List of Ideas For Getting The GO3 Project Started at Your School!

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List of ideas for getting the GO3 Project started at your school!

1 This is a great introductory video explaining an air pollution monitoring project in Mexico City.

2 Allana Rumble in Lima, Peru uploaded documents to the Teachers Group, and created this wonderful Prezi for her students.

3 Have the students sign up on the social network, Once they are signed up, they can take the pre-project survey. When they are logged into the network, they will see a link under their pictures that says Surveys and Quizzes. Let me know when you plan to do this and I can make sure to enable the students accounts right away.

4 Create a group for your school (and your sister school, if you have one) on the network and have the students join the group.

5 Thank your sponsor (her profile is below). Most of you were sponsored by Encana, but if you dont know who your sponsor is, just ask us.

6 Have students post a blog on an environmental topic that interests them, or comment on another students blog.

7 Explain the connection between asthma and ozone pollution (ozone can trigger asthma attacks, and asthmatics sometimes have to stay indoors when ozone levels are high). To demonstrate what it feels like to have asthma, you can have them run in place for several minutes and then breathe through a straw.

8 Have the students sign up for air pollution email alerts.

9 Start participating in the GO3 Fundraiser!

10 Homework assignments are always a possibility with our online Moodle course for the project. There are many lessons on there and they are all very interesting.

11 You can have them watch the Climate Change videos, they are under the Curriculum tab.

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