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Presentation On Human Resource Information Systems

Submitted toMrs. Sneh P. Daniel

Submitted by Tripali kumari ( 10MBA015)

In recent years information systems (IS) have been deployed by organizations for achieving efficiency, effectiveness, enhancing quality and gaining competitive advantage. Similarly Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) are used by Human Resource (HR) departments to achieve similar objectives. HRIS includes hardware and software, it also includes people, forms, policies and procedures, and data.

HRIS is a systematic way of showing data & information for each employees to aid planning, decision making & submitting of returns to the external agencies. It is a system because it integrates all the relevant data, which otherwise might have been lying in a fragmented and scattered way at various points in the larger system; converts this data into meaningful conclusions or information and makes it accessible to the persons, who need it for their decisions. .

The Human Resources Function Facilitates the Flow of the Personnel Resources



Education and Training


Benefit Administration

Potential employees


Retired employees

The Firm

Data Management

HR data are wide in their variety, and include job history (transfers, promotions, etc.), current and historical pay details, inventories of skills and competencies, education and training records, performance assessment details, absence, lateness, accident, medical and disciplinary records, warning and suspensions, holiday entitlements, pensions data and termination records. An HRIS normally provides an electronic database for the storage and retrieval of this data which is, at least potentially, available to anyone who may want to access it. Information system will enable HR professionals to focus on transforming information into knowledge that can be used by the organization for decision making; it will be about HR and IT working together to leverage this technology

Function of HRIS
Personnel Records & Report Payroll, Generation Disciplinary Control Holiday Management Organizational charting Flexible Benefits, Buildings Management,

Testing of skills and aptitudes. Self Assessment, Personnel Needs, Assessment Development Success Planning, Test Development &

Evaluation Job analysis, Health and Safety Records

Time and Attendance, Shift Selection Performance Assessment, schedule mgmt,

Job Evaluation, Data Interface, Grievance Procedure, Nationalities &

Permit, Training


Recruitment Management

Absence Monitoring,


Developing an HRIS: System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)






Key function of HRIS

The HRIS is made up of a number of subsystems, and data can be stored, maintained, and generated from the system. These data can be used to create information that will serve different purposes for many different stakeholders. The key functions of an HRIS can do the following: create and maintain employee records ensure legal compliance enable managers to forecast and plan future HR requirements provide information to managers and HR so they can manage knowledge and manage talent (career and succession planning) provide information to enable HR plans and activities to align more effectively with the organizations strategic plan assist managers with decision making by providing relevant data so they can make more effective and informed decisions

Needs of HRIS
At the macro level (at the level of geographical, national) HRIS is generally

focused towards manpower planning and includes statistical information on population, technology and economy. HRIS is critical for effective planning and budgeting of national resources. At the micro level (at the level of an org.), the information requirements include modules on recruitment, personal data, skills assessment, training and development, performance appraisal, rewards and punishment, grievance handling and so on. This information is used for understanding the patterns of HR policies, actions, and employee behaviors as well as for identifying gaps in the HR system and the effectiveness of the HR system.

As the economies are becoming more knowledge driven and thereby, moving towards more qualified and educated workforce, it is being increasingly realized that better-information makes employees more involved, connected, and productive. A major source of connect between the employees and their companies is through the information that they receive and the feedback that they provide. HRIS has become a critical factor in managing employee performance. Companies are increasingly realizing the advantage of having systems that capture, analyze, and report on the host of human resource aspects that are critical to running a business and share it with the employees so that they self-regulate their contribution. HRIS is a tool to achieve this objective.

Reasons to use human resource software

Improved decision making effectiveness Improved Improved security HR Modules Help Business Management Efficiency

Specialty software
Halogen Software has a product called e-appraisal. It is a program that uses

a Web-based system for employee performance appraisal that can create forms, electronically roll out appraisals, and facilitate 360-degree feedback information. ExecuTRACK Software Group has developed software solutions that create succession-planning matrices, establish career paths, and create candidate placement scenarios, among other functions. Org Plus is software that has a sophisticated tool for graphically depicting organizational charts, which can be used as decision-making tools by providing a unified view of critical employee data and enabling the manager and HR to model business scenarios to plan for change

Effectiveness of HRIS
The key to the effective planning of manpower and improvement of people productivity is an effective HRIS. However, in order to be effective an information system must take into account the following :

Adequacy of information Specificity Relevance Comprehensiveness Reliability

HRIS has been adopted by most of the organisation to make the work easier for the organisation.

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