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A fun and fabulous week in Kindergarten!

This week we reviewed the story of Noahs Ark. Come by the room and see our Kindergarten ark - not quite as big as Noahs but it includes some special handmade animals unique watercolor waves! We also heard the stories of the Tower of Babel and Abraham! Next week we will study Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Esau.

September 16, 2011


The Kindergartners have been working so hard on many building projects in the afternoon - here are a few pictures!

We recognized many words that have the letter T in them! We practiced writing and reading many T words! We enjoyed some fabulous stories this week as well as listening for rhyming words! Next week we will focus on letter F. Keep up that reading at home! :) Working in our Kindergarten Ofce! We practice so much reading and writing!

Science & Social Studies

We had such fun learning about tigers, trees and turtles! We even took a special trip to the 4th grade room today! Ask your child what

they saw! :)

Accelerated Reader
Next week I will be another special section in your childs folder - AR. Please take a look at the note I sent earlier this week and let me know if you are able to help or have any questions!

We focused on sorting and counting this week! We practiced counting to 20 and by 2s - ask your child to do this for you at home! We daily work on writing our numbers and have practiced a few positional words. We will continue this concept next week.

Upcoming Events
Picture Day
9/28 10/4

Grandparents Day
elping Great job h with your child ework! their hom for Thank you e for allowing tim l work! this specia

Crowes Nest Farm

Homework Calendar Note! Your child does not have a lunch number - I am sorry I missed that! They have a free homework day! Mrs. Torres

Marathon kids sign-u p paper is needed b y Wednesd ay, Sept. 21st! I hav e received many already, ple ase turn it in if you are par ticipating!

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