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By: Dominic Tolentino Naga City Philippines

It was not an ordinary day for Julie. She had to wake up as early as she could and though she feels as if her eyes would not still want to open, se had to be awake. She knows that the day will require a lot of her efforts. Something special was about to happen in the evening. And Julie was tasked to be the captain of the ship. In he eagerness to accomplish everything as perfect as possible, she hurriedly got up and turned to a table beside her bed. On the table, she picked up a notebook and started drawing on notes. The notebook contains the list of names of persons invited to attend the anticipated event. She checked on the name to ensure the important persons who to attend in the event. Upon checking the names, her attention was drawn into a name that meant something special to her. Then suddenly, Julie felt anxiety. She had never been comfortable of entertaining any thoughts about Jimmy. And if it was her birthday she would probably not include Jimmys name in the invitation list. But she could not go away with it. Jimmy was Dans Best friend. And the birthday boy would be pleased if his best friend is missing in his party. Ten years ago, family decided to live on San Jose because of her fathers work. Julie was just a high school student by that time and live any other teenagers, adjusting was the hardest thing to do. And by that time Julie became indifferent. She did not have friends. She never talked to anyone she did not know. She barely went out of their house. She became aloof. Until she met Jimmy, Jimmy was Julies neighbor. He was a graduating student by that time. He studied in a prestigious university. Jimmys characteristics were in opposed of Julies. Julie was an immature spoiled teen-ager while was a responsible young adult. However, Julie and Jimmy became close to each other. As the time flew, Julie felt something deeper than friendship. But on her fear that their friendship would be ruined, she decided to hide her feelings for Jimmy. On the other hand, Jimmy sensed that Julie was falling in him. And he did not know what to do. He sees Julie just as a younger sister. He was seven years older. And because of their age gap he felt something above friendship is not appropriate. When Jimmy was about to graduate, he became very busy. He did not have time to hang-up with Julie anymore. He had been busy doing school project, proposal thesis. And by that time he had taken Julie for granted. As young as she was, Julie was able to understand the situation of Jimmy. She loves him so much even if Jimmy did not know it. She holds herself that she wins for Jimmy.

When the time that Jimmy was about to graduate, Julie decided to tell him what she really feels but as a young and weak girl, she did not have enough guts to tell Jimmy that she loves him. Then it was the time where Dan came in to share in the picture. Dan was Jimmys best fiend. Theyve been friends since theyve started to learn to speak a write their name. Their relationship is much like that of a good brotherhood. By that cause, Julie asked for Dans help. She told Dan about her love for Jimmy. Dan promised to help Julie to make Jimmy noticed her love. But it seemed that fate is not their friend. Jimmy changed. After graduation, he decided to look for a job. He had been busy with his career. On that time, he was proud that he has been accepted in a foreign company which meant that he had to live to work for abroad. Julie was saddened by the news. She almost forgets to tell Jimmy about what she felt. She was swallowed by her sadness. Dan was also saddened. He feels sad for his best friend. Dan believed that Jimmy also love Julie and he was saddened by the fact that Jimmy could not accept Julies love. Jimmy was a gentleman. He turns that if he would be Julies boyfriend, it would probably ruin the girls life. People might say bad things about them. They would live in a noisy life. He did not want that for Julie. He know that Julie was young and that there was a better future ahead for her. Julies life had just been started. Jimmy would not want her future to be prune. With her young and live spirit, Julie did not waste any chance. She had been very decided to tell Jimmy what she really felt. She wrote the man a letter. She thought that only in a letter would she be able to express what she truly feels. She was In love and she was sure that it was not puppy love. It was love. Nobody should say that she was just a kid. She was in love. Thats what she all wanted. Being a trusted friend, Julie asked Dan a favor to bring the letter to Jimmy. The letter says:

Jimmy, Having you was the happiest thing that happened to my life. Youve changed me. Youve been a great friend, a good brother, a fatherly figure. But Jimmy, things really grow deeper as time passes. I dont know if you would understand. But I want you. I want to be with you. Youre the reason why I breathe, why I smile. I love you jimmy. And by that definition I do not want to loose you. You sat Im young. But please understand, this is not about the age. This is about love. Jimmy please bears with me. Please wait for me. Someday Ill grow up. Someday you and I will be together. Please wait for me. I love you.


After reading the letter, Jimmy rushed to Julies house. Jimmy was a bit guilty. He did not know what he really feels for Julie. Julie was sister. Certainly, Julie was a younger sister. Upon reaching the house of Julie, Jimmy saw the girl drowning in tears Jimmy? Julie said in an unconventional way, but with a sense of relief. Did you have the letter? Did you come here to say that you wont leave me? That you love me too? she added eagerly. I hate to see you crying Julie Jimmy said in a tone down voice. It was as if he was dumb by the situation. He hated himself for seeing the tears of Julie fall because of him. So you wont leave me? Julie said wit ha sure of excitement, but a sort of a plea. If you would not want to see me cry, you would not leave me. Youre a sister for me Jimmy said with guilt straightly looking in the eyes of Julie. Im sorry. Julies tears fell heavily. Darkness seemed to had cloaked her lovely innocent face. She remains silent. She did not make any noise except the annoying sound of her weeping. Silence dominated the evening. There was no noise until Jimmy spoke Julie please dont cry, theres a better future ahead of you. Youll forget me as time goes by. Youre just fifteen and Im twenty two. I cannot wait for you. He managed to embrace the girl. But she was reluctant. She did not move. Her tear spoke for her sadness. Julies life seemed to stop. Bye Julie, Im leaving for abroad said Jimmy. Julie sobbed heavier. And Jimmy stepped away. He went out of the door and before he was able to ride the taxi, she thru sad glance to the girls house. It was as if the entire house dilapidated. It was as if there was a room for happiness. He saw Julie looking at her through the window and to show some strength he rode a car and left. It was the last time they saw each other after that lonely incident, theyve never heard a thing about each other. Yes, it was the last time, but both of them knew it was suppose to end everything. Dingdong! The sound of the door broke Julies memory of the past. She suddenly brought back into present. The checking was done. The birthday invitation was all brought to concerned persons. She closed her closet and hurriedly fixed her room. She would have forgotten the door but until she remembered that the maids are not around. They were all given a day off. They were to attend the evening party. In short words, she had to go down to see who the visitor was.

DingDong! DingDong! The visitor seemed to be impatient. She almost run through the stairs. Taking a deep breath she opened the door. As the door opened, Julie was shocked at the familiar face that she saw. Her heartbeat grew faster that she could hear it. Her breath was as if running that she could not catch them.It was Jimmy, she could not be wrong. It was Jimmy. Nothing seemed to have changed about him. He still stand firm and with conviction. He have not aged. He was still the man she used to love. How are you Julie? Jimmy asked in a relaxed voice. Julie found him irritating. She was not comfortable of the scenario. But she seemed to conscious of her looks. She wondered if Jimmy felt the same way. But he seemed to be not. oh, its you Jimmy she said in a cracked voice trying hard to hide what she really felt. Im fine, Ive always been fine. How are you? You seemed to have not changed. She smiled in a fake manner as she asked the visitor to take a seat. you look entirely different Jimmy answered. youre a lady now. Youve grown up. Jimmy said getting close to Julie. Yup it has been ten years and Ive already grown up. She said with a bitter insinuation. My life in abroad has been very meaningless. Jimmy started to speak seriously. Ive had a lot of girlfriends so you become a chickboy then Julie answered with a sound of anger. Then there was a silence. Haha..ha Julie laughed to break the momentum. I was just joking she added while filling the cup of coffee. so youve received the invitation? You seemed to be very early for Dans party. She joked with some insult trying to change the direction of the dialogue. Ive only loved one girl Jimmy answered trying to be consistent with the topic. so you are married? Julie answered seriously. No Jimmy answered looking at Julies eyes. She was muted. Her heart beat faster. Her lips become dry. I love you Julie Jimmy was relief to say what he feels. I thought I will be able to forget you but I cant. I love you. Ive always love you since Ive left for abroad Jimmy cried. Jimmy Julie answered crying.

Were okay now, right? Jimmy said taking Julies hands. Im glad youve waited for me. You are the greatest love of life Julie said. Do you still remember what you said before you leave? Julie took a hard grip on Jimmys hands. Yes I do said Jimmy. Jimmy, Ive waited. Ive waited for you. I did it because I love you said Julie. You told me I have a greater life ahead of me. Jimmy I followed you What do you mean? said Jimmy. Julie replied with sadness in her face, Jimmy, please dont cry. Youll forget me as time goes by. Its been ten years since youve been gone. Jimmy Ive married your best friend Dan. Silence cloaked the entire house




Submitted by: Dominic A. Tolentino BSECE 3

Submitted to:

Mrs. April Bigeja


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