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Setting Characters



Somewhere in England, many years ago Prince Arthur Uther Pendragon Two Knights Two Ladies Merlin Sir Ector Archbishop of Canterbury Lords of the Realm The People The Nobles Sir Kay 1. On the night that Prince Arthur was born. 2. His father Uther Pendragon, commanded two knights and two ladies to go to the castle gate. 3. They would take the baby to the poor man, Merlin. 4. Merlin who, In turn delivered the baby to Sir Ector. 5. Sir Ector named the child Arthur and cherished him as if he was Sir Ectors own. 6. Several years had passed. Merlin asked the Archbishop of Canterbury to tell all the lords of the realm to come to London at Christmas. A miracle would show who should be rightly king of the entire realm. 7. The people gathered at a great church. In its courtyard was a great stone. In this stone stuck by the point, was a beautiful sword. Letters written in gold Who so pullet this sword out of this stone is rightly King of England. 8. The nobles tried to pull the sword from the stone. But none could stir. 9. Sir Kay left his sword at his fathers house. So, he begged Arthur to get it for him. I will ride to the church and take the sword that sticketh in the stone for my brother, Sir Kay, shall not be without a sword this day. When Arthur reached the stone, he seized the sword by the handle lightly but firmly he pulled it from the stone. Arthur gave the sword to Sir Kay. Sir Kay presented it to his father. Sir Ector asked Sir Kay how he got it. Sir Kay told the truth. And Arthur was crowned as King of England at once.



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