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COMMON VITAL STATISTICS INDICATORS Fertility Rates Crude Birth Rate (CBR) = number of live births midyear population

(population as of July 1 of the same year)

X 1000

General Fertility Rate (GFR) = number of live births midyear population of women, 15-44 years of age

X 1000

Mortality Rates Crude Death Rate (CDR) = number of deaths midyear population (population as of July 1 of the same year)

X 1000

Specific Mortality Rate (SMR) = number of deaths in a specified group midyear population if the same specified group

X 1000

Cause-of-Death Rate = number of deaths from a specified group midyear population

X 1000

Infant Mortality Rate = deaths under one year of age number of live births

X 1000

Maternal Mortality Rate = number of deaths due to pregnancy, delivery and puerpuerium number of live births

X 1000

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Proportionate Mortality Rate = number of deaths from a particular cause total deaths

X 100

Swaroops Index = number of deaths among those 50 years and over total deaths

X 100

Case Fatality Rate = number of deaths from a specified cause number cases of the same disease

X 100

Morbidity Rates Incidence Rate = number of new cases of disease developing from a period of time population at risk of developing the disease


Prevalence Rate = number of old and new cases of a disease population examined


Source: Mendoza, OM et al. (1997). Foundations of Statistical Analysis for Health Sciences. (Volume I). Manila; Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, College of Public Health, UP Manila.

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