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Book report 1 Childrens Language Acquisition

Mabel L. Rice

This essay talk about of language development, as son as the learning and teaching under the topic. First, will make mention of the Nature of language because I consider very important this point, especially because the phonology, semantics, morphology and syntax are aspects essentials for integrate one communicative competence. I think that the theoretical Models are roads for teaching any languages but the most important is get to know the logic of the sentences and appertaining to any context. Other important topic in the lenguage acquisition is the abilities that they bring. Although also must be recognize the importance of concepts, information, environment, etc. For de other hand has the language acquisition for social interaction. This allow that children early and practice some words and then make use the language useful for communication. The child do not learning through the structures impose for adults except learn through the own strategies. This essay has components of teachability. In they appear the abilities and variety intellectual that the children possess to learn any language. Also talk about the key dimension of language, say in other words, the integration of the system grammatical with the practice. The ultimate component is the relation of the learning the language with environment. I consider that the interaction, is the best way that exist for learning a language because to be in contact with the objects or events near at the children establish the true language acquisition, for communication and social interactions.

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