Parent Night '11

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Special Reminder!

Parent Night
Plymouth Christian High School --- PTA Night

Please plan to join us, Wednesday, September 21, 2011 @ 7:30pm

Rev. Kelderman will speak on Promoting Purity in our Children in a Digital Age. This topic will address the ever-growing need for awareness as parents in the digital age as well as some biblical and practical insights as to how to speak to our children. As parents we need to have a relationship with our children, which is conducive to openness and also accountability. Various issues regarding purity, specifically sexual purity, will be addressed. There are many temptations that present themselves to our children, there are issues we as parents need to address with our children, and this topic hopes to encourage us to approach these topics of discussion with our children so that the information they learn comes from us as parents and not from the world around them.

Come and learn, reflect, and relax with other parents!

It is important to come together to these parent nights. Come to share. Come to listen. Come to be informed! Dessert Social afterward.

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