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DG JHA System Development Process Systems development refers to the process of examining a business situation with the aim of improving it through stream-lined procedures and methods. Systems development process can be broadly thought of as combination of two components Systems Analysis and Systems Design. Systems Design is the process of planning a new business system or one to replace or complement an existing system. Systems Analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems, and using the information to recommend improvements to the system. This is the job of Systems Analysts. The major responsibilities of a Systems Analysts are Defining requirements for improving or replacing the existing information system Ensuring cost-effectiveness of recommendations Guiding systems development and implementation activities Designing system flow and procedures to ensure control and security of data Testing system segments to ensure adequacy in meeting requirements.

Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Methodology: System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology is a traditional development methodology that consists of a set of development activities that have a prescribed order. Once a problem or an opportunity for a new system is recognized, a request for development of the system is forwarded to planners. If approved and scheduled for development, a study is conducted to ensure that the proposed information system is feasible. The specification of the system requirements follows. Then come the System design, implementation, testing, conversion and evaluation. After the system evaluation, a recycling of development of activities may occur if problems that call for system modifications and/or redevelopment get identified. The term development cycle is used to acknowledge the importance of recycling in meeting the information needs. SDLC is the standard methodology followed at the time of development of information systems. One reason for which it is still favored is that a SDLC provides for project control and has logical order, with the output of each stage serving as an input for the next.


SDLC STAGE 1: Initiating A Development Request

Once the need for an information system is identified within an organization a request for development of the system is forwarded to the person/s in the organization responsible for planning. A manager of a functional department, operational personnel, customers, unions or computer specialists may initiate a development request it sometimes gets originated through a suggestion box too.
Most companies have a planning officer or special section often called MIS committee that evaluates the requests for new system, to approve decisions and to establish development priorities. SDLC STAGE 2: Planning Planners while deciding upon long and short range planning objectives take into consideration: Corporate goals Available resources Organizational constraints Technological trends Competitive environment SDLC STAGE 3: Feasibility Study A feasibility study determines whether a computerized information system can be implemented to generate the desired output, given the organizational constraints. Also, alternative solutions to the information problem are examined and ranked during the study. In addition, the cost of the proposed information system, in terms of both monetary and benefits is estimated. Proposed problem solutions are tested against the following constraints: 1. Economic feasibility Economic feasibility is conceptually simple if the expected benefits of a proposed solution are equal to or exceed the expected cost, the solution can be judged as economically feasible. In practice however, both sides of this equation are difficult to calculate during a feasibility study. The reasons could be User requirements are not fully formulated at this stage Preliminary cost estimates are often unreliable It is therefore perceived that the benefits of the solution are higher than the cost. Its savings that often matters the most while determining the feasibility of a particular solution. The implementation of an information system could very well result in cost reduction. It could be


Reduction of operation cost or clerical personnel Absorption of routine administrative functions thereby increasing the efficiency A cost-benefit analysis is also done to determine the economic feasibility. The primary objective of the cost-benefit analysis is to find whether it is economically worthwhile to invest in the project i.e., if the return on investment is good, then the project is considered economically worthwhile. Cost-benefit analysis is performed by listing down all the cost associated with the project. Cost can be classified into direct and indirect costs.

Direct costs are those incurred in Buying equipment Employing people Rent etc. Indirect costs are those involving Problem time spent by user in discussing problems Gathering data about the problem etc.

The benefits can be classified into Tangible Benefits Intangible Benefits Direct savings made due to reducing- Better service to customers. inventories, delays in collecting outstanding payments, cost of production etc. Savings due to reduction in manpower Superior quality of products etc. or increasing volume of work with the same manpower. The sum of all cost is compared with sum of all savings. But it is not always easy to ascertain intangible benefits. 2. Financial feasibility Often a proposed system may sound economically feasible, but the firm may lack sufficient capital to support implementation of the system. It is important that the study team determine the financial feasibility at this stage i.e., the availability of funds to finance systems developments. Study teams often consider the economic and financial constraints together and issue a single decision on economic and financial feasibility. Financial feasibility is based on information provided by personnels in the finance section of the organization, who decide on Whether the money is to be borrowed, or whether internal financing will suffice, or whether the combining of both is required. Capital budgeting decisions in large firms generally require complex 88

calculations to determine relative merits of project competing for funds. In such cases, it becomes difficult for the management to decide between allocation of limited financial resources to research and development, to plant renovation, to staff expansion, to the development of new information system or to other projects and at the same time achieve the target rate of investment. 3. Organizational feasibility Proposed solutions must also be tested against organizational constraints Does the company have the adequate staff to implement the new system? Will the employees support the system or resist it? If any organizational constraint exist then the employees may have to Alter their work patterns Accept some experimentation Work in an atmosphere of change Acquire administrative and technical skills to implement the system The most important factor in testing the organizational feasibility is the attitude of the management towards the proposed system. If the management believes that the system will not contribute to business objectives and is a waste of corporate resources, they will not give the system the support needed to make it a success. 4. Technological feasibility Sometimes the solutions may not be feasible due to technological constraints. For Example, an information system that requires reliable, inexpensive equipment to read handwriting is not feasible at times because devices meeting this requirement may not be available in the market. The technological considerations take into the account whether the necessary hardware, software and application tools are available for the desired solution under study. Often there may be risk or probability factor involved, the elements/equipments/devices may be future items promised but yet not available. It therefore becomes essential for the management to check The reliability of the vendor claims Whether the particular item is on the critical path Insurance in case of late delivery Each of the items required must be carefully evaluated to ascertain its relevance in information system development. Higher the dependence on sophisticated technological items; the greater is the risk factor in selecting a particular application for development. It is up to the committee to determine whether the technological limitations such as these exist for the problem at hand.


5. Operational feasibility Quite often, operational feasibility is most overlooked element in the entire feasibility analysis. Operational feasibility is whether the proposed solution can fit in with existing operations. A particular solution may look technically and economically feasible but may fail to produce the forecasted benefits because of the fact that the company is unable to make it functional. It is necessary to assess management, non-management and general operational considerations. The major focus of the application must be ascertained and resulting impact on the top, middle and operational management must be analyzed. 6. Other feasibility consideration While doing feasibility analyses it is important to consider the internal as well as external constraints. The information system will have little or no value unless they are completed as per the schedule. The results of the feasibility study are forwarded to the corporate management along with the recommendation to continue or discontinue the project. The final decision whether to proceed to next phase or not rests with the corporate management. If the management agrees with committees recommendations and decides to proceed with the system development. The following steps are initialized A budget for the project is authorized A development schedule for the project is prepared The long run operational plans and development schedules are updated Development policies and procedures are framed Development personnel are selected, including the project leader. SDLC STAGE 4: Specifying System/User Requirements This phase concentrates on defining the system objectives and formulating the specifications for the information system under development. A system requirements statement is prepared that outlines Reports to be generated Processes to be performed Inputs needed Resources required Procedures to be followed This acts as a framework for the design of the new system Corporate management may decide to terminate the project after reviewing the system requirement document. Some of the reasons why the project may be shelved at this stage could be Management dissatisfaction with the specifications 90

Estimated costs going higher Unavailability of expected resources Revised corporate priorities

SDLC STAGE 5: System Design During the system design, the analysts draw up entire operational plan. The model (mathematical representation) and algorithm (step-by-step process) to be used in the problem solution is selected. The database is designed. Hardware costs, capability, speed, error rates and other performance characteristics are specified. Changes to be made up in the organizational structure are outlined. Input/Output files, forms and procedures are planned. Finally, standards for listing, documentation and system control are formulated. SYSTEM ANALYSIS v/s SYSTEM DESIGN When a computerized information system is under development, analysis activities are called systems analysis. The environment in which the system will operate is studied, the problems are identified, and the tasks that need to accomplished are determined. The specification of users need is the objective of this study. What is done during the system analysis? Obtain functional specification based on revised user requirement and feasibility analysis. End product of system analysis phase Functional specification Budget schedule Physical requirement such as storage and processor The design phase, called system design consists of planning the use of information technology to meet users specifications. What is done during the system design? Logical design of programs Design of database Test and implementation plan End product of system analysis phase Logical design of database, programs and test plans

SDLC STAGE 6: System Implementation The most important part in the implementation of a computerized information system is programming.


The implementation activity also include Database organization i.e., creating new files or restructuring the old. The collection, verification and storage of additional data may also be required if the needed data doesnt already exist in the corporate database. Systems orientation and training: it becomes essential for the operating personnels to get tuned with the development process as they are the people who are expected to use this system when it goes online. Preparation of manuals and documentation of procedures. SDLC STAGE 7: Testing The Solution Once the programs are written, procedure developed, organizational changes implemented, data collected and hardware installed, the new system gets ready for testing. Testing and debugging are vital steps in developing computer programs. In general, testing is the process of making sure the program performs as intended; debugging is the process of locating and eliminating errors. During testing the actual performance of the system is compared with the desired system performance. The common testing methods include pilot testing, parallel run and simulation techniques. The sequence in which the testing activities normally occur is Unit Testing (Testing of Individual programs) System Testing (Testing the entire system of Volume Testing programs) (Testing the application for large amount of data) Integration Testing (Testing all related sub-systems together) Acceptance Testing (Conducting any tests required by the user) Unit Testing and Acceptance Testing The main purpose of testing an information system is to find errors and correct them. A successful test is one that finds an error. Once the modules are developed, the unit testing is carried out to confirm data transaction and outputs validity and accuracy. In this testing, transaction level processes are checked to confirm the input-process-output relation, and the data storage and the transaction level updating.


When the unit testing is over and module level processes are confirmed, the modules are put together to generate the information as determined in the requirement definition. The process of putting the modules together is a process of integration. It is intended to produce the results of data integration. The system so developed is tested as a whole for several aspects such as information quality, performance, utility, user acceptance and so on. Once the system testing is complete, the system is implemented at site, on the hardware and software platform. The system implementation step has its own procedure starting from installation of hardware and software, training the users, and then shifting to fully designed system. While implementing the system minor modification and/or adjustment may be required for ease of acceptance by the user. The system is designed keeping this natural requirement in post implementation stage. A good system design and its implementation has higher user acceptance because it helps solve the problem in business performance, and meets the information need, within a stipulated time frame, with an assured quality and security of information. System Testing

System-level testing is one of the most essential components before installation of an information system. It involvesa) Preparation of realistic test data in accordance with the system test plan, b) Processing the test data using new equipment, c) Thorough checking of the results of all system tests, and d) Reviewing the results with future users, operators and support personnel. System-level testing is an excellent time for training employees involved in the operation and maintenance of Information System. Alpha and Beta Testing If software is developed as a product for many customers, it may not meet the specific requirements of a typical customer. Normally the group of experts having the definite skill set is invited to carry out the test at the developers site to identify deviations and/or error with respect to the customers need, it is called Alpha testing. The tests are carried out under the developers controlled environment. Users of the software do the Beta testing of software at the customers site. The users then record the problems and suggest the modification that can be incorporated by the developer. Unsatisfactory test may results in recycling i.e., repetition of one or more phases


of development in order to correct poor performance of the system. It may require any or all of the following Redesign Change in the data flow Replace equipment Debug program Make other adjustment with the system The need for recycle is normal and should be expected. SDLC STAGE 8: Conversion When the testing results are favorable, conversion takes place. The newly developed procedures, manuals, forms, files, software and equipment are placed in operation. When a system is replacing an existing one, its implementation becomes critical. There are four major types of conversion strategies: Parallel Conversion - Old and new system run parallel till new system becomes reliable - Costly but safe approach - Best suited for critical applications Direct (Changeover) Conversion - Old system is replace by a new system - Less costly but more risky as compared to parallel approach - Best suited to non-critical applications Modular Prototype Conversion (Pilot Study) - One department or unit is testing ground - Good for system that is moderately critical Phased Conversion - New system is slowly incorporated into the operational environment - Safe and conservative approach - Well suited to critical applications The entire set of activities and sub activities from feasibility study through to conversion needs planning and co-ordination. This is also referred to as Project Management.

SDLC STAGE 9 & 10: Operation And Evaluation Once a new system is operational evaluation of the system development process begins. Management: The process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively with and through people. Efficiency: The relationship between inputs and outputs, seeks to minimize resource costs. Effectiveness: Goal attainment


Evaluation provides the feedback necessary to assess the value of information and the performance of personnel and technology included in the newly designed system. This feedback serves two functions It provides information as to what adjustments to the information system may be necessary. It provides information as to what adjustments should be made in approaching future information systems development projects. The operation evaluation is expected to answer the following questions1. Are all transaction processed on time? 2. Are all values completed accurately? 3. Is the system easy to work and understand? 4. Is terminal response time within acceptable limits? 5. Are reports processed on time? 6. Is there adequate storage capacity for data? The post-development activities involves 1. Preparation of reports including the strength and weakness of the project. (The report might review the need for recycling) 2. List reason for schedule and budget slippages. 3. Outline liaison and communications problems that occurred during the system development 4. Identifying the mistakes, analyzing the reasons for the mistakes and how they could have been avoided. When the mistakes are identified they need corrections. Minor changes to the system are called system maintenance, while major changes may initiate system redevelopment

Problem Perceive d

Planning Feasibility Study No

Acceptable ?


Yes Determine System Requirement Design System Implement Design Test System OK ? No Yes Conversion Control & Operation Worth Pursuing ? No Stop Yes

Recycle to apt. Point

Maintenance No

Evaluation Yes

OK ?

Introduction to Computer & MIS (Lecture Notes) MHRDM/MFM/MMM-III Prof. DG JHA Documentation Documentation is the description of the system used to communicate, instruct and record information for historical, operational or reference purposes. Documentation establishes and declares the performance criteria of a system and provides explanation of the system can be used. It should be designed in a format that is easily understandable, so that relevant part of it can be used not only by the analysts and technical personnels for implementation and modification, but also by users,


management, operational personnel and auditors for efficient operations and administration. Documentation has the production cycle of its own. Activities related to the development and maintenance of documentation are:
State Objective Plan & organize with setting up of standards Prepare Test Approve & Accept

Distribute Use Evaluate

OK ?

No Yes


Documentation must describe who, what, when, where, and how of each system (or subsystem) application. Documentation can be produced in modules catering to the specific use. This makes information easily accessible to the specific user for which they are prepared, and reduce cost of production and maintenance. The lists of manuals normally prepared are: Users Manual o For management o For operations Application System Manual


Policy and Procedures Manual Input Preparation Manual Operations Manual o For management o For operator Equipment Manual o For each equipment or device Programmers Manual Program Maintenance Manual Special System Manual o Operating System o Control System o Teleprocessing System Standards Manual


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