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Following are the topics for GD (Group Discussion) 1) Global Warming :India responsible or not (in context to himalayan

melt 2) Budget 3) IPL investment - Good or Bad for India??? 4) Employment Rate 5) Is quality a myth in India? 6) Is Globalisation necessary? 7) Social Responsibility in the Private Sector 8) Do Beauty nd Brains go together? 9)Is China a threat to Indian Industry? 10) Environment whose responsibility? 11) About the hockey being the primary game in India? 12) Love Marriage vs Arrange Marriage 13)Women Bill 14)Silent is Golden or not? 15)Media- A Boon or curse? 16)Reality TV shows real or fake??? 17)Pros and Cons of Cheer Leaders in IPL?? 18)Shoaib And Ayesha case justified or not?? 19)Privatization of the PSU/Govt. sect. justified or not in India?? 20)Legalisation of live-in relationships in India?? also Gay community started in India?? 21)Should we kill a terrorist or terrorism??

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