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Employee relationship management

1. _______ is a process that develops and maintains employee relations. Employee Relations Management 2. Conflict management refers to the manner in which manager's handles grievances and disputes. 3. communication is an important feature of ERM that increases employee morale 4. Which is the strategy that defines the overall mission of an organization? cooperate strategy 5. What is defined as 'the beliefs individuals hold regarding the terms and conditions of the exchange Agreement between themselves and their organizations'? The psychological contract 6. _______________ is the psychological attachment of an employee to the organization.

Organizational commitment 7. __________ Variable determines the nature and the direction of the business. strategy 8. ______________ is due to the actual or perceived differences in needs, interests, objectives and values of people working together. organizational conflict 9. "The aspects of employee behavior that influences employee relations." motivation 10. Authority is a special kind of power 11. The module which integrates the current financial systems of the organization is: payroll 12. Imbalance between the HR supply and demand can be reconciled using: manpower planning 13. The _______ rule highlights the principles which guide the process of discipline in organizations. red hot stove 14. Refusing to perform a legitimate task that has been assigned to the employee is classified as: insubordination 15. It is a good practice for organizations to establish a proper disciplinary procedure in order to ensure just decision 16. State whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Discipline can be classified as preventive and corrective on the basis of the manner it regulates employee behavior. F 2. Organizational discipline can be classified as positive or negative on the basis of the methods of implementation of disciplinary measures. F 17. In collective bargaining ________ involves negotiations for changing attitudes and ensuring Harmony in the work place. Attitudinal Restructuring 18 Trade unions help in making decisions by following the process of __ and negotiations, with the management. Conjunctive bargaining 19. Workers display more interest in achieving the organizational goals as a result of Enhancement of Morale 20. Select the odd one from the following: a. Education and training b. Legal assistance c. Financial discounts d. Promotion and growth 21. Trade Unions are differentiated based on the: type of people they represent 22. _______ is an element of negotiation that refers to how the parties negotiate. process 23. The Factory Act was framed in the year 1881 25. The industrial employment act of 1946 is also as called Standing order 26. _____________ act ensures prompt and regular payment of wages. Payment of Wages act 27. _____________ involves emphasizing co-operation among employees. Employee

empowerment 28. In which year was Joint Management Council (JMC) introduced? 1958 29. ________ helps the employees to link their personal goals and professional goals. Motivation 30. In __________ approach, the subsidiary is governed by a home-country staff and considered as a self- governing business. Polycentric 31. _________ has to be adapted to meet the labor market needs of the host country. Compensation systems 32. The complimentary reward that rises above the rest of the rewards is Flexible working hours 33. In informal or spontaneous recognition, the privilege of ________ is provided. Long lunch breaks 34. _____________ believes that their personal goals do not align with organizational or business goals. Extreme careerists 35. ____________ are considered as indirect employees working for a definite duration in an organization. Contract workers 36. The concept of ________________ is based on citizenship behavior. Organizational justice 37. Conflict Management is a skill that helps in resolving __________ issues more efficient Employee relations 38. ____________ focuses on the human resource management to remove certain health related Problems. Employee wellness 39. ___________ provides ways for organizations to reduce the cost, time and resources to manage and administer risk benefits. Multinational Risk Pooling 40. Initially grievance is expressed as Complaint 41. State whether the following statements about Human Resource Information Systems are true or false. 1. It facilitates employees to receive timely and correct wages. T 2. It helps employers undertake performance appraisals. F 42. The objectives of Employee Relations Management are: a. Improve employee-management and employee- employee communication. b. Prevent conflicts amongst employees. 43. Which of the following are practical employee relations strategies? a. Regulation of workplace agreements b. Growth performance management 44. 44. ______________ And _____________ enhance employee involvement. Training and personal development opportunities, investing in communication. 45. The 'Goals and Measurement' variable defines the ____________ and _____________ goals which assure the success of an organization. financial, non-financial 46. Identify whether the statements are true or false. 1. Employees are not aligned with the organizational values in organisations that have a strong culture. F 2. Control has to be exercised through extensive procedures and rules in organisations that have a Weak culture. T 47. Conscientious employees are _____________ and ____________. Organized, systematic 48. HRIS helps in _____________ and ______________ management. Career and talent 49. Which of the following are the major components of industrial relations system?

a. Actors in the labor relationship b. Legislations governing industrial relations 50. State whether the statements are true or false. a. Trade Union is also called as Labor Union. T b. Trade Union provides better working environment. F 51. Trade Union is an organization that consists of: a. Workers and union leaders 52. The two benefits of collective bargaining are: a. It ensures individual stress and employee insecurities are discussed. b. It ensures increased employee productivity. 53. Which of the following are the issues related to working conditions in collective bargaining? a. Union Membership b. Due collections 54. The labor court can appoint any of the below positions to enquire and give a verdict and are as follows: A member of any tribunal for at least two years 55. Which of the following are the correct set of Joint Consultation Committee (JCC) principles? a. A clear separation between consultation and negotiation issues b. Legitimate employee representation 56. Which of the following is inappropriate with respect to behavioral effects of employee empowerment? Workers perform tasks that assign significant responsibilities to the team. 57. State whether the following statements are true or false. a. Recognition brings out a psychological benefit in employees. T b. Reward indicates an emotional benefit for employees. F 58. Which are the two reward types that can be viewed as an entitlement program? Profit sharing, Bonuses 59. Why do organisations decide to go international? a. It faces competition from companies outside its national borders. b. It finds cheaper resources and expanded markets in other countries 60 State whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Careerism is the desire to achieve professional advancement by any possible means, usually at expense of their own integrity. T 2. Careerism involves not compromising any moral rules in the pursuit of career advancement. F 61. Match the following training programmers with their uses: Training Programmers: A. Computer skills: Helps in the routine administrative tasks. B. Customer service : Helps employees to understand and meet the needs of the customers for the organization to stay competitive C. Human relations : Helps employees to avoid misunderstanding and conflicts and build interpersonal relations D. Safety: Helps employees to follow safety measures if the handle heavy equipment, work in hazardous conditions or deal with hazardous chemicals.

62. Identify the correct sequence of events. a. Business strategy --> HRM strategy --> Employee relations strategy --> Employee relation practices 63. Match the following sets 1. Employer engagement : Promotes understanding of employee expectations and preferences 2. Clarity of job expectations : Helps employees to be more focused 3. Career advancement opportunities : Timely promotions 4. Regular feedback : Directs employees in the right direction 64. Identify the correct sequence in rational decision making model. 1. Identify the problem or opportunity 2. Develop and evaluate options Gather information 3. Analyze the situation 4. develop options 5. evaluate options 6. select an alternative 7. act on the decision 65. The software development project manager wants to keep track of the work done by the team members which will help him to monitor their performance. For this the project manager uses the work time component of the HRIS module which helps in: a.. To track the work done by the employees b. Merges the functions of work management and time management across a wide range of activities that include project, tasks c. Maintains attendance and leave details of employees 66. Identify one of the initiatives to introduce positive discipline. a. Managers were educated about the differences between absence without leave and leave without 67. Match the following sets. 1. Step Ladder Policy: Distressed employee follows a step by step method to get grievance redressed 2. Informal Grievance Redressed : Aggrieved employee directly approaches shift-in- charge or section head 3. Open Door Policy: Distressed employee meets top executives to get grievance redressed 4. Formal Grievance Redressed : Six formal stages 68. Which of the following is an example of distributive bargaining? a. Management and union have a conflict about short employee work breaks. After series of discussions, the management increases the time given for breaks.

69. A new factory was set up and many workers started working in the factory. Many of the employees joined the union. A few workers did not join the union. The non-members were not included in training provided by unions. They started feeling left out from the rest of the employees. They finally joined unions. Identify the reason for these employees to join the union. a. To get a sense of participation and belonging 70. Match the following negotiation processes with its functions. Negotiation Process: A. Open: Put your case. Hear theirs B. Explore : Seek understanding and possibility C. Signal : Assemble potential trades D. Package : Indicate your readiness to work together 71. Match the following: 1. Workmen's compensation act : 1923 2. Payment of wages act :1936 3. Minimum wages act : 1948 4. Payment of Bonus act : 1965 72. Match the following sets. 1. Newsletters : Communicates the latest company events to the employees and clients 2. Employee reviews: Review employee performance 3. Team meetings : Forum for problem solving and decision making 4. Suggestions schemes : Informal ways of obtaining employee ideas 73. In ABC company, employee rewards and recognition programs are done on a frequent basis. The manager decides who receives the award. The reward program is an yearly event and the employees are usually given online rewards like a corporate web store where the employees can select and purchase items. Which of the following categories does this reward program fall into? Symbolic recognition program 74. State whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Employees working overseas are always forced to follow the laws of the home country irrespective of the country in which they work. F 2. Data Privacy Directive is a solution to the problem arising while transferring employee personal Information across borders. T 3. Federal Occupational Health provides counseling and stress management programmers for the benefit of international employees. T 4. Organizational guidance provided to international employees do not help them adapt to the new organizational as well as country culture. F 75. GMS Inc. is a global investment banking firm that was greatly affected financially by the recession of 2008. Due to the recession, top level executives claimed hefty bonuses and carried on with their extravagant corporate lifestyle. At the same time, thousands of employees lost their jobs and the rest of them had their salaries cut down drastically. They were imposed with loads of work and long working hours to secure their jobs. The general morale of GMS employees was low. What should have the management of GMS have done during the crisis? A. Cut down additional expenses for employees and management equally.

unit: 1
1. Benefits of ERM tools include: a. Strengths corporate culture b. Facilitates Project Management c. Helps retain and provide career growth to talented employees d. Enhances Performance Management e. goal management f. performance appraisal g. workflow and successful planning h. employee development planning i. employee training 2. The core issues of ERM are: Conflict Management Commitment Talent Management and Retention Training internal communication employee engagement career management 2. Talent Management and Retention

1. Good HRM practices are instrumental in achieving departmental objectives in enhancing. 2. the dimension of a great place to work are pride and camaraderie 3. People or employee can give the competitive advantages to the company. 4. HR audit is to get the clear judgments about the overall status organization. 5. HR audit is types of functional audit. 6. The concept of HR audit has emerged from the practices of financial audit. 7. Employee evaluation audit helps more towards employee promotions. 8. Organizational development audit helps to identify critical issues of human resource. 9. The essence of ethical organizational is codes of ethics. 10. Performance management audit helps in improving organizational performance. 11. It is necessary to communicate family medical leave Act leave policy, if applicable, in writing

to all employees.

12. Exit interview are an important part of an employee's separation from the company. 13. The HR scorecard metrics hierarchy consists of: Operational HR metrics that focus


14. One of the problems for HR is that there is an almost limitless choice of HR matrices. 15. psychometric testing is part of the recruitment or selection process 16. Aptitude and ability tests are designed to assess your logical response or thinking capabilities 17. The human resource valuation system cannot be considered to be a complete system of 18.

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

accounting unless it is followed by equally Competent System of Auditing The concept of human resource valuation and the auditing concept was evolved which emphasizes that human resources should be treated as physical assets and should be shown in the balance sheet of the enterprise As soon as employees come aboard, a company begins collecting information that must be safeguarded to protect Employee Confidentiality When testing is conducted to determine the skilled needed to do the job, the requirements are straightforward Critical areas of human resource management are Recruiting and Retention HR audit is to get a clear judgment about the overall status of the organization Organizations undertake HR audits for the reason : To instill a sense of confidence in the human resource Who can make the things happen in the organization? Employees or people in the organization The Reward and Benefits Audit will enable to Analyses existing arrangements in detail As a partner of the employees, the____________ must Endeavour to improve _________of the staff HR Dept & meeting the needs Double-Loop Feedback in traditional industrial activity, refers to Inspection and rejection Abstract Reasoning Test is based on: Intellectual ability The objectives of human resource valuation are: Human resource cost and values The non-disclosure of human resources accounting information in financial statements distorts: Net income disclosed by the profit and loss account HR audit covers safeguarding employees ___________________ managing and supporting them, and participating in their Confidential Information & exit from the company Training and Development focuses on Managers' positive feedback on learners' performance

33. Organizations undertake HR audits for fundamental reason: To ensure effective utilization of human

34. One of the basic cost to be considered for recruitment metric are: Screening cost 35. Prescribed form of the employee's rights is explained in terms of Occupational Health and Safety

Act, 36. Compensation systems should be reviewed for: equity, competitiveness and effectiveness 37. Kaplan and Norton describe the innovation of the balanced scorecard as follows: Financial measures tell the story of past events

38. Many legal issues arise out of performance problems, the audit will review or recommend standard

items such as: A performance management/performance improvement plan

Research methodology
1. Carrying out an organized inquiry is called Research 2. Logical reasoning process used in research is important to - Draw inferences 3. Research really begins when the researcher experiences Confusion 4. Observable experience in research is also called as _ Empirical evidence 5. The assignment of numbers to represent properties is a definition related to - Measurement 6. Stability means - Consistency 7. Construct validity will be developed by the researcher based on _ Theoretical reasoning 8. When ranks are assigned to objects based on their properties or characteristics then the level of measurement is described as - Ordinal measurement 9. Delhis temperature in the last 2 days was less than 10 degrees compared to Chandigarhs which was 12 degrees. This kind of study uses which level of measurement? Interval 10. Testing of hypothesis means to tell whether or not the hypothesis seems to be valid. 11. From which of these a research problem could be identified? Advertisements 12. When the respondent is given enough time and opportunity to answer questions given in a questionnaire, then such type of questionnaire is called as - Unstructured 13. LS design This is used in agricultural research. 14. F tests and t tests are used in which level of measurement? Interval 15. Collecting sample units in a hit and miss style is applicable in which of the following sampling methods? Convenience sampling 16. Formularize research is also called as Exploratory research 17. In ANOVA, V stands for - Variance 18. A distribution of respondents based on their age group is represented in what type of frequency distribution table? One-way table 19. Length, weight and height are considered as - Physical characteristics 20. The most commonly used statistical average is - Arithmetic average 21. When petrol price is increased, inflation rate is expected to rise - this could be an example depicting Cause and effect relationship

22. Coefficient of correlation is indicated by the letter - r 23. These are the examples of secondary data - Statistical survey reports, Government publications, trade journals 24. When there is correlation between any 2 variable then it is - Simple correlation 25. To calculate ---- data should be arranged according to ascending order. Median 26. Since Mail surveys are more impersonal they provide more anonymity 27. Who introduced standard deviation in statistics? Karl Pearson 28. __ Data is readily available. Secondary 29. When the characteristic of a measurement level is having no order or distance or origin, then it is ____________ level of measurement. Nominal 30. How many quartiles are there? 3 31. A value which is most repeated in a distribution is Mode 32. The mid-point of a particular class interval say 25-35 is - 30 33. Null Hypothesis is denoted by - H0 34. A good measurement scale should follow Straight line model. 35. Scatter plots and Stock plots are examples for - Graphs 36) Ethics in a research context refers to the appropriateness of your behavior in relation to the rights of those who become the subject of your work, or are affected by it. This is applicable to you when you are - Researcher 37) In this type of level of measurement, there is no quantitative value as it doesnt have the characteristics of order, distance and origin. This level of measurement is - Nominal 38) In Hypothesis testing, the level of significance is usually chosen at 05% 39) Which of the following is an example for continuous variable? Temperature of a city 40) Which of these statements is true a measuring instrument that is valid is always reliable? 41. Following are the bases upon which measurement can be classified - Distance and Origin 42) Identify from the following, the class interval which is considered appropriate in a frequency distribution - 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, and 31-40 43) Which of these could be an example for pure research? Newtons law and Einsteins theory of relativity 44) The two type of Content Validity are Face validity and Sampling validity 45) Name the two type statistical techniques that are applicable in Ordinal measurement. Median and Coefficient of rank order correlation 46) identify the true and false statements a. Mail surveys are less expensive than personal interviews. T b. Mail surveys are subject to interviews bias. F 47) Type II error occurs when - H0 is false and is accepted 48) If As savings is `5000, Bs savings is `10000 and Cs savings is `30000, then their average savings is `15000 49) A person having a Critical and imaginative mind and who is also sensitive to practical problems could easily identify a research problem for study. 50) Co-efficient of range is obtained by the following formula - (H L) / (H + L) 51) Non-parametric tests usually assume __________ data. Original 52) Identify the correct statement from the following Research design has to be kept within manageable limits. 53) The scientific method involving a systematic step-by-step procedure following logical processes of reasoning is called Research

54) What are the internal criteria for a female researcher in order to formulate a problem? 1. Her interest 2. Her competence 3. Her expectations 4. Her importance 5. Her feasibility 6. Her resources B. 1, 2, 6 55) Which are the two most important parametric tests? T-test and z-test 56) While defining a problem, the next steps in the process after developing a title are A. Building a conceptual model and defining the study objectives 57) Mention the two rights of respondents with respect to privacy Right not to participate in any research study and Right to participate beyond a certain limit 58) When a null hypothesis stating that Average test score of Gautham Gambhir is 88.25 runs is accepted, then it is - True 59) A conjectural statement of the relationship between the two or more variables is defined as Hypothesis

60) Professor Fisher has enumerated three principles of experimental designs out of which 2 are Principle of replication and Principle of randomization 61) identify the characteristics of research 1. Systematic 2. Controlled 3. Rigid 4. Empirical 5. Elastic C. 1, 2, 4 62) Which type of data is described here? Primary 1. It is expensive to obtain 2. It is time consuming 3. It requires extensive research personnel who are skilled 4. It is difficult to administer 63) match the following types of research with its example or meaning 1. Applied research - Finds solutions to real-life problems or situations 2. Action research - Type of evaluation study 3. Descriptive research - Provides factual information for investigation 4. Diagnostic research - Tests the relationship between variables 64) match the types of sampling methods with its feature 1. Simple random sampling - Each element has an equal chance of being selected 2. Stratified random sampling - Increases samples statistical efficiency 3. Cluster sampling - Useful in socio-economic surveys 4. Multi-stage sampling - Estimating sampling error is complicate 65) identify the characteristics of a good hypothesis 1. Simplicity 2. Acceptability 3. Objectivity 4. Clarity 5. Durability 6. Flexibility C. 1, 3, 4 66) Identify and arrange the steps to be followed in research design 1. Designing the methods of data collection 2. Selecting the sample 3. Collecting the data 4. Formulating the objective of the study 5. Reporting the findings 6. Processing and analyzing the data B. 4, 1, 2, 3, 6, 5

67) match the types of reports with its guidelines 1. Popular report - More headlines and graphs can be used 2. Interim report -Provides what was done so far and its outcome 3. Summary report- Written in non-technical and simple language 4. Technical report - Contains all details as it is comprehensive 68) Mr. Mukesh had analysed and processed some statistical data which now he wants to put in a tabular format. What should he include in the Heading while preparing this table? Designation of units 69) Which type of sampling is discussed here? 1. It is used when it is not important to study the sampling units overall representativeness to the population 2. It is less costly and more convenient as it guarantees inclusion of relevant elements in the sample 3. It requires more prior extensive information and does not lend itself for using inferential statistics. 4. It is also called as purposive sampling B. Judgment sampling 70) match the following research designs with its perspective or through which the study is viewed 1. Descriptive Nature -of relationship between variables 2. Exploratory Degree- of formulation of the problem 3. Observational Mode -of data collection 4. Case method -Scope of the topic and depth of the study

71) Identify the true and false statements regarding Observation method 1. Observation method poses difficulties in understanding events. 2. It is slow and expensive process that needs constant technological inputs. 3. Observer has to be present at the scene of the event when it takes place. 4. Observer has to wait for the event to happen and be able to tell where and when exactly it takes place. B. 1 is true and 2, 3, 4 is false 72) identify the correct and incorrect rules for graphical representation of data from the following 1. Title of the chart should be placed below it. 2. Each curve or bar should be numbered. 3. Only grey shades to be used in case of more curves or bars 4. They should precede the textual content 5. Measurements should be indicated from left to right in a horizontal line 6. For vertical lines, measurements should be from top to bottom. A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 is incorrect 73) In a research study, it was revealed that 40% of students did not use the learning resources provided to them while another 28% complained that they didnt get adequate resources. Based on these results, the researcher cannot assume that remaining 32% dont care to use the resources or its availability. What would be the responsibility of the researcher in this situation? D. Find out the actual opinions and views of the 32% of students

74) What are the requisites of a good and successful presentation? 1. Communicate to a specific audience 2. Communicate to all respondents 2. Structure the presentation 3. Advertise research expertise 4 Be elaborate on the research complexities 5 Address validity and reliability issues 6. Involve other researchers to carry out the presentation B. 1, 2, 5 75) From the below, identify the criteria for constructing hypothesis 1. It should be specific and precise 2. It should describe at least 2 issues 3. It must be empirically testable 4. It must have contradictory statements 5. It must indicate the relationship between variables A. 1, 2

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