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mnemonics HYPERNATREMIA FRIED SALT F - Fever (low), flushed skin R - Restless (irritable) I - Increased fluid retention & increased

BP E - Edema (peripheral and pitting) D - Decreased urinary output, dry mouth SALT S - Skin flushed A - Agitation L - Low-grade fever T - Thirst HYPERKALEMIA - Signs & Symptoms MURDER M - Muscle weakness U - Urine, oliguria, anuria R - Respiratory distress D - Decreased cardiac contractility E - ECG changes R - Reflexes, hyperreflexia, or areflexia (flaccid) HYPERKALEMIA - Causes MACHINE M - Medications - ACE inhibitors, NSAIDS A - Acidosis - Metabolic and respiratory C - Cellular destruction - Burns, traumatic injury H - Hypoaldosteronism/ hemolysis I - Intake - Excessive N - Nephrons, renal failure E - Excretion - Impaired HYPOCALCEMIA CATS C - Convulsions A - Arrhythmias T - Tetany S - Spasms and stridor BLEEDING - S/Sx BEEP B - Bleeding gums E - Ecchymoses (bruises) E - Epistaxis (nosebleed) P - Petechiae (tiny purplish spots) RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION - inducing drugs STOP breathing S - Sedatives and hypnotics T - Trimethoprim O - Opiates P - Polymyxins PNEUMOTHORAX - S/Sx P-THORAX P - Pleuretic pain T - Trachea deviation H - Hyperresonance O - Onset sudden R - Reduced breath sounds (& dypsnea) A - Absent fremitus X - X-ray shows collapse PNEUMONIA - risk factors INSPIRATION I - Immunosuppression N - Neoplasia S - Secretion retention P - Pulmonary oedema I - Impaired alveolar macrophages R - RTI (prior) A - Antibiotics & cytotoxics T - Tracheal instrumentation I - IV dug abuse O - Other (general debility, immobility) N - Neurologic impairment of cough reflex, (eg NMJ disorders)

CROUP - S/Sx SSS S - Stridor S - Subglottic swelling S - Seal-bark cough SHORTNESS OF BREATH - Causes AAAA PPPP A - Airway obstruction A - Angina A - Anxiety A - Asthma P - Pneumonia P - Pneumothorax P - Pulmonary Edema P - Pulmonary Embolus

X - X-ray shows collapse PNEUMONIA - risk factors INSPIRATION I - Immunosuppression N - Neoplasia S - Secretion retention P - Pulmonary oedema I - Impaired alveolar macrophages R - RTI (prior) A - Antibiotics & cytotoxics T - Tracheal instrumentation I - IV dug abuse O - Other (general debility, immobility) N - Neurologic impairment of cough reflex, (eg NMJ disorders) CROUP - S/Sx SSS S - Stridor S - Subglottic swelling S - Seal-bark cough SHORTNESS OF BREATH - Causes AAAA PPPP A - Airway obstruction A - Angina A - Anxiety A - Asthma P - Pneumonia P - Pneumothorax P - Pulmonary Edema P - Pulmonary Embolus

HYPERNATREMIA FRIED SALT F - Fever (low), flushed skin R - Restless (irritable) I - Increased fluid retention & increased BP E - Edema (peripheral and pitting) D - Decreased urinary output, dry mouth SALT S - Skin flushed A - Agitation L - Low-grade fever T - Thirst HYPERKALEMIA - Signs & Symptoms MURDER M - Muscle weakness U - Urine, oliguria, anuria R - Respiratory distress D - Decreased cardiac contractility E - ECG changes R - Reflexes, hyperreflexia, or areflexia (flaccid) HYPERKALEMIA - Causes MACHINE M - Medications - ACE inhibitors, NSAIDS A - Acidosis - Metabolic and respiratory C - Cellular destruction - Burns, traumatic injury H - Hypoaldosteronism/ hemolysis I - Intake - Excessive N - Nephrons, renal failure E - Excretion - Impaired HYPOCALCEMIA CATS C - Convulsions A - Arrhythmias T - Tetany S - Spasms and stridor BLEEDING - S/Sx BEEP B - Bleeding gums E - Ecchymoses (bruises) E - Epistaxis (nosebleed) P - Petechiae (tiny purplish spots) RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION - inducing drugs STOP breathing S - Sedatives and hypnotics T - Trimethoprim O - Opiates P - Polymyxins PNEUMOTHORAX - S/Sx P-THORAX P - Pleuretic pain T - Trachea deviation H - Hyperresonance O - Onset sudden R - Reduced breath sounds (& dypsnea) A - Absent fremitus

s/sx 01. PTB low-grade afternoon fever. 02. PNEUMONIA rusty sputum. 03. ASTHMA wheezing on expiration. 04. EMPHYSEMA barrel chest. 05. KAWASAKI SYNDROME strawberry tongue. 06. PERNICIOUS ANEMIA red beefy tongue. 07. DOWN SYNDROME protruding tongue. 08. CHOLERA rice watery stool. 09. MALARIA stepladder like fever with chills. 10. TYPHOID rose spots in abdomen. 11. DIPTHERIA pseudo membrane formation 12. MEASLES kopliks spots. 13. SLE butterfly rashes. 14. LIVER CIRRHOSIS spider like varices. 15. LEPROSY lioning face. 16. BULIMIA chipmunk face. 17. APPENDICITIS rebound

tenderness. 18. DENGUE petechiae or (+) Hermans sign. 19. MENINGITIS Kernigs sign (leg flex then leg pain on extension), Brudzinski sign (neck flex = lower leg flex). 20. TETANY hypocalcemia (+) Trousseaus sign/carpopedal spasm; Chvostek sign (facial spasm). 21. TETANUS risus sardonicus. 22. PANCREATITIS Cullens sign (ecchymosis of umbilicus); (+) Grey turners spots. 23. PYLORIC STENOSIS olive like mass. 24. PDA machine like murmur. 25. ADDISONS DISEASE bronze like skin pigmentation. 26. CUSHINGS SYNDROME moon face appearance and buffalo hump. 27. HYPERTHYROIDISM/GRAVES DISEASE exopthalmus. 28. INTUSSUSCEPTION sausage shaped mass, Dance Sign (empty portion of RLQ) 29. MS Charcots Triad (IAN) 30. MG descending muscle weakness 31. Guillain Barre Syndrome ascending muscle weakness 32. DVT Homans Sign 33. CHICKEN POX Vesicular Rash (central to distal) dew drop on rose petal 34. ANGINA Crushing stubbing pain relieved by NTG 35. MI Crushing stubbing pain which radiates to left shoulder, neck, arms, unrelieved by NTG 36. LTB inspiratory stridor

41. PARKINSONS Pill-rolling tremors 42. FIBRIN HYALIN Expiratory Grunt 43. CYSTIC FIBROSIS Salty skin 44. DM polyuria, polydypsia, polyphagia 45. DKA Kussmauls breathing (Deep Rapid RR) 46. BLADDER CA painless hematuria 47. BPH reduced size & force of urine 48. PEMPHIGUS VULGARIS Nikolskys sign (separation of epidermis caused by rubbing of the skin) 49. RETINAL DETACHMENT Visual Floaters, flashes of light, curtain vision 50. GLAUCOMA Painfull vision loss, tunnel/gun barrel/halo vision (Peripheral Vision Loss) 51. CATARACT Painless vision loss, Opacity of the lens, blurring of vision 52. RETINO BLASTOMA Cats eye reflex (grayish discoloration of pupils) 53. ACROMEGALY Coarse facial feature 54. DUCHENNES MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Gowers sign (use of hands to push ones self from the floor) 55. GERD Barretts esophagus (erosion of the lower portion of the esophageal mucosa) 56. HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY Flapping tremors 57. HYDROCEPHALUS Bossing sign (prominent forehead) 58. INCREASE ICP HYPERtension BRADYpnea BRADYcardia (Cushings Triad) 59. SHOCK HYPOtension TACHYpnea TACHYcardia 60. MENIERES DSE Vertigo, Tinnitus 1. When 40 year old Tom was admitted to the hospital, he frequently exposes himself to female staff nurses. He derives pleasure at the sight of shrieking woman. This is behavior is known as: A. Necrophilia B. Sadism C. Voyeurism D. Exhibitionism 2. The nurse responds to this behavior by: A. Ignoring his behavior, realizing that he has low self-esteem B. Informing him that the behavior is unacceptable, limit setting is appropriate C. Holding a ward meeting where unit appropriate behavior is discussed D. Ask the Psychiatrist to confront Toms behavior 3. In order to get into areas of sex life of a patient, the nurse must first be: A. Secure about her own sexuality B. Knowledgeable in what is proper and what is improper sexual behavior C. Keen about the varieties of sexual expressions D. Interested, natural and human 4. When the nurse enters the patients room and sees him openly masturbate, what is the best approach to follow? A. Provide privacy and leave the patient B. Warn the patient that masturbation can lead to serious illnesses C. Report the incident to the head nurse and record the observation D. Tell the patient that masturbation is an unacceptable 5. Baffy, 25y/o was sexually abused by a pedicab driver while on her way home from work one evening as a cashier in a 24 hour convenience Nurses Licensure Exam NLE NURSING PRACTICE 05 Answer the 20 item exam and get your scores below!

37. TEF 4Cs Coughing, Choking, Cyanosis, Continous Drooling 38. EPIGLOTITIS 3Ds Drooling, Dysphonia, Dysphagia 39. HODGEKINS DSE/LYMPHOMA painless, progressive enlargement of spleen & lymph tissues, Reedstenberg Cells 40. INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS Hallmark: sore throat, cervical lymph adenopathy, fever

61. CYSTITIS burning on urination 62. HYPOCALCEMIA Chvostek & Trosseaus sign 63. ULCERATIVE COLITIS recurrent bloody diarrhea 64. LYMES DSE Bulls eye rash

store. She was brought to the ER with bruises all over her body. She was crying uncontrollably & appears to be very anxious. Nurse Lena therapeutically communicates with her, saying: A. You are very upset, calm yourself first Baffy. I cant understand you. B. I know something terrible & horrifying happened to you. C. Would you like to relate to me what happened? D. Can you identify your abuser? 6. For victims of sexual abuse like Baffy, nurse Lena can help lower her level of anxiety by: A. Assessing her family history B. Allowing her to express feelings & concern C. Identifying coping mechanisms D. Teaching about human sexuality 7. Emergency care to be given for Rape victims are as follows: ___ 1. If a victim calls the hospital, tell her not to bathe, shower, wash or change clothes, just go the directly to the hospital ___ 2. Provide privacy and be judgemental ___ 3. Stay with the victim, focus on physical safety & emotional security ___ 4. Assist in pelvic examination to collect evidences such as semen, stains A. 1,2,3 B. 2,3,4 C. 1,2,4

10. Sheila, 5 years old, was diagnosed as autistic since she was 1 year old. This disorder is characterized by: A. Anxiety induced involuntary stereotype motor movements B. Inappropriate behavior, poor attention span with impulsivity C. Negativistic, hostile and defiant behavior D. Failure to develop interpersonal skills 11. At her age, Sheila is at what stage of psychosocial development? A. Industry vs. Inferiority B. Initiative vs. guilt C. Trust vs. Mistrust D. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt 12. The best strategy that the nurse can use to provide a trusting relationship with an autistic child like Sheila is to: A. Reinforce positive behavior through praise and rewards B. Explain to the child activities and routines C. Provide a structured environment D. Convey warmth through touch 13. A distinguishing factor that separates conduct disorder from oppositional defiant disorder in children include the following: A. Obvious symptoms at birth

16. The real issue in school phobia is not the school itself, but the: A. separation from the mother B. teacher C. school work D. hostile classmates 17. The priority nursing action for a child with Separation Anxiety disorder is: A. Assist the child to return to school immediately with family support B. Arrange for a home-school teacher to visit for 2 weeks C. Encourage family discussion of various problem areas D. Use play therapy to help the child express his feelings 18. A child with a depressive disorder is likely to exhibit: A. Negativism and acting out B. Sadness and crying C. Suicidal thoughts D. Weight gain 19. The parents of a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder tells the nurse that they have tried everything to calm their child and nothing has worked. Which action is most appropriate initially? A. Actively listen to the parents concern before planning interventions B. Encourage the parents to discuss these issues with the mental health team C. Provide literature regarding the disorder and its management D. Tell the parents they are overreacting to the problem 20. The final stage of nurse-client relationship is the termination phase where the: A. problems are identified

D. 1,3,4 B. Violation of rights of others 8. In providing nursing care for Baffy during her acute stress reaction to rape trauma, Nurse Lena applies which of the following? A. Collaboration with community agencies B. Crisis intervention techniques C. Physical assessment D. Teaching & Learning principles 9. To become a patient advocate to rape victims, nurse Lena should note the following responsibilities: A. Since this is a legal case, call the press B. Isolate the patient first to provide privacy while attending to other patients C. Postpone the physical examination, until the patient is calm D. Perform thorough physical assessment & document objectively all evidences of rape 14. A normal response to hospitalization for a young child is: A. being emotionally upset B. withdrawal from the family C. regressive behavior B. problems are resolved D. free-floating anxiety C. problems are examined 15. Prevention of mental retardation begins: A. As soon as pregnancy is suspected answer B. With family planning 1. D. Exhibitionism C. During the first trimester of pregnancy D. During the second trimester of pregnancy 2. B. Informing him that the behavior is unacceptable, limit setting is appropriate 3. A. Secure about her own sexuality D. contract is specified C. Opposition to authority D. Angry outburst

4. A. Provide privacy and leave the patient 5. B. I know something terrible & horrifying happened to you. 6. B. Allowing her to express feelings & concern 7. D. 1,3,4 8. B. Crisis intervention techniques 9. D. Perform thorough physical assessment & document objectively all evidences of rape 10. D. Failure to develop interpersonal skills 11. B. Initiative vs. guilt 12. D. Convey warmth through touch 13. B. Violation of rights of others 14. A. being emotionally upset 15. B. With family planning 16. A. separation from the mother 17. C. Encourage family discussion of various problem areas 18. B. Sadness and crying 19. A. Actively listen to the parents concern before planning interventions 20. B. problems are resolved

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