away. 6 offshore bank accounts, authorized Reports from British analyst Christopher under President Reagans Executive Story indicate that these funds were Order 12333. on the agenda at recent G-8 summits, In 2003, a federal jury in Alexandria, and that their non-payment has led Virginia, confirmed Wantas status as to China ceasing to use the dollar its frontman administrator, and recognized oil transactions, essentially, with its the rights of the American people over main supplier, the Islamic republic of this immense amount of money. Iran. Among his many opponents in the Particular reports by Story reveal that higher spheres there was a certain CIA last June these funds, supposedly to be agent, Hillary Roadham Clinton and used in state terrorism operations former president of the United States should have been returned to Wantas and ex-director of the CIA, George jurisdiction, under the supervision of Bush senior, both of whom manage the International Court of Justice of The accounts derived from these funds. The Hague, Ever since then, however, an first mentioned, known in the CIA by endless succession of delays and interthe code name Witch, was in charge of ruptions have occurred, involving the the Foundation for the defense of infanRockefeller family, the Rothschild, cy under President Reagans executive family, Queen Elizabeth II, German order 12333, the same one as that Chancellor Angela Merkel, lawyers, authorizing the Wanta funds. Secret judges and political heads of various service agents were authorized to other countries, all placing obstacles manipulate these funds by order of title in the way of the liberation of these 16, section 6 USG relating to corpofunds, which would be sufficient to rations for the manipulation of funds for solve the greater part of the problems intelligence purposes operations. They could do so and deny any link with these in the world. services, in order to safeguard their staCurrently, many banks worldwide tus as secret service agents. According have frozen the secret accounts of these to Christopher Story, the journalist clos1,500 operators, so that the conspirators est to Wanta, it is known that Hillary can no longer operate with the funds is accustomed to use these funds as her as before, when they traded using the tax private fortune. free accounts. British member of the An international issue European Parliament, Ashley Mote, is This money, originally intended for the only such figure to speak out pubanticommunist action as we have said, licly on the issue of these funds. Stores does not belong to the United States reports further indicate that these funds, alone. Under the protocols dictated by hidden away in secret accounts, are the Reagan Administration, each of the being paid to terrorist organizations.

Our tax money pay the debt contracted with the bankers, when we allowed them to create money-debt

The money stolen by the hidden government is in tax havens

Enric Duran, imprisoned for revealing the monetary and financial systems to be fraudulent. (

Baron Rothschild, who appears on the banknotes of Israel, is one of the architects of money-as-debt.

these Government Bonds? Well, the answer is out of the air it simply invents the money without any basis for doing so. The Federal Reserve has no budget because it simply does not need one, it invents money whenever it is needed. In point of fact, almost all the dollars on the market are based on very high powered money that the Reserve invented at some moment in the past. The Federal Reserve thus creates a spurious debt on its balance sheet, chargeable Federal Reserve money and in return receives government securities, which the public has to pay with their work. Every time the Federal Reserve creates or destroys base money, the financial press and other mass media report that the president of the Federal Reserve has announced a new interest rate. This is not technically correct, but sounds better than saying the Federal Reserve has just conjured up some money or has made it vanish. Once this high powered money has been created, the banks can create nine times this quantity in current and other accounts. And they do so by means of loans to the non banking public. Thus,

money is mostly created by a banker writing numbers on a piece of paper, or the modern equivalent, typing bits and bytes into computers because money these days is really only a statement in a computer. This means that when you borrow money to buy a house or a motorcar, the money is really created out of nothing by the bank, and is accredited to the customers account. The bank has a particular advantage in all this for the mere fact of being a bank. If you cannot pay the mortgage with the sweat of your brow, they take your house, and all for writing some numerals in a computer! From the banks point of view , however, if the loan is not paid off, they have to write off the loan and this will affect the profits they report. In the documentary America: from freedom to fascism, we learn how, at the beginning of the 20th century, the United States was a land of selfemployed workers, with their own shops and businesses, and now it is a country of salary earners, of employees. Today, around the world, we are witnessing the proliferation of fran-

chises and chains in all sectors (nuts and raisins, food, hairdressers, education and training, clothes, household electrical goods, taxis!), not to mention culture (music, journalism, literature, cinema...). It is practically impossible for an individual to survive thanks to their own business, and there is little doubt that this is due to the tax system, to the income tax that favours big business, the bankers, and the big corporations. It is increasingly difficult for anyone to survive independent of the big corporations. So much so that today what we find are subcontracted workers rather than salaried workers, with all the drawbacks of the self-employed without any of the rights of the salaried workers of the past century, in the hands of the temporary employment agencies, one more middleman. And all this thanks to income tax. According to the Spanish dictionary, the word renta (income) means: utility or profit yielded annually by a thing, or that which is charged for its use. Why do we have to pay tax on our incomes, if we live off our own work and do not have possessions?.


The looting of the Baghdad Museum by American soldiers was not an isolated act in this invasion, nor over the course of history. He who steals History,steals the present.The Mesopotamian tablets kept there contained the information needed to interpret the near future of humanity.

When Catholic priests arrived in the Americas, they concerned themselves with one thing above all: recovering the codices of the native peoples explaining their past and their future. According to researcher Guillermo Hernandez, and in contradiction to what is said

in the official chronicles, the priests sent most of this material to the Vatican, and it has remained there to this day.The Maya codices were perhaps the most important of these. And both the Sumerians and the Mayas coincide in pinpointing the year 2012.

2012: The evolutionary challenge that Mankind is facing, in terms of a shift in consciousness
Russian and dissident astronomers have begun to filter information garnered from their powerful telescopes confirming the prophecies of the native traditions. Our solar system is about to change position in the Cosmos.
This information was censured from Christian eyes for centuries, until towards the end of the 20th century researchers connected with the hippie movement who were interested in deciphering the native American cultures came across the Dresden Codex, the Popol Vuh and the Chilaam Balaam, the sacred books of the PreColumbian Central Americans. These writings expressed in cryptic form the announced events of a distant time, now our present, which would usher in the last days and the new beginnings. They predicted climatic change and the end of ideological structures during the times we are now living through. Yet, how could they know so much about a time so separated from their own? This knowledge was based on knowledge that the Mayas had of the cycles of time, associated with the planet Venus and the Pleiades. According to them, the second solstice of 2012 (or the first equinox of 2013) would be the moment in which the Solar System would have reached the end of the long count of 5,125 years and 134 days, which had begun in 3114 BC, and which would conclude on 22nd December 2012. At the same time, another great cycle would also be completed. On that date, the Galactic Night of 26,000 years would come to an end, 26,000 years being the time taken for the Solar System to complete an orbit around Alcyon, the central sun of the Pleiades. Impelled by these events, all the structures of our beliefs will collapse; bombarding cosmic rays will modify our belief systems. The curious thing is that these tales, connected with Venus and Orion, can be seen in the codices inscribed in the Egyptian pyramids and the Egyptian Dendera zodiac. And since the religion of the Vatican is full of Egyptian symbols (see photos) it is hardly surprising that the church hierarchies are familiar with this secret. The reason why priests were so interested in the question of Time is because it is actually much more important than we thought. Why do we say in Spanish el tiempo es oro time is money literally gold? Why do the church bells mark the passing of the hours? Why was the Gregorian calendar introduced by a Pope who took it from the Roman Empire, which in its turn took it from Babylon? Did you know that the months are called July and August thanks to Julius Caesar and Caesar Augustus? And that the Gregorian calendar and the clock were both invented in the 16th century? Dimitriev and the Russian scientists Officially denigrated as Indian mumbo jumbo, the Mayan prophecies contained in the Dresden Codex and the Chilaam Balaam are being studied by leading-edge scientists around the world who are seeking inspiration in understand-

Our system will align with the centre of the Milky Way in 2012

2012: Dissident astronomers have discovered that our solar system forms part of the constellation Sagittarius the smaller galaxy (1) and will be absorbed by the Milky Waythe larger galaxy (2), possibly in 2012. The highlighted points represent the position of our sun.

ing the workings of the Cosmos. The possibility that the Universe could be a great electro-magnetic system has given rise to the Electric Universe hypothesis, which explains the movement of the planet s as similar to that of an atom, and the flow of energy in electromagnetic waves or strings recently discovered in the Sun. This perception of the Cosmos as a great electromagnetic mechanism which affects our consciousnesses and suffers attractions, explains a large part of the changes we are currently experiencing. The much-studied solar explosions would be one of the causes of the changes that are operative on our planet. Despite the official stance on climate change, the Earth is not the only planet now undergoing warming. This is happening to all the planets in the Solar System. NASA experts and those of other private institutions that have satellite information, all agree that the Sun will enter into a period of solar explosions or sun bursts that will reach their maximum in 2012. A report issued by a round table of experts from telecommunications, GPS and NASA, amongst others, have already studied the effect that these tremendous explosions will surely have on electric current and communications. Amongst other reasons, because at the end of 2008 the magnetosphere that surrounds our Earth disappeared, leaving our planet exposed to the solar activity. Restricted as we are by the censoring of information in the NATO world, it is Russian scientists who are currently providing the greater part of the information supporting the Mayan prophecies. In 1997, Dr. Alexey Dmitriev, a member of the Russian Academy of

Sciences, published an essay on the physics of the Earth and Life in which he announced accelerated transformations in the Earth, on the geological, geophysical and climatic levels. The cause: highly charged materials... which have penetrated the interplanetary areas of our Solar System. This donation of energy is producing hybrid processes and excited states of energy in the Sun and all the planets.

We complete a cycle of almost 26,000 years of the equinoctial precession: having passed through all the houses of the Zodiac
Dmitriev alerts us to the fact that the electromagnetic changes in the Planet Earth are going to subject every living being on the planet to an examination, a sort of quality control, to determine the ability of everyone of us to meet the new conditions. It is not just the climate which is changing, but we ourselves as human beings are experiencing a global change in our consciousness. Dmitriev is an expert in global ecology and in events related to the Planet Earth. In this ground-breaking essay Dmitriev explains that the geological, geophysical, and climatic changes in the Earth

are reaching the point of no return. Additionally he announces highspeed transformations and a general reorganization of the electro-magnetosphere (the electromagnetic skeleton of our Planet). It is argued bearing in mind that our bodies, and especially our brains, have an electromagnetic structure our change in consciousness is the consequence of (and requirement for) our adaptation to our being bombarded as seldom before with gamma rays from the galaxy, which scientists have been detecting for some time. This information can be checked against recent research, for example, by Matthew Perkins Erwin, Steven Majewski of the University of Virginia and Merav Opher who have discovered that our solar system is located on the

edge of the Milky Way galaxy but does not belong to it, but to the constellation of Sagitarius. This discovery, made on May 30 2006 by these astronomers, reveals that our planet is situated at the intersection between two galaxies: Sagittarius and the Milky Way and the reason why our solar system is aligned at an angle of 90 degrees with the Milky Way is that it simply is not our galaxy. With the help of infrared telescopes and very powerful computers, these scientists have succeeded in distinguishing clearly the extension of the relatively small Sagittarius galaxy, and its difference from other galaxies. It transpires that our solar system was attracted by the Milky Way and is closing on its equator, which it will reach on 20th December 2012. This energy change is undoubtedly what is bring-

The papal mitre preserves the tradition of the Egyptian priesthood within the Vatican.



ing about these internal changes and, probably, changes in our DNA too, which is mutating according to some commentators. The year 2012 could be the moment that we reach the equator of the Milky Way coinciding with the end of the cycle of the equinoctial precession of 26,000 years and which is no less than the time our solar system takes to do a complete round of the Zodiac. At this point, according to research by Patrick Geryl (The Orion Prophecy) the Earth will experience a complete reversal of its magnetic poles, as a result of the solar flares. The apocalyptic aspects of the date 21st December 2012 are that it apparently marks the end of a cycle that begins approximately every 26,000 years, a figure known by the Mayas and Ancient Egyptians who orientated their pyramids in relation to the constellation of Orion for that reason. The precession movement of the Earth is due to the fact that it is not completely spherical but is slightly flattened at the poles. A complete cycle or revolution of the axis takes approximately 25,767 years, a period which is known as a platonic year, and whose duration was calculated by the Mayas. Everything seems to indicate that every time that this cycle is completed, the magnetic poles or axes of the Earth become aligned with the centre of our galaxy, at the same time passing through a band or region of scalar electromagnetic impulses, an area of space in which the polarities of the electro-magnetic field weaken. This weakening sometimes causes the North and South poles of the Earth to reverse their polarity, to swap over. In the past this event apparently caused changes in world geography, great cataclysms such as earthquakes, tidal waves and floods. More advanced civilizations which knew about these cycles could, evidently, know the influences that these explosions of energy would have on our organizational systems. It is argued, the prophecies of the different religions could be take them to be information relating to this event.

The spiritual battle over the Middle East

The confrontation between the state of Israel, the United States and Great Britain on the one hand and the Shiite regime of Iran on the other, conceals a religious battle, with prophetic and messianic overtones. A spiritual battle would appear to be closing in on the ancient realm of Persia. The centre of this battle is the city of Jersusalem. The reason? the long awaited arrival of the prophets.
If the Zionists of the last US administration (Richard Perle, Daniel Pipes, Henry Kissinger, Paul Wolfowitz) made common cause with the protestants (Cheney, Bush, Rice and company) this was because, among other reasons, both religious confessions look forward to the coming of the Messiah and believe themselves to be moved by the word of God. The strange thing is that the Moslem imams too are waiting for the Mahdi to come, in this case anticipating the return of Jesus. The Messiah whose reappearance the Shiite branch of Islam is awaiting (the branch to which Iran belongs) was born in 868 AD and has been alive but hidden since then, waiting for the time to come to fulfil his mission in the darkest hour for Mankind. A hadith (an utterance attributed to the prophet Mohammed but not found in the Koran, the apocryphal gospels, so to speak, of Islam) looks forward as follows: In these times, God will make emerge from my descendants a man who will establish peace and justice on Earth, as much as it had been laden with injustice and anguish. President Ahmadineyad of Iran is a fervent believer in El Mahdi. When he was mayor of Tehran, he had an avenue built dedicated the coming Messiah. Then as president of Iran, he allocated 17 million dollars for improvements to a mosque in Jamkaran, south of Tehran, in the region where it is believed the Anointed will appear. Immediately afterwards, he ordered the building of a railway line linking the city with this place. His faith is such that a few years back he left a list of the members he proposed for his cabinet in an aljibe in the above-mentioned mosque, asking for an opinion on his choice. The allusions to the Mahdi are a constant in the presidents speeches. He feels he is fighting a battle against Satan, and this is not simply political rhetoric. When he addressed the United Nations in September 2007, he said: Oh, mighty Allah, I pray to you to hasten the emergence of your last incarnation, the Promised one, that pure, perfect human being he who will fill this world with justice and peace. His speech astonished many of his listeners. Once back in Iran, this is what he told his supporters: One of my counsellors came up to me and said that as soon as I started to say in the name of Allah, the compassionate and merciful, he saw a light around me, and I was in the midst of this aura. I myself felt it. I felt that the atmosphere suddenly changed, and for those 27 or 28 minutes, the world leaders did not even blink... And they were absorbed. It was as though a hand were holding them there and held open their eyes to receive the message of the Islamic republic. These words were reported in an article written by Daniel Pipes, one of the most influential Zionists in the Bush Administration. It was Pipes himself who spread the rumour that Ahmadineyad belonged to a secret society named Hojjatieh. It was founded in 1953 by the Shah of Persia with the aim of eradicating the Bahai Faith, which threatened Islam with its integrating and pacifist spirit. For Pipes, Ahmadineyad is apparently try-

The mosque of Al Aqsa in Jerusalem, the centre of all battles from now until 2012.

Supporters of years of 13 lunar months an update of the Maya concept propose that we should synchronize ourselves with the cosmic cycles, and implant them throughout the planet
The extraordinary changes that we are experiencing in our monetary system and our beliefs, prophesied by the Mayas, could be seen as a result of the impact of the energy emissions reaching us from our sun and the different reaches of the Galaxy according to the reports from astronomical observatories. This is in effect what the Christian tradition calls the Apocalypse, a change of skin, coming to the end of the latter days but not the end of time. The magnitude of the changes we shall be facing cause not a few of us wonder whether contact with other galactic civilizations could be the best way to go through with this process. All the religious and belief systems of planet Earth, from the Hindus to the Hopi Indians, the Mayas and the Aymaras and, of course, organized religions, all announce that something will happen (is happening) relating to a change of consciousness.

ing to create chaos to prepare for the return of the twelfth imam, the longawaited Mahdi. His thesis is based on the presidents closeness to the cleric Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah-Yazdi, with connections the theological school of Qom, linked with the Hojjatieh secret society mentioned above. The presence of a Zionist among Ahmadineyads maximum detractors is no coincidence. The president has equated Zionism with the Devil on many occasions and, specifically, has openly doubted the historical fact of the Holocaust, calling it an excuse for the creation of the state of Israel. For Moslims, Jewish interest in Jerusalem (the cornerstone of this state) is the coming of the Jewish Messiah, the Dajjal for the followers of Mohammed, that is to say, the one Christians know as the Antichrist. In the famous speech inspired by the offensive cartoons of the Prophet of Islam, Ahmadineyad said, As far as the various aggressive European governments, and the Great Satan (the United States) are concerned, it is permissible to hurt the divine prophets, yet it is a crime to question the myth of the Holocaust, and how the false regime that occupies Palestine come into being. Once again, the religious question, with its focus on Jerusalem, constituted the focus of the tension as a whole. The Moslems do not want to renounce their part in Jerusalem and for that reason they feel the attacks on the Palestinians in their own flesh. Many Christian fundamentalists believe that Maitreya-Sananda, the Messianic figure Buddhism and the New Age, is the Antichrist. The supposed revelations of the Virgin, in Nowra, Australia, in 1982, make reference to this: I give a warning to all the children of the Earth. Take care because there will come one to deceive Mankind, and his reign will bring great unhappiness and destruction to the Earth. He is the Antichrist, the Lord Maitreya. Do not follow him, my children, he is the iniquitous mocker, the Ancient Serpent, who will rule the world with one government

and one church. The most recent of the important prophecies (apart from those of Fatima, of course) are from the Pope with the greatest influence of the 20th century. A few days before his death, Pope John XXIII dictated a series of prophecies in which the name of Pope Benedict was mentioned and Israel given a warning. Israel, you who return to your land, it is time to clean the blood of your children. At last the star has six points (...) You suffer and fight like one who attacks and finds no way to divide you. Be brothers. They push you in the fight towards the abyss, but they hide. Here the fate of the world will be fought over. And this will be the cause of ruin. The latest information from Israel is the motivation for the invasion of Palestine was the fact that according to the prophecies the Third Temple of Solomon has to be built at this time. A Zionist organization is col-

lecting funds to build this temple and the Israeli authorities have begun prospecting, boring tunnels into what is known as the esplanade of the Mosques. There is little doubt that the violent confrontations during the years that remain before 2012 will have this spot as their epicentre. Some would even say that the War in Iraq was a significant return to the point where our civilization began, with obvious Biblical overtones, specifically from the Book of Revelations. The world leaders with greatest spiritual convictions, like Ahmadineyad or Chavez have come out clearly against the Zionist groups associated with the big bankers, as did the being who began this last span of 2,000 years of history, Jesus of Nazareth. a prophet not recognised by a part of his own people, who had him executed. The second half of this story is about to be written, and YOU will be a part in it.

Hugo Chavez and Mohammed Ahmadineyad, world leaders taking up positions, speak out against Zionism.







Despite widespread corruption from the elite, that this publication helps to unravel, we can change the situation

Aquarian World Alternative (AWA): a solution to the Planet in 13 steps

Today, more than ever, the solutions to the problems of the planet, will have to come from the unity of all beings who live there. This is the motive for this proposal for development called The Aquarian World Alternative. It is based on a political movement which simultaneously, in all countries of the planet, promotes the same ideals and identifies with the same symbol. This movement could well be called "Another world is possible", in reference to this well known movement and its successful slogan.
There are multiple reasons why this movement has to be born simultaneously in all countries, the more the merrier. On the one hand, as noted above, the solutions to the problems faced by each country (energy, water, food, finance, environment) can not be addressed independently. Countries all ove the World are, for better or worse, beset with similar problems. What mustnt continue is fighting amongst ourselves, different countries, because of dwindling resources. On the other hand, the European Unions demonstration of forceful unity, that human beings from different countries and cultures have come to agreements to share and progress together, has had a tremendously positive impact for hope among the citizenry. This tends to get more countries to jump onto the wagon, because success in one country will have an impact on another. Hope then resprouts in the faces of all on earth and this alone will lead to problem solving. Each countrys particular problems should be left aside whilst a series of common issues, already well addressed in various countries and social and spiritual communities, are to become a basis of this proposal. In this way, all should naturally INTEGRATE into one common and comprehensive policy. Herein this proposal, termed the Aquarian World Alternative, (AWA, in acronyms, the way the newspapers like it), that should be centrepiece amongst proposals to the World Social Forums. 1 Declare Peace unilaterally on the planet, proclaiming humanity (in lowercase) as a priority amongst all beings and brotherhood between all humans. At the same time, borders between countries would be lifted and the need for passports nullified. As utopian as this may seem, this solemn Declaration would clearly reveal those who do not want peace and at the same time lead to the emergence of a new political subject: Humanity, (this time yes, capitalized). 2 This would lead to the creation of a constituent of the United Nations or an organization to replace it entirely. Citizens would elect DIRECTLY their representatives in this global governing body, including the General Secretary. In this shake up all the contubernians and degenerates running the show, whom we have had No religious conflict could arise once The Aquarian World Alternative is adopted. 9 There shall be widespread development and implementation of renewable energies, with special mention for the free energy projects such as those supported by the research and teachings of Nikola Tesla. The censorship of all existing means of energy production shall be lifted so as to allow for non-polluting, autonomous and diverse electric generation. 10 Urban planning around the world should evolve with a progressive return to nature, endorsed by revolutionary new means of transport such as the Skytran system, for linking the technologically advanced and sustainable communities to be created. 11 Nature shall be deemed as "heritage of all humanity" and not merely a few enclaves as in the past. Remaining problems with water and resources, shall be dealt by treaties within the framework of local bioregions, tackled by the whole of mankind. 12 Differences between customs and behaviour between men and women and between different cultures shall be respected and considered as the planets most valuable resource in and of itself. In turn, the free will of each human being and the intrinsic value of each individual shall be respected. Special importance will be given to indigenous cultures, knowledge of which will be disseminated among the new media. 13 Through this solemn declaration, the people of Planet Earth shall be allowed to make contact with peaceful civilizations of other galaxies. Censorship of the UFO phenomenon shall be lifted and replaced by the "decade of contact". ( (www. Apart from the aforementioned, each country will undertake its own necessary steps in local politics. The Aquarian World Alternative only intends to serve as a general framework for the world's future that is already present. Rafael Palacios Author and responsible of this publication

Rafael Palacios: AWA should be the centrepiece amongst proposals before World Social Forums
to tolerate for centuries, will all come out in the wash. The Court of the Hague would lead a global investigation into the role of secret societies in world politics. 3 The monetary system would return to the gold standard-as a first step towards the implementation of a Global Economic Security and Recuperation Act (GESARA). This Act would amend the economic model of the planet, the tax on individuals incomes, and above all, put back the power of issuance of debtfree currency into the hands of each countrys representative governments. Abusive taxes and usury or debt-slavery would be eliminated. Up till now bankers deduct their cultural and other social activities from their tax burden. Banking would have to become ETHICAL, in each sovereign state, returning the power of issuing currency to public financial institutions. Income tax will be abolished, along with usury, in this way preventing bankers from writing off their taxes against cultural acts. Banking must =

The first point of AWA proposes declaring peace unilaterally in the Planet.

ETHICS. A single global currency would be created that would allow for an easy and cheap exchange medium for any and all national currencies and tend to equalize living conditions for all. 4 The arts, culture, media and education shall be reaimed at raising consciousness. Therefore, educators and journalists should reorientate their work towards this lofty goal. The media and public schools shall amend their programs to accommodate this precept. These new media broadcast over the Internet thanks to awaiting technologies such as the proposed satellite systems ROSAE-MIRIAH. The systems inventor, the aerospace engineer Bill Grisham, wishes to donate his discovery to all humanity. ( and ). 5 Planetary Human Beings shall be harmonized with galactic cycles by the adoption of a unified calendar for the entire planet, of a lunar base, such as the Mayan 13 moon calendar. By unifying their calendars and
Management, research and writing Rafael Palacios

harmonizing them with the rhythm of the cosmos, Time will cease to be considered as money and will become Art. 6 The power all Human Beings have over their own minds will be restored to them for self-healing and integration of all disciplines related to harmonic vibration, both traditional (Chinese, Ayurvedic, chamanic), as well as modern (based on electromedicines) as well as todays so called official medicine. Health care for all human beings on Earth shall be accessible and inexpensive for all. It shall be expressly forbidden for pharmaceutical companies to interfere in public health. 7 Free software shall be distributed globally as a basis for the spread of Internet access for all humanity. This will enable the extension of knowledge to individuals of all countries and the equalization of opportunities. 8 The worlds religions should accept the existence of one God, expressed in many different ways and work towards their integration.
Translation to english David Sutcliffe English layout version wabbbla

Editing, design and graphics atari-P

Made in Iberia - Al Andalus - Sefarad. Free copy. Circulation of spanish edition: 175,000 copies. Nov. 2009. This publication saw the light thanks to individuals, not corporations or states; our thanks to them all. If you've finished reading THIS IS IT! then PASS IT ON! Humanity needs to have this information.

Legal Deposit: GI-535-2009

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