My English Training

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add up:
I can add up in my head quite easily.

I couldnt agree more.

Make a special appointment with me.

The arrests came after a tip-off from a member of the public.

No sooner do I leave than I realize Ive left my keys in the house. Ive got a spare set you can use. But then youll be without. Thats okay. Youll be back before me.

The Islamic exhibit at the art museum is fabulous. Ive been meaning to go but havent found the time. Youd better see it soon. It closes at the end of the week.

blow off steam:

Do you think Bob was serious about quitting his job? Trust me. He was just blowing off steam.

bottom line
In radio you have to keep the listener listening. That's the bottom line. The bottom line is that the people who need the memory training the most improve the least.

Can you take over for me for a few minutes while I take a short break?

call off:
The trip to Italy might be called off. Call your dog off.

car crash:
There was a car crash at the corner last night. Was anyone hurt? Yeah, not seriously though

Ive got another class right now.

The Islamic exhibit at the art museum is fabulous. Ive been meaning to go but havent found the time. Youd better see it soon. It closes at the end of the week. Youll have to go to the office next door. But its closed. Theyre probably at lunch.

Non-stick cook-ware like Teflon coated pots and pans

In some places bacteria counts have been so high that recreational swimming beaches have to be closed. There have been so many accidents here, the police have lost count.

crime scene:
Did the police get any evidence from the crime scene? Just some footprints

A movie that degrades women How can you degrade yourself by writing such trash? Black plastic starts to degrade upon exposure to sunlight.

Did Professor Steiner say when the final paper is due? The end of the month; But he did say we could get an extension.

even if:
I wouldn't tell you even if I knew.

Did the police get any evidence from the crime scene? Just some footprints

Pollution due to overpopulation is a problem in many of the worlds developed countries. The northeast corner of the United States is no exception.

Measures are being taken to stop employment agencies exploiting foreign workers desperate to find a job. Theres been interest in exploiting these natural antibiotics for 20 years.

Did Professor Steiner say when the final paper is due? The end of the month; But he did say we could get an extension.


The Islamic exhibit at the art museum is fabulous. Ive been meaning to go but havent found the time. Youd better see it soon. It closes at the end of the week.

There are fewer species as compared to 30 or 40 years ago.

get there:
Howre they going to get there? In Sues car

Ill have had time to finish my housework by noon.

There was a car crash at the corner last night. Was anyone hurt? Yeah, not seriously though

Did you hear his plan? Yes, what clever ideas he has.

What documents do we have to bring to registration? Your identity card or school ID

His reputation survived intact.

get (somebody) anywhere:
Informal I think Id better leave. This discussion isnt getting us anywhere. You can try writing to complain, but I don't think it will get you anywhere. You won't get anywhere without qualifications.

get around:
Im going to be working in New York City next year. Whats the most common way to get around?

get out of the way:

Are you taking Professor Mortons economics class this term? There are some prerequisites I have to get out of the way first.

give (somebody) a hand:

Spoken Can you give me a hand with this work? Shall I give you a hand with that bag?

I didnt see Jane at the party last night. She was there, but she left early. You mustve come later.

A law designed to prevent money laundering

She did the laundry (= washed the clothes etc) and hung it out to dry.

AMPs are the bodys immune systems first line of defense against bacteria. He must be first in line for the editor's job. I should be in line for promotion soon.

Youll have to go to the office next door. But its closed. Theyre probably at lunch.

The Islamic exhibit at the art museum is fabulous. Ive been meaning to go but havent found the time. Youd better see it soon. It closes at the end of the week.

Measures are being taken to stop employment agencies exploiting foreign workers desperate to find a job.

Could I borrow your lecture notes from the last class? Sorry, I missed it too.

mixed blessing:
Having children so early is a mixed blessing.

Formal What you said was true. It was, nevertheless, a little unkind.

no sooner:
No sooner do I leave than I realize Ive left my keys in the house. Ive got a spare set you can use. But then youll be without. Thats okay. Youll be back before me. No sooner had he sat down than the phone rang.

Formal The paintings are complex, but have plenty of appeal nonetheless.

nothing but:
Ive done nothing but sit around the house all day.

office hour:
I need to meet with you, but I work during your working hours. What can I do?

Your card is good for a two year period.

Formal Some of these pollution problems are quite obvious, while others arent really noticeable to the general populace.

Dont throw it out. Maybe it just needs some new parts. Thats a possibility.

pots and pans:

Non-stick cook-ware like Teflon coated pots and pans

Spoken It's practically impossible to predict what will happen.

Are you taking Professor Mortons economics class this term? There are some prerequisites I have to get out of the way first.

The researches warn that signs of stressed environment are present.

Theyre many causes, but scientists say theyre primarily due to land development and its consequence, overpopulation.

Were you able to make a reservation at the restaurant? They said they dont take reservation. Oh well, well just have to get there early then.

I think I have a doctor appointment today. Wait, let me check. No, youre safe; its tomorrow.

There was a car crash at the corner last night. Was anyone hurt? Yeah, not seriously though

Chlorine is used in sewage treatment. The factory secretly dumped millions of gallons of raw sewage into the Ohio River.

The reporter took notes in shorthand.

In places, the path can be wet and slippery. Johns palms were slippery with sweat. It makes the coating slippery rather than sticky.

slow down:
Slow down! This is a 25 miles per hour zone. Stay out of it. I know what Im doing. Okay, but remember you got a speeding ticket last time.

There are fewer species as compared to 30 or 40 years ago.

stay around:
Most of her boyfriends don't stay around very long.

stay out of it:

Slow down! This is a 25 miles per hour zone. Stay out of it. I know what Im doing. Okay, but remember you got a speeding ticket last time.

It makes the coating slippery rather than sticky.

When you were in the teachers office, what were you talking about?

Are you taking Professor Mortons economics class this term? There are some prerequisites I have to get out of the way first.

take over:
Can you take over for me for a few minutes while I take a short break?

There was a car crash at the corner last night. Was anyone hurt? Yeah, not seriously though

throw (somebody) out:

Dont throw it out. Maybe it just needs some new parts. Thats a possibility.

Slow down! This is a 25 miles per hour zone. Stay out of it. I know what Im doing. Okay, but remember you got a speeding ticket last time.

Informal The fact that he hasn't called should be a tip-off that he's not interested. The existence of only a single species is the big tip-off to a stresses environment. The arrests came after a tip-off from a member of the public.

I am getting tired of it.

Is today the twenty first?

Will someone take out the trash? Just put it in the trash. Informal How can you degrade yourself by writing such trash? How can you read that trash?

If youre having trouble with those scissors, why dont you use mine? Because yours arent any better Are you having as much trouble following the chemistry lectures as I am?


Do you think Bob was serious about quitting his job? Trust me. He was just blowing off steam.

use up:
All the soap was used up two days ago.

Virtually all the children come to school by bus.

Dont you wanna go? Yes, I do. Do you want me to stay until youre finished? If you want to

I warned you not to walk home alone. Changes in the marine environment warn of problems. The researches warn that signs of stressed environment are present.

Would the train between New York and Chicago be cheaper than the plane? Its about twice as expensive.

would you like:

What would you like to do after dinner tonight?

Slow down! This is a 25 miles per hour zone. Stay out of it. I know what Im doing. Okay, but remember you got a speeding ticket last time.

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