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MA 141-008 * Fall 2010 * Test 1 Write your name, row, and side of classroom on the front of your Blue

e Book. Start each new problem at the top of a page (either front or back). Only work written in the Blue Book will be graded. Show all your work to receive full credit. Answers without work and ambiguous answers will receive no credit. No calculators of any kind may be used on this test. Use techniques learned so far in this class to complete all problems. 1. Consider the parametric curve: x(t) = 4 cos(t), y(t) = sin(t).

(a) (7 pts) Identify the curve by eliminating the parameter t. (b) (8 pts) Suppose we restrict t so that t 2. Sketch the graph of the curve. Label 2 (give coordinates and mark on the graph) the initial point, terminal point, and at least one other point. Draw an arrow to indicate direction. 2. Solve the following for x. (a) (5 pts) log2 (log3 (x)) = 1 (b) (5 pts) 3x2 5 = 0 3. Evaluate the following limits (if they exist): (a) (7 pts) (b) (9 pts) (c) (8 pts) (d) (7 pts) lim 2x (x 4)(x + 1) x+23 x7 x3 + 5x 2x3 x2 + 4 x+1 x4 1






lim +

4. (8 pts) Given that f (x) =

x+1 is one-to-one, nd f 1 (x). 2x 5

5. (13 pts) Consider the graph of f (x) below and nd the following. If a limit does not exist, briey indicate why.

l :: .

(a) lim f (x)



x4 x1

lim f (x)

a - . . - . . . .- .: . . . ..-..... .:a . .... .... _ t. _ -.. ,_ . _ .._

(c) lim f (x) (d) lim f (x)


6. (11 pts) Consider f (x) =

1 + x2 if x < 2 . 4x if x 2 Is f (x) continuous at x = 2? Using the denition of continuity, explain why or why not. Be specic.

7. (12 pts) Use the Squeeze Theorem to evaluate lim x4 sin

2 x

8. Write and sign the following honor pledge in your blue book: I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this test.

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